Line: 1 to 1 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Added: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
> > | TWiki Release 4.2.0 (Freetown), 04:18:52 22 January 2008On this page:
IntroductionTWiki Release 4.2.0 is a minor release. TWiki releases are either major (major new features and changes in architecture), minor (enhancements and bug fixes), or patch releases (bug fixes only) which can be installed as upgrades on production installations. TWiki Release 4.2.0 introduces some good enhancements and quite many bug fixes since 4.1.2. The development team has done everything to maintain full compatibility with topics generated in TWiki-4.0 and there are no changes to the topic format when using normal TWikiUserMappingPre-installed ExtensionsTWiki 4.2.0 is shipped with
New Features Highlights
Important Changes since 4.1.2New WYSIWYG EditorTWiki now ships with a new WYSIWYG editor based on TinyMCE replaces the Kupu based editor.TinyMCE is not a perfect Wysiwyg editor but it is magnitudes better than the Kupu editor The WysiwygPlugin that drives the engine behind both TinyMCE has additionally been heavily improved so that less TWiki Applications are negatively affected by editing WYSIWYG When TinyMCEPlugin is enabled the Edit button per default becomes WYSIWYG editing mode. A new Raw Edit link has been added to enable application developers to edit the good old way The WYSIWYG button is removed when using TinyMCE instead of Kupu. NEWTOPICLINKSYMBOL removedThe NEWTOPICLINKSYMBOL preference which was deprecated in 4.1 has now been removed from the code. If you want to control the appearance of new links, you can use the more flexible NEWLINKFORMAT.UserForm and NewUserTemplate CustomizationWhen a new user registers on TWiki his user topic is created based on theNewUserTemplate and UserForm .
The NewUserTemplate was located in the TWiki web and the UserForm in the Main web. When upgrading TWiki these were some of the topics you had to take care not to overwrite.
From 4.2.0 the UserForm and NewUserTemplate are distributed in the TWiki web. If you create the two in the Main web the Main web version will be used instead. So if you tailor the user topic format or the form then you should always copy the two files to the Main web and modify the ones in the Main web. When you later upgrade TWiki your tailored template and form will not be overwritten.
TWikiUsers no longer distributedTheMain.TWikiUsers topic contains all the registered users. It is a topic you do not want to overwrite when you upgrade TWiki.
From 4.2.0 this file is no longer included in the TWiki distribution. When you register the first time TWiki creates the Main.TWikiUsers topic in the Main web if it does not exist already. This means that you can now upgrade TWiki without risk of overwriting the important TWikiUsers topic.
A new directory |
Item5252 | RenderListPlugin produces warnings with list with no level 1 bullets |
Item5246 | When using SERVERTIME with $week in template TWIki fails on missing CPAN lib dependency |
Item5245 | adding missing docs for NEWLINKFORMAT - introduced in 2006 |
Item5226 | TWikiUserMapping speed re-enhancements |
Item5210 | EDITTABLE with a simple text input in which the user has put gets trunkated at the first BR |
Item5123 | missing fetchUsers method in |
Item5121 | Performance: Copy hash |
Item5046 | error link mailto |
Item5040 | Auto attach has hardcoded the string 'UnknownUser' for the attachment meta user attr |
Item5038 | TablePlugin prepends 'table' to id parameter |
Item5031 | "Here" link in merge_notice in templates/messages.tmpl |
Item5029 | prints incomplete and confusing error message |
Item5019 | if you get a lease conflict when using EditTablePlugin, the oops conflict output link is unusable |
Item5009 | TWISTY link parameter doesn't support (local) variables (set in topic and used with %) properly |
Item5008 | If you register someone you are magically logged in as them |
Item5004 | AutoAttach created META that will break topic rendering |
Item4991 | TwistyPlugin: add behaviour earlier to head than twisty js |
Item4989 | wrong expansion of deprecated URL tag |
Item4986 | select+multi+values broken in various respects |
Item4973 | default skin appears to have javascript in it |
Item4972 | session files should only be created for web based sessions. |
Item4971 | taint error when registering and verify is off |
Item4944 | EditTablePlugin data corruption under mod_perl |
