Difference: TWikiHistory (1 vs. 72)

Revision 7206 Mar 2008 - FZU.TWikiAdminUser

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Appendix A: TWiki Development Time-line

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  • Easier Installation and Upgrade
    • New Internal Admin Login feature
    • The Main.TWikiUsers topic is no longer distributed as a default topic in Main web
    • The Trash/Main topic is no longer distributed as a default topic in Main web
    • A new directory working which per default is located in the TWiki root which contains registration_approvals, tmp, and work_areas
    • Configure can now authenticate when connecting to local plugins repository.
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 Hall of Fame of TWiki Release 4.2

Many people have been involved in creating TWiki 4.2. Special thanks go to the most active contributors in the following areas:

  Many thanks also to the contributors in the following areas:
  If you find an omission please fix it at TWiki:TWiki.TWikiHistory. For the full list of contributors see TWikiContributor.
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  Although many more people have been involved in creating TWiki-4.1, special thanks go to the most active contributors in the following areas:
  If you find an omission please fix it at TWiki:TWiki.TWikiHistory. For the full list of contributors see TWikiContributor.
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  Many, many people worked on TWiki-4.0.0. The credits in the table below only list the people who worked on individual enhancements. If you find an omission please fix it at TWiki:TWiki.TWikiHistory. There were many other contributors; for a full list, visit TWikiContributor.
Most of the redesign, refactoring and new documentation work in Dakar release was done by Crawford Currie. Michael Sparks provided ideas and proof of concept for several improvements. Other people who gave large amounts of their time and patience to less sexy aspects of the work, such as testing, infrastructure and documentation, are AntonAylward, KennethLavrsen, LynnwoodBrown, MichaelDaum, Peter Thoeny, SteffenPoulsen, Sven Dowideit, WillNorris.
Most of the redesign, refactoring and new documentation work in Dakar release was done by Crawford Currie. Michael Sparks provided ideas and proof of concept for several improvements. Other people who gave large amounts of their time and patience to less sexy aspects of the work, such as testing, infrastructure and documentation, are AntonAylward, KennethLavrsen, LynnwoodBrown, MichaelDaum, Peter Thoeny, SteffenPoulsen, Sven Dowideit, WillNorris.
Installation & configuration Contributor
Much simpler install and configuration Crawford Currie, LynnwoodBrown, ArthurClemens
Much simpler install and configuration Crawford Currie, LynnwoodBrown, ArthurClemens
mod_perl safe code for better performance Crawford Currie
Security sandbox blocking exploits for remote command execution on the server Florian Weimer, Crawford Currie, Sven Dowideit
Reworked access permission model Crawford Currie
Internationalization & localization
User Interface Internationalisation AntonioTerceiro
Chinese translation CheDong
Danish translation SteffenPoulsen
Dutch translation ArthurClemens
French translation BenVoui
German translation AndreUlrich
Italian translation MassimoMancini
Polish translation ZbigniewKulesza
Portuguese translation AntonioTerceiro, CarlinhosCecconi
Spanish translation WillNorris, MiguelABayona
Swedish translation Erik Åman
User Interface Internationalisation AntonioTerceiro
Chinese translation CheDong
Danish translation SteffenPoulsen
Dutch translation ArthurClemens
French translation BenVoui
German translation AndreUlrich
Italian translation MassimoMancini
Polish translation ZbigniewKulesza
Portuguese translation AntonioTerceiro, CarlinhosCecconi
Spanish translation WillNorris, MiguelABayona
Swedish translation Erik Åman
New features for users
Edit conflict resolution with automatic merge Crawford Currie
Fine grained change notification on page level and parent/child relationship Crawford Currie
WYSIWYG editor Crawford Currie, ColasNahaboo, DamienMandrioli, RomainRaugi
Integrated session support GregAbbas, Crawford Currie
WYSIWYG editor Crawford Currie, ColasNahaboo, DamienMandrioli, RomainRaugi
Integrated session support GregAbbas, Crawford Currie
Webserver-independent login/logout Crawford Currie
Registration process with e-mail confirmation MartinCleaver
Tip of the Day box in TWiki Home PaulineCheung, Peter Thoeny, AntonAylward
Registration process with e-mail confirmation MartinCleaver
Tip of the Day box in TWiki Home PaulineCheung, Peter Thoeny, AntonAylward
ATOM feeds Peter Thoeny
"Force New Revision" check box for topic save WillNorris
"Force New Revision" check box for topic save WillNorris
New features for TWiki administrators and wiki application developers
Improved preferences handling ThomasWeigert, Crawford Currie
Named include sections RafaelAlvarez
Improved preferences handling ThomasWeigert, Crawford Currie
Named include sections RafaelAlvarez
Create topic names with consecutive numbers Sven Dowideit
Parameterized includes Crawford Currie
Dynamic form option definitions of TWikiForms with FormattedSearch MartinCleaver
SEARCH enhancements with new parameters excludeweb, newline, noempty, nofinalnewline, nonoise, recurse, zeroresults Crawford Currie, ArthurClemens, Peter Thoeny, ThomasWeigert
FormattedSearch enhancements with $changes, $count, $formfield(name, 30, ...), $summary(expandvar), $summary(noheaders), $summary(showvarnames) ColasNahaboo, Crawford Currie, Peter Thoeny, Sven Dowideit
TWiki form with hidden type and other form enhancements LynnwoodBrown, ThomasWeigert
Support topic-specific templates for TWiki applications ThomasWeigert
Direct save feature for one-click template-based topic creation LynnwoodBrown, Crawford Currie, ThomasWeigert
Automatic Attachments showing all files in the attachment directory MartinCleaver
Rename, move or delete webs PeterNixon
Hierarchical subwebs (beta) PeterNixon
Dynamic form option definitions of TWikiForms with FormattedSearch MartinCleaver
SEARCH enhancements with new parameters excludeweb, newline, noempty, nofinalnewline, nonoise, recurse, zeroresults Crawford Currie, ArthurClemens, Peter Thoeny, ThomasWeigert
FormattedSearch enhancements with $changes, $count, $formfield(name, 30, ...), $summary(expandvar), $summary(noheaders), $summary(showvarnames) ColasNahaboo, Crawford Currie, Peter Thoeny, Sven Dowideit
TWiki form with hidden type and other form enhancements LynnwoodBrown, ThomasWeigert
Support topic-specific templates for TWiki applications ThomasWeigert
Direct save feature for one-click template-based topic creation LynnwoodBrown, Crawford Currie, ThomasWeigert
Automatic Attachments showing all files in the attachment directory MartinCleaver
Rename, move or delete webs PeterNixon
Hierarchical subwebs (beta) PeterNixon
New features for Plugin developers
REST (representational state transfer) interface for Plugins RafaelAlvarez, TWiki:Main.MartinCleaver, Sven Dowideit
New and improved Plugins APIs Crawford Currie, ThomasWeigert
REST (representational state transfer) interface for Plugins RafaelAlvarez, TWiki:Trash/Main, Sven Dowideit
New and improved Plugins APIs Crawford Currie, ThomasWeigert
Improvements in the TWiki engine room
Major OO redesign and refactoring of codebase Crawford Currie
Automatic build system Crawford Currie
Extensive test suite, unit tests and testcases Crawford Currie
TWiki:Codev.DevelopBranch , DEVELOP branch Bugs system Sven Dowideit
Documentation, logo artwork, skins:
Documentation Crawford Currie, LynnwoodBrown, Peter Thoeny, Sven Dowideit and others
Design of TWikiLogos with big "T" in a speech bubble ArthurClemens, Peter Thoeny
Improved templates and PatternSkin ArthurClemens
Documentation Crawford Currie, LynnwoodBrown, Peter Thoeny, Sven Dowideit and others
Design of TWikiLogos with big "T" in a speech bubble ArthurClemens, Peter Thoeny
Improved templates and PatternSkin ArthurClemens
  See more details at TWikiReleaseNotes04x00
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Details of New Features and Enhancements of 01-Sep-2004 Release Developer, Sponsor
Install: Ship with an automatic upgrade script to facilitate TWiki upgrades. Details TWiki:Main.MartinGregory TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit
Install: New testenv function to change the locks in the TWiki database to the web server user id (automates installation step). Details TWiki:Main.MattWilkie TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit
Install: The shipped .htaccess.txt now needs to be edited before it is valid, to help reduce chances of error. Details TWiki:Main.CrawfordCurrie TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit
Install: Configurable password file handling for different types of encryption. Details TWiki:Main.PavelGoran TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit
Install: Remove office locations from registration. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Install: Changes to support shorter URLs with Apache Rewrite rules. Details TWiki:Main.AntonioBellezza TWiki:Main.WalterMundt
Install: Remove the Know web from the distribution. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Internationalization: Support use of UTF-8 URLs for I18N characters in TWiki page and attachment names. Details TWiki:Main.RichardDonkin
Authentication: Authenticate users when creating new topic in view restricted web. Details TWiki:Main.JonathanGraehl TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit
Preferences: TWiki Preferences need to be secured properly. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Preferences: Use TWiki Forms to set user preferences. Details TWiki:Main.JohnTalintyre
Skins: New pre-installed skins PatternSkin and DragonSkin. Details TWiki:Main.ArthurClemens TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Skins: New skin browser to choose from installed skins. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Skins: Documented set of CSS classes that are used in standard skins. Details TWiki:Main.ArthurClemens TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit
Skins: Added CSS class names to Diff output. Details TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit
Skins: Templates can now be read from user topics, as well as from files in the templates diretcory. Details TWiki:Main.CrawfordCurrie TWiki:Main.WalterMundt
Skins: Ensure that the default template gets overridden by a template passed in. Details TWiki:Main.MartinCleaver TWiki:Main.WalterMundt
Skin: Convey an important broadcast message to all users, e.g. scheduled server downtime. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Skin: Balanced pastel colors for TWiki webs. Details TWiki:Main.ArthurClemens
Rendering: Use exclamation point prefix to escape TWiki markup rendering. Details TWiki:Main.ArthurClemens
Rendering: Ordered lists with uppercase & lowercase letters, uppercase & lowercase Roman numerals. Details TWiki:Main.DanBoitnott TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Rendering: Allow custom styles for the "?" of uncreated topics. Details TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit
Rendering: Render IRC and NNTP as a URL. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Rendering: Make acronym linking more strict by requiring a trailing boundary, e.g. excluding TLAfoobar. Details TWiki:Main.CrawfordCurrie TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit
Rendering: TWiki Form with Label type. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Rendering: Web names can now be WikiWords. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Rendering: New syntax for definition list with dollar sign and colon. Details TWiki:Main.AdamTheo TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Rendering: Table with multi-span rows, functionality provided by Table Plugin. Details TWiki:Main.WalterMundt
Variables: New title parameter for TOC variable. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny TWiki:Main.ArthurClemens
Variables: New REVINFO variable in templates supports flexible display of revision information. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit
Variables: Set times to be displayed as gmtime or servertime. Details TWiki:Main.SueBlake TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit
Variables: Properly encode parameters for form fields with ENCODE variable. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Variables: Expand USERNAME and WIKINAME in Template Topics. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Variables: Expand same variables in new user template as in template topics. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Variables: Optionally warn when included topic does not exist; with the option to create the included topic. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Variables: In topic text show file-types of attached files as icons. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Variables: New variable FORMFIELD returns the value of a field in the form attached to a topic.. Details TWiki:Main.DavidSachitano TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit
Variables: Meta data rendering for form fields with META{"formfield"}. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Variables: New PLUGINVERSION variable. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Variables: URLPARAM now has a default="..." argument, for when no value has been given. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Variables: URLPARAM variable with newline parameter. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Variables: URLPARAM variable with new multiple=on parameter. Details TWiki:Main.PaulineCheung TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Search: New switch for search to perform an AND NOT search. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Search: Keyword search to search with implicit AND. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Search: Multiple searches in same topic with new multiple="on" paramter. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Search: Remove limitation on number of topics to search in a web. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Search: Exclude topics from search with an excludetopic parameter. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Search: Expand Variables on Formatted Search with expandvariables Flag. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Search: Formatted Search with Web Form variable to retrieve the name of the form attached to a topic. Details TWiki:Main.FrankSmith TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Search: Formatted Search with Conditional Output. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Search: Formatted Search with $parent token to get the parent topic. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Search: New separator parameter to SEARCH supports better SEARCH embedding. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Search: Improved search performance when sorting result by topic name. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Search: New scope=all search parameter to search in topic name and topic text at the same time. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Search: New topic parameter for AND search on topic text and topic name. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Search modules uses Perl-style keyword parameters (code cleanup). Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Search: New $wikiname variable in format parameter of formatted search. Details TWiki:Main.ArthurClemens
Search: Sort search by topic creation date. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Search: Topic creation date and user in Formatted Search. Details TWiki:Main.CoreyFruitman TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit
Search: Increase levels of nested search from 2 to 16. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Plugins: New pre-installed Plugins CommentPlugin, EditTablePlugin, RenderListPlugin, SlideShowPlugin, SmiliesPlugin, SpreadSheetPlugin, TablePlugin. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Plugins: New callback afterSaveHandler, called after a topic is saved. Details TWiki:Main.WalterMundt
Plugins: New callbacks beforeAttachmentSaveHandler and afterAttachmentSaveHandler, used to intervene on attachment save event. Details TWiki:Main.MartinCleaver TWiki:Main.WalterMundt
Plugins: New callbacks beforeCommonTagsHandler and afterCommonTagsHandler. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Plugins: New callback renderFormFieldForEditHandler to render form field for edit. Details TWiki:Main.JohnTalintyre
Plugins: New callback renderWikiWordHandler to custom render links. Details TWiki:Main.MartinCleaver TWiki:Main.WalterMundt
Plugins: New function TWiki::Func::formatTime to format time into a string. Details TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit
Plugins: New function TWiki::Func::getRegularExpression to get predefined regular expressions. Details TWiki:Main.RichardDonkin
Plugins: New functions TWiki::Func::getPluginPreferences* to get Plugin preferences. Details TWiki:Main.WalterMundt
Plugins: New function TWiki::Func::extractParameters to extract all parameters from a variable string. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Plugins: New function TWiki::Func::checkDependencies to check for module dependency. Details TWiki:Main.CrawfordCurrie TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit
Plugins: A recommendation for where a Plugin can store its data. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
UI: Show tool-tip topic info on WikiWord links. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
UI: Save topic and continue edit feature. Details TWiki:Main.ColasNahaboo
UI: Change topic with direct save (without edit/preview/save cycle) and checkpoint save. Details TWiki:Main.MattWilkie TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit
UI: In attachment table, change 'action' to 'manage'. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny TWiki:Main.ArthurClemens
UI: Smaller usability enhancements on the file attachment table. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny TWiki:Main.ArthurClemens
UI: Removes anchor links from header content and places them before the text to fix 'header becomes link'. Details TWiki:Main.ArthurClemens
UI: Improved functionality of the More screen. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny TWiki:Main.ArthurClemens
UI: Quick reference chart of most used markup is now listed on the edit screen. Details TWiki:Main.ArthurClemens
UI: Flag for edit script to avoid overwrite of existing topic text and form data. Details TWiki:Main.NielsKoldso TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
UI: Disable Escape key in IE textarea to prevent it cancelling work. Details TWiki:Main.CrawfordCurrie TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
UI: Improved warning message on unsaved topic. Details TWiki:Main.MartinGregory TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit
UI: Reverse order of words in page title for better multi-window/tab navigation. Details TWiki:Main.ArthurClemens
UI: Provides a framework to create and modify a topic without going through edit->preview->save sequence. Details TWiki:Main.AndreUlrich TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit
UI: Set the topic parent to none in More screen, e.g. remove the current topic parent. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
UI: Use templates to define how file attachments are displayed. Was previously hard-coded. Details TWiki:Main.CrawfordCurrie TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit
UI: Topic diff shows unified diff with unchanged context. Details TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit
UI: Diff feature shows TWiki form changes in nice tables. Details TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit
Code refactoring: The log entry for a save now has a dontNotify flag in the extra field if the user checked the minor changes flag. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Code refactoring: Server-side include of attachments accelerates INCLUDE. Details TWiki:Main.CrawfordCurrie TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Code refactoring: Move functionality out of bin scripts and into included modules. Details TWiki:Main.CrawfordCurrie TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit
Code refactoring: Move bin script functionality into TWiki::UI modules. Details TWiki:Main.CrawfordCurrie TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Code refactoring: Optimize preferences handling for better performance. Details TWiki:Main.PavelGoran TWiki:Main.WalterMundt
Code refactoring: Refactor variable expansion for edit and register. Details TWiki:Main.CrawfordCurrie TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Code refactoring: Move savemulti script into TWiki::UI::Save. Details TWiki:Main.MattWilkie TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit
Code refactoring: Topic search is done natively in Perl, it does not depend anymore on system calls with pipes. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Code refactoring: Fix logical error in upload script which prevented MIME filename from being used. Details TWiki:Main.WalterMundt
Install: Ship with an automatic upgrade script to facilitate TWiki upgrades. Details TWiki:Trash/Main TWiki:Trash/Main
Install: New testenv function to change the locks in the TWiki database to the web server user id (automates installation step). Details TWiki:Trash/Main TWiki:Trash/Main
Install: The shipped .htaccess.txt now needs to be edited before it is valid, to help reduce chances of error. Details TWiki:Trash/Main TWiki:Trash/Main
Install: Configurable password file handling for different types of encryption. Details TWiki:Trash/Main TWiki:Trash/Main
Install: Remove office locations from registration. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
Install: Changes to support shorter URLs with Apache Rewrite rules. Details TWiki:Trash/Main TWiki:Trash/Main
Install: Remove the Know web from the distribution. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
Internationalization: Support use of UTF-8 URLs for I18N characters in TWiki page and attachment names. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
Authentication: Authenticate users when creating new topic in view restricted web. Details TWiki:Trash/Main TWiki:Trash/Main
Preferences: TWiki Preferences need to be secured properly. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
Preferences: Use TWiki Forms to set user preferences. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
Skins: New pre-installed skins PatternSkin and DragonSkin. Details TWiki:Trash/Main TWiki:Trash/Main
Skins: New skin browser to choose from installed skins. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
Skins: Documented set of CSS classes that are used in standard skins. Details TWiki:Trash/Main TWiki:Trash/Main
Skins: Added CSS class names to Diff output. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
Skins: Templates can now be read from user topics, as well as from files in the templates diretcory. Details TWiki:Trash/Main TWiki:Trash/Main
Skins: Ensure that the default template gets overridden by a template passed in. Details TWiki:Trash/Main TWiki:Trash/Main
Skin: Convey an important broadcast message to all users, e.g. scheduled server downtime. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
Skin: Balanced pastel colors for TWiki webs. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
Rendering: Use exclamation point prefix to escape TWiki markup rendering. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
Rendering: Ordered lists with uppercase & lowercase letters, uppercase & lowercase Roman numerals. Details TWiki:Trash/Main TWiki:Trash/Main
Rendering: Allow custom styles for the "?" of uncreated topics. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
Rendering: Render IRC and NNTP as a URL. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
Rendering: Make acronym linking more strict by requiring a trailing boundary, e.g. excluding TLAfoobar. Details TWiki:Trash/Main TWiki:Trash/Main
Rendering: TWiki Form with Label type. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
Rendering: Web names can now be WikiWords. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
Rendering: New syntax for definition list with dollar sign and colon. Details TWiki:Trash/Main TWiki:Trash/Main
Rendering: Table with multi-span rows, functionality provided by Table Plugin. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
Variables: New title parameter for TOC variable. Details TWiki:Trash/Main TWiki:Trash/Main
Variables: New REVINFO variable in templates supports flexible display of revision information. Details TWiki:Trash/Main TWiki:Trash/Main
Variables: Set times to be displayed as gmtime or servertime. Details TWiki:Trash/Main TWiki:Trash/Main
Variables: Properly encode parameters for form fields with ENCODE variable. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
Variables: Expand USERNAME and WIKINAME in Template Topics. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
Variables: Expand same variables in new user template as in template topics. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
Variables: Optionally warn when included topic does not exist; with the option to create the included topic. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
Variables: In topic text show file-types of attached files as icons. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
Variables: New variable FORMFIELD returns the value of a field in the form attached to a topic.. Details TWiki:Trash/Main TWiki:Trash/Main
Variables: Meta data rendering for form fields with META{"formfield"}. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
Variables: New PLUGINVERSION variable. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
Variables: URLPARAM now has a default="..." argument, for when no value has been given. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
Variables: URLPARAM variable with newline parameter. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
Variables: URLPARAM variable with new multiple=on parameter. Details TWiki:Trash/Main TWiki:Trash/Main
Search: New switch for search to perform an AND NOT search. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
Search: Keyword search to search with implicit AND. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
Search: Multiple searches in same topic with new multiple="on" paramter. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
Search: Remove limitation on number of topics to search in a web. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
Search: Exclude topics from search with an excludetopic parameter. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
Search: Expand Variables on Formatted Search with expandvariables Flag. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
Search: Formatted Search with Web Form variable to retrieve the name of the form attached to a topic. Details TWiki:Trash/Main TWiki:Trash/Main
Search: Formatted Search with Conditional Output. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
Search: Formatted Search with $parent token to get the parent topic. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
Search: New separator parameter to SEARCH supports better SEARCH embedding. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
Search: Improved search performance when sorting result by topic name. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
Search: New scope=all search parameter to search in topic name and topic text at the same time. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
Search: New topic parameter for AND search on topic text and topic name. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
Search modules uses Perl-style keyword parameters (code cleanup). Details TWiki:Trash/Main
Search: New $wikiname variable in format parameter of formatted search. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
Search: Sort search by topic creation date. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
Search: Topic creation date and user in Formatted Search. Details TWiki:Trash/Main TWiki:Trash/Main
Search: Increase levels of nested search from 2 to 16. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
Plugins: New pre-installed Plugins CommentPlugin, EditTablePlugin, RenderListPlugin, SlideShowPlugin, SmiliesPlugin, SpreadSheetPlugin, TablePlugin. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
Plugins: New callback afterSaveHandler, called after a topic is saved. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
Plugins: New callbacks beforeAttachmentSaveHandler and afterAttachmentSaveHandler, used to intervene on attachment save event. Details TWiki:Trash/Main TWiki:Trash/Main
Plugins: New callbacks beforeCommonTagsHandler and afterCommonTagsHandler. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
Plugins: New callback renderFormFieldForEditHandler to render form field for edit. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
Plugins: New callback renderWikiWordHandler to custom render links. Details TWiki:Trash/Main TWiki:Trash/Main
Plugins: New function TWiki::Func::formatTime to format time into a string. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
Plugins: New function TWiki::Func::getRegularExpression to get predefined regular expressions. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
Plugins: New functions TWiki::Func::getPluginPreferences* to get Plugin preferences. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
Plugins: New function TWiki::Func::extractParameters to extract all parameters from a variable string. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
Plugins: New function TWiki::Func::checkDependencies to check for module dependency. Details TWiki:Trash/Main TWiki:Trash/Main
Plugins: A recommendation for where a Plugin can store its data. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
UI: Show tool-tip topic info on WikiWord links. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
UI: Save topic and continue edit feature. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
UI: Change topic with direct save (without edit/preview/save cycle) and checkpoint save. Details TWiki:Trash/Main TWiki:Trash/Main
UI: In attachment table, change 'action' to 'manage'. Details TWiki:Trash/Main TWiki:Trash/Main
UI: Smaller usability enhancements on the file attachment table. Details TWiki:Trash/Main TWiki:Trash/Main
UI: Removes anchor links from header content and places them before the text to fix 'header becomes link'. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
UI: Improved functionality of the More screen. Details TWiki:Trash/Main TWiki:Trash/Main
UI: Quick reference chart of most used markup is now listed on the edit screen. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
UI: Flag for edit script to avoid overwrite of existing topic text and form data. Details TWiki:Trash/Main TWiki:Trash/Main
UI: Disable Escape key in IE textarea to prevent it cancelling work. Details TWiki:Trash/Main TWiki:Trash/Main
UI: Improved warning message on unsaved topic. Details TWiki:Trash/Main TWiki:Trash/Main
UI: Reverse order of words in page title for better multi-window/tab navigation. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
UI: Provides a framework to create and modify a topic without going through edit->preview->save sequence. Details TWiki:Trash/Main TWiki:Trash/Main
UI: Set the topic parent to none in More screen, e.g. remove the current topic parent. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
UI: Use templates to define how file attachments are displayed. Was previously hard-coded. Details TWiki:Trash/Main TWiki:Trash/Main
UI: Topic diff shows unified diff with unchanged context. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
UI: Diff feature shows TWiki form changes in nice tables. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
Code refactoring: The log entry for a save now has a dontNotify flag in the extra field if the user checked the minor changes flag. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
Code refactoring: Server-side include of attachments accelerates INCLUDE. Details TWiki:Trash/Main TWiki:Trash/Main
Code refactoring: Move functionality out of bin scripts and into included modules. Details TWiki:Trash/Main TWiki:Trash/Main
Code refactoring: Move bin script functionality into TWiki::UI modules. Details TWiki:Trash/Main TWiki:Trash/Main
Code refactoring: Optimize preferences handling for better performance. Details TWiki:Trash/Main TWiki:Trash/Main
Code refactoring: Refactor variable expansion for edit and register. Details TWiki:Trash/Main TWiki:Trash/Main
Code refactoring: Move savemulti script into TWiki::UI::Save. Details TWiki:Trash/Main TWiki:Trash/Main
Code refactoring: Topic search is done natively in Perl, it does not depend anymore on system calls with pipes. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
Code refactoring: Fix logical error in upload script which prevented MIME filename from being used. Details TWiki:Trash/Main

Bug Fixes of 01-Sep-2004 Release Developer, Sponsor
Fix: Consistently create headings with empty anchor tags. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Fix: TOC does not work for headings containing & without spaces surrounding it. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Fix: Backslash line break breaks TWiki form definitions. Details TWiki:Main.CrawfordCurrie TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Fix: Rename fixes unrelated topic references. Details TWiki:Main.RichardDonkin
Fix: Bug with infinite recursion in search. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Fix: Can't send mail with full 'From' address. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Fix: All scripts change to $bin before execute (for mod_perl2). Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Fix: Several RSS readers do not show all entries seen in the WebChanges list; repeated updates to the same topics get lost. Details TWiki:Main.ArthurClemens
Fix: TWiki::Access::checkAccessPermission function improperly handles Main and TWiki webs. Details TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit
Fix: Topic save returns error CI Date precedes date in revision. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Fix: Double quotes got replaced by " in TWiki forms. Details TWiki:Main.MichaelSparks TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Fix: Duplicated Wiki name in .htpasswd entry for sha1 encoding. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Fix: When viewing a previous version of a topic, the view script substitutes only one occurrence of the variable EDITTOPIC. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Fix: Form default values are not working for text fields. Details TWiki:Main.ThomasWeigert TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit
Fix: Formatted searches using a $pattern which unbalanced parenthesis crash TWiki. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Fix: Formatted Search uses title but should use name for formfield parameter. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Fix: GMTIME variable returns unwanted GMT text. Details TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit
Fix: Include from other Web links ACRONYMS. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Fix: Including an HTML file is very slow. Details TWiki:Main.JohnTalintyre
Fix: includeUrl() mess up absolute URLs. Details TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit
Fix: Filter out fixed font rendering in TOC to avoid unrendered = equal signs in TOC. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Fix: The initializeUserHandler is broken for session Plugins. Details TWiki:Main.JohnTalintyre
Fix: SEARCH fails with very large webs. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Fix: Security alert: User could gain view access rights of another user. Details TWiki:Main.KimCovil TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Fix: 'print to closed file handle' error of log files are not writable. Details TWiki:Main.MartinGregory TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit
Fix: Meta data handler can't process CR-LF line endings. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Fix: METAFIELD meta data is not shown in view raw=on mode. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Fix: Minor XHTML non-compliance in templates and code. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Fix: Getting pages from virtual hosts fails. Details TWiki:Main.JohnTalintyre
Fix: Create new web fails if RCS files do not exist. Details TWiki:Main.ClausBrunzema TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit
Fix: Metacharacters can be passed through to the shell in File Attach. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Fix: Ability to delete non-WikiWord topics without confirmation. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Fix: + symbol in password reset fails. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Fix: Pathinfo cleanup for hosted sites. Details TWiki:Main.MikeSalisbury TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit
Fix: Software error in SEARCH if regular expression pattern has unmached parenthesis. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Fix: Pipe chars in the comment field of the attachment table are not escaped. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Fix: Link escaping in preview fails for not quoted hrefs. Details TWiki:Main.TedPavlic TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Fix: Preview expands variables twice. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Fix: Using a proxy with TWiki fails; no proxy-HTTP request, minimal request not HTTP 1.0, requests marked 1.1 are at best 1.0. Details TWiki:Main.MichaelSparks TWiki:Main.JohnTalintyre
Fix: Runaway view processes with TWiki::Sore::RcsLite. Details TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit
Fix: Regex Error in WebTopicList with topics that have meta characters in the name. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Fix: Rename script misses some ref-by topics. Details TWiki:Main.JohnTalintyre
Fix: Links to self within the page being renamed are not changed. Details TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit
Fix: Rename topic does 'Main.Main.UserName' for attachments. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Fix: Revision date is set to Jan 1970 when using RCS Lite. Details TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit
Fix: The new dynamically-created SiteMap is very nice, but somewhat slow. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Fix: The makeAnchorName function did not produce the same results if called iteratively, resulting in problems trying to link to headers.. Details TWiki:Main.WalterMundt
Fix: Statistics page does not provide links to non-wikiword topics. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Fix: Make TOC link URI references relative. Details TWiki:Main.MartinGregory TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Fix: TWiki hangs when used on Apache 2.0. Details TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit
Fix: TOC incorrectly strips out links in headers. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Fix: The HTML tags that are generated by TOC do not close properly. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Fix: TOC on INCLUDEd topic ignores STOPINCLUDE. Details TWiki:Main.WillNorris TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Fix: Quotes in tooltip message can break a TWiki form. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Fix: Better error message if the file attachment directory is not writable. Details TWiki:Main.CrawfordCurrie TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit
Fix: Image size of PNG files. Details TWiki:Main.ArthurClemens
Fix: The testenv script distinguishes between real user ID and effective user ID. Details TWiki:Main.RichardDonkin
Fix: Variables in square bracket links dont work in form fields. Details TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit
Fix: Variable with Parameters in Form Fields Disappear. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Fix: Verbatim tag should escape HTML entities. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Fix: Field names of TWiki Forms can be WikiWords, this is used to link to a help topic. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Fix: Clean up the WebRssBase INCLUDES to use VARIABLES set in TWikiPreferences. Details TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit
Fix: Resolving variables in included topics. Details TWiki:Main.OliverKrueger TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit
Fix: Consistently create headings with empty anchor tags. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
Fix: TOC does not work for headings containing & without spaces surrounding it. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
Fix: Backslash line break breaks TWiki form definitions. Details TWiki:Trash/Main TWiki:Trash/Main
Fix: Rename fixes unrelated topic references. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
Fix: Bug with infinite recursion in search. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
Fix: Can't send mail with full 'From' address. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
Fix: All scripts change to $bin before execute (for mod_perl2). Details TWiki:Trash/Main
Fix: Several RSS readers do not show all entries seen in the WebChanges list; repeated updates to the same topics get lost. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
Fix: TWiki::Access::checkAccessPermission function improperly handles Main and TWiki webs. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
Fix: Topic save returns error CI Date precedes date in revision. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
Fix: Double quotes got replaced by " in TWiki forms. Details TWiki:Trash/Main TWiki:Trash/Main
Fix: Duplicated Wiki name in .htpasswd entry for sha1 encoding. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
Fix: When viewing a previous version of a topic, the view script substitutes only one occurrence of the variable EDITTOPIC. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
Fix: Form default values are not working for text fields. Details TWiki:Trash/Main TWiki:Trash/Main
Fix: Formatted searches using a $pattern which unbalanced parenthesis crash TWiki. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
Fix: Formatted Search uses title but should use name for formfield parameter. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
Fix: GMTIME variable returns unwanted GMT text. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
Fix: Include from other Web links ACRONYMS. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
Fix: Including an HTML file is very slow. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
Fix: includeUrl() mess up absolute URLs. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
Fix: Filter out fixed font rendering in TOC to avoid unrendered = equal signs in TOC. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
Fix: The initializeUserHandler is broken for session Plugins. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
Fix: SEARCH fails with very large webs. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
Fix: Security alert: User could gain view access rights of another user. Details TWiki:Trash/Main TWiki:Trash/Main
Fix: 'print to closed file handle' error of log files are not writable. Details TWiki:Trash/Main TWiki:Trash/Main
Fix: Meta data handler can't process CR-LF line endings. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
Fix: METAFIELD meta data is not shown in view raw=on mode. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
Fix: Minor XHTML non-compliance in templates and code. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
Fix: Getting pages from virtual hosts fails. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
Fix: Create new web fails if RCS files do not exist. Details TWiki:Trash/Main TWiki:Trash/Main
Fix: Metacharacters can be passed through to the shell in File Attach. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
Fix: Ability to delete non-WikiWord topics without confirmation. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
Fix: + symbol in password reset fails. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
Fix: Pathinfo cleanup for hosted sites. Details TWiki:Trash/Main TWiki:Trash/Main
Fix: Software error in SEARCH if regular expression pattern has unmached parenthesis. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
Fix: Pipe chars in the comment field of the attachment table are not escaped. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
Fix: Link escaping in preview fails for not quoted hrefs. Details TWiki:Trash/Main TWiki:Trash/Main
Fix: Preview expands variables twice. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
Fix: Using a proxy with TWiki fails; no proxy-HTTP request, minimal request not HTTP 1.0, requests marked 1.1 are at best 1.0. Details TWiki:Trash/Main TWiki:Trash/Main
Fix: Runaway view processes with TWiki::Sore::RcsLite. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
Fix: Regex Error in WebTopicList with topics that have meta characters in the name. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
Fix: Rename script misses some ref-by topics. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
Fix: Links to self within the page being renamed are not changed. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
Fix: Rename topic does 'Main' for attachments. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
Fix: Revision date is set to Jan 1970 when using RCS Lite. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
Fix: The new dynamically-created SiteMap is very nice, but somewhat slow. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
Fix: The makeAnchorName function did not produce the same results if called iteratively, resulting in problems trying to link to headers.. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
Fix: Statistics page does not provide links to non-wikiword topics. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
Fix: Make TOC link URI references relative. Details TWiki:Trash/Main TWiki:Trash/Main
Fix: TWiki hangs when used on Apache 2.0. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
Fix: TOC incorrectly strips out links in headers. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
Fix: The HTML tags that are generated by TOC do not close properly. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
Fix: TOC on INCLUDEd topic ignores STOPINCLUDE. Details TWiki:Trash/Main TWiki:Trash/Main
Fix: Quotes in tooltip message can break a TWiki form. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
Fix: Better error message if the file attachment directory is not writable. Details TWiki:Trash/Main TWiki:Trash/Main
Fix: Image size of PNG files. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
Fix: The testenv script distinguishes between real user ID and effective user ID. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
Fix: Variables in square bracket links dont work in form fields. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
Fix: Variable with Parameters in Form Fields Disappear. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
Fix: Verbatim tag should escape HTML entities. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
Fix: Field names of TWiki Forms can be WikiWords, this is used to link to a help topic. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
Fix: Clean up the WebRssBase INCLUDES to use VARIABLES set in TWikiPreferences. Details TWiki:Trash/Main
Fix: Resolving variables in included topics. Details TWiki:Trash/Main TWiki:Trash/Main

