r98 - 29 Jan 2009 - 17:53:16 - TWikiGuestYou are here: TWiki  >  VS Web > WebStatistics

Statistics for VS Web

Month: Topic
Most popular
topic views:
Top contributors for
topic save and uploads:
Jan 2009 553 28 6 108 WebHome
 54 VsDavid
 46 VsDorje
 34 VsServiceData
 34 VsDokumentace
 29 WebChanges
 26 HASettings
 22 VsAdminInternal
 21 VsAdminMinutes
 21 VsGolias
 18 VsMonitorovani
 18 JiriChudoba
 11 JanaUhlirova
  4 JiriHorky
  1 TomasKouba
Dec 2008 647 34 8  78 WebHome
 73 WebStatistics
 64 VsAdminInternal
 35 VsServiceData
 30 VsGolias
 29 VsDavid
 28 VsDokumentace
 24 VsMonitorovani
 23 VsDorjeInternal
 21 VsDorje
 19 WebChanges
 14 JiriHorky
 11 JanaUhlirova
  9 JiriChudoba
  5 TomasKouba
  3 JanSvec
Nov 2008 927 72 9 160 WebHome
 87 VsDokumentace
 79 VsGolias
 74 VsDorje
 64 VsDavid
 61 VsAdminInternal
 53 WebStatistics
 48 VsServiceData
 33 VsFAQ
 33 VsMonitorovani
 27 WebChanges
 54 JanaUhlirova
 12 JiriChudoba
 12 JiriHorky
  3 TomasKouba
Oct 2008 583 33 12 116 WebHome
 75 VsAdminInternal
 58 VsDavid
 52 VsGolias
 38 VsDokumentace
 32 WebStatistics
 24 VsFAQ
 21 WebChanges
 20 VsMonitorovani
 16 VsAdminMinutes
 15 WebIndex
 26 JiriHorky
 11 JanSvec
  7 JiriChudoba
  1 JanKundrat
Sep 2008 422 23 7  85 WebHome
 59 VsDavid
 45 VsDokumentace
 40 VsAdminInternal
 27 VsAdminMinutes
 21 WebStatistics
 20 VsGolias
 14 WebChanges
 12 VsMonitorovani
 10 WebSearch
  9 WebIndex
 13 JiriHorky
  7 JiriChudoba
  5 JanaUhlirova
  2 JanSvec
  2 MichalKratky
  1 TomasKouba
Aug 2008 708 54 5 136 WebHome
 94 VsAdminInternal
 77 VsGolias
 75 VsDokumentace
 46 VsFAQ
 43 VsDavid
 38 VsAdminMinutes
 32 WebStatistics
 22 WebChanges
 21 VsMonitorovani
 19 WebSearch
 19 JiriHorky
 18 JanSvec
 10 JanaUhlirova
 10 JiriChudoba
  2 TomasKouba
Jul 2008 1095 115 12 201 VsDokumentace
200 WebHome
174 VsGolias
138 VsDavid
 73 VsFAQ
 70 VsAdminInternal
 63 VsAdminMinutes
 39 VsMonitorovani
 27 WebStatistics
 18 WebChanges
 15 VsPrezentace
 69 JanaUhlirova
 52 JiriChudoba
  3 JanSvec
  2 MichalKratky
  1 TWikiAdminUser
Jun 2008 491 45 5 177 WebHome
104 VsDokumentace
 27 VsAdminMinutes
 26 VsMonitorovani
 22 WebStatistics
 20 WebSearch
 14 WebChanges
 13 WebIndex
 12 WebCreateNewTopic
 11 VsKomiseMinutes
 10 WebNotify
 38 JiriChudoba
 11 JanaUhlirova
  1 VsKomise
May 2008 114 9 0  36 WebHome
 10 WebPreferences
  7 WebCreateNewTopic
  7 VsMinutes
  7 WebSearch
  5 WebSearchAdvanced
  4 WebStatistics
  3 WebTopicList
  3 WebNotify
  3 WebLeftBar
  3 WebChanges
  4 OldrichKepka
  3 TWikiAdminUser
  2 JiriChudoba
Apr 2008 2054 2 0 472 WebStatistics
169 TWikiPreferences?
142 WebHome
102 UserListByDateJoined?
 99 UserListByLocation?
 78 UserList?
 65 WebChanges
 50 WebPreferences
 47 TWikiUsers?
 44 TWikiAdminGroup?
 40 WebSearch
  1 TWikiAdminUser
  1 TWikiRegistrationAgent
Mar 2008 18 6 0  12 WebHome
  4 TWikiUsers?
  1 WebStatistics
  1 WebNotify
  3 Trash/Main
  3 Trash/Main


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  • TWikiDocumentation tells you how to enable the automatic updates of the statistics.
  • Suggestion: You could archive this topic once a year and delete the previous year's statistics from the table.
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