Item4941 | ChangePassword form does not detect failure when .htpasswd is read-only |
Item4939 | Pass topicparent when creating a new topic |
Item4928 | lets use HTTP error codes in rest cgi, rather than rather less useful die's |
Item4921 | rest cgi is not testing the URL correctly |
Item4918 | checkpoint-save ignores EDIT_TEMPATE |
Item4900 | 0 is not recognized as valid input in a mandatory form field |
Item4898 | tmp and working dir security needs work (docco and code |
Item4879 | configure not honoring $TWiki::cfg{ScriptUrlPath} |
Item4856 | EditTablePlugin: make buttons customizable and translatable |
Item4854 | EditTablePlugin: undefined textarea size gives error in log |
Item4848 | TWiki:Plugins.EditTablePlugin textarea bug! |
Item4846 | Installation process SNAFU if you don't set a configure PW |
Item4819 | viewauth redirect loops to death when Main and TWiki webs both are view denied for TWikiGuest |
Item4816 | EditPreferences of Main.TWikiPreferences broken |
Item4807 | swap twikistyle and defaultstyle definitions |
Item4797 | Online installer not resolving dependencies |
Item4794 | Wrong link to FileAttachment |
Item4793 | Login screen has error messages the wrong order |
Item4774 | When using a field type select+multi in a form used in a template topic, the field doesn't remember the selection |
Item4765 | Reading static HTML's for upgrade/install is difficult without internet connection/behind firewall |
Item4761 | Remove inline scripts from pattern skin |
Item4756 | raw=all does not show all meta when VIEW_TEMPLATE is defined. |
Item4753 | /bin/twiki is experimental stuff that should not be in distribution |
Item4752 | Terrifying text appears below plugins list during new extensions install via configure |
Item4736 | add expires header for css js etc |
Item4727 | nested web creation is broken (it should prevent the user from creating them if its disabled...) |
Item4724 | afterEditHandler is never called on "Quiet Save" |
Item4722 | Unused EXPERT options are always shown |
Item4718 | Improve the installation doc for how to setup apache config for configure |
Item4713 | Repackage native search as a conrib, remove from 4.2 |
Item4702 | Lighter top bar background image |
Item4694 | Standard user topics of TWikiUserMapping are referenced, but not defined |
Item4692 | Forking search algorithm throws error if topic is nonexistent |
Item4680 | Print view seems weird in both pattern skin and default skin |
Item4677 | Search results now have empty line (= html P) between search header and results list |
Item4676 | Update color scheme to match new neutral table borders |
Item4675 | Add completePageHandler for plugins |
Item4671 | default skin is a bit broken |
Item4670 | close browser advice non-sensical when not using apache login |
Item4667 | Adding CGI::Session with distribution and enable Template login by default. |
Item4664 | Web rename renames content as well |
Item4661 | renaming a topic destroys full qualified topic names |
Item4659 | Change the strategy of protecting again html attach spam to not harm Wysiwyg editor |
Item4658 | remove use of undefined variable un utf8 code |
Item4605 | User shown as Unknown User (Login ID) when author is not in TWikiUsers. Bad feature |
Item4590 | Rename "Checkpoint" to "Save and Continue" |
Item4585 | configure generates apache errors |
Item4576 | Improve how emailing is enabled and disabled in TWiki especially for registration |
Item4569 | WebSearchAdvanced does not show selected state for default radion button "both" |
Item4539 | Rename css class TWikiFooterNote to twikiFooterNote |
Item4510 | Remove inline scripts |
Item4509 | Prevent [ and ] in topic names when renaming topics |
Item4508 | ResetPassword, ChangePassword, ChangeEmailAddress, TWikiRegistration needs to be hacked after each upgrade |
Item4505 | User registration states incorrect user name |
Item4493 | Inline rdiff between rev 0 and rev 1 is empty |
Item4487 | As described in TWiki.TWikiScripts auth protect rest |
Item4476 | Missing error message when registration mail fails to be sent |
Item4459 | TemplateLogin messages not translated |
Item4458 | Topic newsletter notifications in MailerContrib fail |
Item4453 | A Set embedded in a list has problems |
Item4449 | No (simple) way to create a Set |
Item4448 | InterwikiPlugin: Change ISBN rule |
Item4440 | reading the FORMFIELDs of another topic imposes its access rights |
Item4439 | %INCLUDE breaks enumeration/tables when included topic has file attachments |