01-Feb-2003 Release (Beijing)

    • Enhanced Plugin API to manipulate topic data with new functions in Func.pm: readTopicText, saveTopicText, setTopicEditLock, checkTopicEditLock
    • New Plugin hooks registrationHandler, beforeEditHandler, afterEditHandler, beforeSaveHandler, writeHeaderHandler, redirectCgiQueryHandler, getSessionValueHandler, setSessionValueHandler
    • Internationalization ('I18N') support for international characters in WikiWords, such as ISO-8859-15, KOI8-R - also supports Chinese, Japanese, etc.
    • Include previous topic revision with %INCLUDE{ "OtherTopic" rev="1.2" }%
    • The Go box understands also URLs, useful for special TWikiSkins handling
    • In WebNotify, if only the WikiName is specified, the e-mail is taken from the user's home page; if the WikiName is a group name, a notification is sent to all members of the group
    • New %NOP{}% variable in TWikiTemplates topic gets removed at topic creation time; useful to write protect template topics
    • The %URLPARAM{}% variable in TWikiTemplates topic gets expanded at topic creation time; useful for dynamic content creation
    • New $logDir introduced in TWiki.cfg to set the log directory
    • Renamed the Test web to Sandbox
    • New setlib.cfg file in the bin directory to set the TWiki library path
    • Support for outbound HTTP proxy when including URLs based on new %PROXYHOST and %PROXYPORT% settings in the TWikiPreferences
    • The page logo is configurable with new %WIKILOGOIMG%, %TWIKILOGOURL% and %WIKILOGOALT% variables in TWikiPreferences; replacing $wikiHomeUrl in TWiki.cfg
    • New %WIKITOOLNAME% variable in TWikiPreferences; replacing $wikiToolName in TWiki.cfg
    • New %EDITBOXSTYLE% preferences variable which sets the edit box width automatically to the window width
    • New %URLENCODE{}% variable to encodes a string for using in a URL parameter, e.g. %URLENCODE{"spaced name"}% returns spaced%20name
    • New user home pages are now based on the NewUserTemplate, replacing the /twiki/templates/register.tmpl template file
    • New markup to exclude heading from a %TOC% table of content, e.g. ---+!! This heading is not shown in a TOC
    • New data storage framework that lets you use external RCS commands for revision control, or a new native Perl implementation that does not depend on the external RCS commands
    • Fixed IE5/IE6-specific problem whereby going back from preview sometimes removes all edit changes
    • New AND search; with regular expression enabled, use the semicolon ";" as the AND operator in %SEARCH{}% variable, FormattedSearch and WebSearch
    • Fixed cache issue where the edit page showed outdated content
    • Improved statistics script which uses less memory to process large log files
    • Variables inside <verbatim> tags are no longer expanded

01-Dec-2001 Release (Athens)

    • Added FormattedSearch to %SEARCH{}% variable for database like reporting.

01-Sep-2001 Release

    • Easier install for Windows, including auto detection in TWiki.cfg
    • Convert to XHTML 1.0 function: first step to XHTML-ifying TWiki
    • New topic templates as topics instead of templates. Customize by editing the topic. Retired notedited.tmpl, notext.tmpl and notwiki.tmpl templates. More in TWikiTemplates.
    • New %TOPICLIST{"format"}% and %WEBLIST{"format"}% variables to get a formatted topic index and web index, respectively. More in TWikiVariables.
    • New %URLPARAM{"name"}% variable to query URL parameters. More in TWikiVariables.
    • The table syntax has been enhanced to (i) render | *bold* | cells as table headers, (ii) render space padded cells |   center aligned   | and |   right aligned |, (iii) span multiple columns using | empty cells |||. More in TextFormattingRules.
    • New Wiki rule for headings, i.e. ---++ My Title; and new %TOC% variable to build a table of content from headings in a topic. More in TWikiVariables.
    • New Wiki rule to specify arbitrary text for external links (i.e. [[http://TWki.org][TWiki]]) and internal links (i.e [[WikiSyntax][syntax]]). More in TWikiVariables.
    • New Wiki rule for named anchors, e.g. links within a topic. Define a named anchor with #MyAnchor at the beginning of a line, and link to it with [[#MyAnchor]]. More in TWikiVariables.
    • Use Net::SMTP module instead of sendmail if installed.
    • Added <verbatim> ... </verbatim> tags to show source code "as is". Unlike the <pre> ... </pre> tags, it also shows <, >, & characters "as is".
    • Added a "Minor change, don't notify" checkbox in preview. More in DontNotify.
    • Added Bold Fixed formatting using double-equal signs, e.g. write ==Bold Fixed== to get Bold Fixed.
    • Format changed of %GMTIME{"..."}% and %SERVERTIME{"..."}% variables. Format is now "$hour:$min" instead of "hour:min". More in TWikiVariables. Attention: Check your existing topics when you upgrade TWiki!
    • WebChanges, WebSearch and e-mail notification indicate also the revision number of a topic (i.e. 18 Jan 2001 16:43 r1.5), or NEW for a new topic (i.e. i.e. 18 Jan 2001 16:43 NEW).
    • New variable %STARTINCLUDE% and %STOPINCLUDE% variables to control what gets included of a topic. More in TWikiVariables.
    • TWiki skins Define a different page layout with a customized header and footer layout, i.e. a print skin for a printable view of a topic. More in TWikiSkins and TWiki:Codev/TWikiSkins.
    • Better error handling when saving a topic.
    • New noheader="on" switch in %SEARCH{...}% to suppress table header. More in TWikiVariables.

01-Dec-2000 Release

    • Flag $doHidePasswdInRegistration in wikicfg.pm to hide plain text password in registration e-mail.
    • New variable %VAR{"NAME" web="Web"}% to get web-specific preferences. More in TWikiVariables.
    • Added a "Cancel" link in edit that releases the edit lock.
    • Remember user by IP address so that view "knows" the user once authenticated in edit. More in TWikiUserAuthentication.
    • New -q switch in mailnotify to suppress all normal output.
    • Ref-By link searches all webs (not just the current web.)
    • New TWikiPreferences variables %HTTP_EQUIV_ON_VIEW% , %HTTP_EQUIV_ON_EDIT% and %HTTP_EQUIV_ON_PREVIEW% that define the <meta http-equiv="..."> meta tags for the TWiki templates. This can be used for example to set a document expiration time.
    • New variables %GMTIME{"..."}% and %SERVERTIME{"..."}% . More in TWikiVariables.
    • Changed include syntax from %INCLUDE{"Web/TopicName.txt"}% to %INCLUDE{"Web.TopicName"}% . Legacy syntax still supported.
    • BookView search allows you show a set of topics for easy printing.
    • More forgiving syntax for *bold*, italic, __bold italic__ and fixed , where it is not necessary anymore to have a trailing space before .,;:?! characters.
    • Split the TWiki.Main web into TWiki.Main (users, company data) and TWiki.TWiki (TWiki related documentation, registration)
    • Added an "Release edit lock" checkbox in preview to let other people edit the topic immediately without the one hour lock.
    • Fixed problem of losing carriage returns when editing topics with KDE KFM browser or W3M browser.
    • Fixed problem that a page redirect on some server environments is not working (host name is needed in URL).
    • Fixed security issue to prevent a server side %INCLUDE% of arbitrary files.
    • New %GMTIME% variable that shows the current GM time.
    • Lock warning shows remaining lock time in minutes.
    • Advanced search features like search multiple webs; sort by topic name / modified time / author; limit the number of results returned. More in TWikiVariables.

01-May-2000 Release

    • New TWikiVariables %HTTP_HOST% , %REMOTE_ADDR% , %REMOTE_PORT% and %REMOTE_USER% .
    • TWikiRegistration is done separately for Intranet use (depends on remote_user) or Internet use (depends on .htpasswd file).
    • Uploading a file (topic file attachment) will optionally create a link to the uploaded file at the end of the topic. The preference variable %ATTACHLINKBOX% controls the default state of the link check box in the attach file page.
    • Better security with taint checking ( Perl -T option )
    • New preference variables %EDITBOXWIDTH% and %EDITBOXHEIGHT% to specify the edit box size.
  • 25 Feb 2000 - TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
    • Edit preferences topics to set TWiki variables. There are three level of preferences Site-level (TWikiPreferences), web-level (WebPreferences in each web) and user-level preferences (for each of the TWikiUsers? ). With this, discontinue use of server side include of wikiwebs.inc , wikiwebtable.inc , weblist.inc , webcopyright.inc and webcolors.inc files.
  • 11 Feb 2000 - TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
  • 25 Feb 2000 - TWiki:Trash/Main
    • Edit preferences topics to set TWiki variables. There are three level of preferences Site-level (TWikiPreferences), web-level (WebPreferences in each web) and user-level preferences (for each of the Trash/Main). With this, discontinue use of server side include of wikiwebs.inc , wikiwebtable.inc , weblist.inc , webcopyright.inc and webcolors.inc files.
  • 11 Feb 2000 - TWiki:Trash/Main
    • New variable %SCRIPTSUFFIX% / $scriptSuffix containing an optional file extension of the TWiki Perl script. Templates have been changed to use this variable. This allows you to rename the Perl script files to have a file extension like for example ".cgi".
    • New variable %SCRIPTURLPATH% / $scriptUrlPath containing the script URL without the domain name. Templates have been changed to use this variable instead of %SCRIPTURL% . This is for performance reasons.
    • Changed the syntax for server side include variable from %INCLUDE:"filename.ext"% to %INCLUDE{"filename.ext"}% . (Previous syntax still supported. Change was done because of inline search syntax)
    • Inline search. New variable %SEARCH{"str" ...}% to show a search result embedded in a topic text. TWikiVariables has more on the syntax. Inline search combined with the category table feature can be used for example to create a simple bug tracking system.
    • Access statistics. Each web has a WebStatistics topic that shows monthy statistics with number of topic views and changes, most popular topics, and top contributors. (It needs to be enabled, TWikiDocumentation has more.)
    • Fixed bug where TWiki would not initialize correctly under certain circumstances, i.e. when running it under mod_perl. Sub initialize in wiki.pm did not handle $thePathInfo correctly.
    • No more escaping for '%' percent characters. (Number of consecutive '%' entered and displayed is identical.)
    • Limit the number of revisions shown at the bottom of the topic. Example
      Topic TWikiHistory . { ..... Diffs r1.10 > r1.9 > r1.8 > r1.7 >... }
      Additional revisions can be selected by pressing the >... link.

01-Sep-1999 Release

    • Fixed Y2K bug. (Date in year 2000 had wrong format.)
    • New text formatting rule for creating tables. Text gets rendered as a table if enclosed in " " vertical bars. Example line as it is written and how it shows up
    • Online registration of new user using web form in TWikiRegistration. Authentication of users.
    • Flags $doLogTopic* in wikicfg.pm to selectively log topic view, edit, save, rdiff, attach, search and changes to monthly log file.
    • Flag $doRemovePortNumber in wikicfg.pm to optionally remove the port number from the TWiki URL. Example www.some.domain:1234/twiki gets www.some.domain/twiki .
    • Search path for include files in %INCLUDE:"file.inc"% variable. Search first in the current web, then in parent data directory. Useful to overload default include text in the data directory by web-specific text, like for example webcopyright.inc text.
    • Link a plural topic to a singular topic in case the plural topic does not exist. Example TestVersion / TestVersions , TestPolicy / TestPolicies , TestAddress / TestAddresses , TestBox / TestBoxes .

01-Jul-1999 Release

    • New TextFormattingRules to write bold italic text by enclosing words with double underline characters.
    • Separate wiki.pm into configuration (wikicfg.pm) and TWiki core (wiki.pm) . This is to ease the upgrade of TWiki installations, it also allows customized extensions to TWiki without affecting the TWiki core.
    • Externalize copyright text at the bottom of every page into a web-specific webcopyright.inc file. This is to easily customize the copyright text.
    • Added meta tag so that robots index only /view/ of topics, not /edit/, /attach/ e.t.c. Tag <META NAME="ROBOTS" CONTENT="NOINDEX">
    • New variables %WIKIHOMEURL% (link when pressing the icon on the upper left corner) and %WIKITOOLNAME% (the name of the wiki tool =TWiki = ).
    • Topic locking Warn user if a topic has been edited by an other person within one hour. This is to prevent contention, e.g. simultaneous topic updates.
    • File attachments Upload and download any file as a topic attachment by using the browser. FileAttachment has more.
    • New variables %PUBURL% (Public directory URL) and %ATTACHURL% (URL of topic file attachment).
    • New text formatting rule for creating fixed font text . Words get showns in fixed font by enclosing them in "=" equal signs. Example Writing =fixed font= will show up as fixed font .
    • No new topic revision is created if the same person saves a topic again within one hour.
    • Possible to view complete revision history of a topic on one page. Access at the linked date in the Changes page, or the Diffs link at the bottom of each topic, e.g.
      Topic TWikiHistory . { Edit Ref-By Diffs r1.3 > r1.2 > r1.1 }
      Revision r1.3 1998/11/10 01:34 by PeterThoeny
    • Fixed bug when viewing differences between topic revisions that include HTML table tags like <table>, <tr>, <td>.

1998 Releases

    • Signature is shown below the text area when editing a topic. Use this to easily copy & paste your signature into the text.
    • Possible to add a category table to a TWiki topic. This permits storing and searching for more structured information. Editing a topic shows a HTML form with the usual text area and a table with selectors, checkboxes, radio buttons and text fields. TWikiDocumentation has more on setup. The TWiki.Know web uses this category table to set classification, platform and OS version.
    • Internal log of topic save actions to the file data/logYYYYMM.txt, where YYYYMM the year and month in numeric format is. Intended for auditing only, not accessible from the web.
    • The e-mail notification and the Changes topic have now a topic date that is linked. Clicking on the link will show the difference between the two most recent topic revisions.
  • 10 Nov 1998 - TWiki:Trash/Main
    • View differences between topic revisions. Each topic has a list of revisions (e.g. r1.3) and differences thereof (e.g. >) at the bottom
      Topic TWikiHistory . { Edit Ref-By r1.3 > r1.2 > r1.1 }
      Revision r1.3 1998/11/10 01:34 by TWiki:Trash/Main
  • 26 Oct 1998 - TWiki:Trash/Main
    • Added preview of topic changes before saving the topic. This was necessary to prevent unneeded revisions.
  • 26 Oct 1998 - TWiki:Trash/Main
    • Added revision control using RCS. Each topic has now a list of revisions at the bottom and a revision info, e.g.
      Topic TWikiHistory . { Edit Ref-By r1.3 r1.2 r1.1 }
      Revision r1.3 1998/10/26 01:34:00 by TWiki:Trash/Main
  • 14 Oct 1998 - TWiki:Trash/Main
    • Refered-By Find out which topics have a link to the current topic. Each topic has a Ref-By link for that. Note Only references from the current web are shown, not references from other webs.
    • Corrected templates for automatic e-mail notification so that MS Outlook can display attachment as an HTML file.
    • Automatic e-mail notification when something has changed in a TWiki web. Each web has a topic WebNotify where one can subscribe and unsubscribe.
    • Added server side include of files. Syntax is %INCLUDE:"filename.ext"%
    • Signature and date is inserted automatically when creating a new topic.
    • Separate templates for text of non existing topic and default text of new topic. (template file templates/Web/notedited.tmpl)
    • Warn user if new topic name is not a valid Wiki name. (template file templates/Web/notwiki.tmpl)
    • Support for quoted text with a '>' at the beginning of the line.
    • Added TWiki variables, enclosed in % signs %TOPIC% (Topic name), %WEB% (web name), %SCRIPTURL% (script URL), %DATE% (current date), %WIKIWEBMASTER% (Wiki webmaster address), %WIKIVERSION% (Wiki version), %USERNAME% (user name), %WIKIUSERNAME% (Wiki user name).
  • 28 Jul 1998 - TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
    • Topic WebChanges shows Wiki username instead of Intranet username, e.g. PeterThoeny instead of thoeny in case the Wiki username exists. Implementation Automatic lookup of Wiki username in topic TWikiUsers? .
  • 28 Jul 1998 - TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
  • 28 Jul 1998 - TWiki:Trash/Main
    • Topic WebChanges shows Wiki username instead of Intranet username, e.g. PeterThoeny instead of thoeny in case the Wiki username exists. Implementation Automatic lookup of Wiki username in topic Trash/Main.
  • 28 Jul 1998 - TWiki:Trash/Main
    • Topic index. (Technically speaking a simple '.*' search on topic names.)
    • Topic WebSearch allows full text search and and topic search with/without regular expressions.
    • Added automatic links to topics in other TWiki webs by specifying <web name>.<topic name>, e.g. Know.WebSeach .
    • Installed initial version, based on the JOS Wiki. See WikiWikiClones for details.

Dev Flow

Revision 7115 Jan 2008 - FZU.TWikiContributor

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1 Appendix A: TWiki Development Timeline


Appendix A: TWiki Development Time-line

TWiki Release 4.2 (Freetown), 22 Jan 2008

New Features and Enhancements of TWiki Release 4.2

  • Easier Installation and Upgrade
    • New Internal Admin Login feature
    • The Main.TWikiUsers topic is no longer distributed as a default topic in Main web
    • A new directory working which per default is located in the TWiki root which contains registration_approvals, tmp, and work_areas
    • Configure can now authenticate when connecting to local plugins repository.

  • Usability Enhancements
    • New WYSIWYG editor based on TinyMCE replaces the Kupu based editor
    • New "Restore topic" feature has been added to the More Topic Actions menu to easily restore an older version of a topic

  • Application Platform Enhancements
    • Enhancements to IF: allows, ingroup, istopic, and isweb

  • Search Enhancements
    • New query search mode supports SQL-style queries over form fields and other meta-data

  • Skins and Templates Enhancements
    • The PatternSkin which is the default skin for TWiki has got a face lift
    • The default templates have been heavily refactored to make it easier to create skins reusing the default skin.

  • Miscellaneous Feature Enhancements
    • Many new functions in the API for plugin developers
    • Table of Content (TOC) feature enhanced
    • re-architected Pluggable user mapping (between login name and WikiName) to integrate with alternative authentication and Management schemes
    • Topic based User management has been extracted into a separately update-able package (TWikiUsersContrib)

  • Bug Fixes
    • More than 300 bugs fixes since 4.1.2

Hall of Fame of TWiki Release 4.2

Many people have been involved in creating TWiki 4.2. Special thanks go to the most active contributors in the following areas:

Many thanks also to the contributors in the following areas:

If you find an omission please fix it at TWiki:TWiki.TWikiHistory. For the full list of contributors see TWikiContributor.

Note: Order of contributors under "Spec and code", "Templates and skins" and "Documentation" is based on number of SVN file changes for core and default extensions from March 2007 (svn rev:13046) to Jan 2008 (svn rev:16210). (Details at TWikibug:TWiki420SvnLog). Order of contributors under "Testing and bug fixing" is based on Bugs web statistics from 2007-03 to 2007-12. Order of contributors under "TWiki.org wiki champions" and "Customer support" is based on TWiki.org web statistics from 2007-02 to 2007-12.

See more details on the TWiki 4.2 release at TWikiReleaseNotes04x02.


TWiki Release 4.1 (Edinburgh), 16 Jan 2007

Revision 7021 Jan 2007 - FZU.TWikiContributor

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1 Appendix A: TWiki Development Timeline


TWiki Release 4.1 (Edinburgh), 17 Jan 2007


TWiki Release 4.1 (Edinburgh), 16 Jan 2007

  New Features and Enhancements of TWiki Release 4.1
Line: 52 to 52
    • Allow date format in form fields.
    • Enhance REVINFO{} variable with same date qualifiers as GMTIME{}.
    • WebTopicCreator - adding ability to select a template from any topic name ending in ...Template
    • Functionality of DateFieldPlugin merged into core
  • Enhancements of Pre-installed Plugins
    • CommentPlugin: Supports removal of comment prompt after a comment is made.
Line: 67 to 67
  • Bugfixes
    • More than 200 bugs fixed since 4.0.5
 Hall of Fame of TWiki Release 4.1

Although many more people have been involved in creating TWiki-4.1, special thanks go to the most active contributors in the following areas:

Line: 97 to 98
  If you find an omission please fix it at TWiki:TWiki.TWikiHistory. For the full list of contributors see TWikiContributor.
Note: Sequence of contributors under "Spec, code, testing", "Templates and skins" and "Documentation" is based on number of SVN check-ins for core and default extensions from 2006-02 to 2006-12. Sequence of contributors under "TWiki.org wiki champions" and "Customer support" is based on TWiki.org web statistics from 2006-02 to 2006-12.
 See more details on the TWiki 4.1 release at TWikiReleaseNotes04x01.
Line: 203 to 206
Install: Remove office locations from registration. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Install: Changes to support shorter URLs with Apache Rewrite rules. Details TWiki:Main.AntonioBellezza TWiki:Main.WalterMundt
Install: Remove the Know web from the distribution. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Internationalization: Support use of UTF-8 URLs for I18N? characters in TWiki page and attachment names. Details TWiki:Main.RichardDonkin
Internationalization: Support use of UTF-8 URLs for I18N characters in TWiki page and attachment names. Details TWiki:Main.RichardDonkin
Authentication: Authenticate users when creating new topic in view restricted web. Details TWiki:Main.JonathanGraehl TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit
Preferences: TWiki Preferences need to be secured properly. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Preferences: Use TWiki Forms to set user preferences. Details TWiki:Main.JohnTalintyre

Revision 6914 Jan 2007 - FZU.TWikiContributor

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1 Appendix A: TWiki Development Timeline


TWiki Release 4.1 (Edinburgh), 17 Jan 2007

New Features and Enhancements of TWiki Release 4.1

  • Easier Installation and Upgrade
    • Plugins can now be installed from the configure script.
    • The loading of plugin preferences settings has been moved earlier in the preferences evaluation order so that plugin settings can be redefined in FZU.TWikiPreferences, WebPreferences and in topics. To make TWiki upgrades easier, it is recommended to set the plugin settings in FZU.TWikiPreferences, and not to customize the settings in the plugin topic. For example, to change the TEMPLATES setting of the CommentPlugin, create a new COMMENTPLUGIN_TEMPLATES setting in FZU.TWikiPreferences.
    • Plugin settings can now be defined in configure instead of in the plugin topic (requires that the individual plugin has implemented this). TWiki performs slightly better by not looking for preferences settings in plugin topics.
    • Configure no longer shows many unnecessary errors when run first time.
    • The webmaster email address is now defined in configure instead of TWikiPreferences.
    • Default file access rights in the distribution package have been changed to be more universally defined and in line with the default access rights for new topics.

  • Usability Enhancements
    • Redesigned result page when typing incomplete topic name into the Jump box, so that it is possible to quickly navigate to a topic, also in a very large TWiki installation. For example, "I know there is a topic about Ajax somewhere in the Eng web. OK, let my type Eng.ajax into the Jump box... Here we go, the third link is the AjaxCookbook I was looking for."
    • Many user documentation improvements.
    • URL parameters maintained in Table of Contents links so you can stay in a temporary skin (e.g. print) and keep URLPARAM values when you click the TOC links
    • Attachment tables now sorted alphabetically.
    • Better printing of tables and verbatim text in PatternSkin.

  • Application Platform Enhancements
    • Auto-incremented topic name on save with AUTOINC<n> in topic name; used by TWiki applications to create topic based database records.
    • The edit and save scripts support a redirectto parameter to redirect to a topic or a URL; for security, redirect to URL needs to be enabled with a {AllowRedirectUrl} configure flag.
    • CommentPlugin supports the redirectto parameter to redirect to a URL or link to TWiki topic after submitting comment.
    • The topic URL parameter also respects the {AllowRedirectUrl} configure flag so redirects to URLs can be disabled which could be abused for phishing attacks.
    • The view script supports a section URL parameter to view just a named section within a topic. Useful for simple AJAX type applications.
    • New plugin handler for content move.
    • Enhancements for Ajax based applications with TWiki:Plugins/YahooUserInterfaceContrib and TWiki:Plugins.TWikiAjaxContrib (available at twiki.org).

  • Search Enhancements
    • METASEARCH handles a format parameter like SEARCH.
    • Topic not found / WebTopicViewTemplate search now case insensitive.
    • FormattedSearch header supporting $nop, $quot, $percnt, $dollar.
    • Add search by createdate option to SEARCH.
    • New newline option for SEARCH to protect e.g. formfields from being altered during rendering in SEARCH.

  • Skins and Templates Enhancements
    • Support for templates to have text rendering affecting aspect outside of textarea.
    • Pattern skin dependence on TwistyPlugin instead of TwistyContrib (performance improvement.)
    • Don't strip newlines from the front of TMPL:DEFs.

  • Miscellaneous Feature Enhancements
    • Change in WikiWord definition: Numbers are treated as lower case letters, e.g. Y2K is now a WikiWord.
    • Configurable template load path. Advanced feature for those that work with customized templates.
    • Added %VBAR% to TWikiPreferences for vertical bar symbol.
    • On topic creation, force initial letter of topic name to be upper case.
    • Allow date format in form fields.
    • Enhance REVINFO{} variable with same date qualifiers as GMTIME{}.
    • WebTopicCreator - adding ability to select a template from any topic name ending in ...Template
    • Functionality of DateFieldPlugin merged into core

  • Enhancements of Pre-installed Plugins
    • CommentPlugin: Supports removal of comment prompt after a comment is made.
    • EditTablePlugin: Default date format based on JSCalendarContrib instead of plugin topic.
    • InterwikiPlugin: Supports custom link formats.
    • SlideShowPlugin: Preserves URL parameters in slideshow
    • SpreadSheetPlugin: New functions $LISTRAND(), $LISTSHUFFLE(), $LISTTRUNCATE().
    • TablePlugin: New attribute cellborder.
    • TablePlugin: Highlight the sorted column with custom colors; includes also a general cosmetic update of default colors.
    • TablePlugin: Support for initsort on more than one table. A table with the initsort option is initsorted UNLESS it is sorted by clicking on a column header. If you click on a header of another table all other tables goes back to the default sort defined by initsort or not sorted if no initsort, and the new table is sorted based on the user clicking on a table header.

  • Bugfixes
    • More than 200 bugs fixed since 4.0.5

Hall of Fame of TWiki Release 4.1

Although many more people have been involved in creating TWiki-4.1, special thanks go to the most active contributors in the following areas:

If you find an omission please fix it at TWiki:TWiki.TWikiHistory. For the full list of contributors see TWikiContributor.

See more details on the TWiki 4.1 release at TWikiReleaseNotes04x01.


TWiki Release 4.0.0 (Dakar), 01 Feb 2006

Line: 435 to 532
    • Fixed problem of losing carriage returns when editing topics with KDE KFM browser or W3M? browser.
    • Fixed problem of losing carriage returns when editing topics with KDE KFM browser or W3M browser.
Line: 480 to 577
    • Limit the number of revisions shown at the bottom of the topic. Example
      Topic TWikiHistory . { ..... Diffs r1.10 > r1.9 > r1.8 > r1.7 >... }
      Additional revisions can be selected by pressing the >... link.
    • Limit the number of revisions shown at the bottom of the topic. Example
      Topic TWikiHistory . { ..... Diffs r1.10 > r1.9 > r1.8 > r1.7 >... }
      Additional revisions can be selected by pressing the >... link.

01-Sep-1999 Release

    • Fixed Y2K? bug. (Date in year 2000 had wrong format.)
    • Fixed Y2K bug. (Date in year 2000 had wrong format.)
  • 08 Aug 1999 - TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
    • New text formatting rule for creating tables. Text gets rendered as a table if enclosed in " " vertical bars. Example line as it is written and how it shows up
  • 03 Aug 1999 - TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Line: 549 to 646
    • WikiNotation allows also numbers after the AaA sequence, e.g. AaA1 is a valid WikiTopic? name, but not Aa1.

Revision 6827 Mar 2005 - FZU.TWikiContributor

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1 Appendix A: TWiki Development Timeline

Line: 36 to 36
French translation BenVoui
German translation AndreUlrich
Italian translation MassimoMancini
Polish translation ZbigniewKulesza
Portuguese translation AntonioTerceiro, CarlinhosCecconi
Spanish translation WillNorris, MiguelABayona
Swedish translation Erik Åman
New features for users
Edit conflict resolution with automatic merge Crawford Currie
Fine grained change notification on page level and parent/child relationship Crawford Currie
Line: 76 to 78
Design of TWikiLogos with big "T" in a speech bubble ArthurClemens, Peter Thoeny
Improved templates and PatternSkin ArthurClemens
See more details at TWikiReleaseNotes04x00x00?
See more details at TWikiReleaseNotes04x00

01-Sep-2004 Release (Cairo)

Revision 6727 Mar 2005 - FZU.TWikiContributor

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1 Appendix A: TWiki Development Timeline

Line: 19 to 19
  Many, many people worked on TWiki-4.0.0. The credits in the table below only list the people who worked on individual enhancements. If you find an omission please fix it at TWiki:TWiki.TWikiHistory. There were many other contributors; for a full list, visit TWikiContributor.
Most of the redesign, refactoring and new documentation work in Dakar release was done by Crawford Currie. Michael Sparks provided ideas and proof of concept for several improvements. Other people who gave large amounts of their time and patience to less sexy aspects of the work, such as testing, infrastructure and documentation, are AntonAylward, KennethLavrsen, LynnwoodBrown, MichaelDaum, Peter Thoeny, Sven Dowideit, WillNorris.
Most of the redesign, refactoring and new documentation work in Dakar release was done by Crawford Currie. Michael Sparks provided ideas and proof of concept for several improvements. Other people who gave large amounts of their time and patience to less sexy aspects of the work, such as testing, infrastructure and documentation, are AntonAylward, KennethLavrsen, LynnwoodBrown, MichaelDaum, Peter Thoeny, SteffenPoulsen, Sven Dowideit, WillNorris.
Installation & configuration Contributor
Line: 35 to 35
Dutch translation ArthurClemens
French translation BenVoui
German translation AndreUlrich
Italian translation MassimoMancini
Portuguese translation AntonioTerceiro, CarlinhosCecconi
Spanish translation WillNorris, MiguelABayona
New features for users

Revision 6627 Mar 2005 - FZU.TWikiContributor

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1 Appendix D: TWiki Development Timeline


1 Appendix A: TWiki Development Timeline


TWiki Release 4.0.0 (Dakar), 01 Feb 2006

Major New Features

  • Much simpler install and configuration
  • Integrated session support
  • Webserver-independent login/logout
  • Security sandbox blocking exploits for remote command execution on the server
  • Edit conflict resolution with automatic merge
  • Multilingual UI
  • E-mail confirmations for registration
  • WYSIWYG editor (beta)
  • Hierarchical sub-webs (beta)

Many, many people worked on TWiki-4.0.0. The credits in the table below only list the people who worked on individual enhancements. If you find an omission please fix it at TWiki:TWiki.TWikiHistory. There were many other contributors; for a full list, visit TWikiContributor.

