r81 - 11 Feb 2009 - 14:49:35 - TWikiGuestYou are here: TWiki  >  ATLAS Web > WebStatistics

Statistics for ATLAS Web

Month: Topic
Most popular
topic views:
Top contributors for
topic save and uploads:
Feb 2009 252 3 0  30 AtlasSeminars
 27 FullChainAnalysis
 25 AthenaRelated
 24 WebHome
 13 MCtools
 12 Loga
 11 VirtualPoint1
 10 AtlasSoftware
  8 AtlasStandardModel
  6 WebTopicList
  6 SettingAccounts
  3 MarekTasevsky
Jan 2009 614 2 0  77 FullChainAnalysis
 66 WebHome
 35 AtlasSeminars
 31 AthenaRelated
 30 WindowsRelated
 30 Loga
 29 AtlasSoftware
 24 FpmcToAthena
 23 MCtools
 23 WebChanges
 21 WebStatistics
  1 MyskaM
  1 MarekTasevsky
Dec 2008 1057 3 0 137 WebHome
 88 FullChainAnalysis
 61 WebStatistics
 59 AtlasSeminars
 49 AthenaRelated
 41 AtlasSoftware
 39 MCtools
 34 AtlasData
 34 VirtualPoint1
 30 WindowsRelated
 29 Loga
  3 VojtechJuranek
Nov 2008 1218 7 1 164 WebHome
 90 WebStatistics
 86 AtlasSeminars
 83 FullChainAnalysis
 62 AtlasSoftware
 61 WindowsRelated
 46 Loga
 44 AthenaRelated
 41 VirtualPoint1
 36 AthenaSoftware
 34 BTagging
  7 MarekTasevsky
  1 OldrichKepka
Oct 2008 1509 105 3 178 WebHome
158 AtlasSeminars
121 AthenaRelated
118 AtlasSoftware
100 FullChainAnalysis
 62 VirtualPoint1
 54 AtlasDiffraction
 53 AthenaSoftware
 49 WebStatistics
 45 WindowsRelated
 43 MCtools
 54 MartinZeman
 25 VojtechJuranek
 14 MarekTasevsky
 11 PavelRuzicka
  3 JaroslavaSchovancova
  1 KupcoA
Sep 2008 686 7 0  90 WebHome
 62 FullChainAnalysis
 45 AthenaRelated
 45 AtlasSoftware
 39 WindowsRelated
 32 AtlasSeminars
 31 AthenaSoftware
 29 WebChanges
 27 VirtualPoint1
 26 MCtools
 22 AtlasNews
  4 OldrichKepka
  2 MarekTasevsky
  1 PavelRuzicka
Aug 2008 1616 250 31 382 FullChainAnalysis
207 WebHome
178 AtlasSoftware
 80 AthenaRelated
 62 MCtools
 61 WindowsRelated
 58 InCernInfo
 52 WebCreateNewTopic
 45 AtlasSeminars
 45 CosmicsFullChain
 43 AtlasNews
209 MartinZeman
 35 VojtechJuranek
 19 OldrichKepka
 14 TomasKubes
  2 PavelRuzicka
  1 PavelJez
  1 TWikiAdminUser
Jul 2008 1259 342 31 207 WebHome
184 AtlasSoftware
130 AthenaRelated
115 AthenaSoftware
102 GridLxplus
 58 Loga
 44 AtlasSeminars
 38 SettingAccounts
 38 CosmicsFullChain
 38 FullChainAnalysis
 35 AtlasNews
200 MartinZeman
 83 OldrichKepka
 61 TomasKubes
 29 MichalMarcisovsky
Jun 2008 328 5 2  74 AtlasSeminars
 51 WebHome
 35 WebCreateNewTopic
 21 WebNotify
 17 AtlasDiffraction
 16 WebChanges
 16 WebStatistics
 13 AtlasNews
 12 AtlasStandardModel
  9 AtlasSoftware
  8 WebSearchAdvanced
  7 MarekTasevsky
May 2008 539 16 1 105 AtlasSeminars
102 WebHome
 37 AtlasStandardModel
 33 WebCreateNewTopic
 32 AtlasSoftware
 31 WebChanges
 29 AtlasDiffraction
 29 WebStatistics
 25 AtlasNews
 15 WebIndex
 15 WebSearch
 10 OldrichKepka
  5 MarekTasevsky
  2 MyskaM
Apr 2008 1552 21 2 551 WebStatistics
296 AtlasSeminars
232 WebPreferences
 66 WebHome
 56 AtlasNews
 40 WebChanges
 32 WebSearch
 31 WebTopicList
 31 AtlasDiffraction
 30 WebNotify
 25 WebLeftBar
 12 MarekTasevsky
  7 OldrichKepka
  4 VojtechJuranek


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  • TWikiDocumentation tells you how to enable the automatic updates of the statistics.
  • Suggestion: You could archive this topic once a year and delete the previous year's statistics from the table.
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