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Obdržení účtů, certifikátů, přístupu na GRID

Registrace na FZÚ a v CERNu

Osobní certifikáty pro LCG2 - Grid Computing

  • Certifikáty vydávají tzv. Certifikační autority, pro Českou republiku je to firma CESNET.
  • Všechny potřebné informace pro obdržení certifikátu naleznete zde.

Nastavení přístupu ke Gridu z lxplus

Poznámky k účtům v CERNu


(Public Interactive Logon Service) is a CERN interactive logon to Linux for CERN users, OS is Scientific Linux 4 x86_64: http://plus.web.cern.ch/plus/.

1.1 Account

You get your account automatically with your CERN email and computer accounts. Your login looks therefore:
<YOUR LOGIN>@lxplus.cern.ch

1.2 Login to LXPLUS

SSH connection to the lxplus.cern.ch:

On Windows (with X server):

  1. Start the Exceed X Server first: Start -> Programs -> Hummingbird -> Exceed -> Exceed
  2. Connect via PuTTY Start -> Programs -> PuTTY -> PuTTY and login

See http://www-hep2.fzu.cz/twiki/bin/view/ATLAS/WindowsRelated for how to setup Windows for connection.

On Unix:

> ssh -X -Y <YOUR LOGIN> lxplus.cern.ch

When you login on LXPLUS you get a ticket valid for 25 hours, then you get disconnected. It can be prolonged by following command:

> kinit

It will ask for your AFS password.

It is much more easier to setup your enviroment in a way, that all complicated commands are issued by calling one function. You can use the startup script for that:

-- OldrichKepka - 16 Jul 2008

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