Most of the redesign, refactoring and new documentation work in Dakar release was done by Crawford Currie. Michael Sparks provided ideas and proof of concept for several improvements. Other people who gave large amounts of their time and patience to less sexy aspects of the work, such as testing, infrastructure and documentation, are AntonAylward, KennethLavrsen, LynnwoodBrown, MichaelDaum, Peter Thoeny, Sven Dowideit, WillNorris.

Installation & configuration Contributor
Much simpler install and configuration Crawford Currie, LynnwoodBrown, ArthurClemens
mod_perl safe code for better performance Crawford Currie
Security sandbox blocking exploits for remote command execution on the server Florian Weimer, Crawford Currie, Sven Dowideit
Reworked access permission model Crawford Currie
Internationalization & localization
User Interface Internationalisation AntonioTerceiro
Chinese translation CheDong
Danish translation SteffenPoulsen
Dutch translation ArthurClemens
French translation BenVoui
German translation AndreUlrich
Portuguese translation AntonioTerceiro, CarlinhosCecconi
Spanish translation WillNorris, MiguelABayona
New features for users
Edit conflict resolution with automatic merge Crawford Currie
Fine grained change notification on page level and parent/child relationship Crawford Currie
WYSIWYG editor Crawford Currie, ColasNahaboo, DamienMandrioli, RomainRaugi
Integrated session support GregAbbas, Crawford Currie
Webserver-independent login/logout Crawford Currie
Registration process with e-mail confirmation MartinCleaver
Tip of the Day box in TWiki Home PaulineCheung, Peter Thoeny, AntonAylward
ATOM feeds Peter Thoeny
"Force New Revision" check box for topic save WillNorris
New features for TWiki administrators and wiki application developers
Improved preferences handling ThomasWeigert, Crawford Currie
Named include sections RafaelAlvarez
Create topic names with consecutive numbers Sven Dowideit
Parameterized includes Crawford Currie
Dynamic form option definitions of TWikiForms with FormattedSearch MartinCleaver
SEARCH enhancements with new parameters excludeweb, newline, noempty, nofinalnewline, nonoise, recurse, zeroresults Crawford Currie, ArthurClemens, Peter Thoeny, ThomasWeigert
FormattedSearch enhancements with $changes, $count, $formfield(name, 30, ...), $summary(expandvar), $summary(noheaders), $summary(showvarnames) ColasNahaboo, Crawford Currie, Peter Thoeny, Sven Dowideit
TWiki form with hidden type and other form enhancements LynnwoodBrown, ThomasWeigert
Support topic-specific templates for TWiki applications ThomasWeigert
Direct save feature for one-click template-based topic creation LynnwoodBrown, Crawford Currie, ThomasWeigert
Automatic Attachments showing all files in the attachment directory MartinCleaver
Rename, move or delete webs PeterNixon
Hierarchical subwebs (beta) PeterNixon
New features for Plugin developers
REST (representational state transfer) interface for Plugins RafaelAlvarez, TWiki:Main.MartinCleaver, Sven Dowideit
New and improved Plugins APIs Crawford Currie, ThomasWeigert
Improvements in the TWiki engine room
Major OO redesign and refactoring of codebase Crawford Currie
Automatic build system Crawford Currie
Extensive test suite, unit tests and testcases Crawford Currie
TWiki:Codev.DevelopBranch , DEVELOP branch Bugs system Sven Dowideit
Documentation, logo artwork, skins:
Documentation Crawford Currie, LynnwoodBrown, Peter Thoeny, Sven Dowideit and others
Design of TWikiLogos with big "T" in a speech bubble ArthurClemens, Peter Thoeny
Improved templates and PatternSkin ArthurClemens

See more details at TWikiReleaseNotes04x00x00?


01-Sep-2004 Release (Cairo)

Major New Features

Line: 13 to 88
  • Many improvements to SEARCH
  • Improved support for internationalisation
  • Better topic management screens
  • More pre-installed Plugins: CommentPlugin, EditTablePlugin, RenderListPlugin, SlideShowPlugin, SmiliesPlugin, SpreadSheetPlugin, TablePlugin
  • Improved Plugins API and more Plugin callbacks
  • Better support for different authentication methods
  • Many user interface and usability improvements
Line: 133 to 208
Fix: Several RSS readers do not show all entries seen in the WebChanges list; repeated updates to the same topics get lost. Details TWiki:Main.ArthurClemens
Fix: TWiki::Access::checkAccessPermission function improperly handles Main and TWiki webs. Details TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit
Fix: Topic save returns error CI Date precedes date in revision. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Fix: Double quotes got replaced by " in TWiki forms. Details TWiki: MS TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Fix: Double quotes got replaced by " in TWiki forms. Details TWiki:Main.MichaelSparks TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Fix: Duplicated Wiki name in .htpasswd entry for sha1 encoding. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Fix: When viewing a previous version of a topic, the view script substitutes only one occurrence of the variable EDITTOPIC. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Fix: Form default values are not working for text fields. Details TWiki:Main.ThomasWeigert TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit
Line: 187 to 262
Fix: Clean up the WebRssBase INCLUDES to use VARIABLES set in TWikiPreferences. Details TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit
Fix: Resolving variables in included topics. Details TWiki:Main.OliverKrueger TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit

01-Feb-2003 Release (Beijing)

    • Enhanced Plugin API to manipulate topic data with new functions in TWikiFuncModule? : readTopicText, saveTopicText, setTopicEditLock, checkTopicEditLock
    • Enhanced Plugin API to manipulate topic data with new functions in Func.pm: readTopicText, saveTopicText, setTopicEditLock, checkTopicEditLock
Line: 246 to 322

01-Dec-2001 Release (Athens)

Line: 319 to 396

01-Dec-2000 Release

    • Flag $doHidePasswdInRegistration in wikicfg.pm to hide plain text password in registration email.
    • Flag $doHidePasswdInRegistration in wikicfg.pm to hide plain text password in registration e-mail.
    • New variable %VAR{"NAME" web="Web"}% to get web specific preferences. More in TWikiVariables.
    • New variable %VAR{"NAME" web="Web"}% to get web-specific preferences. More in TWikiVariables.
Line: 396 to 473
  • 29 Jan 2000 - TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
    • Fixed bug where TWiki would not initialize correctly under certain circumstances, i.e. when running it under mod_perl. Sub initialize in wiki.pm did not handle $thePathInfo correctly.
  • 24 Jan 2000 - TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
    • Limit the number of revisions shown at the bottom of the topic. Example
      Topic TWikiHistory . { ..... Diffs r1.10 > r1.9 > r1.8 > r1.7 >... }
      Additional revisions can be selected by pressing the >... link.
    • Limit the number of revisions shown at the bottom of the topic. Example
      Topic TWikiHistory . { ..... Diffs r1.10 > r1.9 > r1.8 > r1.7 >... }
      Additional revisions can be selected by pressing the >... link.

01-Sep-1999 Release

Line: 430 to 507
    • New variables %WIKIHOMEURL% (link when pressing the icon on the upper left corner) and %WIKITOOLNAME% (the name of the wiki tool =TWiki = ).
    • New variables %WIKIHOMEURL% (link when pressing the icon on the upper left corner) and %WIKITOOLNAME% (the name of the wiki tool =TWiki = ).
  • 15 Apr 1999 - TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
    • Topic locking Warn user if a topic has been edited by an other person within one hour. This is to prevent contention, e.g. simultaneous topic updates.
  • 26 Mar 1999 - TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Line: 442 to 519
    • Possible to view complete revision history of a topic on one page. Access at the linked date in the Changes page, or the Diffs link at the bottom of each topic, e.g.
      Topic TWikiHistory . { Edit Ref-By Diffs r1.3 > r1.2 > r1.1 }
      Revision r1.3 1998/11/10 01:34 by PeterThoeny
    • Possible to view complete revision history of a topic on one page. Access at the linked date in the Changes page, or the Diffs link at the bottom of each topic, e.g.
      Topic TWikiHistory . { Edit Ref-By Diffs r1.3 > r1.2 > r1.1 }
      Revision r1.3 1998/11/10 01:34 by PeterThoeny
  • 04 Jan 1999 - TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
    • Fixed bug when viewing differences between topic revisions that include HTML table tags like <table>, <tr>, <td>.
Line: 455 to 532
  • 18 Nov 1998 - TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
    • Internal log of topic save actions to the file data/logYYYYMM.txt, where YYYYMM the year and month in numeric format is. Intended for auditing only, not accessible from the web.
  • 10 Nov 1998 - TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
    • The email notification and the Changes topic have now a topic date that is linked. Clicking on the link will show the difference between the two most recent topic revisions.
    • The e-mail notification and the Changes topic have now a topic date that is linked. Clicking on the link will show the difference between the two most recent topic revisions.
    • View differences between topic revisions. Each topic has a list of revisions (e.g. r1.3) and differences thereof (e.g. >) at the bottom
      Topic TWikiHistory . { Edit Ref-By r1.3 > r1.2 > r1.1 }
      Revision r1.3 1998/11/10 01:34 by TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
    • View differences between topic revisions. Each topic has a list of revisions (e.g. r1.3) and differences thereof (e.g. >) at the bottom
      Topic TWikiHistory . { Edit Ref-By r1.3 > r1.2 > r1.1 }
      Revision r1.3 1998/11/10 01:34 by TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
    • Added revision control using RCS. Each topic has now a list of revisions at the bottom and a revision info, e.g.
      Topic TWikiHistory . { Edit Ref-By r1.3 r1.2 r1.1 }
      Revision r1.3 1998/10/26 01:34:00 by TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
    • Added revision control using RCS. Each topic has now a list of revisions at the bottom and a revision info, e.g.
      Topic TWikiHistory . { Edit Ref-By r1.3 r1.2 r1.1 }
      Revision r1.3 1998/10/26 01:34:00 by TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
    • Corrected templates for automatic email notification so that MS Outlook can display attachment as an HTML file.
    • Corrected templates for automatic e-mail notification so that MS Outlook can display attachment as an HTML file.
    • Automatic email notification when something has changed in a TWiki web. Each web has a topic WebNotify where one can subscribe and unsubscribe.
    • Automatic e-mail notification when something has changed in a TWiki web. Each web has a topic WebNotify where one can subscribe and unsubscribe.
Line: 509 to 586
Related Topics: DeveloperDocumentationCategory

Revision 6529 Aug 2004 - FZU.PeterThoeny

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1 Appendix D: TWiki Development Timeline

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  • Improved support for internationalisation
  • Better topic management screens
  • More pre-installed Plugins: CommentPlugin, EditTablePlugin, RenderListPlugin, SlideShowPlugin, SmiliesPlugin, SpreadSheetPlugin, TablePlugin
  • More callbacks for Plugins
  • Improved Plugins API and more Plugin callbacks
  • Better support for different authentication methods
  • Many user interface and usability improvements
  • And many, many more enhancements
Line: 87 to 87
Plugins: New callbacks beforeCommonTagsHandler and afterCommonTagsHandler. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Plugins: New callback renderFormFieldForEditHandler to render form field for edit. Details TWiki:Main.JohnTalintyre
Plugins: New callback renderWikiWordHandler to custom render links. Details TWiki:Main.MartinCleaver TWiki:Main.WalterMundt
Plugins: Adds new dependency checking function TWiki::Func::checkDependencies for Plugins. Details TWiki:Main.CrawfordCurrie TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit
Plugins: New function TWiki::Func::formatTime to format time into a string. Details TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit
Plugins: New function TWiki::Func::getRegularExpression to get predefined regular expressions. Details TWiki:Main.RichardDonkin
Plugins: New functions TWiki::Func::getPluginPreferences* to get Plugin preferences. Details TWiki:Main.WalterMundt
Plugins: New function TWiki::Func::extractParameters to extract all parameters from a variable string. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Plugins: New function TWiki::Func::checkDependencies to check for module dependency. Details TWiki:Main.CrawfordCurrie TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit
Plugins: A recommendation for where a Plugin can store its data. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
UI: Show tool-tip topic info on WikiWord links. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
UI: Save topic and continue edit feature. Details TWiki:Main.ColasNahaboo

Revision 6428 Aug 2004 - FZU.PeterThoeny

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1 Appendix D: TWiki Development Timeline

01-Sep-2004 Release (Cairo)

(doc pending)
Major New Features

  • Automatic upgrade script, and easier first-time installation
  • Attractive new skins, using a standard set of CSS classes, and a skin browser to help you choose
  • New easier-to-use save options
  • Many improvements to SEARCH
  • Improved support for internationalisation
  • Better topic management screens
  • More pre-installed Plugins: CommentPlugin, EditTablePlugin, RenderListPlugin, SlideShowPlugin, SmiliesPlugin, SpreadSheetPlugin, TablePlugin
  • More callbacks for Plugins
  • Better support for different authentication methods
  • Many user interface and usability improvements
  • And many, many more enhancements

Details of New Features and Enhancements of 01-Sep-2004 Release Developer, Sponsor
Install: Ship with an automatic upgrade script to facilitate TWiki upgrades. Details TWiki:Main.MartinGregory TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit
Install: New testenv function to change the locks in the TWiki database to the web server user id (automates installation step). Details TWiki:Main.MattWilkie TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit
Install: The shipped .htaccess.txt now needs to be edited before it is valid, to help reduce chances of error. Details TWiki:Main.CrawfordCurrie TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit
Install: Configurable password file handling for different types of encryption. Details TWiki:Main.PavelGoran TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit
Install: Remove office locations from registration. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Install: Changes to support shorter URLs with Apache Rewrite rules. Details TWiki:Main.AntonioBellezza TWiki:Main.WalterMundt
Install: Remove the Know web from the distribution. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Internationalization: Support use of UTF-8 URLs for I18N? characters in TWiki page and attachment names. Details TWiki:Main.RichardDonkin
Authentication: Authenticate users when creating new topic in view restricted web. Details TWiki:Main.JonathanGraehl TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit
Preferences: TWiki Preferences need to be secured properly. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Preferences: Use TWiki Forms to set user preferences. Details TWiki:Main.JohnTalintyre
Skins: New pre-installed skins PatternSkin and DragonSkin. Details TWiki:Main.ArthurClemens TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Skins: New skin browser to choose from installed skins. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Skins: Documented set of CSS classes that are used in standard skins. Details TWiki:Main.ArthurClemens TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit
Skins: Added CSS class names to Diff output. Details TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit
Skins: Templates can now be read from user topics, as well as from files in the templates diretcory. Details TWiki:Main.CrawfordCurrie TWiki:Main.WalterMundt
Skins: Ensure that the default template gets overridden by a template passed in. Details TWiki:Main.MartinCleaver TWiki:Main.WalterMundt
Skin: Convey an important broadcast message to all users, e.g. scheduled server downtime. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Skin: Balanced pastel colors for TWiki webs. Details TWiki:Main.ArthurClemens
Rendering: Use exclamation point prefix to escape TWiki markup rendering. Details TWiki:Main.ArthurClemens
Rendering: Ordered lists with uppercase & lowercase letters, uppercase & lowercase Roman numerals. Details TWiki:Main.DanBoitnott TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Rendering: Allow custom styles for the "?" of uncreated topics. Details TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit
Rendering: Render IRC and NNTP as a URL. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Rendering: Make acronym linking more strict by requiring a trailing boundary, e.g. excluding TLAfoobar. Details TWiki:Main.CrawfordCurrie TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit
Rendering: TWiki Form with Label type. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Rendering: Web names can now be WikiWords. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Rendering: New syntax for definition list with dollar sign and colon. Details TWiki:Main.AdamTheo TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Rendering: Table with multi-span rows, functionality provided by Table Plugin. Details TWiki:Main.WalterMundt
Variables: New title parameter for TOC variable. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny TWiki:Main.ArthurClemens
Variables: New REVINFO variable in templates supports flexible display of revision information. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit
Variables: Set times to be displayed as gmtime or servertime. Details TWiki:Main.SueBlake TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit
Variables: Properly encode parameters for form fields with ENCODE variable. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Variables: Expand USERNAME and WIKINAME in Template Topics. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Variables: Expand same variables in new user template as in template topics. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Variables: Optionally warn when included topic does not exist; with the option to create the included topic. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Variables: In topic text show file-types of attached files as icons. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Variables: New variable FORMFIELD returns the value of a field in the form attached to a topic.. Details TWiki:Main.DavidSachitano TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit
Variables: Meta data rendering for form fields with META{"formfield"}. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Variables: New PLUGINVERSION variable. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Variables: URLPARAM now has a default="..." argument, for when no value has been given. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Variables: URLPARAM variable with newline parameter. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Variables: URLPARAM variable with new multiple=on parameter. Details TWiki:Main.PaulineCheung TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Search: New switch for search to perform an AND NOT search. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Search: Keyword search to search with implicit AND. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Search: Multiple searches in same topic with new multiple="on" paramter. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Search: Remove limitation on number of topics to search in a web. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Search: Exclude topics from search with an excludetopic parameter. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Search: Expand Variables on Formatted Search with expandvariables Flag. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Search: Formatted Search with WebForm? variable to retrieve the name of the form attached to a topic. Details TWiki:Main.FrankSmith TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Search: Formatted Search with Conditional Output. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Search: Formatted Search with $parent token to get the parent topic. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Search: New separator parameter to SEARCH supports better SEARCH embedding. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Search: Improved search performance when sorting result by topic name. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Search: New scope=all search parameter to search in topic name and topic text at the same time. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Search: New topic parameter for AND search on topic text and topic name. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Search modules uses Perl-style keyword parameters (code cleanup). Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Search: New $wikiname variable in format parameter of formatted search. Details TWiki:Main.ArthurClemens
Search: Sort search by topic creation date. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Search: Topic creation date and user in Formatted Search. Details TWiki:Main.CoreyFruitman TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit
Search: Increase levels of nested search from 2 to 16. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Plugins: New pre-installed Plugins CommentPlugin, EditTablePlugin, RenderListPlugin, SlideShowPlugin, SmiliesPlugin, SpreadSheetPlugin, TablePlugin. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Plugins: New callback afterSaveHandler, called after a topic is saved. Details TWiki:Main.WalterMundt
Plugins: New callbacks beforeAttachmentSaveHandler and afterAttachmentSaveHandler, used to intervene on attachment save event. Details TWiki:Main.MartinCleaver TWiki:Main.WalterMundt
Plugins: New callbacks beforeCommonTagsHandler and afterCommonTagsHandler. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Plugins: New callback renderFormFieldForEditHandler to render form field for edit. Details TWiki:Main.JohnTalintyre
Plugins: New callback renderWikiWordHandler to custom render links. Details TWiki:Main.MartinCleaver TWiki:Main.WalterMundt
Plugins: Adds new dependency checking function TWiki::Func::checkDependencies for Plugins. Details TWiki:Main.CrawfordCurrie TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit
Plugins: A recommendation for where a Plugin can store its data. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
UI: Show tool-tip topic info on WikiWord links. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
UI: Save topic and continue edit feature. Details TWiki:Main.ColasNahaboo
UI: Change topic with direct save (without edit/preview/save cycle) and checkpoint save. Details TWiki:Main.MattWilkie TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit
UI: In attachment table, change 'action' to 'manage'. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny TWiki:Main.ArthurClemens
UI: Smaller usability enhancements on the file attachment table. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny TWiki:Main.ArthurClemens
UI: Removes anchor links from header content and places them before the text to fix 'header becomes link'. Details TWiki:Main.ArthurClemens
UI: Improved functionality of the More screen. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny TWiki:Main.ArthurClemens
UI: Quick reference chart of most used markup is now listed on the edit screen. Details TWiki:Main.ArthurClemens
UI: Flag for edit script to avoid overwrite of existing topic text and form data. Details TWiki:Main.NielsKoldso TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
UI: Disable Escape key in IE textarea to prevent it cancelling work. Details TWiki:Main.CrawfordCurrie TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
UI: Improved warning message on unsaved topic. Details TWiki:Main.MartinGregory TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit
UI: Reverse order of words in page title for better multi-window/tab navigation. Details TWiki:Main.ArthurClemens
UI: Provides a framework to create and modify a topic without going through edit->preview->save sequence. Details TWiki:Main.AndreUlrich TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit
UI: Set the topic parent to none in More screen, e.g. remove the current topic parent. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
UI: Use templates to define how file attachments are displayed. Was previously hard-coded. Details TWiki:Main.CrawfordCurrie TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit
UI: Topic diff shows unified diff with unchanged context. Details TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit
UI: Diff feature shows TWiki form changes in nice tables. Details TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit
Code refactoring: The log entry for a save now has a dontNotify flag in the extra field if the user checked the minor changes flag. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Code refactoring: Server-side include of attachments accelerates INCLUDE. Details TWiki:Main.CrawfordCurrie TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Code refactoring: Move functionality out of bin scripts and into included modules. Details TWiki:Main.CrawfordCurrie TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit
Code refactoring: Move bin script functionality into TWiki::UI modules. Details TWiki:Main.CrawfordCurrie TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Code refactoring: Optimize preferences handling for better performance. Details TWiki:Main.PavelGoran TWiki:Main.WalterMundt
Code refactoring: Refactor variable expansion for edit and register. Details TWiki:Main.CrawfordCurrie TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Code refactoring: Move savemulti script into TWiki::UI::Save. Details TWiki:Main.MattWilkie TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit
Code refactoring: Topic search is done natively in Perl, it does not depend anymore on system calls with pipes. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Code refactoring: Fix logical error in upload script which prevented MIME filename from being used. Details TWiki:Main.WalterMundt

Bug Fixes of 01-Sep-2004 Release Developer, Sponsor
Fix: Consistently create headings with empty anchor tags. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Fix: TOC does not work for headings containing & without spaces surrounding it. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Fix: Backslash line break breaks TWiki form definitions. Details TWiki:Main.CrawfordCurrie TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Fix: Rename fixes unrelated topic references. Details TWiki:Main.RichardDonkin
Fix: Bug with infinite recursion in search. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Fix: Can't send mail with full 'From' address. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Fix: All scripts change to $bin before execute (for mod_perl2). Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Fix: Several RSS readers do not show all entries seen in the WebChanges list; repeated updates to the same topics get lost. Details TWiki:Main.ArthurClemens
Fix: TWiki::Access::checkAccessPermission function improperly handles Main and TWiki webs. Details TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit
Fix: Topic save returns error CI Date precedes date in revision. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Fix: Double quotes got replaced by " in TWiki forms. Details TWiki: MS TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Fix: Duplicated Wiki name in .htpasswd entry for sha1 encoding. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Fix: When viewing a previous version of a topic, the view script substitutes only one occurrence of the variable EDITTOPIC. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Fix: Form default values are not working for text fields. Details TWiki:Main.ThomasWeigert TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit
Fix: Formatted searches using a $pattern which unbalanced parenthesis crash TWiki. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Fix: Formatted Search uses title but should use name for formfield parameter. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Fix: GMTIME variable returns unwanted GMT text. Details TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit
Fix: Include from other Web links ACRONYMS. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Fix: Including an HTML file is very slow. Details TWiki:Main.JohnTalintyre
Fix: includeUrl() mess up absolute URLs. Details TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit
Fix: Filter out fixed font rendering in TOC to avoid unrendered = equal signs in TOC. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Fix: The initializeUserHandler is broken for session Plugins. Details TWiki:Main.JohnTalintyre
Fix: SEARCH fails with very large webs. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Fix: Security alert: User could gain view access rights of another user. Details TWiki:Main.KimCovil TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Fix: 'print to closed file handle' error of log files are not writable. Details TWiki:Main.MartinGregory TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit
Fix: Meta data handler can't process CR-LF line endings. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Fix: METAFIELD meta data is not shown in view raw=on mode. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Fix: Minor XHTML non-compliance in templates and code. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Fix: Getting pages from virtual hosts fails. Details TWiki:Main.JohnTalintyre
Fix: Create new web fails if RCS files do not exist. Details TWiki:Main.ClausBrunzema TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit
Fix: Metacharacters can be passed through to the shell in File Attach. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Fix: Ability to delete non-WikiWord topics without confirmation. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Fix: + symbol in password reset fails. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Fix: Pathinfo cleanup for hosted sites. Details TWiki:Main.MikeSalisbury TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit
Fix: Software error in SEARCH if regular expression pattern has unmached parenthesis. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Fix: Pipe chars in the comment field of the attachment table are not escaped. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Fix: Link escaping in preview fails for not quoted hrefs. Details TWiki:Main.TedPavlic TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Fix: Preview expands variables twice. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Fix: Using a proxy with TWiki fails; no proxy-HTTP request, minimal request not HTTP 1.0, requests marked 1.1 are at best 1.0. Details TWiki:Main.MichaelSparks TWiki:Main.JohnTalintyre
Fix: Runaway view processes with TWiki::Sore::RcsLite. Details TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit
Fix: Regex Error in WebTopicList with topics that have meta characters in the name. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Fix: Rename script misses some ref-by topics. Details TWiki:Main.JohnTalintyre
Fix: Links to self within the page being renamed are not changed. Details TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit
Fix: Rename topic does 'Main.Main.UserName' for attachments. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Fix: Revision date is set to Jan 1970 when using RCS Lite. Details TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit
Fix: The new dynamically-created SiteMap is very nice, but somewhat slow. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Fix: The makeAnchorName function did not produce the same results if called iteratively, resulting in problems trying to link to headers.. Details TWiki:Main.WalterMundt
Fix: Statistics page does not provide links to non-wikiword topics. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Fix: Make TOC link URI references relative. Details TWiki:Main.MartinGregory TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Fix: TWiki hangs when used on Apache 2.0. Details TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit
Fix: TOC incorrectly strips out links in headers. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Fix: The HTML tags that are generated by TOC do not close properly. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Fix: TOC on INCLUDEd topic ignores STOPINCLUDE. Details TWiki:Main.WillNorris TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Fix: Quotes in tooltip message can break a TWiki form. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Fix: Better error message if the file attachment directory is not writable. Details TWiki:Main.CrawfordCurrie TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit
Fix: Image size of PNG files. Details TWiki:Main.ArthurClemens
Fix: The testenv script distinguishes between real user ID and effective user ID. Details TWiki:Main.RichardDonkin
Fix: Variables in square bracket links dont work in form fields. Details TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit
Fix: Variable with Parameters in Form Fields Disappear. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Fix: Verbatim tag should escape HTML entities. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Fix: Field names of TWiki Forms can be WikiWords, this is used to link to a help topic. Details TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
Fix: Clean up the WebRssBase INCLUDES to use VARIABLES set in TWikiPreferences. Details TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit
Fix: Resolving variables in included topics. Details TWiki:Main.OliverKrueger TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit

01-Feb-2003 Release (Beijing)

Revision 6314 Aug 2004 - FZU.PeterThoeny

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1 Appendix B: TWiki Development Timeline


1 Appendix D: TWiki Development Timeline

01-Sep-2004 Release (Cairo)

(doc pending)


01-Feb-2003 Release (Beijing)

    • Enhanced Plugin API to manipulate topic data with new functions in TWikiFuncModule? : readTopicText, saveTopicText, setTopicEditLock, checkTopicEditLock
  • 29 Dec 2002 - AndreaSterbini? , PeterThoeny, RichardDonkin? , SvenDowideit?
    • New Plugin hooks registrationHandler, beforeEditHandler, afterEditHandler, beforeSaveHandler, writeHeaderHandler, redirectCgiQueryHandler, getSessionValueHandler, setSessionValueHandler
  • 30 Nov 2002 - RichardDonkin?
    • Internationalization ('I18N') support for international characters in WikiWords, such as ISO-8859-15, KOI8-R - also supports Chinese, Japanese, etc.
    • Include previous topic revision with %INCLUDE{ "OtherTopic" rev="1.2" }%
    • The Go box understands also URLs, useful for special TWikiSkins handling
  • 08 Nov 2002 - ColasNahaboo? , RichardDonkin?
    • In WebNotify, if only the WikiName is specified, the e-mail is taken from the user's home page; if the WikiName is a group name, a notification is sent to all members of the group
    • New %NOP{}% variable in TWikiTemplates topic gets removed at topic creation time; useful to write protect template topics
    • The %URLPARAM{}% variable in TWikiTemplates topic gets expanded at topic creation time; useful for dynamic content creation
    • New $logDir introduced in TWiki.cfg to set the log directory
    • Renamed the Test web to Sandbox
  • 03 Aug 2002 - RichardDonkin?
    • New setlib.cfg file in the bin directory to set the TWiki library path
    • Support for outbound HTTP proxy when including URLs based on new %PROXYHOST and %PROXYPORT% settings in the TWikiPreferences
    • The page logo is configurable with new %WIKILOGOIMG%, %TWIKILOGOURL% and %WIKILOGOALT% variables in TWikiPreferences; replacing $wikiHomeUrl in TWiki.cfg
    • New %WIKITOOLNAME% variable in TWikiPreferences; replacing $wikiToolName in TWiki.cfg
    • New %EDITBOXSTYLE% preferences variable which sets the edit box width automatically to the window width
    • New %URLENCODE{}% variable to encodes a string for using in a URL parameter, e.g. %URLENCODE{"spaced name"}% returns spaced%20name
    • New user home pages are now based on the NewUserTemplate, replacing the /twiki/templates/register.tmpl template file
    • New markup to exclude heading from a %TOC% table of content, e.g. ---+!! This heading is not shown in a TOC
  • 01 Apr 2002 - JohnTalintyre?
    • New data storage framework that lets you use external RCS commands for revision control, or a new native Perl implementation that does not depend on the external RCS commands
  • 28 Mar 2002 - RichardDonkin?
    • Fixed IE5/IE6-specific problem whereby going back from preview sometimes removes all edit changes
  • 23 Mar 2002 - JohnTalintyre?
    • New AND search; with regular expression enabled, use the semicolon ";" as the AND operator in %SEARCH{}% variable, FormattedSearch and WebSearch
  • 21 Mar 2002 - ColasNahaboo? , RichardDonkin?
    • Fixed cache issue where the edit page showed outdated content
  • 06 Mar 2002 - RichardDonkin?
    • Improved statistics script which uses less memory to process large log files
  • 09 Jan 2002 - JohnTalintyre?
    • Variables inside <verbatim> tags are no longer expanded

01-Dec-2001 Release (Athens)

    • Added FormattedSearch to %SEARCH{}% variable for database like reporting.

01-Sep-2001 Release

  • 30 Aug 2001 - JohnTalintyre?
    • Easier install for Windows, including auto detection in TWiki.cfg
  • 30 Aug 2001 - JohnTalintyre?
    • Convert to XHTML 1.0 function: first step to XHTML-ifying TWiki
  • 26 Jun 2001 - JohnTalintyre?
    • New topic templates as topics instead of templates. Customize by editing the topic. Retired notedited.tmpl, notext.tmpl and notwiki.tmpl templates. More in TWikiTemplates.
    • New %TOPICLIST{"format"}% and %WEBLIST{"format"}% variables to get a formatted topic index and web index, respectively. More in TWikiVariables.
    • New %URLPARAM{"name"}% variable to query URL parameters. More in TWikiVariables.
  • 01 Jun 2001 - AndreaSterbini?
  • 01 Jun 2001 - KlausWriessnegger? , AndreaSterbini?
  • 01 May 2001 - AndreaSterbini?
  • 01 May 2001 - JohnTalintyre?
  • 01 May 2001 - JohnTalintyre?
  • 01 May 2001 - JohnTalintyre?
    • The table syntax has been enhanced to (i) render | *bold* | cells as table headers, (ii) render space padded cells |   center aligned   | and |   right aligned |, (iii) span multiple columns using | empty cells |||. More in TextFormattingRules.
    • New Wiki rule for headings, i.e. ---++ My Title; and new %TOC% variable to build a table of content from headings in a topic. More in TWikiVariables.
    • New Wiki rule to specify arbitrary text for external links (i.e. [[http://TWki.org][TWiki]]) and internal links (i.e [[WikiSyntax][syntax]]). More in TWikiVariables.
    • New Wiki rule for named anchors, e.g. links within a topic. Define a named anchor with #MyAnchor at the beginning of a line, and link to it with [[#MyAnchor]]. More in TWikiVariables.
    • Use Net::SMTP module instead of sendmail if installed.
    • Added <verbatim> ... </verbatim> tags to show source code "as is". Unlike the <pre> ... </pre> tags, it also shows <, >, & characters "as is".
    • Added a "Minor change, don't notify" checkbox in preview. More in DontNotify.
    • Added Bold Fixed formatting using double-equal signs, e.g. write ==Bold Fixed== to get Bold Fixed.
    • Format changed of %GMTIME{"..."}% and %SERVERTIME{"..."}% variables. Format is now "$hour:$min" instead of "hour:min". More in TWikiVariables. Attention: Check your existing topics when you upgrade TWiki!
    • WebChanges, WebSearch and e-mail notification indicate also the revision number of a topic (i.e. 18 Jan 2001 16:43 r1.5), or NEW for a new topic (i.e. i.e. 18 Jan 2001 16:43 NEW).
    • New variable %STARTINCLUDE% and %STOPINCLUDE% variables to control what gets included of a topic. More in TWikiVariables.
    • TWiki skins Define a different page layout with a customized header and footer layout, i.e. a print skin for a printable view of a topic. More in TWikiSkins and TWiki:Codev/TWikiSkins.
  • 07 Jan 2001 - StanleyKnutson?
    • Better error handling when saving a topic.
    • New noheader="on" switch in %SEARCH{...}% to suppress table header. More in TWikiVariables.