Item4435 | Paragraphs not correctly handled |
Item4434 | Patch for improper replacing of "0" with "" (empty string) in URLPARAM default value |
Item4432 | causes an internal server error |
Item4426 | HTMl embedded in lists breaks the translator |
Item4425 | Empty bullets get a tag. |
Item4403 | Error saving topic message not shown as code because of trailing space |
Item4402 | Access check based on getWikiUserName (fails) vs. getWikiName (succeeds) |
Item4399 | Add a note about adding a doc license to footer when installing TWiki |
Item4397 | Authenticating through REST does not work in MAIN |
Item4383 | {Register}{NeedVerification} shoud not be an expert setting and disabled by default |
Item4380 | mailnotify fails due to TWIki::Merge failing |
Item4378 | default skin, and thus the classic skin, contains javascript |
Item4372 | Custom META fields that don't have the name key are ignored by TWiki::Store |
Item4355 | bulkregistration is unforgiving on TWikiTable format |
Item4349 | TablePlugin generates invalid html attribute maxcols |
Item4347 | Empty field values in searches are returned as strings containing "$value" |
Item4335 | TablePlugin: TWikiTables in TWikiLists generate invalid html |
Item4333 | OopsException allows anything from a URL to pass through to the generated HTML incl scripts |
Item4332 | No error message for duplicate_activation |
Item4319 | {SafeEnvPath} screws up windows |
Item4308 | getListOfWebs() and webExists() disagree |
Item4300 | TablePlugin overrides skin css AGAIN |
Item4284 | Support topic permissions checking |
Item4280 | Move hide-if-no-javascript functionality from TwistyPlugin to default templates |
Item4271 | Update TwistyPlugin with TWiki 4 javascript files |
Item4269 | Update TwistyContrib with TWiki 4 javascript files |
Item4260 | Add MAKETEXT to all default templates |
Item4258 | Get rid of default TH background color |
Item4257 | Default templates and documentation topics assume pattern CSS classes |
Item4250 | Pipe symbol (i.e. in SEARCH) breaks Form Definition Table |
Item4249 | RegistrationApprovals is not a web |
Item4243 | Malformed META embedded in text can crash TWiki |
Item4239 | syntax error at /usr/lib/cgi-bin/TEST/lib/TWiki/ Users/ line 67, near "}" |
Item4236 | Configure harmless errors confuse people when they have other unrelated errors. |
Item4229 | Remove deprecated filename attribute from attach template |
Item4219 | Add correct CSS class to select box |
Item4207 | Usability: Warn if more than one {WebMasterEmail} e-mail address |
Item4204 | Document how you become an admin user with new temporary admin login (sudo) |
Item4193 | Show and hide WYSIWYG buttons based on COMPOSER setting |
Item4173 | GROUPS variable kills server if there is a large group |
Item4166 | TwistyPlugin: wrong use of plugin handlers |
Item4158 | TWikiRegistration does not pass on multiple checkbox element values to UserForm. |
Item4157 | broken |
Item4156 | Fixing twiki cgi for logging in |
Item4151 | Javascript: twiki object overwritten |
Item4150 | Add global setting to allow non-WikiWords |
Item4146 | Documentation VarENCODE param typo |
Item4143 | Remove max length on attachment comment |
Item4141 | Topic templates are not documented |
Item4138 | Doc bug in TWikiUpgradeGuide.html |
Item4128 | Create default directive for non-view pages |
Item4126 | WebSearch: Fix checkbox state based on url param web=all |
Item4088 | Add css style to raw textarea |
Item4081 | Broken Links to Topics and Subwebs |
Item4080 | Downloading extension via configure sometimes end up in an "Invalid header block" message |
Item4071 | Add dmg to mime.types |
Item4067 | Hexadecimal character references do not work |
Item4063 | Document how to reset a password with ApacheLogin |
Item4062 | Reset password message doesn't make sense any more |
Item4060 | template login Error message activated when there was no error |
Item4048 | EditTablePlugin: Password shown in URL params after template login on direct sort urls (authenticated setups) |
Item4045 | PatternSkin: More space in topic name fields and file field |
Item4043 | attachments have bad user name display issues |
Item4042 | Broken formfield "name" and "title" attributes |
Item4035 | METASEARCH doc not complete. format option and probably more are missing in the doc |
Item4034 | Topic rename: error in javascript so select all does not work |
Item4028 | Authenticated twice; garbled CommentPlugin text |
Item4023 | configure link for 'Expert mode' missing t= parameter to prevent caching |
