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Revision 515 Nov 2006 - FZU.TWikiContributor

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Admin tools

Manage whole TWiki site from one screen.

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Revision 415 Nov 2006 - FZU.TWikiContributor

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Admin tools

Manage whole TWiki site from one screen.
Manage whole TWiki site from one screen.
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All Admin Tools Category topics

  • BulkRegistration: Administrators can use this topic to register (i.e. create logins and UserTopics) for a group of people ...
  • ChangeEmailAddress: Security Note : Set Email user #64;example.com %IF{ "context passwords modifyable" then ...
  • ChangePassword: %IF{ "context passwords modifyable" then "" else "" }% : : : ...
  • InstalledPlugins: Plugins are mainly user contributed add ons that enhance and extend TWiki features and capabilities. ...
  • ManagingWebs: Adding, renaming and deleting webs are all web based operations. Overview A TWikiSite is divided into ...
  • ResetPassword: %IF{ "context passwords modifyable" then "" else "" }% : ...
  • SiteMap: Web TWiki Site Map Use to... You can use color coding by web for ...
  • SitePermissions: Web Sitemap VIEW CHANGE RENAME Listed DENY ALLOW DENY ALLOW ...
  • TWikiReferenceManual: Documentation for webmasters, system administrators, project managers, team leaders, and all other users ...
  • TWikiSiteTools: Utilities for searching, navigation, and monitoring site activity TWiki Site Tools include utilities ...
  • WebHome: The official TWiki site is twiki.org Welcome to the TWiki Web The place to learn about TWiki features ...
  • WebLeftBar: " warn "off"}% ATasteOfTWiki ...

Revision 327 Mar 2005 - FZU.TWikiContributor

Line: 1 to 1

Admin tools

Manage whole TWiki site from one screen.
Line: 15 to 15
ATLAS Home of ATLAS web Search ATLAS web Recent changes in the ATLAS web Get notified of changes to the ATLAS web Preferences of ATLAS web Statistics of ATLAS web Bullet list of all topics Index of all topics Atlas collaboration
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Revision 227 Mar 2005 - FZU.TWikiContributor

Line: 1 to 1

Admin tools

Manage whole TWiki site from one screen.

Revision 127 Mar 2005 - FZU.TWikiContributor

Line: 1 to 1

Admin tools

Manage whole TWiki site from one screen.

Web Tools Use to...
ATLAS Home of ATLAS web Search ATLAS web Recent changes in the ATLAS web Get notified of changes to the ATLAS web Preferences of ATLAS web Statistics of ATLAS web Bullet list of all topics Index of all topics Atlas collaboration
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All Admin Tools Category topics

  • BulkRegistration: Administrators can use this topic to register (i.e. create logins and UserTopics) for a group of people ...
  • ChangeEmailAddress: Security Note : Set Email user #64;example.com %IF{ "context passwords modifyable" then ...
  • ChangePassword: %IF{ "context passwords modifyable" then "" else "" }% : : : ...
  • InstalledPlugins: Plugins are mainly user contributed add ons that enhance and extend TWiki features and capabilities. ...
  • ManagingWebs: Adding, renaming and deleting webs are all web based operations. Overview A TWikiSite is divided into ...
  • ResetPassword: %IF{ "context passwords modifyable" then "" else "" }% : ...
  • SiteMap: Web TWiki Site Map Use to... You can use color coding by web for ...
  • SitePermissions: Web Sitemap VIEW CHANGE RENAME Listed DENY ALLOW DENY ALLOW ...
  • TWikiReferenceManual: Documentation for webmasters, system administrators, project managers, team leaders, and all other users ...
  • TWikiSiteTools: Utilities for searching, navigation, and monitoring site activity TWiki Site Tools include utilities ...
  • WebHome: The official TWiki site is twiki.org Welcome to the TWiki Web The place to learn about TWiki features ...
  • WebLeftBar: " warn "off"}% ATasteOfTWiki ...


Administrators can enable and disable plugins using configure.
  • SpreadSheetPlugin (any TWiki, $Rev: 16273 (22 Jan 2008) $): Add spreadsheet calculation like "$SUM( $ABOVE() )" to TWiki tables and other topic text
  • CommentPlugin (TWiki-4, $Rev: 15776 (22 Jan 2008) $): Allows users to quickly post comments to a page without an edit/preview/save cycle
  • EditTablePlugin (4.7.10, $Rev: 16239 (22 Jan 2008) $): Edit TWiki tables using edit fields, date pickers and drop down boxes
  • ExplicitNumberingPlugin (Dakar, $Rev: 15561 (03 Jul 2008) $): Use the ##., ##.. etc. notation to insert outline numbering sequences (1, 1.1, 2, 2.1) in topic's text. Support also numbered headings.
  • InterwikiPlugin (Dakar, $Rev: 14913 (17 Sep 2007) $): Link ExternalSite:Page text to external sites based on aliases defined in a rules topic
  • PreferencesPlugin (TWiki-4.2, $Rev: 15487 (22 Jan 2008) $): Allows editing of preferences using fields predefined in a form
  • SlideShowPlugin (Any TWiki, $Rev: 15091 (22 Jan 2008) $): Create web based presentations based on topics with headings.
  • SmiliesPlugin (Dakar, $Rev: 16049 (22 Jan 2008) $): Render smilies as icons, like smile for  :-) or eek! for  :eek:
  • TablePlugin (1.032, $Rev: 16182 (22 Jan 2008) $): Control attributes of tables and sorting of table columns
  • TinyMCEPlugin: (disabled)
  • TwistyPlugin (1.4.9, $Rev: 15653 (19 Nov 2007) $): Twisty section JavaScript library to open/close content dynamically
see also: TWikiPlugins

TWiki Version

  • TWiki engine: TWiki-4.2.0, Tue, 22 Jan 2008, build 16278
  • Plugin API: 1.2

Related Topics: AdminDocumentationCategory

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Note: Please contribute updates to this topic on TWiki.org at TWiki:TWiki.AdminToolsCategory