01-Dec-2000 Release

    • Flag $doHidePasswdInRegistration in wikicfg.pm to hide plain text password in registration email.
    • New variable %VAR{"NAME" web="Web"}% to get web specific preferences. More in TWikiVariables.
    • Added a "Cancel" link in edit that releases the edit lock.
    • Remember user by IP address so that view "knows" the user once authenticated in edit. More in TWikiUserAuthentication.
  • 26 Sep 2000 - HaroldGottschalk? , AndreaSterbini? , PeterThoeny
  • 20 Sep 2000 - ManpreetSingh?
    • New -q switch in mailnotify to suppress all normal output.
    • Ref-By link searches all webs (not just the current web.)
    • New TWikiPreferences variables %HTTP_EQUIV_ON_VIEW% , %HTTP_EQUIV_ON_EDIT% and %HTTP_EQUIV_ON_PREVIEW% that define the <meta http-equiv="..."> meta tags for the TWiki templates. This can be used for example to set a document expiration time.
    • New variables %GMTIME{"..."}% and %SERVERTIME{"..."}% . More in TWikiVariables.
    • Changed include syntax from %INCLUDE{"Web/TopicName.txt"}% to %INCLUDE{"Web.TopicName"}% . Legacy syntax still supported.
    • BookView search allows you show a set of topics for easy printing.
    • More forgiving syntax for *bold*, italic, __bold italic__ and fixed , where it is not necessary anymore to have a trailing space before .,;:?! characters.
    • Split the TWiki.Main web into TWiki.Main (users, company data) and TWiki.TWiki (TWiki related documentation, registration)
    • Added an "Release edit lock" checkbox in preview to let other people edit the topic immediately without the one hour lock.
    • Fixed problem of losing carriage returns when editing topics with KDE KFM browser or W3M? browser.
    • Fixed problem that a page redirect on some server environments is not working (host name is needed in URL).
    • Fixed security issue to prevent a server side %INCLUDE% of arbitrary files.
    • New %GMTIME% variable that shows the current GM time.
    • Lock warning shows remaining lock time in minutes.
  • 15 May 2000 - PeterFokkinga?
    • Advanced search features like search multiple webs; sort by topic name / modified time / author; limit the number of results returned. More in TWikiVariables.

01-May-2000 Release

    • New TWikiVariables %HTTP_HOST% , %REMOTE_ADDR% , %REMOTE_PORT% and %REMOTE_USER% .
    • TWikiRegistration is done separately for Intranet use (depends on remote_user) or Internet use (depends on .htpasswd file).
    • Uploading a file (topic file attachment) will optionally create a link to the uploaded file at the end of the topic. The preference variable %ATTACHLINKBOX% controls the default state of the link check box in the attach file page.
    • Better security with taint checking ( Perl -T option )
    • New preference variables %EDITBOXWIDTH% and %EDITBOXHEIGHT% to specify the edit box size.
    • Edit preferences topics to set TWiki variables. There are three level of preferences Site-level (TWikiPreferences), web-level (WebPreferences in each web) and user-level preferences (for each of the TWikiUsers? ). With this, discontinue use of server side include of wikiwebs.inc , wikiwebtable.inc , weblist.inc , webcopyright.inc and webcolors.inc files.
    • New variable %SCRIPTSUFFIX% / $scriptSuffix containing an optional file extension of the TWiki Perl script. Templates have been changed to use this variable. This allows you to rename the Perl script files to have a file extension like for example ".cgi".
    • New variable %SCRIPTURLPATH% / $scriptUrlPath containing the script URL without the domain name. Templates have been changed to use this variable instead of %SCRIPTURL% . This is for performance reasons.
    • Changed the syntax for server side include variable from %INCLUDE:"filename.ext"% to %INCLUDE{"filename.ext"}% . (Previous syntax still supported. Change was done because of inline search syntax)
    • Inline search. New variable %SEARCH{"str" ...}% to show a search result embedded in a topic text. TWikiVariables has more on the syntax. Inline search combined with the category table feature can be used for example to create a simple bug tracking system.
    • Access statistics. Each web has a WebStatistics topic that shows monthy statistics with number of topic views and changes, most popular topics, and top contributors. (It needs to be enabled, TWikiDocumentation has more.)
    • Fixed bug where TWiki would not initialize correctly under certain circumstances, i.e. when running it under mod_perl. Sub initialize in wiki.pm did not handle $thePathInfo correctly.
    • No more escaping for '%' percent characters. (Number of consecutive '%' entered and displayed is identical.)
    • Limit the number of revisions shown at the bottom of the topic. Example
      Topic TWikiHistory . { ..... Diffs r1.10 > r1.9 > r1.8 > r1.7 >... }
      Additional revisions can be selected by pressing the >... link.

01-Sep-1999 Release

    • Fixed Y2K? bug. (Date in year 2000 had wrong format.)
    • New text formatting rule for creating tables. Text gets rendered as a table if enclosed in " " vertical bars. Example line as it is written and how it shows up
    • Online registration of new user using web form in TWikiRegistration. Authentication of users.
    • Flags $doLogTopic* in wikicfg.pm to selectively log topic view, edit, save, rdiff, attach, search and changes to monthly log file.
    • Flag $doRemovePortNumber in wikicfg.pm to optionally remove the port number from the TWiki URL. Example www.some.domain:1234/twiki gets www.some.domain/twiki .
    • Search path for include files in %INCLUDE:"file.inc"% variable. Search first in the current web, then in parent data directory. Useful to overload default include text in the data directory by web-specific text, like for example webcopyright.inc text.
  • 07 Jul 1999 - ChristopheVermeulen?
    • Link a plural topic to a singular topic in case the plural topic does not exist. Example TestVersion / TestVersions , TestPolicy / TestPolicies , TestAddress / TestAddresses , TestBox / TestBoxes .

01-Jul-1999 Release

    • New TextFormattingRules to write bold italic text by enclosing words with double underline characters.
    • Separate wiki.pm into configuration (wikicfg.pm) and TWiki core (wiki.pm) . This is to ease the upgrade of TWiki installations, it also allows customized extensions to TWiki without affecting the TWiki core.
  • 21 May 1999 - DavidWarman?
    • Externalize copyright text at the bottom of every page into a web-specific webcopyright.inc file. This is to easily customize the copyright text.
    • Added meta tag so that robots index only /view/ of topics, not /edit/, /attach/ e.t.c. Tag <META NAME="ROBOTS" CONTENT="NOINDEX">
    • New variables %WIKIHOMEURL% (link when pressing the icon on the upper left corner) and %WIKITOOLNAME% (the name of the wiki tool =TWiki = ).
    • Topic locking Warn user if a topic has been edited by an other person within one hour. This is to prevent contention, e.g. simultaneous topic updates.
    • File attachments Upload and download any file as a topic attachment by using the browser. FileAttachment has more.
    • New variables %PUBURL% (Public directory URL) and %ATTACHURL% (URL of topic file attachment).
    • New text formatting rule for creating fixed font text . Words get showns in fixed font by enclosing them in "=" equal signs. Example Writing =fixed font= will show up as fixed font .
    • No new topic revision is created if the same person saves a topic again within one hour.
    • Possible to view complete revision history of a topic on one page. Access at the linked date in the Changes page, or the Diffs link at the bottom of each topic, e.g.
      Topic TWikiHistory . { Edit Ref-By Diffs r1.3 > r1.2 > r1.1 }
      Revision r1.3 1998/11/10 01:34 by PeterThoeny
    • Fixed bug when viewing differences between topic revisions that include HTML table tags like <table>, <tr>, <td>.

1998 Releases

    • Signature is shown below the text area when editing a topic. Use this to easily copy & paste your signature into the text.
    • Possible to add a category table to a TWiki topic. This permits storing and searching for more structured information. Editing a topic shows a HTML form with the usual text area and a table with selectors, checkboxes, radio buttons and text fields. TWikiDocumentation has more on setup. The TWiki.Know web uses this category table to set classification, platform and OS version.
    • Internal log of topic save actions to the file data/logYYYYMM.txt, where YYYYMM the year and month in numeric format is. Intended for auditing only, not accessible from the web.
    • The email notification and the Changes topic have now a topic date that is linked. Clicking on the link will show the difference between the two most recent topic revisions.
  • 10 Nov 1998 - PeterThoeny
    • View differences between topic revisions. Each topic has a list of revisions (e.g. r1.3) and differences thereof (e.g. >) at the bottom
      Topic TWikiHistory . { Edit Ref-By r1.3 > r1.2 > r1.1 }
      Revision r1.3 1998/11/10 01:34 by PeterThoeny
  • 26 Oct 1998 - PeterThoeny
    • Added preview of topic changes before saving the topic. This was necessary to prevent unneeded revisions.
  • 26 Oct 1998 - PeterThoeny
    • Added revision control using RCS. Each topic has now a list of revisions at the bottom and a revision info, e.g.
      Topic TWikiHistory . { Edit Ref-By r1.3 r1.2 r1.1 }
      Revision r1.3 1998/10/26 01:34:00 by PeterThoeny
  • 14 Oct 1998 - PeterThoeny
    • Refered-By Find out which topics have a link to the current topic. Each topic has a Ref-By link for that. Note Only references from the current web are shown, not references from other webs.
    • Corrected templates for automatic email notification so that MS Outlook can display attachment as an HTML file.
    • WikiNotation allows also numbers after the AaA sequence, e.g. AaA1 is a valid WikiTopic? name, but not Aa1.
    • Automatic email notification when something has changed in a TWiki web. Each web has a topic WebNotify where one can subscribe and unsubscribe.
    • Added server side include of files. Syntax is %INCLUDE:"filename.ext"%
    • Signature and date is inserted automatically when creating a new topic.
    • Separate templates for text of non existing topic and default text of new topic. (template file templates/Web/notedited.tmpl)
    • Warn user if new topic name is not a valid Wiki name. (template file templates/Web/notwiki.tmpl)
    • Support for quoted text with a '>' at the beginning of the line.
    • Added TWiki variables, enclosed in % signs %TOPIC% (Topic name), %WEB% (web name), %SCRIPTURL% (script URL), %DATE% (current date), %WIKIWEBMASTER% (Wiki webmaster address), %WIKIVERSION% (Wiki version), %USERNAME% (user name), %WIKIUSERNAME% (Wiki user name).
    • Topic WebChanges shows Wiki username instead of Intranet username, e.g. PeterThoeny instead of thoeny in case the Wiki username exists. Implementation Automatic lookup of Wiki username in topic TWikiUsers? .
    • Topic index. (Technically speaking a simple '.*' search on topic names.)
    • Topic WebSearch allows full text search and and topic search with/without regular expressions.
    • Added automatic links to topics in other TWiki webs by specifying <web name>.<topic name>, e.g. Know.WebSeach .
    • Installed initial version, based on the JOS Wiki. See WikiWikiClones for details.

Dev Flow

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1 Appendix B: TWiki Development Timeline

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  • 29 Dec 2002 - AndreaSterbini? , PeterThoeny, RichardDonkin? , SvenDowideit?
    • New Plugin hooks registrationHandler, beforeEditHandler, afterEditHandler, beforeSaveHandler, writeHeaderHandler, redirectCgiQueryHandler, getSessionValueHandler, setSessionValueHandler
  • 30 Nov 2002 - RichardDonkin?
    • Internationalization ('I18N') support 8-bit character sets in WikiWords, such as ISO-8859-15, KOI8-R
    • Internationalization ('I18N') support for international characters in WikiWords, such as ISO-8859-15, KOI8-R - also supports Chinese, Japanese, etc.
  • 25 Nov 2002 - PeterThoeny
    • Include previous topic revision with %INCLUDE{ "OtherTopic" rev="1.2" }%
  • 15 Nov 2002 - PeterThoeny
Line: 51 to 51
  • 01 Apr 2002 - JohnTalintyre?
    • New data storage framework that lets you use external RCS commands for revision control, or a new native Perl implementation that does not depend on the external RCS commands
  • 28 Mar 2002 - RichardDonkin?
    • Fixed IE5/IE6-specific problem whereby going back from preview sometimes removes all edit changes
  • 23 Mar 2002 - JohnTalintyre?
    • New AND search; with regular expression enabled, use the semicolon ";" as the AND operator in %SEARCH{}% variable, FormattedSearch and WebSearch

Revision 6102 Feb 2003 - FZU.PeterThoeny

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1 Appendix B: TWiki Development Timeline


1 Appendix B: TWiki Development Timeline


01-Feb-2003 Release (Beijing, yet to be released)


01-Feb-2003 Release (Beijing)


Revision 6023 Jan 2003 - FZU.PeterThoeny

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1 Appendix B: TWiki Development Timeline

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  • 28 Mar 2002 - PeterThoeny
    • Fixed IE5/IE6-specific problem whereby going back from preview sometimes removes all edit changes
  • 23 Mar 2002 - JohnTalintyre?
    • Added AND search to %SEARCH{}% variable; the semicolon ";" in a regular expression search is the AND operator
    • New AND search; with regular expression enabled, use the semicolon ";" as the AND operator in %SEARCH{}% variable, FormattedSearch and WebSearch
  • 21 Mar 2002 - ColasNahaboo? , RichardDonkin?
    • Fixed cache issue where the edit page showed outdated content
  • 06 Mar 2002 - RichardDonkin?

Revision 5922 Jan 2003 - FZU.PeterThoeny

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1 Appendix B: TWiki Development Timeline


Yet to be released Beijing


01-Feb-2003 Release (Beijing, yet to be released)

  • 18 Jan 2003 - PeterThoeny
  • 31 Dec 2002 - PeterThoeny
    • Enhanced Plugin API to manipulate topic data with new functions in TWikiFuncModule? : readTopicText, saveTopicText, setTopicEditLock, checkTopicEditLock
  • 31 Dec 2002 - PeterThoeny
  • 29 Dec 2002 - AndreaSterbini? , PeterThoeny, RichardDonkin? , SvenDowideit?
    • New Plugin hooks registrationHandler, beforeEditHandler, afterEditHandler, beforeSaveHandler, writeHeaderHandler, redirectCgiQueryHandler, getSessionValueHandler, setSessionValueHandler
  • 30 Nov 2002 - RichardDonkin?
    • Internationalization ('I18N') support 8-bit character sets in WikiWords, such as ISO-8859-15, KOI8-R
  • 25 Nov 2002 - PeterThoeny
    • Include previous topic revision with %INCLUDE{ "OtherTopic" rev="1.2" }%
  • 15 Nov 2002 - PeterThoeny
    • The Go box understands also URLs, useful for special TWikiSkins handling
  • 08 Nov 2002 - ColasNahaboo? , RichardDonkin?
    • In WebNotify, if only the WikiName is specified, the e-mail is taken from the user's home page; if the WikiName is a group name, a notification is sent to all members of the group
  • 30 Oct 2002 - PeterThoeny
    • New %NOP{}% variable in TWikiTemplates topic gets removed at topic creation time; useful to write protect template topics
  • 28 Sep 2002 - PeterThoeny
    • The %URLPARAM{}% variable in TWikiTemplates topic gets expanded at topic creation time; useful for dynamic content creation
  • 28 Sep 2002 - PeterThoeny
    • New $logDir introduced in TWiki.cfg to set the log directory
  • 13 Sep 2002 - PeterThoeny
    • Renamed the Test web to Sandbox
  • 03 Aug 2002 - RichardDonkin?
    • New setlib.cfg file in the bin directory to set the TWiki library path
  • 02 Aug 2002 - PeterThoeny, RyanFreebern?
    • Support for outbound HTTP proxy when including URLs based on new %PROXYHOST and %PROXYPORT% settings in the TWikiPreferences
  • 12 Jul 2002 - PeterThoeny
    • The page logo is configurable with new %WIKILOGOIMG%, %TWIKILOGOURL% and %WIKILOGOALT% variables in TWikiPreferences; replacing $wikiHomeUrl in TWiki.cfg
  • 12 Jun 2002 - PeterThoeny
    • New %WIKITOOLNAME% variable in TWikiPreferences; replacing $wikiToolName in TWiki.cfg
  • 31 May 2002 - PeterThoeny
    • New %EDITBOXSTYLE% preferences variable which sets the edit box width automatically to the window width
  • 17 May 2002 - PeterThoeny
    • New %URLENCODE{}% variable to encodes a string for using in a URL parameter, e.g. %URLENCODE{"spaced name"}% returns spaced%20name
  • 17 May 2002 - PeterThoeny
  • 05 May 2002 - PeterThoeny
    • New user home pages are now based on the NewUserTemplate, replacing the /twiki/templates/register.tmpl template file
  • 26 Apr 2002 - PeterThoeny
    • New markup to exclude heading from a %TOC% table of content, e.g. ---+!! This heading is not shown in a TOC
  • 01 Apr 2002 - JohnTalintyre?
    • Perl implementation for working with RCS history files. A data framework that lets you use this or RCS executables.
    • New data storage framework that lets you use external RCS commands for revision control, or a new native Perl implementation that does not depend on the external RCS commands
  • 28 Mar 2002 - PeterThoeny
    • Fixed IE5/IE6-specific problem whereby going back from preview sometimes removes all edit changes
  • 23 Mar 2002 - JohnTalintyre?
    • Added AND search to %SEARCH{}% variable; the semicolon ";" in a regular expression search is the AND operator
  • 21 Mar 2002 - ColasNahaboo? , RichardDonkin?
    • Fixed cache issue where the edit page showed outdated content
  • 06 Mar 2002 - RichardDonkin?
    • Improved statistics script which uses less memory to process large log files
  • 09 Jan 2002 - JohnTalintyre?
    • Variables inside <verbatim> tags are no longer expanded

01-Dec-2001 Release (Athens)

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  The typical TWiki development flow...

Revision 5814 Apr 2002 - FZU.PeterThoeny

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1 Appendix B: TWiki Development Timeline


Yet to be released Beijing

  • 13 Apr 2002 - PeterThoeny
  • 01 Apr 2002 - JohnTalintyre?
    • Perl implementation for working with RCS history files. A data framework that lets you use this or RCS executables.

01-Dec-2001 Release (Athens)

Revision 5728 Dec 2001 - FZU.MikeMannix

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1 Appendix B: TWiki Development Timeline

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 The typical TWiki development flow...


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1 Appendix B: TWiki Development Timeline


01-Dec-2001 Release (Athens)

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  • 28 May 2000 - PeterThoeny
    • Lock warning shows remaining lock time in minutes.
  • 15 May 2000 - PeterFokkinga?
    • Each topic can have its own template file. TWikiTemplatesVer1? has more.
  • 02 May 2000 - KevinKinnell? , PeterThoeny
    • Advanced search features like search multiple webs; sort by topic name / modified time / author; limit the number of results returned. More in TWikiVariables.

Revision 5504 Dec 2001 - FZU.PeterThoeny

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1 Appendix B: TWiki Development Timeline


1 Appendix B: TWiki Development Timeline


01-Dec-2001 Release (Athens)

Revision 5403 Dec 2001 - FZU.MikeMannix

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Appendix C: TWiki Development Timeline


1 Appendix B: TWiki Development Timeline


01-Dec-2001 Release (Athens)

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TWiki History: The Dev Timeline

Appendix C: TWiki Development Timeline




01-Dec-2001 Release (Athens)

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Revision 5221 Nov 2001 - FZU.PeterThoeny

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  TWiki History: The Dev Timeline




01-Sep-2001 Release

  • 30 Aug 2001 - JohnTalintyre?

Revision 5115 Sep 2001 - FZU.PeterThoeny

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    • The table syntax has been enhanced to (i) render =  *bold*  = cells as table headers, (ii) render space padded cells =   center aligned   = and =    right aligned  =, (iii) span multiple columns using =  empty cells    =. More in TextFormattingRules.
    • The table syntax has been enhanced to (i) render | *bold* | cells as table headers, (ii) render space padded cells |   center aligned   | and |   right aligned |, (iii) span multiple columns using | empty cells |||. More in TextFormattingRules.
    • Security fix Questionable files like PHP scripts (executables) and .htaccess files that are attached to a topic get a .txt suffix appended to the file name. See also [[http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Codev/FileAttachmentFilterSecurityAlert][TWiki:Codev.FileAttachmentFilterSecurityAlert
  • 28 Feb 2001 - AndreaSterbini? , PeterThoeny
    • New Wiki rule for headings, i.e. ---++ My Title; and new %TOC% variable to build a table of content from headings in a topic. More in TWikiVariables.
  • 28 Feb 2001 - PeterThoeny
    • New Wiki rule to specify arbitrary text for external links (i.e. [[http://TWki.org][TWiki) and internal links (i.e [[WikiSyntax][syntax). More in TWikiVariables.
    • New Wiki rule to specify arbitrary text for external links (i.e. [[http://TWki.org][TWiki]]) and internal links (i.e [[WikiSyntax][syntax]]). More in TWikiVariables.
    • New Wiki rule for named anchors, e.g. links within a topic. Define a named anchor with #MyAnchor at the beginning of a line, and link to it with [[#MyAnchor. More in TWikiVariables.
    • New Wiki rule for named anchors, e.g. links within a topic. Define a named anchor with #MyAnchor at the beginning of a line, and link to it with [[#MyAnchor]]. More in TWikiVariables.
  • 25 Feb 2001 - NicholasLee? , PeterThoeny
    • Use Net::SMTP module instead of sendmail if installed.
  • 01 Feb 2001 - PeterThoeny
    • Added <verbatim> ... </verbatim> tags to show source code "as is". Unlike the <pre> ... </pre> tags, it also shows <, >, & characters "as is".
  • 01 Feb 2001 - PeterThoeny
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    • TWiki skins Define a different page layout with a customized header and footer layout, i.e. a print skin for a printable view of a topic. More in TWikiSkins and TWiki:Codev.TWikiSkins.
    • TWiki skins Define a different page layout with a customized header and footer layout, i.e. a print skin for a printable view of a topic. More in TWikiSkins and TWiki:Codev/TWikiSkins.
  • 07 Jan 2001 - StanleyKnutson?
    • Better error handling when saving a topic.
  • 05 Jan 2001 - PeterThoeny
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  • 01 Nov 2000 - PeterThoeny
    • Added a "Cancel" link in edit that releases the edit lock.
  • 23 Oct 2000 - PeterThoeny
  • 26 Sep 2000 - HaroldGottschalk? , AndreaSterbini? , PeterThoeny
  • 20 Sep 2000 - ManpreetSingh?
    • New -q switch in mailnotify to suppress all normal output.
  • 19 Sep 2000 - PeterThoeny
    • Added forced internal links. Write [[text formatting FAQ to get the link [[text formatting FAQ that points to topic TextFormattingFAQ.
  • 19 Aug 2000 - PeterThoeny
    • Ref-By link searches all webs (not just the current web.)
  • 16 Aug 2000 - PeterThoeny
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  The typical TWiki development flow...

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Dev Flow

The typical TWiki development flow...

Revision 4914 Sep 2001 - FZU.PeterThoeny

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  TWiki History: The Dev Timeline




01-Sep-2001 Release

  • Apr-Aug 2001 - JohnTalintyre?
  • 30 Aug 2001 - JohnTalintyre?
    • Easier install for Windows, including auto detection in TWiki.cfg
  • 30 Aug 2001 - JohnTalintyre?
Line: 19 to 19
    • New %TOPICLIST{"format"}% and %WEBLIST{"format"}% variables to get a formatted topic index and web index, respectively. More in TWikiVariables.
  • 01 Jun 2001 - PeterThoeny
    • New %URLPARAM{"name"}% variable to query URL parameters. More in TWikiVariables.
  • Apr/Jun 2001 - AndreaSterbini?
  • 01 Jun 2001 - AndreaSterbini?
  • Jun 2001 - KlausWriessnegger? , AndreaSterbini?
  • 01 Jun 2001 - KlausWriessnegger? , AndreaSterbini?
  • May 2001 - AndreaSterbini?
  • 01 May 2001 - AndreaSterbini?
  • Apr/May 2001 - JohnTalintyre?
  • 01 May 2001 - JohnTalintyre?
  • Mar/May 2001 - JohnTalintyre?
  • 01 May 2001 - JohnTalintyre?
  • Mar/May 2001 - JohnTalintyre?
  • 01 May 2001 - JohnTalintyre?
  • 27 Mar 2001 - PeterThoeny
    • The table syntax has been enhanced to (i) render =  *bold*  = cells as table headers, (ii) render space padded cells =   center aligned   = and =    right aligned  =, (iii) span multiple columns using =  empty cells    =. More in TextFormattingRules.
Line: 63 to 63



01-Dec-2000 Release

  • 03 Nov 2000 - PeterThoeny
    • Flag $doHidePasswdInRegistration in wikicfg.pm to hide plain text password in registration email.
  • 01 Nov 2000 - PeterThoeny
Line: 120 to 120
    • Each topic can have its own template file. TWikiTemplatesVer1? has more.
  • 02 May 2000 - KevinKinnell? , PeterThoeny
    • Advanced search features like search multiple webs; sort by topic name / modified time / author; limit the number of results returned. More in TWikiVariables.

01-May-2000 Release

Line: 148 to 151
  • 10 Jan 2000 - PeterThoeny
    • No more escaping for '%' percent characters. (Number of consecutive '%' entered and displayed is identical.)


  • 03 Oct 1999 - PeterThoeny
    • Limit the number of revisions shown at the bottom of the topic. Example
      Topic TWikiHistory . { ..... Diffs r1.10 > r1.9 > r1.8 > r1.7 >... }
      Additional revisions can be selected by pressing the >... link.

01-Sep-1999 Release

Line: 167 to 170
    • Search path for include files in %INCLUDE:"file.inc"% variable. Search first in the current web, then in parent data directory. Useful to overload default include text in the data directory by web-specific text, like for example webcopyright.inc text.
  • 07 Jul 1999 - ChristopheVermeulen?
    • Link a plural topic to a singular topic in case the plural topic does not exist. Example TestVersion / TestVersions , TestPolicy / TestPolicies , TestAddress / TestAddresses , TestBox / TestBoxes .

01-Jul-1999 Release

Line: 192 to 198
  • 04 Jan 1999 - PeterThoeny
    • Fixed bug when viewing differences between topic revisions that include HTML table tags like <table>, <tr>, <td>.



1998 Releases

  • 08 Dec 1998 - PeterThoeny
    • Signature is shown below the text area when editing a topic. Use this to easily copy & paste your signature into the text.

Revision 4812 Sep 2001 - FZU.MikeMannix

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  TWiki History: The Dev Timeline
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  • 21 Aug 2001 - PeterThoeny
    • Convert to XHTML 1.0 function: first step to XHTML-ifying TWiki
  • 26 Jun 2001 - JohnTalintyre?
    • Category information to forms using the TWikiMetaData format, see TWikiFormTemplate?
    • New topic templates as topics instead of templates. Customize by editing the topic. Retired notedited.tmpl, notext.tmpl and notwiki.tmpl templates. More in TWikiTemplateSystem? .
    • New topic templates as topics instead of templates. Customize by editing the topic. Retired notedited.tmpl, notext.tmpl and notwiki.tmpl templates. More in TWikiTemplates.
  • 07 Jun 2001 - PeterThoeny
    • New %TOPICLIST{"format"}% and %WEBLIST{"format"}% variables to get a formatted topic index and web index, respectively. More in TWikiVariables.
  • 01 Jun 2001 - PeterThoeny
Line: 117 to 117
  • 28 May 2000 - PeterThoeny
    • Lock warning shows remaining lock time in minutes.
  • 15 May 2000 - PeterFokkinga?
    • Each topic can have its own template file. TWikiTemplatesVer1? has more.
  • 02 May 2000 - KevinKinnell? , PeterThoeny
    • Advanced search features like search multiple webs; sort by topic name / modified time / author; limit the number of results returned. More in TWikiVariables.
  • 21 Apr 2000 - PeterThoeny

Revision 4706 Sep 2001 - FZU.MikeMannix

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  TWiki History: The Dev Timeline
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    • New %URLPARAM{"name"}% variable to query URL parameters. More in TWikiVariables.
  • Apr/Jun 2001 - AndreaSterbini?
  • Jun 2001 - KlausWriessnegger? , AndreaSterbini?