Item4019 | Remove preferences edit button from TWiki.TWikiPreferences |
Item4006 | More options: do not show "View previous topic revision" when there is no previous version |
Item3991 | Add spaceOutWikiWord to Func |
Item3989 | Problematic Values for FINALPREFERENCES in Distribution |
Item3971 | viewauth Redirect May Add Superfluous Slash |
Item3969 | Emails may be 8bit, not 7bit |
Item3968 | Base HREF is wrong when scripturls are changed |
Item3957 | Mandatory fields will not accept 0 |
Item3955 | RCS command-line settings should be EXPERT |
Item3949 | Search 'Number of topics' does not show on first search on advanced regex searches |
Item3947 | Better documentation on how to install CPAN libs (including a reference in the install doc) |
Item3940 | PREFERENCE values not carried over to preview and then save |
Item3929 | Make TOPICLIST topic parameter equivalent to other vars |
Item3921 | renderWikiWordHandler called at wrong place in; change to support bracket notation |
Item3917 | Add .changes API to Func |
Item3914 | Some plugins cannot be downloaded using configure |
Item3911 | default preview tmpl has major bug in release value="%REDIRECTTO" |
Item3909 | Pattern skin template documentation update |
Item3902 | Reset Password is broken in MAIN branch |
Item3900 | New CARET preferences variable |
Item3897 | Fix sanitizeAttachmentName |
Item3895 | Structure the TWiki version number to make accessible from plugins (code included) |
Item3892 | Do not automatically lock user homepages when this is not set in NewUserTemplate |
Item3890 | EDITTABLE expands variables in table cells |
Item3889 | $EXISTS() should default to topic in current web |
Item3885 | Plugin installation doesn't work through some proxies |
Item3883 | No rendering of TML after used in table cells and multiline bullets |
Item3879 | Topic rename does not find URL references from topics in different web |
Item3876 | Better documentation of $FORMAT(PERCENT, ...) |
Item3864 | renderWikiWordHandler is not documented |
Item3862 | Parameter passed to preRenderingHandler incorrect |
Item3853 | WEBLIST docco spelling error (selection=) |
Item3835 | TWiki.TWikiSiteTools mentions, but does not point out the authentication problems with it |
Item3834 | USERINFO{format="$groups"} always returns webDotWikiName identifiers |
Item3833 | Cannot move attachment to topic with non-wikiword name |
Item3832 | bracket links? are not updated during page renames |
Item3829 | NativeSearch: give gentle warning when no parameters are passed to |
Item3822 | Table rules for columns are invisible in Internet explorer |
Item3821 | Document INCLUDE behaviour in TWikiAccessControl |
Item3813 | Web reference gets inappropriately inserted into bracketed links inside verbatim tags. |
Item3812 | Space in username not rejected when resetting password |
Item3806 | add true and false to TWiki::isTrue |
Item3805 | footerrows setting is ignored when adding rows |
Item3804 | doesn't return the error from the underlying PasswordManager |
Item3803 | %!USERINFO{format="$groups"}% crashes |
Item3796 | Javascript: ensuring variables are local |
Item3790 | Web statistic severely broken |
Item3787 | TWiki.TWikiDocumentation jumps to top at double click |
Item3784 | Rename across webs bugs |
Item3783 | Pattern skin small template refactoring |
Item3780 | Add Sanitize Attachment Name to TWiki::Func |
Item3779 | Table with backslash breaks EditTablePlugin |
Item3778 | Lock WebPreferences to person creating web |
Item3775 | Commentplugin makes inappropriate line ending handling when targeting an anchor |
Item3772 | TWiki::Func::getOopsUrl() doesn't support def parameter |
Item3771 | Dutch translation files some special chars mangled |
Item3769 | Can't create configuration subsection for plugins and contribs |
Item3765 | configure docco for mail handler should say howto force twiki to use sendmail |
Item3760 | With rename topic, topic texts are changed as well |
Item3759 | MailerContrib not mailing groups |
Item3758 | Remark "There is no size limit for uploaded files." is not relevant to users |
Item3756 | TWikiRegistrationAgent produces wrongly formated entries |
Item3755 | Need to document parameterized include |
Item3752 | Doc fix to AdminSkillsAssumptions |
Item3748 | fails to move directories across filesystems |
Item3743 | Input bugs in SpreadSheetPlugin::Calc |
Item3742 | Short description containing TML does not get rendered properly in PLUGINDESCRIPTIONS |
