r2 - 06 Mar 2008 - 14:53:40 - TWikiAdminUserYou are here: TWiki  >  TWiki Web > TWikiTipsOfTheDay > TWikiTip023

Control table attributes with TablePlugin

The TablePlugin gives extra control of table display:

  • Allows sorting
  • Changing table properties like border width, cell spacing and cell padding
  • Changing background color and text color for header cells
  • Changing background color and text color for data cells - colors can alternate
  • Table attributes can be set and overridden in this order:
    • Default TABLEATTRIBUTES Plugin setting in this topic
    • A TABLEATTRIBUTES preferences setting on site-level (TWikiPreferences), web-level (any WebPreferences), or topic level. For example:
      • Set TABLEATTRIBUTES = tableborder="0" cellpadding="1" ...

To change table characteristics place %TABLE{...}% before the table.

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-- TWiki:Trash/Main - 30 Jan 2005

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