Revision 4606 Sep 2001 - FZU.JohnTalintyre

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  TWiki History: The Dev Timeline

On this page:


  • Apr-Aug 2001 - JohnTalintyre?
    • Easier install for Windows, including auto detection in TWiki.cfg
  • 30 Aug 2001 - JohnTalintyre?
  • 21 Aug 2001 - PeterThoeny
    • Convert to XHTML 1.0 function: first step to XHTML-ifying TWiki
  • 26 Jun 2001 - JohnTalintyre?
    • Category information to forms using the TWikiMetaData format, see TWikiFormTemplate?
  • 07 Jun 2001 - PeterThoeny
    • New topic templates as topics instead of templates. Customize by editing the topic. Retired notedited.tmpl, notext.tmpl and notwiki.tmpl templates. More in TWikiTemplateSystem? .
  • 07 Jun 2001 - PeterThoeny

Revision 4505 Sep 2001 - FZU.MikeMannix

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Revision 4405 Sep 2001 - FZU.MikeMannix

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  TWiki History: The Dev Timeline
Line: 8 to 8
    • Convert to XHTML 1.0 goal is to XHTML-ify TWiki. ConvertToXHTML10?
    • Convert to XHTML 1.0 function: first step to XHTML-ifying TWiki
  • 26 Jun 2001 - JohnTalintyre?
    • Category information to form using MetaDataDefinition? format
    • New topic templates are now topics instead of templates, e.g. can be customized by editing a topic. Retired notedited.tmpl, notext.tmpl and notwiki.tmpl templates. More in TWikiTemplates.
    • New topic templates as topics instead of templates. Customize by editing the topic. Retired notedited.tmpl, notext.tmpl and notwiki.tmpl templates. More in TWikiTemplateSystem? .
  • 07 Jun 2001 - PeterThoeny
    • New %TOPICLIST{"format"}% and %WEBLIST{"format"}% variables to get a formatted topic index and web index, respectively. More in TWikiVariables.
  • 01 Jun 2001 - PeterThoeny
    • New %URLPARAM{"name"}% variable to query URL parameters. More in TWikiVariables.
  • Apr/Jun 2001 - AndreaSterbini?
    • API to extend TWiki, see TWikiPluginAPI?
  • Jun 2001 - KlausWriessnegger? , AndreaSterbini?
    • Forms to change/reset/install passwords, see TWikiChangePassword? OR ChangingTWikiPasswords? (in Spring Release dev table)
  • May 2001 - AndreaSterbini?
    • Now users of TWikiAdminGroup can be enabled to edit locked topics. See UnchangeableTopicBug?
  • Apr/May 2001 - JohnTalintyre?
    • Meta information, see MetaDataDefinition?
  • Mar/May 2001 - JohnTalintyre?
  • Mar/May 2001 - JohnTalintyre?
    • Ability to rename/move topics, RenameTopic?
  • 27 Mar 2001 - PeterThoeny
    • The table syntax has been enhanced to (i) render =  *bold*  = cells as table headers, (ii) render space padded cells =   center aligned   = and =    right aligned  =, (iii) span multiple columns using =  empty cells    =. More in TextFormattingRules.
  • 25 Mar 2001 - PeterThoeny
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The Dev Process


Dev Flow


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  • 30 Aug 2001 - JohnTalintyre?
    • Convert to XHTML 1.0 goal is to XHTML-ify TWiki. ConvertToXHTML10? MM
    • Convert to XHTML 1.0 goal is to XHTML-ify TWiki. ConvertToXHTML10?
  • 26 Jun 2001 - JohnTalintyre?
    • Category information to form using MetaDataDefinition? format MM
    • Category information to form using MetaDataDefinition? format
  • 07 Jun 2001 - PeterThoeny
    • New topic templates are now topics instead of templates, e.g. can be customized by editing a topic. Retired notedited.tmpl, notext.tmpl and notwiki.tmpl templates. More in TWikiTemplates.
  • PeterThoeny • 07 Jun 2001 • New %TOPICLIST{"format"}% and %WEBLIST{"format"}% variables to get a formatted topic index and web index, respectively. More in TWikiVariables.
  • PeterThoeny • 01 Jun 2001 • New %URLPARAM{"name"}% variable to query URL parameters. More in TWikiVariables.
  • AndreaSterbini • Apr/Jun 2001 • API to extend TWiki, see TWikiPluginAPI? MM
  • FZU.KlausWriessnegger, AndreaSterbini? • Jun 2001 • Forms to change/reset/install passwords, see TWikiChangePassword? OR ChangingTWikiPasswords? (in Spring Release dev table) MM
  • AndreaSterbini • May 2001 • Now users of TWikiAdminGroup can be enabled to edit locked topics. See UnchangeableTopicBug? MM
  • JohnTalintyre • Apr/May 2001 • Meta information, see MetaDataDefinition? MM
  • JohnTalintyre • Mar/May 2001 • Attachment under revision control See FileAttachment MM
  • JohnTalintyre • Mar/May 2001 • Ability to rename/move topics, RenameTopic? MM
  • PeterThoeny • 27 Mar 2001 • The table syntax has been enhanced to (i) render =  *bold*  = cells as table headers, (ii) render space padded cells =   center aligned   = and =    right aligned  =, (iii) span multiple columns using =  empty cells    =. More in TextFormattingRules.
  • PeterThoeny • 25 Mar 2001 • Security fix Questionable files like PHP scripts (executables) and .htaccess files that are attached to a topic get a .txt suffix appended to the file name. See also TWiki:Codev.FileAttachmentFilterSecurityAlert
  • AndreaSterbini? , PeterThoeny • 28 Feb 2001 • New Wiki rule for headings, i.e. ---++ My Title; and new %TOC% variable to build a table of content from headings in a topic. More in TWikiVariables.
  • PeterThoeny • 28 Feb 2001 • New Wiki rule to specify arbitrary text for external links (i.e. [[http://TWki.org][TWiki]]) and internal links (i.e [[WikiSyntax][syntax]]). More in TWikiVariables.
  • PeterThoeny • 28 Feb 2001 • New Wiki rule for named anchors, e.g. links within a topic. Define a named anchor with #MyAnchor at the beginning of a line, and link to it with [[#MyAnchor]]. More in TWikiVariables.
  • NicholasLee? , PeterThoeny • 25 Feb 2001 • Use Net::SMTP module instead of sendmail if installed.
  • PeterThoeny • 01 Feb 2001 • Added <verbatim> ... </verbatim> tags to show source code "as is". Unlike the <pre> ... </pre> tags, it also shows <, >, & characters "as is".
  • PeterThoeny • 01 Feb 2001 • Fixed TWiki:Codev.CreateLinkToAttachedFileBug.
  • PeterThoeny • 21 Jan 2001 • Added a "Minor change, don't notify" checkbox in preview. More in DontNotify.
  • PeterThoeny • 21 Jan 2001 • Added Bold Fixed formatting using double-equal signs, e.g. write ==Bold Fixed== to get Bold Fixed.
  • PeterThoeny • 20 Jan 2001 • Format changed of %GMTIME{"..."}% and %SERVERTIME{"..."}% variables. Format is now "$hour:$min" instead of "hour:min". More in TWikiVariables. Attention: Check your existing topics when you upgrade TWiki!
  • PeterThoeny • 18 Jan 2001 • WebChanges, WebSearch and e-mail notification indicate also the revision number of a topic (i.e. 18 Jan 2001 16:43 r1.5), or NEW for a new topic (i.e. i.e. 18 Jan 2001 16:43 NEW).
  • PeterThoeny • 16 Jan 2001 • New variable %STARTINCLUDE% and %STOPINCLUDE% variables to control what gets included of a topic. More in TWikiVariables.
  • PeterThoeny • 16 Jan 2001 • TWiki skins Define a different page layout with a customized header and footer layout, i.e. a print skin for a printable view of a topic. More in TWikiSkins and TWiki:Codev.TWikiSkins.
  • StanleyKnutson? • 07 Jan 2001 • Better error handling when saving a topic.
  • PeterThoeny • 05 Jan 2001 • View authorization based on groups. Define who is allowed to see a TWiki web. More in TWikiAccessControl and TWiki:Codev.AuthenticationBasedOnGroups.
  • 07 Jun 2001 - PeterThoeny
    • New %TOPICLIST{"format"}% and %WEBLIST{"format"}% variables to get a formatted topic index and web index, respectively. More in TWikiVariables.
  • 01 Jun 2001 - PeterThoeny
    • New %URLPARAM{"name"}% variable to query URL parameters. More in TWikiVariables.
  • Apr/Jun 2001 - AndreaSterbini?
    • API to extend TWiki, see TWikiPluginAPI?
  • Jun 2001 - KlausWriessnegger? , AndreaSterbini?
    • Forms to change/reset/install passwords, see TWikiChangePassword? OR ChangingTWikiPasswords? (in Spring Release dev table)
  • May 2001 - AndreaSterbini?
    • Now users of TWikiAdminGroup can be enabled to edit locked topics. See UnchangeableTopicBug?
  • Apr/May 2001 - JohnTalintyre?
    • Meta information, see MetaDataDefinition?
  • Mar/May 2001 - JohnTalintyre?
  • Mar/May 2001 - JohnTalintyre?
    • Ability to rename/move topics, RenameTopic?
  • 27 Mar 2001 - PeterThoeny
    • The table syntax has been enhanced to (i) render =  *bold*  = cells as table headers, (ii) render space padded cells =   center aligned   = and =    right aligned  =, (iii) span multiple columns using =  empty cells    =. More in TextFormattingRules.
  • 25 Mar 2001 - PeterThoeny
    • Security fix Questionable files like PHP scripts (executables) and .htaccess files that are attached to a topic get a .txt suffix appended to the file name. See also [[http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Codev/FileAttachmentFilterSecurityAlert][TWiki:Codev.FileAttachmentFilterSecurityAlert
  • 28 Feb 2001 - AndreaSterbini? , PeterThoeny
    • New Wiki rule for headings, i.e. ---++ My Title; and new %TOC% variable to build a table of content from headings in a topic. More in TWikiVariables.
  • 28 Feb 2001 - PeterThoeny
    • New Wiki rule to specify arbitrary text for external links (i.e. [[http://TWki.org][TWiki) and internal links (i.e [[WikiSyntax][syntax). More in TWikiVariables.
  • 28 Feb 2001 - PeterThoeny
    • New Wiki rule for named anchors, e.g. links within a topic. Define a named anchor with #MyAnchor at the beginning of a line, and link to it with [[#MyAnchor. More in TWikiVariables.
  • 25 Feb 2001 - NicholasLee? , PeterThoeny
    • Use Net::SMTP module instead of sendmail if installed.
  • 01 Feb 2001 - PeterThoeny
    • Added <verbatim> ... </verbatim> tags to show source code "as is". Unlike the <pre> ... </pre> tags, it also shows <, >, & characters "as is".
  • 01 Feb 2001 - PeterThoeny
  • 21 Jan 2001 - PeterThoeny
    • Added a "Minor change, don't notify" checkbox in preview. More in DontNotify.
  • 21 Jan 2001 - PeterThoeny
    • Added Bold Fixed formatting using double-equal signs, e.g. write ==Bold Fixed== to get Bold Fixed.
  • 20 Jan 2001 - PeterThoeny
    • Format changed of %GMTIME{"..."}% and %SERVERTIME{"..."}% variables. Format is now "$hour:$min" instead of "hour:min". More in TWikiVariables. Attention: Check your existing topics when you upgrade TWiki!
  • 18 Jan 2001 - PeterThoeny
    • WebChanges, WebSearch and e-mail notification indicate also the revision number of a topic (i.e. 18 Jan 2001 16:43 r1.5), or NEW for a new topic (i.e. i.e. 18 Jan 2001 16:43 NEW).
  • 16 Jan 2001 - PeterThoeny
    • New variable %STARTINCLUDE% and %STOPINCLUDE% variables to control what gets included of a topic. More in TWikiVariables.
  • 16 Jan 2001 - PeterThoeny
    • TWiki skins Define a different page layout with a customized header and footer layout, i.e. a print skin for a printable view of a topic. More in TWikiSkins and TWiki:Codev.TWikiSkins.
  • 07 Jan 2001 - StanleyKnutson?
    • Better error handling when saving a topic.
  • 05 Jan 2001 - PeterThoeny


  • PeterThoeny • 05 Dec 2000 • Improved include handling. Infinite recursion of includes are prevented; new variables %BASEWEB%, %INCLUDINGWEB%, %BASETOPIC% and %INCLUDINGTOPIC% to have more control over include handling. More in TWikiVariables and TWiki:Codev.IncludeHandlingImprovements.
  • PeterThoeny • 03 Dec 2000 • New noheader="on" switch in %SEARCH{...}% to suppress table header. More in TWikiVariables.
  • PeterThoeny • 03 Nov 2000 • Flag $doHidePasswdInRegistration in wikicfg.pm to hide plain text password in registration email.
  • PeterThoeny • 01 Nov 2000 • New variable %VAR{"NAME" web="Web"}% to get web specific preferences. More in TWikiVariables.
  • PeterThoeny • 01 Nov 2000 • Added a "Cancel" link in edit that releases the edit lock.
  • PeterThoeny • 23 Oct 2000 • Authorization based on groups. Define fine graned control who is allowed to change or create topics. More in TWikiAccessControl and TWiki:Codev.AuthenticationBasedOnGroups.
  • PeterThoeny • 05 Oct 2000 • Remember user by IP address so that view "knows" the user once authenticated in edit. More in TWikiUserAuthentication.
  • AlWilliams? , PeterThoeny • 26 Sep 2000 • Fixed TWiki:Codev.UppercaseAttachments bug and added png image support.
  • HaroldGottschalk? , AndreaSterbini? , PeterThoeny • 26 Sep 2000 • Allow nesting of variables, i.e. %INCLUDE{"%TWIKIWEB%.TWikiWebsTable"}%. More in TWiki:Codev.BetterTWikiTagTemplateProcessing
  • ManpreetSingh? • 20 Sep 2000 • New -q switch in mailnotify to suppress all normal output.
  • PeterThoeny • 19 Sep 2000 • Fixed TWiki:Codev.AttachedNotificationLinksBug.
  • AlWilliams? , ManpreetSingh? , PeterThoeny • 18 Sep 2000 • Added forced internal links. Write [[text formatting FAQ]] to get the link text formatting FAQ that points to topic TextFormattingFAQ.
  • PeterThoeny • 19 Aug 2000 • Ref-By link searches all webs (not just the current web.)
  • PeterThoeny • 16 Aug 2000 • New TWikiPreferences variables %HTTP_EQUIV_ON_VIEW% , %HTTP_EQUIV_ON_EDIT% and %HTTP_EQUIV_ON_PREVIEW% that define the <meta http-equiv="..."> meta tags for the TWiki templates. This can be used for example to set a document expiration time.
  • PeterThoeny • 29 Jul 2000 • New variables %GMTIME{"..."}% and %SERVERTIME{"..."}% . More in TWikiVariables.
  • PeterThoeny • 23 Jul 2000 • Changed include syntax from %INCLUDE{"Web/TopicName.txt"}% to %INCLUDE{"Web.TopicName"}% . Legacy syntax still supported.
  • PeterThoeny • 23 Jul 2000 • BookView search allows you show a set of topics for easy printing.
  • PeterThoeny • 22 Jul 2000 • More forgiving syntax for *bold*, italic, __bold italic__ and fixed , where it is not necessary anymore to have a trailing space before .,;:?! characters.
  • PeterThoeny • 22 Jul 2000 • Split the TWiki.Main web into TWiki.Main (users, company data) and TWiki.TWiki (TWiki related documentation, registration)
  • PeterThoeny • 07 Jul 2000 • Added an "Release edit lock" checkbox in preview to let other people edit the topic immediately without the one hour lock.
  • PeterThoeny • 07 Jul 2000 • Fixed problem of losing carriage returns when editing topics with KDE KFM browser or W3M? browser.
  • PeterThoeny • 21 Jun 2000 • Fixed problem that a page redirect on some server environments is not working (host name is needed in URL).
  • CrisBailiff? , PeterThoeny • 21 Jun 2000 • Fixed security issue to prevent a server side %INCLUDE% of arbitrary files.
  • PeterThoeny • 29 May 2000 • New %GMTIME% variable that shows the current GM time.
  • PeterThoeny • 28 May 2000 • Lock warning shows remaining lock time in minutes.
  • PeterFokkinga? • 15 May 2000 • Each topic can have its own template file. TWikiTemplates has more.
  • KevinKinnell? , PeterThoeny • 02 May 2000 • Advanced search features like search multiple webs; sort by topic name / modified time / author; limit the number of results returned. More in TWikiVariables.
  • PeterThoeny • 21 Apr 2000 • New TWikiVariables %HTTP_HOST% , %REMOTE_ADDR% , %REMOTE_PORT% and %REMOTE_USER% .
  • JohnAltstadt? , PeterThoeny • 21 Apr 2000 • TWikiRegistration is done separately for Intranet use (depends on remote_user) or Internet use (depends on .htpasswd file).
  • PeterThoeny • 20 Mar 2000 • Uploading a file (topic file attachment) will optionally create a link to the uploaded file at the end of the topic. The preference variable %ATTACHLINKBOX% controls the default state of the link check box in the attach file page.
  • PeterThoeny • 11 Mar 2000 • Better security with taint checking ( Perl -T option )
  • PeterThoeny • 25 Feb 2000 • New preference variables %EDITBOXWIDTH% and %EDITBOXHEIGHT% to specify the edit box size.
  • PeterThoeny • 25 Feb 2000 • Edit preferences topics to set TWiki variables. There are three level of preferences Site-level (TWikiPreferences), web-level (WebPreferences in each web) and user-level preferences (for each of the TWikiUsers? ). With this, discontinue use of server side include of wikiwebs.inc , wikiwebtable.inc , weblist.inc , webcopyright.inc and webcolors.inc files.
  • PeterThoeny • 11 Feb 2000 • New variable %SCRIPTSUFFIX% / $scriptSuffix containing an optional file extension of the TWiki Perl script. Templates have been changed to use this variable. This allows you to rename the Perl script files to have a file extension like for example ".cgi".
  • PeterThoeny • 11 Feb 2000 • New variable %SCRIPTURLPATH% / $scriptUrlPath containing the script URL without the domain name. Templates have been changed to use this variable instead of %SCRIPTURL% . This is for performance reasons.
  • PeterThoeny • 07 Feb 2000 • Changed the syntax for server side include variable from %INCLUDE:"filename.ext"% to %INCLUDE{"filename.ext"}% . (Previous syntax still supported. Change was done because of inline search syntax)
  • PeterThoeny • 07 Feb 2000 • Inline search. New variable %SEARCH{"str" ...}% to show a search result embedded in a topic text. TWikiVariables has more on the syntax. Inline search combined with the category table feature can be used for example to create a simple bug tracking system.
  • PeterThoeny • 04 Feb 2000 • Access statistics. Each web has a WebStatistics topic that shows monthy statistics with number of topic views and changes, most popular topics, and top contributors. (It needs to be enabled, TWikiDocumentation has more.)
  • PeterThoeny • 29 Jan 2000 • Fixed bug where TWiki would not initialize correctly under certain circumstances, i.e. when running it under mod_perl. Sub initialize in wiki.pm did not handle $thePathInfo correctly.
  • PeterThoeny • 24 Jan 2000 • Fixed bug where an email address starting with a WikiName was rendered as an internal Wiki link instead of an email address, i.e. SomeWikiName@somewhere.test .
  • PeterThoeny • 10 Jan 2000 • No more escaping for '%' percent characters. (Number of consecutive '%' entered and displayed is identical.)
  • 05 Dec 2000 - PeterThoeny
  • 03 Dec 2000 - PeterThoeny
    • New noheader="on" switch in %SEARCH{...}% to suppress table header. More in TWikiVariables.
  • 03 Nov 2000 - PeterThoeny
    • Flag $doHidePasswdInRegistration in wikicfg.pm to hide plain text password in registration email.
  • 01 Nov 2000 - PeterThoeny
    • New variable %VAR{"NAME" web="Web"}% to get web specific preferences. More in TWikiVariables.
  • 01 Nov 2000 - PeterThoeny
    • Added a "Cancel" link in edit that releases the edit lock.
  • 23 Oct 2000 - PeterThoeny
  • 05 Oct 2000 - PeterThoeny
    • Remember user by IP address so that view "knows" the user once authenticated in edit. More in TWikiUserAuthentication.
  • 26 Sep 2000 - AlWilliams? , PeterThoeny
  • 26 Sep 2000 - HaroldGottschalk? , AndreaSterbini? , PeterThoeny
  • 20 Sep 2000 - ManpreetSingh?
    • New -q switch in mailnotify to suppress all normal output.
  • 19 Sep 2000 - PeterThoeny
  • 18 Sep 2000 - ManpreetSingh? , PeterThoeny
    • Added forced internal links. Write [[text formatting FAQ to get the link [[text formatting FAQ that points to topic TextFormattingFAQ.
  • 19 Aug 2000 - PeterThoeny
    • Ref-By link searches all webs (not just the current web.)
  • 16 Aug 2000 - PeterThoeny
    • New TWikiPreferences variables %HTTP_EQUIV_ON_VIEW% , %HTTP_EQUIV_ON_EDIT% and %HTTP_EQUIV_ON_PREVIEW% that define the <meta http-equiv="..."> meta tags for the TWiki templates. This can be used for example to set a document expiration time.
  • 29 Jul 2000 - PeterThoeny
    • New variables %GMTIME{"..."}% and %SERVERTIME{"..."}% . More in TWikiVariables.
  • 23 Jul 2000 - PeterThoeny
    • Changed include syntax from %INCLUDE{"Web/TopicName.txt"}% to %INCLUDE{"Web.TopicName"}% . Legacy syntax still supported.
  • 23 Jul 2000 - PeterThoeny
    • BookView search allows you show a set of topics for easy printing.
  • 22 Jul 2000 - PeterThoeny
    • More forgiving syntax for *bold*, italic, __bold italic__ and fixed , where it is not necessary anymore to have a trailing space before .,;:?! characters.
  • 22 Jul 2000 - PeterThoeny
    • Split the TWiki.Main web into TWiki.Main (users, company data) and TWiki.TWiki (TWiki related documentation, registration)
  • 07 Jul 2000 - PeterThoeny
    • Added an "Release edit lock" checkbox in preview to let other people edit the topic immediately without the one hour lock.
  • 07 Jul 2000 - PeterThoeny
    • Fixed problem of losing carriage returns when editing topics with KDE KFM browser or W3M? browser.
  • 21 Jun 2000 - PeterThoeny
    • Fixed problem that a page redirect on some server environments is not working (host name is needed in URL).
  • 21 Jun 2000 - CrisBailiff? , PeterThoeny
    • Fixed security issue to prevent a server side %INCLUDE% of arbitrary files.
  • 29 May 2000 - PeterThoeny
    • New %GMTIME% variable that shows the current GM time.
  • 28 May 2000 - PeterThoeny
    • Lock warning shows remaining lock time in minutes.
  • 15 May 2000 - PeterFokkinga?
  • 02 May 2000 - KevinKinnell? , PeterThoeny
    • Advanced search features like search multiple webs; sort by topic name / modified time / author; limit the number of results returned. More in TWikiVariables.
  • 21 Apr 2000 - PeterThoeny
    • New TWikiVariables %HTTP_HOST% , %REMOTE_ADDR% , %REMOTE_PORT% and %REMOTE_USER% .
  • 21 Apr 2000 - JohnAltstadt? , PeterThoeny
    • TWikiRegistration is done separately for Intranet use (depends on remote_user) or Internet use (depends on .htpasswd file).
  • 20 Mar 2000 - PeterThoeny
    • Uploading a file (topic file attachment) will optionally create a link to the uploaded file at the end of the topic. The preference variable %ATTACHLINKBOX% controls the default state of the link check box in the attach file page.
  • 11 Mar 2000 - PeterThoeny
    • Better security with taint checking ( Perl -T option )
  • 25 Feb 2000 - PeterThoeny
    • New preference variables %EDITBOXWIDTH% and %EDITBOXHEIGHT% to specify the edit box size.
  • 25 Feb 2000 - PeterThoeny
    • Edit preferences topics to set TWiki variables. There are three level of preferences Site-level (TWikiPreferences), web-level (WebPreferences in each web) and user-level preferences (for each of the TWikiUsers? ). With this, discontinue use of server side include of wikiwebs.inc , wikiwebtable.inc , weblist.inc , webcopyright.inc and webcolors.inc files.
  • 11 Feb 2000 - PeterThoeny
    • New variable %SCRIPTSUFFIX% / $scriptSuffix containing an optional file extension of the TWiki Perl script. Templates have been changed to use this variable. This allows you to rename the Perl script files to have a file extension like for example ".cgi".
  • 11 Feb 2000 - PeterThoeny
    • New variable %SCRIPTURLPATH% / $scriptUrlPath containing the script URL without the domain name. Templates have been changed to use this variable instead of %SCRIPTURL% . This is for performance reasons.
  • 07 Feb 2000 - PeterThoeny
    • Changed the syntax for server side include variable from %INCLUDE:"filename.ext"% to %INCLUDE{"filename.ext"}% . (Previous syntax still supported. Change was done because of inline search syntax)
  • 07 Feb 2000 - PeterThoeny
    • Inline search. New variable %SEARCH{"str" ...}% to show a search result embedded in a topic text. TWikiVariables has more on the syntax. Inline search combined with the category table feature can be used for example to create a simple bug tracking system.
  • 04 Feb 2000 - PeterThoeny
    • Access statistics. Each web has a WebStatistics topic that shows monthy statistics with number of topic views and changes, most popular topics, and top contributors. (It needs to be enabled, TWikiDocumentation has more.)
  • 29 Jan 2000 - PeterThoeny
    • Fixed bug where TWiki would not initialize correctly under certain circumstances, i.e. when running it under mod_perl. Sub initialize in wiki.pm did not handle $thePathInfo correctly.
  • 24 Jan 2000 - PeterThoeny
  • 10 Jan 2000 - PeterThoeny
    • No more escaping for '%' percent characters. (Number of consecutive '%' entered and displayed is identical.)


  • PeterThoeny • 03 Oct 1999 • Limit the number of revisions shown at the bottom of the topic. Example
    Topic TWikiHistory . { ..... Diffs r1.10 > r1.9 > r1.8 > r1.7 >... }
    Additional revisions can be selected by pressing the >... link.
  • PeterThoeny • 31 Aug 1999 • Fixed Y2K? bug. (Date in year 2000 had wrong format.)
  • PeterThoeny • 08 Aug 1999 • New text formatting rule for creating tables. Text gets rendered as a table if enclosed in " " vertical bars. Example line as it is written and how it shows up
  • PeterThoeny • 03 Aug 1999 • Online registration of new user using web form in TWikiRegistration. Authentication of users.
  • PeterThoeny • 22 Jul 1999 • Flags $doLogTopic* in wikicfg.pm to selectively log topic view, edit, save, rdiff, attach, search and changes to monthly log file.
  • PeterThoeny • 21 Jul 1999 • Flag $doRemovePortNumber in wikicfg.pm to optionally remove the port number from the TWiki URL. Example www.some.domain:1234/twiki gets www.some.domain/twiki .
  • PeterThoeny • 15 Jul 1999 • Search path for include files in %INCLUDE:"file.inc"% variable. Search first in the current web, then in parent data directory. Useful to overload default include text in the data directory by web-specific text, like for example webcopyright.inc text.
  • ChristopheVermeulen? • 07 Jul 1999 • Link a plural topic to a singular topic in case the plural topic does not exist. Example TestVersion / TestVersions , TestPolicy / TestPolicies , TestAddress / TestAddresses , TestBox / TestBoxes .
  • PeterThoeny • 23 Jun 1999 • New TextFormattingRules to write bold italic text by enclosing words with double underline characters.
  • PeterThoeny • 23 Jun 1999 • Separate wiki.pm into configuration (wikicfg.pm) and TWiki core (wiki.pm) . This is to ease the upgrade of TWiki installations, it also allows customized extensions to TWiki without affecting the TWiki core.
  • DavidWarman? • 21 May 1999 • Externalize copyright text at the bottom of every page into a web-specific webcopyright.inc file. This is to easily customize the copyright text.
  • PeterThoeny • 20 May 1999 • Added meta tag so that robots index only /view/ of topics, not /edit/, /attach/ e.t.c. Tag <META NAME="ROBOTS" CONTENT="NOINDEX">
  • PeterThoeny • 20 May 1999 • New variables %WIKIHOMEURL% (link when pressing the icon on the upper left corner) and %WIKITOOLNAME% (the name of the wiki tool =TWiki = ).
  • PeterThoeny • 15 Apr 1999 • Topic locking Warn user if a topic has been edited by an other person within one hour. This is to prevent contention, e.g. simultaneous topic updates.
  • PeterThoeny • 26 Mar 1999 • File attachments Upload and download any file as a topic attachment by using the browser. FileAttachment has more.
  • PeterThoeny • 26 Mar 1999 • New variables %PUBURL% (Public directory URL) and %ATTACHURL% (URL of topic file attachment).
  • PeterThoeny • 09 Feb 1999 • New text formatting rule for creating fixed font text . Words get showns in fixed font by enclosing them in "=" equal signs. Example Writing =fixed font= will show up as fixed font .
  • PeterThoeny • 09 Feb 1999 • No new topic revision is created if the same person saves a topic again within one hour.
  • PeterThoeny • 03 Feb 1999 • Possible to view complete revision history of a topic on one page. Access at the linked date in the Changes page, or the Diffs link at the bottom of each topic, e.g.
    Topic TWikiHistory . { Edit Ref-By Diffs r1.3 > r1.2 > r1.1 }
    Revision r1.3 1998/11/10 01:34 by PeterThoeny
  • PeterThoeny • 04 Jan 1999 • Fixed bug when viewing differences between topic revisions that include HTML table tags like <table>, <tr>, <td>.
  • 03 Oct 1999 - PeterThoeny
    • Limit the number of revisions shown at the bottom of the topic. Example
      Topic TWikiHistory . { ..... Diffs r1.10 > r1.9 > r1.8 > r1.7 >... }
      Additional revisions can be selected by pressing the >... link.
  • 31 Aug 1999 - PeterThoeny
    • Fixed Y2K? bug. (Date in year 2000 had wrong format.)
  • 08 Aug 1999 - PeterThoeny
    • New text formatting rule for creating tables. Text gets rendered as a table if enclosed in " " vertical bars. Example line as it is written and how it shows up
  • 03 Aug 1999 - PeterThoeny
    • Online registration of new user using web form in TWikiRegistration. Authentication of users.
  • 22 Jul 1999 - PeterThoeny
    • Flags $doLogTopic* in wikicfg.pm to selectively log topic view, edit, save, rdiff, attach, search and changes to monthly log file.
  • 21 Jul 1999 - PeterThoeny
    • Flag $doRemovePortNumber in wikicfg.pm to optionally remove the port number from the TWiki URL. Example www.some.domain:1234/twiki gets www.some.domain/twiki .
  • 15 Jul 1999 - PeterThoeny
    • Search path for include files in %INCLUDE:"file.inc"% variable. Search first in the current web, then in parent data directory. Useful to overload default include text in the data directory by web-specific text, like for example webcopyright.inc text.
  • 07 Jul 1999 - ChristopheVermeulen?
    • Link a plural topic to a singular topic in case the plural topic does not exist. Example TestVersion / TestVersions , TestPolicy / TestPolicies , TestAddress / TestAddresses , TestBox / TestBoxes .
  • 23 Jun 1999 - PeterThoeny
    • New TextFormattingRules to write bold italic text by enclosing words with double underline characters.
  • 23 Jun 1999 - PeterThoeny
    • Separate wiki.pm into configuration (wikicfg.pm) and TWiki core (wiki.pm) . This is to ease the upgrade of TWiki installations, it also allows customized extensions to TWiki without affecting the TWiki core.
  • 21 May 1999 - DavidWarman?
    • Externalize copyright text at the bottom of every page into a web-specific webcopyright.inc file. This is to easily customize the copyright text.
  • 20 May 1999 - PeterThoeny
    • Added meta tag so that robots index only /view/ of topics, not /edit/, /attach/ e.t.c. Tag <META NAME="ROBOTS" CONTENT="NOINDEX">
  • 20 May 1999 - PeterThoeny
    • New variables %WIKIHOMEURL% (link when pressing the icon on the upper left corner) and %WIKITOOLNAME% (the name of the wiki tool =TWiki = ).
  • 15 Apr 1999 - PeterThoeny
    • Topic locking Warn user if a topic has been edited by an other person within one hour. This is to prevent contention, e.g. simultaneous topic updates.
  • 26 Mar 1999 - PeterThoeny
    • File attachments Upload and download any file as a topic attachment by using the browser. FileAttachment has more.
  • 26 Mar 1999 - PeterThoeny
    • New variables %PUBURL% (Public directory URL) and %ATTACHURL% (URL of topic file attachment).
  • 09 Feb 1999 - PeterThoeny
    • New text formatting rule for creating fixed font text . Words get showns in fixed font by enclosing them in "=" equal signs. Example Writing =fixed font= will show up as fixed font .
  • 09 Feb 1999 - PeterThoeny
    • No new topic revision is created if the same person saves a topic again within one hour.
  • 03 Feb 1999 - PeterThoeny
    • Possible to view complete revision history of a topic on one page. Access at the linked date in the Changes page, or the Diffs link at the bottom of each topic, e.g.
      Topic TWikiHistory . { Edit Ref-By Diffs r1.3 > r1.2 > r1.1 }
      Revision r1.3 1998/11/10 01:34 by PeterThoeny
  • 04 Jan 1999 - PeterThoeny
    • Fixed bug when viewing differences between topic revisions that include HTML table tags like <table>, <tr>, <td>.


  • PeterThoeny • 08 Dec 1998 • Signature is shown below the text area when editing a topic. Use this to easily copy & paste your signature into the text.
  • PeterThoeny • 07 Dec 1998 • Possible to add a category table to a TWiki topic. This permits storing and searching for more structured information. Editing a topic shows a HTML form with the usual text area and a table with selectors, checkboxes, radio buttons and text fields. TWikiDocumentation has more on setup. The TWiki.Know web uses this category table to set classification, platform and OS version.
  • PeterThoeny • 18 Nov 1998 • Internal log of topic save actions to the file data/logYYYYMM.txt, where YYYYMM the year and month in numeric format is. Intended for auditing only, not accessible from the web.
  • PeterThoeny • 10 Nov 1998 • The email notification and the Changes topic have now a topic date that is linked. Clicking on the link will show the difference between the two most recent topic revisions.
  • PeterThoeny • 10 Nov 1998 • View differences between topic revisions. Each topic has a list of revisions (e.g. r1.3) and differences thereof (e.g. >) at the bottom
    Topic TWikiHistory . { Edit Ref-By r1.3 > r1.2 > r1.1 }
    Revision r1.3 1998/11/10 01:34 by PeterThoeny
  • PeterThoeny • 26 Oct 1998 • Added preview of topic changes before saving the topic. This was necessary to prevent unneeded revisions.
  • PeterThoeny • 26 Oct 1998 • Added revision control using RCS. Each topic has now a list of revisions at the bottom and a revision info, e.g.
    Topic TWikiHistory . { Edit Ref-By r1.3 r1.2 r1.1 }
    Revision r1.3 1998/10/26 01:34:00 by PeterThoeny
  • PeterThoeny • 14 Oct 1998 • Refered-By Find out which topics have a link to the current topic. Each topic has a Ref-By link for that. Note Only references from the current web are shown, not references from other webs.
  • PeterThoeny • 13 Oct 1998 • Alphabetical topic index in WebSearch.
  • PeterThoeny • 24 Sep 1998 • Corrected templates for automatic email notification so that MS Outlook can display attachment as an HTML file.
  • PeterThoeny • 13 Aug 1998 • WikiNotation allows also numbers after the AaA sequence, e.g. AaA1 is a valid WikiTopic? name, but not Aa1.
  • PeterThoeny • 07 Aug 1998 • Automatic email notification when something has changed in a TWiki web. Each web has a topic WebNotify where one can subscribe and unsubscribe.
  • PeterThoeny • 06 Aug 1998 • Added server side include of files. Syntax is %INCLUDE:"filename.ext"%
  • PeterThoeny • 05 Aug 1998 • Signature and date is inserted automatically when creating a new topic.
  • PeterThoeny • 04 Aug 1998 • Separate templates for text of non existing topic and default text of new topic. (template file templates/Web/notedited.tmpl)
  • PeterThoeny • 04 Aug 1998 • Warn user if new topic name is not a valid Wiki name. (template file templates/Web/notwiki.tmpl)
  • PeterThoeny • 31 Jul 1998 • Support for quoted text with a '>' at the beginning of the line.
  • PeterThoeny • 28 Jul 1998 • Added TWiki variables, enclosed in % signs %TOPIC% (Topic name), %WEB% (web name), %SCRIPTURL% (script URL), %DATE% (current date), %WIKIWEBMASTER% (Wiki webmaster address), %WIKIVERSION% (Wiki version), %USERNAME% (user name), %WIKIUSERNAME% (Wiki user name).
  • PeterThoeny • 28 Jul 1998 • Topic WebChanges shows Wiki username instead of Intranet username, e.g. PeterThoeny instead of thoeny in case the Wiki username exists. Implementation Automatic lookup of Wiki username in topic TWikiUsers? .
  • PeterThoeny • 28 Jul 1998 • Topic index. (Technically speaking a simple '.*' search on topic names.)
  • PeterThoeny • 28 Jul 1998 • Topic WebSearch allows full text search and and topic search with/without regular expressions.
  • PeterThoeny • 27 Jul 1998 • Added automatic links to topics in other TWiki webs by specifying <web name>.<topic name>, e.g. Know.WebSeach .
  • PeterThoeny • 23 Jul 1998 • Installed initial version, based on the JOS Wiki. See WikiWikiClones for details.