Item3738 | Avoid "detailed instructions are beyond the scope of this document" |
Item3735 | WYSIWYG broken for bolded WikiWords |
Item3727 | Can't login; e-mail wiped out in .htpasswd entry |
Item3725 | BulkRegister not functioning properly if password Manger is set to NONE |
Item3704 | Incorrect number of topics indicated with multiple SEARCHes |
Item3703 | in the size field of a form will crash the forms code |
Item3690 | exec return an exit code of 1 for a perfectly valid grep |
Item3689 | CommentPlugin location only works if it is above the %COMMENT... tag |
Item3688 | Page loads unreasonable slow under IE with Twisty enabled (clone of 3582) |
Item3686 | Make redirectto parameter work for rename |
Item3684 | Over-complex CPAN installation instructions |
Item3673 | Bad expression error in 'more' screen if parent is missing |
Item3668 | Broken links in topic A if includes topic B in which InterWiki links are defined |
Item3653 | Document standard extensions in release notes |
Item3652 | I18N: Urls to file attachments that has umlauts only works in some browsers |
Item3646 | Make edit form somewhat less spacious |
Item3641 | Access key char invisible on hover |
Item3639 | Extension installer in configure floods error_log when checking for installed plugins. |
Item3630 | Topic URL parameter overwrites revision to which REVINFO variable refers |
Item3623 | Can't delete attachment with pluses in file name |
Item3621 | Improve visibility of attachment twisty |
Item3604 | URL rendering cuts off first part of URL |
Item3594 | Can't save template topic with mandatory form fields |
Item3592 | Cleaning up Main.TWikiPreferences |
Item3583 | 'configure' password gets saved as 'smtp' password (in plain text!) |
Item3581 | Unwanted question mark link in bracket link text |
Item3580 | redirectto implemented redundantly in several places |
Item3579 | Usability: [Save] of preferences screen should support access key |
Item3578 | Deprecate permissionsSet from Func |
Item3575 | Usability: Use pub url instead of viewfile url in attachment table |
Item3570 | Usability: Time consuming to create new topic |
Item3567 | TablePlugin: css attributes priority of site/web preferences too agressive |
Item3486 | Possible to create topics with unsupported characters |
Item3463 | Document how to use .spec files for plugin setting in TWiki.TWikiPlugins |
Item3456 | Doc is unclear that Space In Path Causes Error |
Item3438 | UnprocessedBulkRegistrationLog is improperly formatted |
Item3375 | Refactor object names for clarity |
Item3368 | No existance check for topic used in include |
Item3367 | EditTablePlugin ignores valid table syntax |
Item3362 | Update doc topics that have forms |
Item3341 | invalid Date: header in mailnotify |
Item3289 | attach a filename with paraens and wikiwords |
Item3246 | Fix save_error template |
Item3229 | WysiwygPlugin alters things inside complex twiki vars so they break |
Item3158 | Don't include anything when trying to include a non existing section |
Item3105 | Usability: Misleading "Invalid Activation Code" error message |
Item3051 | Wasted vertical space below edit box |
Item3009 | Need clear definition of the impact of spaces on EditTable definition |
Item2975 | EditTablePlugin format fails for last item |
Item2960 | I18N: Using UTF8 in headers breaks header anchors |
Item2915 | Allow date format in form fields |
Item2892 | TWiki dies with SEARCH on topic that has form field named *Foobar* |
Item2772 | Mailto link should use %20 instead of for spaces |
Item2690 | EditTablePlugin: remove sort links from headers when editing the table |
Item2632 | Username vs WikiName is confusing in Configure |
Item2615 | Fully document exposed APIs |
Item2520 | WebExist uses WebPreferences as opposed to WebHome to determine the validity of a web |
Item2354 | FuncUsersContrib and MoreFuncContrib and FuncusersContrib should be merged into Func |
Item2326 | Remove the secret NEWTOPICLINKSYMBOL (was missing docs for NEWTOPIC* ) |
Item2244 | Documented METASEARCH parameter defaults are not the actual defaults |
Item2221 | .changes is hardcoded to 500 entries, affecting WebStatistics and MailerContrib |
Item2108 | Better installation doc for TWikiAdminGroup |
Item2032 | Some UTF8 characters in form values broken ( interaction) |
Item2005 | Cannot change configure password without making other changes |
Item1993 | IE eats newlines |
Item1985 | Not possible to use CDATA in SEARCH output (prev: RSS feeds chokes on HTML entities in SEARCH results) |