Related Topics

  • 08 Dec 1998 - PeterThoeny
    • Signature is shown below the text area when editing a topic. Use this to easily copy & paste your signature into the text.
  • 07 Dec 1998 - PeterThoeny
    • Possible to add a category table to a TWiki topic. This permits storing and searching for more structured information. Editing a topic shows a HTML form with the usual text area and a table with selectors, checkboxes, radio buttons and text fields. TWikiDocumentation has more on setup. The TWiki.Know web uses this category table to set classification, platform and OS version.
  • 18 Nov 1998 - PeterThoeny
    • Internal log of topic save actions to the file data/logYYYYMM.txt, where YYYYMM the year and month in numeric format is. Intended for auditing only, not accessible from the web.
  • 10 Nov 1998 - PeterThoeny
    • The email notification and the Changes topic have now a topic date that is linked. Clicking on the link will show the difference between the two most recent topic revisions.
  • 10 Nov 1998 - PeterThoeny
    • View differences between topic revisions. Each topic has a list of revisions (e.g. r1.3) and differences thereof (e.g. >) at the bottom
      Topic TWikiHistory . { Edit Ref-By r1.3 > r1.2 > r1.1 }
      Revision r1.3 1998/11/10 01:34 by PeterThoeny
  • 26 Oct 1998 - PeterThoeny
    • Added preview of topic changes before saving the topic. This was necessary to prevent unneeded revisions.
  • 26 Oct 1998 - PeterThoeny
    • Added revision control using RCS. Each topic has now a list of revisions at the bottom and a revision info, e.g.
      Topic TWikiHistory . { Edit Ref-By r1.3 r1.2 r1.1 }
      Revision r1.3 1998/10/26 01:34:00 by PeterThoeny
  • 14 Oct 1998 - PeterThoeny
    • Refered-By Find out which topics have a link to the current topic. Each topic has a Ref-By link for that. Note Only references from the current web are shown, not references from other webs.
  • 13 Oct 1998 - PeterThoeny
  • 24 Sep 1998 - PeterThoeny
    • Corrected templates for automatic email notification so that MS Outlook can display attachment as an HTML file.
  • 13 Aug 1998 - PeterThoeny
    • WikiNotation allows also numbers after the AaA sequence, e.g. AaA1 is a valid WikiTopic? name, but not Aa1.
  • 07 Aug 1998 - PeterThoeny
    • Automatic email notification when something has changed in a TWiki web. Each web has a topic WebNotify where one can subscribe and unsubscribe.
  • 06 Aug 1998 - PeterThoeny
    • Added server side include of files. Syntax is %INCLUDE:"filename.ext"%
  • 05 Aug 1998 - PeterThoeny
    • Signature and date is inserted automatically when creating a new topic.
  • 04 Aug 1998 - PeterThoeny
    • Separate templates for text of non existing topic and default text of new topic. (template file templates/Web/notedited.tmpl)
  • 04 Aug 1998 - PeterThoeny
    • Warn user if new topic name is not a valid Wiki name. (template file templates/Web/notwiki.tmpl)
  • 31 Jul 1998 - PeterThoeny
    • Support for quoted text with a '>' at the beginning of the line.
  • 28 Jul 1998 - PeterThoeny
    • Added TWiki variables, enclosed in % signs %TOPIC% (Topic name), %WEB% (web name), %SCRIPTURL% (script URL), %DATE% (current date), %WIKIWEBMASTER% (Wiki webmaster address), %WIKIVERSION% (Wiki version), %USERNAME% (user name), %WIKIUSERNAME% (Wiki user name).
  • 28 Jul 1998 - PeterThoeny
    • Topic WebChanges shows Wiki username instead of Intranet username, e.g. PeterThoeny instead of thoeny in case the Wiki username exists. Implementation Automatic lookup of Wiki username in topic TWikiUsers? .
  • 28 Jul 1998 - PeterThoeny
    • Topic index. (Technically speaking a simple '.*' search on topic names.)
  • 28 Jul 1998 - PeterThoeny
    • Topic WebSearch allows full text search and and topic search with/without regular expressions.
  • 27 Jul 1998 - PeterThoeny
    • Added automatic links to topics in other TWiki webs by specifying <web name>.<topic name>, e.g. Know.WebSeach .
  • 23 Jul 1998 - PeterThoeny
    • Installed initial version, based on the JOS Wiki. See WikiWikiClones for details.

The Dev Process

Revision 4205 Sep 2001 - FZU.MikeMannix

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TWiki History: The Dev Timeline

TWiki History: The Dev Timeline


  • JohnTalintyre • 30 Aug 2001 (Mar/May 2001) • Ability to move attachments between topics, see FileAttachments MM
  • PeterThoeny • 21 Aug 2001 • Convert to XHTML 1.0 goal is to XHTML-ify TWiki. ConvertToXHTML10? MM
  • JohnTalintyre • 26 Jun 2001 • Category information to form using MetaDataDefinition? format MM
  • PeterThoeny • 07 Jun 2001 • New topic templates are now topics instead of templates, e.g. can be customized by editing a topic. Retired notedited.tmpl, notext.tmpl and notwiki.tmpl templates. More in TWikiTemplates.
  • 30 Aug 2001 - JohnTalintyre?
  • 21 Aug 2001 - PeterThoeny
    • Convert to XHTML 1.0 goal is to XHTML-ify TWiki. ConvertToXHTML10? MM
  • 26 Jun 2001 - JohnTalintyre?
    • Category information to form using MetaDataDefinition? format MM
  • 07 Jun 2001 - PeterThoeny
    • New topic templates are now topics instead of templates, e.g. can be customized by editing a topic. Retired notedited.tmpl, notext.tmpl and notwiki.tmpl templates. More in TWikiTemplates.
  • PeterThoeny • 07 Jun 2001 • New %TOPICLIST{"format"}% and %WEBLIST{"format"}% variables to get a formatted topic index and web index, respectively. More in TWikiVariables.
  • PeterThoeny • 01 Jun 2001 • New %URLPARAM{"name"}% variable to query URL parameters. More in TWikiVariables.
  • AndreaSterbini • Apr/Jun 2001 • API to extend TWiki, see TWikiPluginAPI? MM

Revision 4103 Sep 2001 - FZU.MikeMannix

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History of TWiki New Feature Implementation

TWiki History: The Dev Timeline

  • JohnTalintyre - 30 Aug 2001 (Mar/May 2001): Ability to move attachments between topics, see FileAttachments MM
  • PeterThoeny - 21 Aug 2001: Convert to XHTML 1.0: goal is to XHTML-ify TWiki. ConvertToXHTML10? MM
  • JohnTalintyre - 26 Jun 2001: Category information to form using MetaDataDefinition? format MM
  • PeterThoeny - 07 Jun 2001: New topic templates are now topics instead of templates, e.g. can be customized by editing a topic. Retired notedited.tmpl, notext.tmpl and notwiki.tmpl templates. More in TWikiTemplates.
  • PeterThoeny - 07 Jun 2001: New %TOPICLIST{"format"}% and %WEBLIST{"format"}% variables to get a formatted topic index and web index, respectively. More in TWikiVariables.
  • PeterThoeny - 01 Jun 2001: New %URLPARAM{"name"}% variable to query URL parameters. More in TWikiVariables.
  • AndreaSterbini - Apr/Jun 2001: API to extend TWiki, see TWikiPluginAPI? MM
  • FZU.KlausWriessnegger, AndreaSterbini? - Jun 2001: Forms to change/reset/install passwords, see TWikiChangePassword? OR ChangingTWikiPasswords? (in Spring Release dev table) MM
  • AndreaSterbini - May 2001: Now users of TWikiAdminGroup can be enabled to edit locked topics. See UnchangeableTopicBug? MM
  • JohnTalintyre - Apr/May 2001: Meta information, see MetaDataDefinition? MM
  • JohnTalintyre - Mar/May 2001: Attachment under revision control - See FileAttachment MM
  • JohnTalintyre - Mar/May 2001: Ability to rename/move topics, RenameTopic? MM
  • PeterThoeny - 27 Mar 2001: The table syntax has been enhanced to (i) render | *bold* | cells as table headers, (ii) render space padded cells |  center aligned  | and |   right aligned |, (iii) span multiple columns using | empty cells |||. More in TextFormattingRules.
  • PeterThoeny - 25 Mar 2001: Security fix: Questionable files like PHP scripts (executables) and .htaccess files that are attached to a topic get a .txt suffix appended to the file name. See also TWiki:Codev.FileAttachmentFilterSecurityAlert
  • AndreaSterbini? , PeterThoeny - 28 Feb 2001: New Wiki rule for headings, i.e. ---++ My Title; and new %TOC% variable to build a table of content from headings in a topic. More in TWikiVariables.
  • PeterThoeny - 28 Feb 2001: New Wiki rule to specify arbitrary text for external links (i.e. [[http://TWki.org][TWiki]]) and internal links (i.e [[WikiSyntax][syntax]]). More in TWikiVariables.
  • PeterThoeny - 28 Feb 2001: New Wiki rule for named anchors, e.g. links within a topic. Define a named anchor with #MyAnchor at the beginning of a line, and link to it with [[#MyAnchor]]. More in TWikiVariables.
  • NicholasLee? , PeterThoeny - 25 Feb 2001: Use Net::SMTP module instead of sendmail if installed.
  • PeterThoeny - 01 Feb 2001: Added <verbatim> ... </verbatim> tags to show source code "as is". Unlike the <pre> ... </pre> tags, it also shows <, >, & characters "as is".
  • PeterThoeny - 01 Feb 2001: Fixed TWiki:Codev.CreateLinkToAttachedFileBug.
  • PeterThoeny - 21 Jan 2001: Added a "Minor change, don't notify" checkbox in preview. More in DontNotify.
  • PeterThoeny - 21 Jan 2001: Added Bold Fixed formatting using double-equal signs, e.g. write ==Bold Fixed== to get Bold Fixed.
  • PeterThoeny - 20 Jan 2001: Format changed of %GMTIME{"..."}% and %SERVERTIME{"..."}% variables. Format is now "$hour:$min" instead of "hour:min". More in TWikiVariables. Attention: Check your existing topics when you upgrade TWiki!
  • PeterThoeny - 18 Jan 2001: WebChanges, WebSearch and e-mail notification indicate also the revision number of a topic (i.e. 18 Jan 2001 - 16:43 - r1.5), or NEW for a new topic (i.e. i.e. 18 Jan 2001 - 16:43 - NEW).
  • PeterThoeny - 16 Jan 2001: New variable %STARTINCLUDE% and %STOPINCLUDE% variables to control what gets included of a topic. More in TWikiVariables.
  • PeterThoeny - 16 Jan 2001: TWiki skins: Define a different page layout with a customized header and footer layout, i.e. a print skin for a printable view of a topic. More in TWikiSkins and TWiki:Codev.TWikiSkins.
  • StanleyKnutson? - 07 Jan 2001: Better error handling when saving a topic.
  • PeterThoeny - 05 Jan 2001: View authorization based on groups. Define who is allowed to see a TWiki web. More in TWikiAccessControl and TWiki:Codev.AuthenticationBasedOnGroups.
  • PeterThoeny - 05 Dec 2000: Improved include handling. Infinite recursion of includes are prevented; new variables %BASEWEB%, %INCLUDINGWEB%, %BASETOPIC% and %INCLUDINGTOPIC% to have more control over include handling. More in TWikiVariables and TWiki:Codev.IncludeHandlingImprovements.
  • PeterThoeny - 03 Dec 2000: New noheader="on" switch in %SEARCH{...}% to suppress table header. More in TWikiVariables.
  • PeterThoeny - 03 Nov 2000: Flag $doHidePasswdInRegistration in wikicfg.pm to hide plain text password in registration email.
  • PeterThoeny - 01 Nov 2000: New variable %VAR{"NAME" web="Web"}% to get web specific preferences. More in TWikiVariables.
  • PeterThoeny - 01 Nov 2000: Added a "Cancel" link in edit that releases the edit lock.
  • PeterThoeny - 23 Oct 2000: Authorization based on groups. Define fine graned control who is allowed to change or create topics. More in TWikiAccessControl and TWiki:Codev.AuthenticationBasedOnGroups.
  • PeterThoeny - 05 Oct 2000: Remember user by IP address so that view "knows" the user once authenticated in edit. More in TWikiUserAuthentication.
  • AlWilliams? , PeterThoeny - 26 Sep 2000: Fixed TWiki:Codev.UppercaseAttachments bug and added png image support.
  • HaroldGottschalk? , AndreaSterbini? , PeterThoeny - 26 Sep 2000: Allow nesting of variables, i.e. %INCLUDE{"%TWIKIWEB%.TWikiWebsTable"}%. More in TWiki:Codev.BetterTWikiTagTemplateProcessing
  • ManpreetSingh? - 20 Sep 2000: New -q switch in mailnotify to suppress all normal output.
  • PeterThoeny - 19 Sep 2000: Fixed TWiki:Codev.AttachedNotificationLinksBug.
  • AlWilliams? , ManpreetSingh? , PeterThoeny - 18 Sep 2000: Added forced internal links. Write [[text formatting FAQ]] to get the link text formatting FAQ that points to topic TextFormattingFAQ.
  • PeterThoeny - 19 Aug 2000: Ref-By link searches all webs (not just the current web.)
  • PeterThoeny - 16 Aug 2000: New TWikiPreferences variables %HTTP_EQUIV_ON_VIEW% , %HTTP_EQUIV_ON_EDIT% and %HTTP_EQUIV_ON_PREVIEW% that define the <meta http-equiv="..."> meta tags for the TWiki templates. This can be used for example to set a document expiration time.
  • PeterThoeny - 29 Jul 2000: New variables %GMTIME{"..."}% and %SERVERTIME{"..."}% . More in TWikiVariables.
  • PeterThoeny - 23 Jul 2000: Changed include syntax from %INCLUDE{"Web/TopicName.txt"}% to %INCLUDE{"Web.TopicName"}% . Legacy syntax still supported.
  • PeterThoeny - 23 Jul 2000: BookView search allows you show a set of topics for easy printing.
  • PeterThoeny - 22 Jul 2000: More forgiving syntax for *bold*, italic, __bold italic__ and fixed , where it is not necessary anymore to have a trailing space before .,;:?! characters.
  • PeterThoeny - 22 Jul 2000: Split the TWiki.Main web into TWiki.Main (users, company data) and TWiki.TWiki (TWiki related documentation, registration)
  • PeterThoeny - 07 Jul 2000: Added an "Release edit lock" checkbox in preview to let other people edit the topic immediately without the one hour lock.
  • PeterThoeny - 07 Jul 2000: Fixed problem of losing carriage returns when editing topics with KDE KFM browser or W3M? browser.
  • PeterThoeny - 21 Jun 2000: Fixed problem that a page redirect on some server environments is not working (host name is needed in URL).
  • CrisBailiff? , PeterThoeny - 21 Jun 2000: Fixed security issue to prevent a server side %INCLUDE% of arbitrary files.
  • PeterThoeny - 29 May 2000: New %GMTIME% variable that shows the current GM time.
  • PeterThoeny - 28 May 2000: Lock warning shows remaining lock time in minutes.
  • PeterFokkinga? - 15 May 2000: Each topic can have its own template file. TWikiTemplates has more.
  • KevinKinnell? , PeterThoeny - 02 May 2000: Advanced search features like search multiple webs; sort by topic name / modified time / author; limit the number of results returned. More in TWikiVariables.
  • PeterThoeny - 21 Apr 2000: New TWikiVariables %HTTP_HOST% , %REMOTE_ADDR% , %REMOTE_PORT% and %REMOTE_USER% .
  • JohnAltstadt? , PeterThoeny - 21 Apr 2000: TWikiRegistration is done separately for Intranet use (depends on remote_user) or Internet use (depends on .htpasswd file).
  • PeterThoeny - 20 Mar 2000: Uploading a file (topic file attachment) will optionally create a link to the uploaded file at the end of the topic. The preference variable %ATTACHLINKBOX% controls the default state of the link check box in the attach file page.
  • PeterThoeny - 11 Mar 2000: Better security with taint checking ( Perl -T option )
  • PeterThoeny - 25 Feb 2000: New preference variables %EDITBOXWIDTH% and %EDITBOXHEIGHT% to specify the edit box size.
  • PeterThoeny - 25 Feb 2000: Edit preferences topics to set TWiki variables. There are three level of preferences: Site-level (TWikiPreferences), web-level (WebPreferences in each web) and user-level preferences (for each of the TWikiUsers? ). With this, discontinue use of server side include of wikiwebs.inc , wikiwebtable.inc , weblist.inc , webcopyright.inc and webcolors.inc files.
  • PeterThoeny - 11 Feb 2000: New variable %SCRIPTSUFFIX% / $scriptSuffix containing an optional file extension of the TWiki Perl script. Templates have been changed to use this variable. This allows you to rename the Perl script files to have a file extension like for example ".cgi".
  • PeterThoeny - 11 Feb 2000: New variable %SCRIPTURLPATH% / $scriptUrlPath containing the script URL without the domain name. Templates have been changed to use this variable instead of %SCRIPTURL% . This is for performance reasons.
  • PeterThoeny - 07 Feb 2000: Changed the syntax for server side include variable from %INCLUDE:"filename.ext"% to %INCLUDE{"filename.ext"}% . (Previous syntax still supported. Change was done because of inline search syntax)
  • PeterThoeny - 07 Feb 2000: Inline search. New variable %SEARCH{"str" ...}% to show a search result embedded in a topic text. TWikiVariables has more on the syntax. Inline search combined with the category table feature can be used for example to create a simple bug tracking system.
  • PeterThoeny - 04 Feb 2000: Access statistics. Each web has a WebStatistics topic that shows monthy statistics with number of topic views and changes, most popular topics, and top contributors. (It needs to be enabled, TWikiDocumentation has more.)
  • PeterThoeny - 29 Jan 2000: Fixed bug where TWiki would not initialize correctly under certain circumstances, i.e. when running it under mod_perl. Sub initialize in wiki.pm did not handle $thePathInfo correctly.
  • PeterThoeny - 24 Jan 2000: Fixed bug where an email address starting with a WikiName was rendered as an internal Wiki link instead of an email address, i.e. SomeWikiName@somewhere.test .
  • PeterThoeny - 10 Jan 2000: No more escaping for '%' percent characters. (Number of consecutive '%' entered and displayed is identical.)
  • PeterThoeny - 03 Oct 1999: Limit the number of revisions shown at the bottom of the topic. Example:
    Topic TWikiHistory . { ..... | Diffs | r1.10 | > | r1.9 | > | r1.8 | > | r1.7 | >... }
    Additional revisions can be selected by pressing the >... link.
  • PeterThoeny - 31 Aug 1999: Fixed Y2K? bug. (Date in year 2000 had wrong format.)
  • PeterThoeny - 08 Aug 1999: New text formatting rule for creating tables. Text gets rendered as a table if enclosed in "|" vertical bars. Example line as it is written and how it shows up:
    | This | is | a table | with | cells |
    This is a table with cells
  • PeterThoeny - 03 Aug 1999: Online registration of new user using web form in TWikiRegistration. Authentication of users.
  • PeterThoeny - 22 Jul 1999: Flags $doLogTopic* in wikicfg.pm to selectively log topic view, edit, save, rdiff, attach, search and changes to monthly log file.
  • PeterThoeny - 21 Jul 1999: Flag $doRemovePortNumber in wikicfg.pm to optionally remove the port number from the TWiki URL. Example: www.some.domain:1234/twiki gets www.some.domain/twiki .
  • PeterThoeny - 15 Jul 1999: Search path for include files in %INCLUDE:"file.inc"% variable. Search first in the current web, then in parent data directory. Useful to overload default include text in the data directory by web-specific text, like for example webcopyright.inc text.
  • ChristopheVermeulen? - 07 Jul 1999: Link a plural topic to a singular topic in case the plural topic does not exist. Example: TestVersion / TestVersions , TestPolicy / TestPolicies , TestAddress / TestAddresses , TestBox / TestBoxes .
  • PeterThoeny - 23 Jun 1999: New TextFormattingRules to write bold italic text by enclosing words with double underline characters.
  • PeterThoeny - 23 Jun 1999: Separate wiki.pm into configuration (wikicfg.pm) and TWiki core (wiki.pm) . This is to ease the upgrade of TWiki installations, it also allows customized extensions to TWiki without affecting the TWiki core.
  • DavidWarman? - 21 May 1999: Externalize copyright text at the bottom of every page into a web-specific webcopyright.inc file. This is to easily customize the copyright text.
  • PeterThoeny - 20 May 1999: Added meta tag so that robots index only /view/ of topics, not /edit/, /attach/ e.t.c. Tag: <META NAME="ROBOTS" CONTENT="NOINDEX">
  • PeterThoeny - 20 May 1999: New variables %WIKIHOMEURL% (link when pressing the icon on the upper left corner) and %WIKITOOLNAME% (the name of the wiki tool: =TWiki = ).
  • PeterThoeny - 15 Apr 1999: Topic locking: Warn user if a topic has been edited by an other person within one hour. This is to prevent contention, e.g. simultaneous topic updates.
  • PeterThoeny - 26 Mar 1999: File attachments: Upload and download any file as a topic attachment by using the browser. FileAttachment has more.
  • PeterThoeny - 26 Mar 1999: New variables %PUBURL% (Public directory URL) and %ATTACHURL% (URL of topic file attachment).
  • PeterThoeny - 09 Feb 1999: New text formatting rule for creating fixed font text . Words get showns in fixed font by enclosing them in "=" equal signs. Example: Writing =fixed font= will show up as fixed font .
  • PeterThoeny - 09 Feb 1999: No new topic revision is created if the same person saves a topic again within one hour.
  • PeterThoeny - 03 Feb 1999: Possible to view complete revision history of a topic on one page. Access at the linked date in the Changes page, or the Diffs link at the bottom of each topic, e.g.
    Topic TWikiHistory . { Edit | Ref-By | Diffs | r1.3 | > | r1.2 | > | r1.1 }
    Revision r1.3: 1998/11/10 01:34 by PeterThoeny
  • PeterThoeny - 04 Jan 1999: Fixed bug when viewing differences between topic revisions that include HTML table tags like <table>, <tr>, <td>.
  • PeterThoeny - 08 Dec 1998: Signature is shown below the text area when editing a topic. Use this to easily copy & paste your signature into the text.
  • PeterThoeny - 07 Dec 1998: Possible to add a category table to a TWiki topic. This permits storing and searching for more structured information. Editing a topic shows a HTML form with the usual text area and a table with selectors, checkboxes, radio buttons and text fields. TWikiDocumentation has more on setup. The TWiki.Know web uses this category table to set classification, platform and OS version.
  • PeterThoeny - 18 Nov 1998: Internal log of topic save actions to the file data/logYYYYMM.txt, where YYYYMM the year and month in numeric format is. Intended for auditing only, not accessible from the web.
  • PeterThoeny - 10 Nov 1998: The email notification and the Changes topic have now a topic date that is linked. Clicking on the link will show the difference between the two most recent topic revisions.
  • PeterThoeny - 10 Nov 1998: View differences between topic revisions. Each topic has a list of revisions (e.g. r1.3) and differences thereof (e.g. >) at the bottom:
    Topic TWikiHistory . { Edit | Ref-By | r1.3 | > | r1.2 | > | r1.1 }
    Revision r1.3: 1998/11/10 01:34 by PeterThoeny
  • PeterThoeny - 26 Oct 1998: Added preview of topic changes before saving the topic. This was necessary to prevent unneeded revisions.
  • PeterThoeny - 26 Oct 1998: Added revision control using RCS. Each topic has now a list of revisions at the bottom and a revision info, e.g.
    Topic TWikiHistory . { Edit | Ref-By | r1.3 | r1.2 | r1.1 }
    Revision r1.3: 1998/10/26 01:34:00 by PeterThoeny
  • PeterThoeny - 14 Oct 1998: Refered-By: Find out which topics have a link to the current topic. Each topic has a |Ref-By| link for that. Note: Only references from the current web are shown, not references from other webs.
  • PeterThoeny - 13 Oct 1998: Alphabetical topic index in WebSearch.
  • PeterThoeny - 24 Sep 1998: Corrected templates for automatic email notification so that MS Outlook can display attachment as an HTML file.
  • PeterThoeny - 13 Aug 1998: WikiNotation allows also numbers after the AaA sequence, e.g. AaA1 is a valid WikiTopic? name, but not Aa1.
  • PeterThoeny - 07 Aug 1998: Automatic email notification when something has changed in a TWiki web. Each web has a topic WebNotify where one can subscribe and unsubscribe.
  • PeterThoeny - 06 Aug 1998: Added server side include of files. Syntax is %INCLUDE:"filename.ext"%
  • PeterThoeny - 05 Aug 1998: Signature and date is inserted automatically when creating a new topic.
  • PeterThoeny - 04 Aug 1998: Separate templates for text of non existing topic and default text of new topic. (template file templates/Web/notedited.tmpl)
  • PeterThoeny - 04 Aug 1998: Warn user if new topic name is not a valid Wiki name. (template file templates/Web/notwiki.tmpl)
  • PeterThoeny - 31 Jul 1998: Support for quoted text with a '>' at the beginning of the line.
  • PeterThoeny - 28 Jul 1998: Added TWiki variables, enclosed in % signs: %TOPIC% (Topic name), %WEB% (web name), %SCRIPTURL% (script URL), %DATE% (current date), %WIKIWEBMASTER% (Wiki webmaster address), %WIKIVERSION% (Wiki version), %USERNAME% (user name), %WIKIUSERNAME% (Wiki user name).
  • PeterThoeny - 28 Jul 1998: Topic WebChanges shows Wiki username instead of Intranet username, e.g. PeterThoeny instead of thoeny in case the Wiki username exists. Implementation: Automatic lookup of Wiki username in topic TWikiUsers? .
  • PeterThoeny - 28 Jul 1998: Topic index. (Technically speaking a simple '.*' search on topic names.)
  • PeterThoeny - 28 Jul 1998: Topic WebSearch allows full text search and and topic search with/without regular expressions.
  • PeterThoeny - 27 Jul 1998: Added automatic links to topics in other TWiki webs by specifying <web name>.<topic name>, e.g. Know.WebSeach .
  • PeterThoeny - 23 Jul 1998: Installed initial version, based on the JOS Wiki. See WikiWikiClones for details.


  • JohnTalintyre • 30 Aug 2001 (Mar/May 2001) • Ability to move attachments between topics, see FileAttachments MM
  • PeterThoeny • 21 Aug 2001 • Convert to XHTML 1.0 goal is to XHTML-ify TWiki. ConvertToXHTML10? MM
  • JohnTalintyre • 26 Jun 2001 • Category information to form using MetaDataDefinition? format MM
  • PeterThoeny • 07 Jun 2001 • New topic templates are now topics instead of templates, e.g. can be customized by editing a topic. Retired notedited.tmpl, notext.tmpl and notwiki.tmpl templates. More in TWikiTemplates.
  • PeterThoeny • 07 Jun 2001 • New %TOPICLIST{"format"}% and %WEBLIST{"format"}% variables to get a formatted topic index and web index, respectively. More in TWikiVariables.
  • PeterThoeny • 01 Jun 2001 • New %URLPARAM{"name"}% variable to query URL parameters. More in TWikiVariables.
  • AndreaSterbini • Apr/Jun 2001 • API to extend TWiki, see TWikiPluginAPI? MM
  • FZU.KlausWriessnegger, AndreaSterbini? • Jun 2001 • Forms to change/reset/install passwords, see TWikiChangePassword? OR ChangingTWikiPasswords? (in Spring Release dev table) MM
  • AndreaSterbini • May 2001 • Now users of TWikiAdminGroup can be enabled to edit locked topics. See UnchangeableTopicBug? MM
  • JohnTalintyre • Apr/May 2001 • Meta information, see MetaDataDefinition? MM
  • JohnTalintyre • Mar/May 2001 • Attachment under revision control See FileAttachment MM
  • JohnTalintyre • Mar/May 2001 • Ability to rename/move topics, RenameTopic? MM
  • PeterThoeny • 27 Mar 2001 • The table syntax has been enhanced to (i) render =  *bold*  = cells as table headers, (ii) render space padded cells =   center aligned   = and =    right aligned  =, (iii) span multiple columns using =  empty cells    =. More in TextFormattingRules.
  • PeterThoeny • 25 Mar 2001 • Security fix Questionable files like PHP scripts (executables) and .htaccess files that are attached to a topic get a .txt suffix appended to the file name. See also TWiki:Codev.FileAttachmentFilterSecurityAlert
  • AndreaSterbini? , PeterThoeny • 28 Feb 2001 • New Wiki rule for headings, i.e. ---++ My Title; and new %TOC% variable to build a table of content from headings in a topic. More in TWikiVariables.
  • PeterThoeny • 28 Feb 2001 • New Wiki rule to specify arbitrary text for external links (i.e. [[http://TWki.org][TWiki]]) and internal links (i.e [[WikiSyntax][syntax]]). More in TWikiVariables.
  • PeterThoeny • 28 Feb 2001 • New Wiki rule for named anchors, e.g. links within a topic. Define a named anchor with #MyAnchor at the beginning of a line, and link to it with [[#MyAnchor]]. More in TWikiVariables.
  • NicholasLee? , PeterThoeny • 25 Feb 2001 • Use Net::SMTP module instead of sendmail if installed.
  • PeterThoeny • 01 Feb 2001 • Added <verbatim> ... </verbatim> tags to show source code "as is". Unlike the <pre> ... </pre> tags, it also shows <, >, & characters "as is".
  • PeterThoeny • 01 Feb 2001 • Fixed TWiki:Codev.CreateLinkToAttachedFileBug.
  • PeterThoeny • 21 Jan 2001 • Added a "Minor change, don't notify" checkbox in preview. More in DontNotify.
  • PeterThoeny • 21 Jan 2001 • Added Bold Fixed formatting using double-equal signs, e.g. write ==Bold Fixed== to get Bold Fixed.
  • PeterThoeny • 20 Jan 2001 • Format changed of %GMTIME{"..."}% and %SERVERTIME{"..."}% variables. Format is now "$hour:$min" instead of "hour:min". More in TWikiVariables. Attention: Check your existing topics when you upgrade TWiki!
  • PeterThoeny • 18 Jan 2001 • WebChanges, WebSearch and e-mail notification indicate also the revision number of a topic (i.e. 18 Jan 2001 16:43 r1.5), or NEW for a new topic (i.e. i.e. 18 Jan 2001 16:43 NEW).
  • PeterThoeny • 16 Jan 2001 • New variable %STARTINCLUDE% and %STOPINCLUDE% variables to control what gets included of a topic. More in TWikiVariables.
  • PeterThoeny • 16 Jan 2001 • TWiki skins Define a different page layout with a customized header and footer layout, i.e. a print skin for a printable view of a topic. More in TWikiSkins and TWiki:Codev.TWikiSkins.
  • StanleyKnutson? • 07 Jan 2001 • Better error handling when saving a topic.
  • PeterThoeny • 05 Jan 2001 • View authorization based on groups. Define who is allowed to see a TWiki web. More in TWikiAccessControl and TWiki:Codev.AuthenticationBasedOnGroups.


  • PeterThoeny • 05 Dec 2000 • Improved include handling. Infinite recursion of includes are prevented; new variables %BASEWEB%, %INCLUDINGWEB%, %BASETOPIC% and %INCLUDINGTOPIC% to have more control over include handling. More in TWikiVariables and TWiki:Codev.IncludeHandlingImprovements.
  • PeterThoeny • 03 Dec 2000 • New noheader="on" switch in %SEARCH{...}% to suppress table header. More in TWikiVariables.
  • PeterThoeny • 03 Nov 2000 • Flag $doHidePasswdInRegistration in wikicfg.pm to hide plain text password in registration email.
  • PeterThoeny • 01 Nov 2000 • New variable %VAR{"NAME" web="Web"}% to get web specific preferences. More in TWikiVariables.
  • PeterThoeny • 01 Nov 2000 • Added a "Cancel" link in edit that releases the edit lock.
  • PeterThoeny • 23 Oct 2000 • Authorization based on groups. Define fine graned control who is allowed to change or create topics. More in TWikiAccessControl and TWiki:Codev.AuthenticationBasedOnGroups.
  • PeterThoeny • 05 Oct 2000 • Remember user by IP address so that view "knows" the user once authenticated in edit. More in TWikiUserAuthentication.
  • AlWilliams? , PeterThoeny • 26 Sep 2000 • Fixed TWiki:Codev.UppercaseAttachments bug and added png image support.
  • HaroldGottschalk? , AndreaSterbini? , PeterThoeny • 26 Sep 2000 • Allow nesting of variables, i.e. %INCLUDE{"%TWIKIWEB%.TWikiWebsTable"}%. More in TWiki:Codev.BetterTWikiTagTemplateProcessing
  • ManpreetSingh? • 20 Sep 2000 • New -q switch in mailnotify to suppress all normal output.
  • PeterThoeny • 19 Sep 2000 • Fixed TWiki:Codev.AttachedNotificationLinksBug.
  • AlWilliams? , ManpreetSingh? , PeterThoeny • 18 Sep 2000 • Added forced internal links. Write [[text formatting FAQ]] to get the link text formatting FAQ that points to topic TextFormattingFAQ.
  • PeterThoeny • 19 Aug 2000 • Ref-By link searches all webs (not just the current web.)
  • PeterThoeny • 16 Aug 2000 • New TWikiPreferences variables %HTTP_EQUIV_ON_VIEW% , %HTTP_EQUIV_ON_EDIT% and %HTTP_EQUIV_ON_PREVIEW% that define the <meta http-equiv="..."> meta tags for the TWiki templates. This can be used for example to set a document expiration time.
  • PeterThoeny • 29 Jul 2000 • New variables %GMTIME{"..."}% and %SERVERTIME{"..."}% . More in TWikiVariables.
  • PeterThoeny • 23 Jul 2000 • Changed include syntax from %INCLUDE{"Web/TopicName.txt"}% to %INCLUDE{"Web.TopicName"}% . Legacy syntax still supported.
  • PeterThoeny • 23 Jul 2000 • BookView search allows you show a set of topics for easy printing.
  • PeterThoeny • 22 Jul 2000 • More forgiving syntax for *bold*, italic, __bold italic__ and fixed , where it is not necessary anymore to have a trailing space before .,;:?! characters.
  • PeterThoeny • 22 Jul 2000 • Split the TWiki.Main web into TWiki.Main (users, company data) and TWiki.TWiki (TWiki related documentation, registration)
  • PeterThoeny • 07 Jul 2000 • Added an "Release edit lock" checkbox in preview to let other people edit the topic immediately without the one hour lock.
  • PeterThoeny • 07 Jul 2000 • Fixed problem of losing carriage returns when editing topics with KDE KFM browser or W3M? browser.
  • PeterThoeny • 21 Jun 2000 • Fixed problem that a page redirect on some server environments is not working (host name is needed in URL).
  • CrisBailiff? , PeterThoeny • 21 Jun 2000 • Fixed security issue to prevent a server side %INCLUDE% of arbitrary files.
  • PeterThoeny • 29 May 2000 • New %GMTIME% variable that shows the current GM time.
  • PeterThoeny • 28 May 2000 • Lock warning shows remaining lock time in minutes.
  • PeterFokkinga? • 15 May 2000 • Each topic can have its own template file. TWikiTemplates has more.
  • KevinKinnell? , PeterThoeny • 02 May 2000 • Advanced search features like search multiple webs; sort by topic name / modified time / author; limit the number of results returned. More in TWikiVariables.
  • PeterThoeny • 21 Apr 2000 • New TWikiVariables %HTTP_HOST% , %REMOTE_ADDR% , %REMOTE_PORT% and %REMOTE_USER% .
  • JohnAltstadt? , PeterThoeny • 21 Apr 2000 • TWikiRegistration is done separately for Intranet use (depends on remote_user) or Internet use (depends on .htpasswd file).
  • PeterThoeny • 20 Mar 2000 • Uploading a file (topic file attachment) will optionally create a link to the uploaded file at the end of the topic. The preference variable %ATTACHLINKBOX% controls the default state of the link check box in the attach file page.
  • PeterThoeny • 11 Mar 2000 • Better security with taint checking ( Perl -T option )
  • PeterThoeny • 25 Feb 2000 • New preference variables %EDITBOXWIDTH% and %EDITBOXHEIGHT% to specify the edit box size.
  • PeterThoeny • 25 Feb 2000 • Edit preferences topics to set TWiki variables. There are three level of preferences Site-level (TWikiPreferences), web-level (WebPreferences in each web) and user-level preferences (for each of the TWikiUsers? ). With this, discontinue use of server side include of wikiwebs.inc , wikiwebtable.inc , weblist.inc , webcopyright.inc and webcolors.inc files.
  • PeterThoeny • 11 Feb 2000 • New variable %SCRIPTSUFFIX% / $scriptSuffix containing an optional file extension of the TWiki Perl script. Templates have been changed to use this variable. This allows you to rename the Perl script files to have a file extension like for example ".cgi".
  • PeterThoeny • 11 Feb 2000 • New variable %SCRIPTURLPATH% / $scriptUrlPath containing the script URL without the domain name. Templates have been changed to use this variable instead of %SCRIPTURL% . This is for performance reasons.
  • PeterThoeny • 07 Feb 2000 • Changed the syntax for server side include variable from %INCLUDE:"filename.ext"% to %INCLUDE{"filename.ext"}% . (Previous syntax still supported. Change was done because of inline search syntax)
  • PeterThoeny • 07 Feb 2000 • Inline search. New variable %SEARCH{"str" ...}% to show a search result embedded in a topic text. TWikiVariables has more on the syntax. Inline search combined with the category table feature can be used for example to create a simple bug tracking system.
  • PeterThoeny • 04 Feb 2000 • Access statistics. Each web has a WebStatistics topic that shows monthy statistics with number of topic views and changes, most popular topics, and top contributors. (It needs to be enabled, TWikiDocumentation has more.)
  • PeterThoeny • 29 Jan 2000 • Fixed bug where TWiki would not initialize correctly under certain circumstances, i.e. when running it under mod_perl. Sub initialize in wiki.pm did not handle $thePathInfo correctly.
  • PeterThoeny • 24 Jan 2000 • Fixed bug where an email address starting with a WikiName was rendered as an internal Wiki link instead of an email address, i.e. SomeWikiName@somewhere.test .
  • PeterThoeny • 10 Jan 2000 • No more escaping for '%' percent characters. (Number of consecutive '%' entered and displayed is identical.)


  • PeterThoeny • 03 Oct 1999 • Limit the number of revisions shown at the bottom of the topic. Example
    Topic TWikiHistory . { ..... Diffs r1.10 > r1.9 > r1.8 > r1.7 >... }
    Additional revisions can be selected by pressing the >... link.
  • PeterThoeny • 31 Aug 1999 • Fixed Y2K? bug. (Date in year 2000 had wrong format.)
  • PeterThoeny • 08 Aug 1999 • New text formatting rule for creating tables. Text gets rendered as a table if enclosed in " " vertical bars. Example line as it is written and how it shows up
  • PeterThoeny • 03 Aug 1999 • Online registration of new user using web form in TWikiRegistration. Authentication of users.
  • PeterThoeny • 22 Jul 1999 • Flags $doLogTopic* in wikicfg.pm to selectively log topic view, edit, save, rdiff, attach, search and changes to monthly log file.
  • PeterThoeny • 21 Jul 1999 • Flag $doRemovePortNumber in wikicfg.pm to optionally remove the port number from the TWiki URL. Example www.some.domain:1234/twiki gets www.some.domain/twiki .
  • PeterThoeny • 15 Jul 1999 • Search path for include files in %INCLUDE:"file.inc"% variable. Search first in the current web, then in parent data directory. Useful to overload default include text in the data directory by web-specific text, like for example webcopyright.inc text.
  • ChristopheVermeulen? • 07 Jul 1999 • Link a plural topic to a singular topic in case the plural topic does not exist. Example TestVersion / TestVersions , TestPolicy / TestPolicies , TestAddress / TestAddresses , TestBox / TestBoxes .
  • PeterThoeny • 23 Jun 1999 • New TextFormattingRules to write bold italic text by enclosing words with double underline characters.
  • PeterThoeny • 23 Jun 1999 • Separate wiki.pm into configuration (wikicfg.pm) and TWiki core (wiki.pm) . This is to ease the upgrade of TWiki installations, it also allows customized extensions to TWiki without affecting the TWiki core.
  • DavidWarman? • 21 May 1999 • Externalize copyright text at the bottom of every page into a web-specific webcopyright.inc file. This is to easily customize the copyright text.
  • PeterThoeny • 20 May 1999 • Added meta tag so that robots index only /view/ of topics, not /edit/, /attach/ e.t.c. Tag <META NAME="ROBOTS" CONTENT="NOINDEX">
  • PeterThoeny • 20 May 1999 • New variables %WIKIHOMEURL% (link when pressing the icon on the upper left corner) and %WIKITOOLNAME% (the name of the wiki tool =TWiki = ).
  • PeterThoeny • 15 Apr 1999 • Topic locking Warn user if a topic has been edited by an other person within one hour. This is to prevent contention, e.g. simultaneous topic updates.
  • PeterThoeny • 26 Mar 1999 • File attachments Upload and download any file as a topic attachment by using the browser. FileAttachment has more.
  • PeterThoeny • 26 Mar 1999 • New variables %PUBURL% (Public directory URL) and %ATTACHURL% (URL of topic file attachment).
  • PeterThoeny • 09 Feb 1999 • New text formatting rule for creating fixed font text . Words get showns in fixed font by enclosing them in "=" equal signs. Example Writing =fixed font= will show up as fixed font .
  • PeterThoeny • 09 Feb 1999 • No new topic revision is created if the same person saves a topic again within one hour.
  • PeterThoeny • 03 Feb 1999 • Possible to view complete revision history of a topic on one page. Access at the linked date in the Changes page, or the Diffs link at the bottom of each topic, e.g.
    Topic TWikiHistory . { Edit Ref-By Diffs r1.3 > r1.2 > r1.1 }
    Revision r1.3 1998/11/10 01:34 by PeterThoeny
  • PeterThoeny • 04 Jan 1999 • Fixed bug when viewing differences between topic revisions that include HTML table tags like <table>, <tr>, <td>.


  • PeterThoeny • 08 Dec 1998 • Signature is shown below the text area when editing a topic. Use this to easily copy & paste your signature into the text.
  • PeterThoeny • 07 Dec 1998 • Possible to add a category table to a TWiki topic. This permits storing and searching for more structured information. Editing a topic shows a HTML form with the usual text area and a table with selectors, checkboxes, radio buttons and text fields. TWikiDocumentation has more on setup. The TWiki.Know web uses this category table to set classification, platform and OS version.
  • PeterThoeny • 18 Nov 1998 • Internal log of topic save actions to the file data/logYYYYMM.txt, where YYYYMM the year and month in numeric format is. Intended for auditing only, not accessible from the web.
  • PeterThoeny • 10 Nov 1998 • The email notification and the Changes topic have now a topic date that is linked. Clicking on the link will show the difference between the two most recent topic revisions.
  • PeterThoeny • 10 Nov 1998 • View differences between topic revisions. Each topic has a list of revisions (e.g. r1.3) and differences thereof (e.g. >) at the bottom
    Topic TWikiHistory . { Edit Ref-By r1.3 > r1.2 > r1.1 }
    Revision r1.3 1998/11/10 01:34 by PeterThoeny
  • PeterThoeny • 26 Oct 1998 • Added preview of topic changes before saving the topic. This was necessary to prevent unneeded revisions.
  • PeterThoeny • 26 Oct 1998 • Added revision control using RCS. Each topic has now a list of revisions at the bottom and a revision info, e.g.
    Topic TWikiHistory . { Edit Ref-By r1.3 r1.2 r1.1 }
    Revision r1.3 1998/10/26 01:34:00 by PeterThoeny
  • PeterThoeny • 14 Oct 1998 • Refered-By Find out which topics have a link to the current topic. Each topic has a Ref-By link for that. Note Only references from the current web are shown, not references from other webs.
  • PeterThoeny • 13 Oct 1998 • Alphabetical topic index in WebSearch.
  • PeterThoeny • 24 Sep 1998 • Corrected templates for automatic email notification so that MS Outlook can display attachment as an HTML file.
  • PeterThoeny • 13 Aug 1998 • WikiNotation allows also numbers after the AaA sequence, e.g. AaA1 is a valid WikiTopic? name, but not Aa1.
  • PeterThoeny • 07 Aug 1998 • Automatic email notification when something has changed in a TWiki web. Each web has a topic WebNotify where one can subscribe and unsubscribe.
  • PeterThoeny • 06 Aug 1998 • Added server side include of files. Syntax is %INCLUDE:"filename.ext"%
  • PeterThoeny • 05 Aug 1998 • Signature and date is inserted automatically when creating a new topic.
  • PeterThoeny • 04 Aug 1998 • Separate templates for text of non existing topic and default text of new topic. (template file templates/Web/notedited.tmpl)
  • PeterThoeny • 04 Aug 1998 • Warn user if new topic name is not a valid Wiki name. (template file templates/Web/notwiki.tmpl)
  • PeterThoeny • 31 Jul 1998 • Support for quoted text with a '>' at the beginning of the line.
  • PeterThoeny • 28 Jul 1998 • Added TWiki variables, enclosed in % signs %TOPIC% (Topic name), %WEB% (web name), %SCRIPTURL% (script URL), %DATE% (current date), %WIKIWEBMASTER% (Wiki webmaster address), %WIKIVERSION% (Wiki version), %USERNAME% (user name), %WIKIUSERNAME% (Wiki user name).
  • PeterThoeny • 28 Jul 1998 • Topic WebChanges shows Wiki username instead of Intranet username, e.g. PeterThoeny instead of thoeny in case the Wiki username exists. Implementation Automatic lookup of Wiki username in topic TWikiUsers? .
  • PeterThoeny • 28 Jul 1998 • Topic index. (Technically speaking a simple '.*' search on topic names.)
  • PeterThoeny • 28 Jul 1998 • Topic WebSearch allows full text search and and topic search with/without regular expressions.
  • PeterThoeny • 27 Jul 1998 • Added automatic links to topics in other TWiki webs by specifying <web name>.<topic name>, e.g. Know.WebSeach .
  • PeterThoeny • 23 Jul 1998 • Installed initial version, based on the JOS Wiki. See WikiWikiClones for details.
  Related Topics

Revision 4001 Sep 2001 - FZU.MikeMannix

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 History of TWiki New Feature Implementation

  • JohnTalintyre - 30 Aug 2001 (Mar/May 2001): Ability to move attachments between topics, see FileAttachments MM
Line: 35 to 35
  • PeterThoeny - 05 Oct 2000: Remember user by IP address so that view "knows" the user once authenticated in edit. More in TWikiAuthentication? .

Revision 3931 Aug 2001 - FZU.MikeMannix

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 History of TWiki New Feature Implementation

  • Not yet on live site:
    • JohnTalintyre? - Mar/May 2001: Ability to move attachments between topics, see FileAttachment
    • AndreaSterbini? - May 2001: Now users of TWikiAdminGroup can be enabled to edit locked topics. See UnchangeableTopicBug?
    • AndreaSterbini? - Apr/Jun 2001: API to extend TWiki, see TWikiPluginAPI?

  • PeterThoeny - 21 Aug 2001: Convert to XHTML 1.0: goal is to XHTML-ify TWiki. MM
  • JohnTalintyre - 30 Aug 2001 (Mar/May 2001): Ability to move attachments between topics, see FileAttachments MM
  • PeterThoeny - 21 Aug 2001: Convert to XHTML 1.0: goal is to XHTML-ify TWiki. ConvertToXHTML10? MM
  • JohnTalintyre - 26 Jun 2001: Category information to form using MetaDataDefinition? format MM
  • PeterThoeny - 07 Jun 2001: New topic templates are now topics instead of templates, e.g. can be customized by editing a topic. Retired notedited.tmpl, notext.tmpl and notwiki.tmpl templates. More in TWikiTemplates.
  • PeterThoeny - 07 Jun 2001: New %TOPICLIST{"format"}% and %WEBLIST{"format"}% variables to get a formatted topic index and web index, respectively. More in TWikiVariables.
  • PeterThoeny - 01 Jun 2001: New %URLPARAM{"name"}% variable to query URL parameters. More in TWikiVariables.
  • FZU.KlausWriessnegger, AndreaSterbini? - Jun 2001: Forms to change/reset/install passwords, see TWikiChangePassword? OR ChangingTWikiPasswords? (in Spring Release dev table) MM
  • AndreaSterbini - Apr/Jun 2001: API to extend TWiki, see TWikiPluginAPI? MM
  • FZU.KlausWriessnegger, AndreaSterbini? - Jun 2001: Forms to change/reset/install passwords, see TWikiChangePassword? OR ChangingTWikiPasswords? (in Spring Release dev table) MM
  • AndreaSterbini - May 2001: Now users of TWikiAdminGroup can be enabled to edit locked topics. See UnchangeableTopicBug? MM
  • JohnTalintyre - Apr/May 2001: Meta information, see MetaDataDefinition? MM
  • JohnTalintyre - Mar/May 2001: Attachment under revision control - See FileAttachment MM
  • JohnTalintyre - Mar/May 2001: Ability to rename/move topics, RenameTopic? MM
  • JohnTalintyre - Mar/May 2001: Ability to rename/move topics, RenameTopic? MM
  • PeterThoeny - 27 Mar 2001: The table syntax has been enhanced to (i) render | *bold* | cells as table headers, (ii) render space padded cells |  center aligned  | and |   right aligned |, (iii) span multiple columns using | empty cells |||. More in TextFormattingRules.
  • PeterThoeny - 25 Mar 2001: Security fix: Questionable files like PHP scripts (executables) and .htaccess files that are attached to a topic get a .txt suffix appended to the file name. See also TWiki:Codev.FileAttachmentFilterSecurityAlert
  • AndreaSterbini? , PeterThoeny - 28 Feb 2001: New Wiki rule for headings, i.e. ---++ My Title; and new %TOC% variable to build a table of content from headings in a topic. More in TWikiVariables.

Revision 3831 Aug 2001 - FZU.MikeMannix

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 History of TWiki New Feature Implementation
  • PeterThoeny - 21 Aug 2001: Convert to XHTML 1.0: goal is to XHTML-ify TWiki. MM

  • Not yet on live site:
    • JohnTalintyre? - 26 Jun 2001: Category information to form using MetaDataDefinition? format
    • JohnTalintyre? - Mar/May 2001: Attachment under revision control - See FileAttachment
    • JohnTalintyre? - Mar/May 2001: Ability to rename/move topics, RenameTopic?
    • JohnTalintyre? - Mar/May 2001: Ability to move attachments between topics, see FileAttachment
    • JohnTalintyre? - Apr/May 2001: Meta information, see MetaDataDefinition?
    • AndreaSterbini? - May 2001: Now users of TWikiAdminGroup can be enabled to edit locked topics. See UnchangeableTopicBug?
    • AndreaSterbini? - Apr/Jun 2001: API to extend TWiki, see TWikiPluginAPI?
    • KlausWriessnegger? , AndreaSterbini? - Jun 2001: Forms to change/reset/install passwords, see TWikiChangePassword? OR ChangingTWikiPasswords? (in Spring Release dev table) MM
  • PeterThoeny - 21 Aug 2001: Convert to XHTML 1.0: goal is to XHTML-ify TWiki. MM
  • JohnTalintyre - 26 Jun 2001: Category information to form using MetaDataDefinition? format MM
  • PeterThoeny - 07 Jun 2001: New topic templates are now topics instead of templates, e.g. can be customized by editing a topic. Retired notedited.tmpl, notext.tmpl and notwiki.tmpl templates. More in TWikiTemplates.
  • PeterThoeny - 07 Jun 2001: New %TOPICLIST{"format"}% and %WEBLIST{"format"}% variables to get a formatted topic index and web index, respectively. More in TWikiVariables.
  • PeterThoeny - 01 Jun 2001: New %URLPARAM{"name"}% variable to query URL parameters. More in TWikiVariables.
  • FZU.KlausWriessnegger, AndreaSterbini? - Jun 2001: Forms to change/reset/install passwords, see TWikiChangePassword? OR ChangingTWikiPasswords? (in Spring Release dev table) MM
  • JohnTalintyre - Apr/May 2001: Meta information, see MetaDataDefinition? MM
  • JohnTalintyre - Mar/May 2001: Attachment under revision control - See FileAttachment MM
  • JohnTalintyre - Mar/May 2001: Ability to rename/move topics, RenameTopic? MM
  • PeterThoeny - 27 Mar 2001: The table syntax has been enhanced to (i) render | *bold* | cells as table headers, (ii) render space padded cells |  center aligned  | and |   right aligned |, (iii) span multiple columns using | empty cells |||. More in TextFormattingRules.
  • PeterThoeny - 25 Mar 2001: Security fix: Questionable files like PHP scripts (executables) and .htaccess files that are attached to a topic get a .txt suffix appended to the file name. See also TWiki:Codev.FileAttachmentFilterSecurityAlert
  • AndreaSterbini? , PeterThoeny - 28 Feb 2001: New Wiki rule for headings, i.e. ---++ My Title; and new %TOC% variable to build a table of content from headings in a topic. More in TWikiVariables.

Revision 3730 Aug 2001 - FZU.JohnTalintyre

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 History of TWiki New Feature Implementation

  • PeterThoeny - 21 Aug 2001: Convert to XHTML 1.0: goal is to XHTML-ify TWiki. MM

  • Not yet on live site:
    • JohnTalintyre? - 26 Jun 2001: Category information to form using MetaDataDefinition? format
    • JohnTalintyre? - Mar/May 2001: Attachment under revision control, see AttachmentsUnderRevisionControl?
    • JohnTalintyre? - Mar/May 2001: Ability to rename/move topics, RenameTopic?
    • JohnTalintyre? - Mar/May 2001: Ability to move attachments between topics, see AttachmentsUnderRevisionControl?
    • JohnTalintyre? - Apr/May 2001: Meta information, see GenericMetaDataStoreForTopics?
    • JohnTalintyre? - 26 Jun 2001: Category information to form using MetaDataDefinition? format
    • JohnTalintyre? - Mar/May 2001: Attachment under revision control - See FileAttachment
    • JohnTalintyre? - Mar/May 2001: Ability to rename/move topics, RenameTopic?
    • JohnTalintyre? - Mar/May 2001: Ability to move attachments between topics, see FileAttachment
    • JohnTalintyre? - Apr/May 2001: Meta information, see MetaDataDefinition?
    • AndreaSterbini? - May 2001: Now users of TWikiAdminGroup can be enabled to edit locked topics. See UnchangeableTopicBug?
    • AndreaSterbini? - Apr/Jun 2001: API to extend TWiki, see TWikiPluginAPI?
    • KlausWriessnegger? , AndreaSterbini? - Jun 2001: Forms to change/reset/install passwords, see TWikiChangePassword? OR ChangingTWikiPasswords? (in Spring Release dev table) MM

Revision 3628 Aug 2001 - FZU.MikeMannix

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History of the TWiki Implementation (version TWiki-4.2.0, Tue, 22 Jan 2008, build 16278)
History of TWiki New Feature Implementation

  • PeterThoeny - 21 Aug 2001: Convert to XHTML 1.0: goal is to XHTML-ify TWiki. MM

  • Not yet on live site:
    • JohnTalintyre? - 26 Jun 2001: Category information to form using MetaDataDefinition? format
    • JohnTalintyre? - Mar/May 2001: Attachment under revision control, see AttachmentsUnderRevisionControl?
    • JohnTalintyre? - Mar/May 2001: Ability to rename/move topics, RenameTopic?
    • JohnTalintyre? - Mar/May 2001: Ability to move attachments between topics, see AttachmentsUnderRevisionControl?
    • JohnTalintyre? - Apr/May 2001: Meta information, see GenericMetaDataStoreForTopics?
    • AndreaSterbini? - May 2001: Now users of TWikiAdminGroup can be enabled to edit locked topics. See UnchangeableTopicBug?
    • AndreaSterbini? - Apr/Jun 2001: API to extend TWiki, see TWikiPluginAPI?
    • KlausWriessnegger? , AndreaSterbini? - Jun 2001: Forms to change/reset/install passwords, see TWikiChangePassword? OR ChangingTWikiPasswords? (in Spring Release dev table) MM
  • PeterThoeny - 07 Jun 2001: New topic templates are now topics instead of templates, e.g. can be customized by editing a topic. Retired notedited.tmpl, notext.tmpl and notwiki.tmpl templates. More in TWikiTemplates.
  • PeterThoeny - 07 Jun 2001: New %TOPICLIST{"format"}% and %WEBLIST{"format"}% variables to get a formatted topic index and web index, respectively. More in TWikiVariables.

Revision 3508 Jun 2001 - FZU.PeterThoeny

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 History of the TWiki Implementation (version TWiki-4.2.0, Tue, 22 Jan 2008, build 16278)
  • PeterThoeny - 07 Jun 2001: New topic templates are now topics instead of templates, e.g. can be customized by editing a topic. Retired notedited.tmpl, notext.tmpl and notwiki.tmpl templates. More in TWikiTemplates.
  • PeterThoeny - 07 Jun 2001: New %TOPICLIST{"format"}% and %WEBLIST{"format"}% variables to get a formatted topic index and web index, respectively. More in TWikiVariables.
  • PeterThoeny - 01 Jun 2001: New %URLPARAM{"name"}% variable to query URL parameters. More in TWikiVariables.
  • PeterThoeny - 27 Mar 2001: The table syntax has been enhanced to (i) render | *bold* | cells as table headers, (ii) render space padded cells |  center aligned  | and |   right aligned |, (iii) span multiple columns using | empty cells |||. More in TextFormattingRules.
  • PeterThoeny - 25 Mar 2001: Security fix: Questionable files like PHP scripts (executables) and .htaccess files that are attached to a topic get a .txt suffix appended to the file name. See also TWiki:Codev.FileAttachmentFilterSecurityAlert

Revision 3402 Jun 2001 - FZU.PeterThoeny

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 History of the TWiki Implementation (version TWiki-4.2.0, Tue, 22 Jan 2008, build 16278)
  • PeterThoeny - 27 Mar 2001: The table syntax has been enhanced to (i) render | *bold* | cells as table headers, (ii) render space padded cells |  center aligned  | and |   right aligned |, (iii) span multiple columns using | empty cells |||. More in TextFormattingRules.
  • PeterThoeny - 25 Mar 2001: Security fix: Questionable files like PHP scripts (executables) and .htaccess files that are attached to a topic get a .txt suffix appended to the file name. See also TWiki:Codev.FileAttachmentFilterSecurityAlert
  • AndreaSterbini? , PeterThoeny - 28 Feb 2001: New Wiki rule for headings, i.e. ---++ My Title; and new %TOC% variable to build a table of content from headings in a topic. More in TWikiVariables.

Revision 3305 Apr 2001 - FZU.PeterThoeny

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 History of the TWiki Implementation (version TWiki-4.2.0, Tue, 22 Jan 2008, build 16278)
  • PeterThoeny - 27 Mar 2001: The table syntax has been enhanced to (i) render | *bold* | cells as table headers, (ii) render space padded cells |  center aligned  | and |   right aligned |, (iii) span multiple columns using | empty cells |||. More in TextFormattingRules.
  • PeterThoeny - 25 Mar 2001: Security fix: Questionable files like PHP scripts (executables) and .htaccess files that are attached to a topic get a .txt suffix appended to the file name. See also TWiki:Codev.FileAttachmentFilterSecurityAlert
  • AndreaSterbini? , PeterThoeny - 28 Feb 2001: New Wiki rule for headings, i.e. ---++ My Title; and new %TOC% variable to build a table of content from headings in a topic. More in TWikiVariables.
  • PeterThoeny - 28 Feb 2001: New Wiki rule to specify arbitrary text for external links (i.e. [[http://TWki.org][TWiki]]) and internal links (i.e [[WikiSyntax][syntax]]). More in TWikiVariables.
  • PeterThoeny - 28 Feb 2001: New Wiki rule for named anchors, e.g. links within a topic. Define a named anchor with #MyAnchor at the beginning of a line, and link to it with [[#MyAnchor]]. More in TWikiVariables.

Revision 3205 Mar 2001 - FZU.PeterThoeny

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 History of the TWiki Implementation (version TWiki-4.2.0, Tue, 22 Jan 2008, build 16278)
  • AndreaSterbini? , PeterThoeny - 28 Feb 2001: New Wiki rule for headings, i.e. ---++ My Title; and new %TOC% variable to build a table of content from headings in a topic. More in TWikiVariables.
  • PeterThoeny - 28 Feb 2001: New Wiki rule to specify arbitrary text for external links (i.e. [[http://TWki.org][TWiki]]) and internal links (i.e [[WikiSyntax][syntax]]). More in TWikiVariables.
  • PeterThoeny - 28 Feb 2001: New Wiki rule for named anchors, e.g. links within a topic. Define a named anchor with #MyAnchor at the beginning of a line, and link to it with [[#MyAnchor]]. More in TWikiVariables.
  • NicholasLee? , PeterThoeny - 25 Feb 2001: Use Net::SMTP module instead of sendmail if installed.

Revision 3118 Feb 2001 - FZU.PeterThoeny

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 History of the TWiki Implementation (version TWiki-4.2.0, Tue, 22 Jan 2008, build 16278)
  • PeterThoeny - 20 Jan 2001: Format changed of %GMTIME{"..."}% and %SERVERTIME{"..."}% variables. Format is now "$hour:$min" instead of "hour:min". More in TWikiVariables.
  • PeterThoeny - 01 Feb 2001: Added <verbatim> ... </verbatim> tags to show source code "as is". Unlike the <pre> ... </pre> tags, it also shows <, >, & characters "as is".
  • PeterThoeny - 01 Feb 2001: Fixed TWiki:Codev.CreateLinkToAttachedFileBug.
  • PeterThoeny - 21 Jan 2001: Added a "Minor change, don't notify" checkbox in preview. More in DontNotify.
  • PeterThoeny - 21 Jan 2001: Added Bold Fixed formatting using double-equal signs, e.g. write ==Bold Fixed== to get Bold Fixed.
  • PeterThoeny - 20 Jan 2001: Format changed of %GMTIME{"..."}% and %SERVERTIME{"..."}% variables. Format is now "$hour:$min" instead of "hour:min". More in TWikiVariables. Attention: Check your existing topics when you upgrade TWiki!
  • PeterThoeny - 18 Jan 2001: WebChanges, WebSearch and e-mail notification indicate also the revision number of a topic (i.e. 18 Jan 2001 - 16:43 - r1.5), or NEW for a new topic (i.e. i.e. 18 Jan 2001 - 16:43 - NEW).
  • PeterThoeny - 16 Jan 2001: New variable %STARTINCLUDE% and %STOPINCLUDE% variables to control what gets included of a topic. More in TWikiVariables.
  • PeterThoeny - 16 Jan 2001: TWiki skins: Define a different page layout with a customized header and footer layout, i.e. a print skin for a printable view of a topic. More in TWikiSkins and TWiki:Codev.TWikiSkins.