Item1965 | ResetPassword usability |
Item1870 | Improvements to installation docs |
Item1860 | NewUserTemplate should be in Main |
Item1852 | Lease files are not deleted or renamed when you delete/rename topics with cancelled edit |
Item1828 | Rendering bug of headings when using MBCS as a heading string |
Item1562 | RcsFile::searchInWebContent doesn't check exit status of the grep command |
Item1379 | Table sorting confused when using variables. |
Item652 | configure plugins should be sorted case-insensitively |
Item4995 | EditTablePlugin: Omit Edit button in print view |
Item4810 | SpreadSheetPlugin: New FORMATTIMEDIFF() function |
Item4809 | ConditionalBasedOnGroupMembership |
Item4709 | Update small T-logo badge in bottom bar |
Item4599 | Add timestamps to history revisions (rdiff) |
Item4568 | Offer RSS feed on search results |
Item4548 | Improve TOC display in TWiki documentation |
Item4547 | Improve TWiki variables documentation |
Item4504 | pop-ups need to pass extra url parameters |
Item4500 | need a way to set preferences from TWiki::Func |
Item4473 | check that we have a testable can_edit state |
Item4461 | 'Changed' link should point to most recent changes, not the entire history |
Item4451 | Add Bugs rule |
Item4351 | Add a way to pass authentication information to an extra plugins repository |
Item4294 | TablePlugin: put all css styling in head |
Item4279 | TwistyContrib: support TwistyPlugin 1.4 |
Item4278 | TwistyPlugin 1.4: remove ugly javascript init calls |
Item4275 | Add Adobe Air to mimetypes |
Item4259 | Simplify default templates more, and use CSS |
Item4241 | CSS class twikiUnvisited |
Item4185 | SlideShowPlugin: Add VarSLIDESHOWSTART and VarSLIDESHOWEND variable documentation |
Item4184 | RenderListPlugin: Add VarRENDERLIST variable documentation |
Item4183 | TablePlugin: Add VarTABLE variable documentation |
Item4182 | EditTablePlugin: Add VarEDITTABLE variable documentation |
Item4181 | CommentPlugin: Add VarCOMMENT variable documentation |
Item4180 | SpreadSheetPlugin: Add VarCALC variable documentation |
Item4174 | Add templatetopic url parameter to WebTopicCreator |
Item4153 | Add control over TOC rendering |
Item4142 | Template unification |
Item4140 | Support standard escapes in IF statements |
Item4139 | Configurable date format to enable 2007-05-25 format. |
Item4120 | Main.TWikiUsers no longer in distribution but gets created from template if non existing |
Item4087 | PatternSkin: visual update to form elements |
Item4075 | Enhance MailerContrib To Allow Exclusion Of Webs |
Item4069 | Normalise viewfile so it is able to use path syntax as well as the ?filename= syntax. |
Item4046 | PatternSkin: Add RSS feed icon to WebLeftBar |
Item4044 | Add RSS feed icon to TWikiDocGraphics |
Item4041 | Extend SEARCH to allow SQL-type queries over form fields |
Item3988 | Japanese translation |
Item3854 | show subwebs="" in WEBLIST relative to a web |
Item3841 | Add expandStandardEscapes to TWiki::Func |
Item3801 | Propose adding $admin attribute to USERINFO rather than appending "isAdmin()" to $group output |
Item3798 | twikiNotification: CSS style for notifcations |
Item3774 | Add getSessionKeys to Func |
Item3773 | Handlers don't have access to the full topic |
Item3766 | Enhance EditTablePlugin with DHTML; fix eating of newlines; graceful fallback calendar button; fix css styling |
Item3757 | TWiki inserts html into text areas which have text in them |
Item3607 | SEARCH summary should remove leading exclamation point |
Item3606 | SpreadSheetPlugin doc work for 4.2 |
Item3552 | Support interface to getting URLs in Func |
Item3530 | Make scope="all" the default search in WebSearch |
Item3487 | Need a way to tell if mod_perl is in use |
Item3321 | Table column headers always centered |
Item3313 | Make redirectto parameter work for upload |
Item3265 | Existing attachments: change header from "Other attachments of" to "Attachments of" |
Item3250 | Allow infinite expiry of cookies |
Item3234 | PatternSkin minor CSS changes for 4.2 |
Item2123 | Add new type=word search to search on word boundaries |
Item1966 | Poor/nonexistent revert-to-previous-version design |
Item1772 | Add a ?template=viewplain template for plain view |
Item1748 | Attach help contains note for Internet Explorer 4 that can be removed now |
Item1582 | configure needs a backlink to the TWiki/WebHome |
<-- Note: Do not use Bugs: interwiki links because interwiki rule might not be defined--> Related Topic: TWikiHistory