Revision 3018 Feb 2001 - FZU.PeterThoeny

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 History of the TWiki Implementation (version TWiki-4.2.0, Tue, 22 Jan 2008, build 16278)
  • PeterThoeny - 23 Jul 1998: Installed initial version, based on the JOS Wiki. See WikiWikiClones for details.
  • PeterThoeny - 27 Jul 1998: Added automatic links to topics in other TWiki webs by specifying <web name>.<topic name>, e.g. Know.WebSeach .
  • PeterThoeny - 28 Jul 1998: Topic WebSearch allows full text search and and topic search with/without regular expressions.
  • PeterThoeny - 28 Jul 1998: Topic index. (Technically speaking a simple '.*' search on topic names.)
  • PeterThoeny - 28 Jul 1998: Topic WebChanges shows Wiki username instead of Intranet username, e.g. PeterThoeny instead of thoeny in case the Wiki username exists. Implementation: Automatic lookup of Wiki username in topic TWikiUsers? .
  • PeterThoeny - 28 Jul 1998: Added TWiki variables, enclosed in % signs: %TOPIC% (Topic name), %WEB% (web name), %SCRIPTURL% (script URL), %DATE% (current date), %WIKIWEBMASTER% (Wiki webmaster address), %WIKIVERSION% (Wiki version), %USERNAME% (user name), %WIKIUSERNAME% (Wiki user name).
  • PeterThoeny - 31 Jul 1998: Support for quoted text with a '>' at the beginning of the line.
  • PeterThoeny - 04 Aug 1998: Warn user if new topic name is not a valid Wiki name. (template file templates/Web/notwiki.tmpl)
  • PeterThoeny - 04 Aug 1998: Separate templates for text of non existing topic and default text of new topic. (template file templates/Web/notedited.tmpl)
  • PeterThoeny - 05 Aug 1998: Signature and date is inserted automatically when creating a new topic.
  • PeterThoeny - 06 Aug 1998: Added server side include of files. Syntax is %INCLUDE:"filename.ext"%
  • PeterThoeny - 07 Aug 1998: Automatic email notification when something has changed in a TWiki web. Each web has a topic WebNotify where one can subscribe and unsubscribe.
  • PeterThoeny - 13 Aug 1998: WikiNotation allows also numbers after the AaA sequence, e.g. AaA1 is a valid WikiTopic? name, but not Aa1.
  • PeterThoeny - 24 Sep 1998: Corrected templates for automatic email notification so that MS Outlook can display attachment as an HTML file.
  • PeterThoeny - 13 Oct 1998: Alphabetical topic index in WebSearch.
  • PeterThoeny - 14 Oct 1998: Refered-By: Find out which topics have a link to the current topic. Each topic has a |Ref-By| link for that. Note: Only references from the current web are shown, not references from other webs.
  • PeterThoeny - 26 Oct 1998: Added revision control using RCS. Each topic has now a list of revisions at the bottom and a revision info, e.g.
    Topic TWikiHistory . { Edit | Ref-By | r1.3 | r1.2 | r1.1 }
    Revision r1.3: 1998/10/26 01:34:00 by PeterThoeny
  • PeterThoeny - 26 Oct 1998: Added preview of topic changes before saving the topic. This was necessary to prevent unneeded revisions.
  • PeterThoeny - 10 Nov 1998: View differences between topic revisions. Each topic has a list of revisions (e.g. r1.3) and differences thereof (e.g. >) at the bottom:
    Topic TWikiHistory . { Edit | Ref-By | r1.3 | > | r1.2 | > | r1.1 }
    Revision r1.3: 1998/11/10 01:34 by PeterThoeny
  • PeterThoeny - 10 Nov 1998: The email notification and the Changes topic have now a topic date that is linked. Clicking on the link will show the difference between the two most recent topic revisions.
  • PeterThoeny - 18 Nov 1998: Internal log of topic save actions to the file data/logYYYYMM.txt, where YYYYMM the year and month in numeric format is. Intended for auditing only, not accessible from the web.
  • PeterThoeny - 07 Dec 1998: Possible to add a category table to a TWiki topic. This permits storing and searching for more structured information. Editing a topic shows a HTML form with the usual text area and a table with selectors, checkboxes, radio buttons and text fields. TWikiDocumentation has more on setup. The TWiki.Know web uses this category table to set classification, platform and OS version.
  • PeterThoeny - 08 Dec 1998: Signature is shown below the text area when editing a topic. Use this to easily copy & paste your signature into the text.
  • PeterThoeny - 04 Jan 1999: Fixed bug when viewing differences between topic revisions that include HTML table tags like <table>, <tr>, <td>.
  • PeterThoeny - 03 Feb 1999: Possible to view complete revision history of a topic on one page. Access at the linked date in the Changes page, or the Diffs link at the bottom of each topic, e.g.
    Topic TWikiHistory . { Edit | Ref-By | Diffs | r1.3 | > | r1.2 | > | r1.1 }
    Revision r1.3: 1998/11/10 01:34 by PeterThoeny
  • PeterThoeny - 09 Feb 1999: No new topic revision is created if the same person saves a topic again within one hour.
  • PeterThoeny - 09 Feb 1999: New text formatting rule for creating fixed font text . Words get showns in fixed font by enclosing them in "=" equal signs. Example: Writing =fixed font= will show up as fixed font .
  • PeterThoeny - 26 Mar 1999: New variables %PUBURL% (Public directory URL) and %ATTACHURL% (URL of topic file attachment).
  • PeterThoeny - 26 Mar 1999: File attachments: Upload and download any file as a topic attachment by using the browser. FileAttachment has more.
  • PeterThoeny - 15 Apr 1999: Topic locking: Warn user if a topic has been edited by an other person within one hour. This is to prevent contention, e.g. simultaneous topic updates.
  • PeterThoeny - 20 May 1999: New variables %WIKIHOMEURL% (link when pressing the icon on the upper left corner) and %WIKITOOLNAME% (the name of the wiki tool: =TWiki = ).
  • PeterThoeny - 20 May 1999: Added meta tag so that robots index only /view/ of topics, not /edit/, /attach/ e.t.c. Tag: <META NAME="ROBOTS" CONTENT="NOINDEX">
  • DavidWarman? - 21 May 1999: Externalize copyright text at the bottom of every page into a web-specific webcopyright.inc file. This is to easily customize the copyright text.
  • PeterThoeny - 23 Jun 1999: Separate wiki.pm into configuration (wikicfg.pm) and TWiki core (wiki.pm) . This is to ease the upgrade of TWiki installations, it also allows customized extensions to TWiki without affecting the TWiki core.
  • PeterThoeny - 23 Jun 1999: New TextFormattingRules to write bold italic text by enclosing words with double underline characters.
  • ChristopheVermeulen? - 07 Jul 1999: Link a plural topic to a singular topic in case the plural topic does not exist. Example: TestVersion / TestVersions , TestPolicy / TestPolicies , TestAddress / TestAddresses , TestBox / TestBoxes .
  • PeterThoeny - 15 Jul 1999: Search path for include files in %INCLUDE:"file.inc"% variable. Search first in the current web, then in parent data directory. Useful to overload default include text in the data directory by web-specific text, like for example webcopyright.inc text.
  • PeterThoeny - 21 Jul 1999: Flag $doRemovePortNumber in wikicfg.pm to optionally remove the port number from the TWiki URL. Example: www.some.domain:1234/twiki gets www.some.domain/twiki .
  • PeterThoeny - 22 Jul 1999: Flags $doLogTopic* in wikicfg.pm to selectively log topic view, edit, save, rdiff, attach, search and changes to monthly log file.
  • PeterThoeny - 03 Aug 1999: Online registration of new user using web form in TWikiRegistration. Authentication of users.
  • PeterThoeny - 20 Jan 2001: Format changed of %GMTIME{"..."}% and %SERVERTIME{"..."}% variables. Format is now "$hour:$min" instead of "hour:min". More in TWikiVariables.
  • PeterThoeny - 18 Jan 2001: WebChanges, WebSearch and e-mail notification indicate also the revision number of a topic (i.e. 18 Jan 2001 - 16:43 - r1.5), or NEW for a new topic (i.e. i.e. 18 Jan 2001 - 16:43 - NEW).
  • PeterThoeny - 16 Jan 2001: New variable %STARTINCLUDE% and %STOPINCLUDE% variables to control what gets included of a topic. More in TWikiVariables.
  • PeterThoeny - 16 Jan 2001: TWiki skins: Define a different page layout with a customized header and footer layout, i.e. a print skin for a printable view of a topic. More in TWikiSkins and TWiki:Codev.TWikiSkins.
  • StanleyKnutson? - 07 Jan 2001: Better error handling when saving a topic.
  • PeterThoeny - 05 Jan 2001: View authorization based on groups. Define who is allowed to see a TWiki web. More in TWikiAccessControl and TWiki:Codev.AuthenticationBasedOnGroups.
  • PeterThoeny - 05 Dec 2000: Improved include handling. Infinite recursion of includes are prevented; new variables %BASEWEB%, %INCLUDINGWEB%, %BASETOPIC% and %INCLUDINGTOPIC% to have more control over include handling. More in TWikiVariables and TWiki:Codev.IncludeHandlingImprovements.
  • PeterThoeny - 03 Dec 2000: New noheader="on" switch in %SEARCH{...}% to suppress table header. More in TWikiVariables.
  • PeterThoeny - 03 Nov 2000: Flag $doHidePasswdInRegistration in wikicfg.pm to hide plain text password in registration email.
  • PeterThoeny - 01 Nov 2000: New variable %VAR{"NAME" web="Web"}% to get web specific preferences. More in TWikiVariables.
  • PeterThoeny - 01 Nov 2000: Added a "Cancel" link in edit that releases the edit lock.
  • PeterThoeny - 23 Oct 2000: Authorization based on groups. Define fine graned control who is allowed to change or create topics. More in TWikiAccessControl and TWiki:Codev.AuthenticationBasedOnGroups.
  • PeterThoeny - 05 Oct 2000: Remember user by IP address so that view "knows" the user once authenticated in edit. More in TWikiAuthentication? .
  • AlWilliams? , PeterThoeny - 26 Sep 2000: Fixed TWiki:Codev.UppercaseAttachments bug and added png image support.
  • HaroldGottschalk? , AndreaSterbini? , PeterThoeny - 26 Sep 2000: Allow nesting of variables, i.e. %INCLUDE{"%TWIKIWEB%.TWikiWebsTable"}%. More in TWiki:Codev.BetterTWikiTagTemplateProcessing
  • ManpreetSingh? - 20 Sep 2000: New -q switch in mailnotify to suppress all normal output.
  • PeterThoeny - 19 Sep 2000: Fixed TWiki:Codev.AttachedNotificationLinksBug.
  • AlWilliams? , ManpreetSingh? , PeterThoeny - 18 Sep 2000: Added forced internal links. Write [[text formatting FAQ]] to get the link text formatting FAQ that points to topic TextFormattingFAQ.
  • PeterThoeny - 19 Aug 2000: Ref-By link searches all webs (not just the current web.)
  • PeterThoeny - 16 Aug 2000: New TWikiPreferences variables %HTTP_EQUIV_ON_VIEW% , %HTTP_EQUIV_ON_EDIT% and %HTTP_EQUIV_ON_PREVIEW% that define the <meta http-equiv="..."> meta tags for the TWiki templates. This can be used for example to set a document expiration time.
  • PeterThoeny - 29 Jul 2000: New variables %GMTIME{"..."}% and %SERVERTIME{"..."}% . More in TWikiVariables.
  • PeterThoeny - 23 Jul 2000: Changed include syntax from %INCLUDE{"Web/TopicName.txt"}% to %INCLUDE{"Web.TopicName"}% . Legacy syntax still supported.
  • PeterThoeny - 23 Jul 2000: BookView search allows you show a set of topics for easy printing.
  • PeterThoeny - 22 Jul 2000: More forgiving syntax for *bold*, italic, __bold italic__ and fixed , where it is not necessary anymore to have a trailing space before .,;:?! characters.
  • PeterThoeny - 22 Jul 2000: Split the TWiki.Main web into TWiki.Main (users, company data) and TWiki.TWiki (TWiki related documentation, registration)
  • PeterThoeny - 07 Jul 2000: Added an "Release edit lock" checkbox in preview to let other people edit the topic immediately without the one hour lock.
  • PeterThoeny - 07 Jul 2000: Fixed problem of losing carriage returns when editing topics with KDE KFM browser or W3M? browser.
  • PeterThoeny - 21 Jun 2000: Fixed problem that a page redirect on some server environments is not working (host name is needed in URL).
  • CrisBailiff? , PeterThoeny - 21 Jun 2000: Fixed security issue to prevent a server side %INCLUDE% of arbitrary files.
  • PeterThoeny - 29 May 2000: New %GMTIME% variable that shows the current GM time.
  • PeterThoeny - 28 May 2000: Lock warning shows remaining lock time in minutes.
  • PeterFokkinga? - 15 May 2000: Each topic can have its own template file. TWikiTemplates has more.
  • KevinKinnell? , PeterThoeny - 02 May 2000: Advanced search features like search multiple webs; sort by topic name / modified time / author; limit the number of results returned. More in TWikiVariables.
  • PeterThoeny - 21 Apr 2000: New TWikiVariables %HTTP_HOST% , %REMOTE_ADDR% , %REMOTE_PORT% and %REMOTE_USER% .
  • JohnAltstadt? , PeterThoeny - 21 Apr 2000: TWikiRegistration is done separately for Intranet use (depends on remote_user) or Internet use (depends on .htpasswd file).
  • PeterThoeny - 20 Mar 2000: Uploading a file (topic file attachment) will optionally create a link to the uploaded file at the end of the topic. The preference variable %ATTACHLINKBOX% controls the default state of the link check box in the attach file page.
  • PeterThoeny - 11 Mar 2000: Better security with taint checking ( Perl -T option )
  • PeterThoeny - 25 Feb 2000: New preference variables %EDITBOXWIDTH% and %EDITBOXHEIGHT% to specify the edit box size.
  • PeterThoeny - 25 Feb 2000: Edit preferences topics to set TWiki variables. There are three level of preferences: Site-level (TWikiPreferences), web-level (WebPreferences in each web) and user-level preferences (for each of the TWikiUsers? ). With this, discontinue use of server side include of wikiwebs.inc , wikiwebtable.inc , weblist.inc , webcopyright.inc and webcolors.inc files.
  • PeterThoeny - 11 Feb 2000: New variable %SCRIPTSUFFIX% / $scriptSuffix containing an optional file extension of the TWiki Perl script. Templates have been changed to use this variable. This allows you to rename the Perl script files to have a file extension like for example ".cgi".
  • PeterThoeny - 11 Feb 2000: New variable %SCRIPTURLPATH% / $scriptUrlPath containing the script URL without the domain name. Templates have been changed to use this variable instead of %SCRIPTURL% . This is for performance reasons.
  • PeterThoeny - 07 Feb 2000: Changed the syntax for server side include variable from %INCLUDE:"filename.ext"% to %INCLUDE{"filename.ext"}% . (Previous syntax still supported. Change was done because of inline search syntax)
  • PeterThoeny - 07 Feb 2000: Inline search. New variable %SEARCH{"str" ...}% to show a search result embedded in a topic text. TWikiVariables has more on the syntax. Inline search combined with the category table feature can be used for example to create a simple bug tracking system.
  • PeterThoeny - 04 Feb 2000: Access statistics. Each web has a WebStatistics topic that shows monthy statistics with number of topic views and changes, most popular topics, and top contributors. (It needs to be enabled, TWikiDocumentation has more.)
  • PeterThoeny - 29 Jan 2000: Fixed bug where TWiki would not initialize correctly under certain circumstances, i.e. when running it under mod_perl. Sub initialize in wiki.pm did not handle $thePathInfo correctly.
  • PeterThoeny - 24 Jan 2000: Fixed bug where an email address starting with a WikiName was rendered as an internal Wiki link instead of an email address, i.e. SomeWikiName@somewhere.test .
  • PeterThoeny - 10 Jan 2000: No more escaping for '%' percent characters. (Number of consecutive '%' entered and displayed is identical.)
  • PeterThoeny - 03 Oct 1999: Limit the number of revisions shown at the bottom of the topic. Example:
    Topic TWikiHistory . { ..... | Diffs | r1.10 | > | r1.9 | > | r1.8 | > | r1.7 | >... }
    Additional revisions can be selected by pressing the >... link.
  • PeterThoeny - 31 Aug 1999: Fixed Y2K? bug. (Date in year 2000 had wrong format.)
  • PeterThoeny - 08 Aug 1999: New text formatting rule for creating tables. Text gets rendered as a table if enclosed in "|" vertical bars. Example line as it is written and how it shows up:
    | This | is | a table | with | cells |
    This is a table with cells
  • PeterThoeny - 31 Aug 1999: Fixed Y2K? bug. (Date in year 2000 had wrong format.)
  • PeterThoeny - 03 Oct 1999: Limit the number of revisions shown at the bottom of the topic. Example:
    Topic TWikiHistory . { ..... | Diffs | r1.10 | > | r1.9 | > | r1.8 | > | r1.7 | >... }
    Additional revisions can be selected by pressing the >... link.
  • PeterThoeny - 10 Jan 2000: No more escaping for '%' percent characters. (Number of consecutive '%' entered and displayed is identical.)
  • PeterThoeny - 24 Jan 2000: Fixed bug where an email address starting with a WikiName was rendered as an internal Wiki link instead of an email address, i.e. SomeWikiName@somewhere.test .
  • PeterThoeny - 29 Jan 2000: Fixed bug where TWiki would not initialize correctly under certain circumstances, i.e. when running it under mod_perl. Sub initialize in wiki.pm did not handle $thePathInfo correctly.
  • PeterThoeny - 04 Feb 2000: Access statistics. Each web has a WebStatistics topic that shows monthy statistics with number of topic views and changes, most popular topics, and top contributors. (It needs to be enabled, TWikiDocumentation has more.)
  • PeterThoeny - 07 Feb 2000: Inline search. New variable %SEARCH{"str" ...}% to show a search result embedded in a topic text. TWikiVariables has more on the syntax. Inline search combined with the category table feature can be used for example to create a simple bug tracking system.
  • PeterThoeny - 07 Feb 2000: Changed the syntax for server side include variable from %INCLUDE:"filename.ext"% to %INCLUDE{"filename.ext"}% . (Previous syntax still supported. Change was done because of inline search syntax)
  • PeterThoeny - 11 Feb 2000: New variable %SCRIPTURLPATH% / $scriptUrlPath containing the script URL without the domain name. Templates have been changed to use this variable instead of %SCRIPTURL% . This is for performance reasons.
  • PeterThoeny - 11 Feb 2000: New variable %SCRIPTSUFFIX% / $scriptSuffix containing an optional file extension of the TWiki Perl script. Templates have been changed to use this variable. This allows you to rename the Perl script files to have a file extension like for example ".cgi".
  • PeterThoeny - 25 Feb 2000: Edit preferences topics to set TWiki variables. There are three level of preferences: Site-level (TWikiPreferences), web-level (WebPreferences in each web) and user-level preferences (for each of the TWikiUsers? ). With this, discontinue use of server side include of wikiwebs.inc , wikiwebtable.inc , weblist.inc , webcopyright.inc and webcolors.inc files.
  • PeterThoeny - 25 Feb 2000: New preference variables %EDITBOXWIDTH% and %EDITBOXHEIGHT% to specify the edit box size.
  • PeterThoeny - 11 Mar 2000: Better security with taint checking ( Perl -T option )
  • PeterThoeny - 20 Mar 2000: Uploading a file (topic file attachment) will optionally create a link to the uploaded file at the end of the topic. The preference variable %ATTACHLINKBOX% controls the default state of the link check box in the attach file page.
  • JohnAltstadt? , PeterThoeny - 21 Apr 2000: TWikiRegistration is done separately for Intranet use (depends on remote_user) or Internet use (depends on .htpasswd file).
  • PeterThoeny - 21 Apr 2000: New TWikiVariables %HTTP_HOST% , %REMOTE_ADDR% , %REMOTE_PORT% and %REMOTE_USER% .
  • KevinKinnell? , PeterThoeny - 02 May 2000: Advanced search features like search multiple webs; sort by topic name / modified time / author; limit the number of results returned. More in TWikiVariables.
  • PeterFokkinga? - 15 May 2000: Each topic can have its own template file. TWikiTemplates has more.
  • PeterThoeny - 28 May 2000: Lock warning shows remaining lock time in minutes.
  • PeterThoeny - 29 May 2000: New %GMTIME% variable that shows the current GM time.
  • CrisBailiff? , PeterThoeny - 21 Jun 2000: Fixed security issue to prevent a server side %INCLUDE% of arbitrary files.
  • PeterThoeny - 21 Jun 2000: Fixed problem that a page redirect on some server environments is not working (host name is needed in URL).
  • PeterThoeny - 07 Jul 2000: Fixed problem of losing carriage returns when editing topics with KDE KFM browser or W3M? browser.
  • PeterThoeny - 07 Jul 2000: Added an "Release edit lock" checkbox in preview to let other people edit the topic immediately without the one hour lock.
  • PeterThoeny - 22 Jul 2000: Split the TWiki.Main web into TWiki.Main (users, company data) and TWiki.TWiki (TWiki related documentation, registration)
  • PeterThoeny - 22 Jul 2000: More forgiving syntax for *bold*, italic, __bold italic__ and fixed , where it is not necessary anymore to have a trailing space before .,;:?! characters.
  • PeterThoeny - 23 Jul 2000: BookView search allows you show a set of topics for easy printing.
  • PeterThoeny - 23 Jul 2000: Changed include syntax from %INCLUDE{"Web/TopicName.txt"}% to %INCLUDE{"Web.TopicName"}% . Legacy syntax still supported.
  • PeterThoeny - 29 Jul 2000: New variables %GMTIME{"..."}% and %SERVERTIME{"..."}% . More in TWikiVariables.
  • PeterThoeny - 16 Aug 2000: New TWikiPreferences variables %HTTP_EQUIV_ON_VIEW% , %HTTP_EQUIV_ON_EDIT% and %HTTP_EQUIV_ON_PREVIEW% that define the <meta http-equiv="..."> meta tags for the TWiki templates. This can be used for example to set a document expiration time.
  • PeterThoeny - 19 Aug 2000: Ref-By link searches all webs (not just the current web.)
  • AlWilliams? , ManpreetSingh? , PeterThoeny - 18 Sep 2000: Added forced internal links. Write [[text formatting FAQ]] to get the link text formatting FAQ that points to topic TextFormattingFAQ.
  • PeterThoeny - 19 Sep 2000: Fixed TWiki:Codev.AttachedNotificationLinksBug.
  • ManpreetSingh? - 20 Sep 2000: New -q switch in mailnotify to suppress all normal output.
  • HaroldGottschalk? , AndreaSterbini? , PeterThoeny - 26 Sep 2000: Allow nesting of variables, i.e. %INCLUDE{"%TWIKIWEB%.TWikiWebsTable"}%. More in TWiki:Codev.BetterTWikiTagTemplateProcessing
  • AlWilliams? , PeterThoeny - 26 Sep 2000: Fixed TWiki:Codev.UppercaseAttachments bug and added png image support.
  • PeterThoeny - 05 Oct 2000: Remember user by IP address so that view "knows" the user once authenticated in edit. More in TWikiAuthentication? .
  • PeterThoeny - 23 Oct 2000: Authorization based on groups. Define fine graned control who is allowed to change or create topics. More in TWikiAccessControl and TWiki:Codev.AuthenticationBasedOnGroups.
  • PeterThoeny - 01 Nov 2000: Added a "Cancel" link in edit that releases the edit lock.
  • PeterThoeny - 01 Nov 2000: New variable %VAR{"NAME" web="Web"}% to get web specific preferences. More in TWikiVariables.
  • PeterThoeny - 03 Nov 2000: Flag $doHidePasswdInRegistration in wikicfg.pm to hide plain text password in registration email.
  • PeterThoeny - 03 Dec 2000: New noheader="on" switch in %SEARCH{...}% to suppress table header. More in TWikiVariables.
  • PeterThoeny - 05 Dec 2000: Improved include handling. Infinite recursion of includes are prevented; new variables %BASEWEB%, %INCLUDINGWEB%, %BASETOPIC% and %INCLUDINGTOPIC% to have more control over include handling. More in TWikiVariables and TWiki:Codev.IncludeHandlingImprovements.
  • PeterThoeny - 05 Jan 2001: View authorization based on groups. Define who is allowed to see a TWiki web. More in TWikiAccessControl and TWiki:Codev.AuthenticationBasedOnGroups.
  • StanleyKnutson? - 07 Jan 2001: Better error handling when saving a topic.
  • PeterThoeny - 16 Jan 2001: TWiki skins: Define a different page layout with a customized header and footer layout, i.e. a print skin for a printable view of a topic. More in TWikiSkins and TWiki:Codev.TWikiSkins.
  • PeterThoeny - 16 Jan 2001: New variable %STARTINCLUDE% and %STOPINCLUDE% variables to control what gets included of a topic. More in TWikiVariables.
  • PeterThoeny - 18 Jan 2001: WebChanges, WebSearch and e-mail notification indicate also the revision number of a topic (i.e. 18 Jan 2001 - 16:43 - r1.5), or NEW for a new topic (i.e. i.e. 18 Jan 2001 - 16:43 - NEW).
  • PeterThoeny - 20 Jan 2001: Format changed of %GMTIME{"..."}% and %SERVERTIME{"..."}% variables. Format is now "$hour:$min" instead of "hour:min". More in TWikiVariables.
  • PeterThoeny - 03 Aug 1999: Online registration of new user using web form in TWikiRegistration. Authentication of users.
  • PeterThoeny - 22 Jul 1999: Flags $doLogTopic* in wikicfg.pm to selectively log topic view, edit, save, rdiff, attach, search and changes to monthly log file.
  • PeterThoeny - 21 Jul 1999: Flag $doRemovePortNumber in wikicfg.pm to optionally remove the port number from the TWiki URL. Example: www.some.domain:1234/twiki gets www.some.domain/twiki .
  • PeterThoeny - 15 Jul 1999: Search path for include files in %INCLUDE:"file.inc"% variable. Search first in the current web, then in parent data directory. Useful to overload default include text in the data directory by web-specific text, like for example webcopyright.inc text.
  • ChristopheVermeulen? - 07 Jul 1999: Link a plural topic to a singular topic in case the plural topic does not exist. Example: TestVersion / TestVersions , TestPolicy / TestPolicies , TestAddress / TestAddresses , TestBox / TestBoxes .
  • PeterThoeny - 23 Jun 1999: New TextFormattingRules to write bold italic text by enclosing words with double underline characters.
  • PeterThoeny - 23 Jun 1999: Separate wiki.pm into configuration (wikicfg.pm) and TWiki core (wiki.pm) . This is to ease the upgrade of TWiki installations, it also allows customized extensions to TWiki without affecting the TWiki core.
  • DavidWarman? - 21 May 1999: Externalize copyright text at the bottom of every page into a web-specific webcopyright.inc file. This is to easily customize the copyright text.
  • PeterThoeny - 20 May 1999: Added meta tag so that robots index only /view/ of topics, not /edit/, /attach/ e.t.c. Tag: <META NAME="ROBOTS" CONTENT="NOINDEX">
  • PeterThoeny - 20 May 1999: New variables %WIKIHOMEURL% (link when pressing the icon on the upper left corner) and %WIKITOOLNAME% (the name of the wiki tool: =TWiki = ).
  • PeterThoeny - 15 Apr 1999: Topic locking: Warn user if a topic has been edited by an other person within one hour. This is to prevent contention, e.g. simultaneous topic updates.
  • PeterThoeny - 26 Mar 1999: File attachments: Upload and download any file as a topic attachment by using the browser. FileAttachment has more.
  • PeterThoeny - 26 Mar 1999: New variables %PUBURL% (Public directory URL) and %ATTACHURL% (URL of topic file attachment).
  • PeterThoeny - 09 Feb 1999: New text formatting rule for creating fixed font text . Words get showns in fixed font by enclosing them in "=" equal signs. Example: Writing =fixed font= will show up as fixed font .
  • PeterThoeny - 09 Feb 1999: No new topic revision is created if the same person saves a topic again within one hour.
  • PeterThoeny - 03 Feb 1999: Possible to view complete revision history of a topic on one page. Access at the linked date in the Changes page, or the Diffs link at the bottom of each topic, e.g.
    Topic TWikiHistory . { Edit | Ref-By | Diffs | r1.3 | > | r1.2 | > | r1.1 }
    Revision r1.3: 1998/11/10 01:34 by PeterThoeny
  • PeterThoeny - 04 Jan 1999: Fixed bug when viewing differences between topic revisions that include HTML table tags like <table>, <tr>, <td>.
  • PeterThoeny - 08 Dec 1998: Signature is shown below the text area when editing a topic. Use this to easily copy & paste your signature into the text.
  • PeterThoeny - 07 Dec 1998: Possible to add a category table to a TWiki topic. This permits storing and searching for more structured information. Editing a topic shows a HTML form with the usual text area and a table with selectors, checkboxes, radio buttons and text fields. TWikiDocumentation has more on setup. The TWiki.Know web uses this category table to set classification, platform and OS version.
  • PeterThoeny - 18 Nov 1998: Internal log of topic save actions to the file data/logYYYYMM.txt, where YYYYMM the year and month in numeric format is. Intended for auditing only, not accessible from the web.
  • PeterThoeny - 10 Nov 1998: The email notification and the Changes topic have now a topic date that is linked. Clicking on the link will show the difference between the two most recent topic revisions.
  • PeterThoeny - 10 Nov 1998: View differences between topic revisions. Each topic has a list of revisions (e.g. r1.3) and differences thereof (e.g. >) at the bottom:
    Topic TWikiHistory . { Edit | Ref-By | r1.3 | > | r1.2 | > | r1.1 }
    Revision r1.3: 1998/11/10 01:34 by PeterThoeny
  • PeterThoeny - 26 Oct 1998: Added preview of topic changes before saving the topic. This was necessary to prevent unneeded revisions.
  • PeterThoeny - 26 Oct 1998: Added revision control using RCS. Each topic has now a list of revisions at the bottom and a revision info, e.g.
    Topic TWikiHistory . { Edit | Ref-By | r1.3 | r1.2 | r1.1 }
    Revision r1.3: 1998/10/26 01:34:00 by PeterThoeny
  • PeterThoeny - 14 Oct 1998: Refered-By: Find out which topics have a link to the current topic. Each topic has a |Ref-By| link for that. Note: Only references from the current web are shown, not references from other webs.
  • PeterThoeny - 13 Oct 1998: Alphabetical topic index in WebSearch.
  • PeterThoeny - 24 Sep 1998: Corrected templates for automatic email notification so that MS Outlook can display attachment as an HTML file.
  • PeterThoeny - 13 Aug 1998: WikiNotation allows also numbers after the AaA sequence, e.g. AaA1 is a valid WikiTopic? name, but not Aa1.
  • PeterThoeny - 07 Aug 1998: Automatic email notification when something has changed in a TWiki web. Each web has a topic WebNotify where one can subscribe and unsubscribe.
  • PeterThoeny - 06 Aug 1998: Added server side include of files. Syntax is %INCLUDE:"filename.ext"%
  • PeterThoeny - 05 Aug 1998: Signature and date is inserted automatically when creating a new topic.
  • PeterThoeny - 04 Aug 1998: Separate templates for text of non existing topic and default text of new topic. (template file templates/Web/notedited.tmpl)
  • PeterThoeny - 04 Aug 1998: Warn user if new topic name is not a valid Wiki name. (template file templates/Web/notwiki.tmpl)
  • PeterThoeny - 31 Jul 1998: Support for quoted text with a '>' at the beginning of the line.
  • PeterThoeny - 28 Jul 1998: Added TWiki variables, enclosed in % signs: %TOPIC% (Topic name), %WEB% (web name), %SCRIPTURL% (script URL), %DATE% (current date), %WIKIWEBMASTER% (Wiki webmaster address), %WIKIVERSION% (Wiki version), %USERNAME% (user name), %WIKIUSERNAME% (Wiki user name).
  • PeterThoeny - 28 Jul 1998: Topic WebChanges shows Wiki username instead of Intranet username, e.g. PeterThoeny instead of thoeny in case the Wiki username exists. Implementation: Automatic lookup of Wiki username in topic TWikiUsers? .
  • PeterThoeny - 28 Jul 1998: Topic index. (Technically speaking a simple '.*' search on topic names.)
  • PeterThoeny - 28 Jul 1998: Topic WebSearch allows full text search and and topic search with/without regular expressions.
  • PeterThoeny - 27 Jul 1998: Added automatic links to topics in other TWiki webs by specifying <web name>.<topic name>, e.g. Know.WebSeach .
  • PeterThoeny - 23 Jul 1998: Installed initial version, based on the JOS Wiki. See WikiWikiClones for details.
  Related Topics
-- PeterThoeny? - 08 Nov 2000

Revision 2920 Jan 2001 - FZU.PeterThoeny

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  • ManpreetSingh? - 20 Sep 2000: New -q switch in mailnotify to suppresses all normal output.
  • ManpreetSingh? - 20 Sep 2000: New -q switch in mailnotify to suppress all normal output.
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  • PeterThoeny - 01 Nov 2000: Added a "Cancel" link in edit that releases the edit lock.
  • PeterThoeny - 01 Nov 2000: New variable %VAR{"NAME" web="Web"}% to get web specific preferences. More in TWikiVariables.
  • PeterThoeny - 03 Nov 2000: Flag $doHidePasswdInRegistration in wikicfg.pm to hide plain text password in registration email.
  Related Topics

Revision 2809 Nov 2000 - FZU.PeterThoeny

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  • PeterThoeny - 16 Aug 2000: New TWikiPreferences variables %HTTP_EQUIV_ON_VIEW% , %HTTP_EQUIV_ON_EDIT% and %HTTP_EQUIV_ON_PREVIEW% that define the <meta http-equiv="..."> meta tags for the TWiki templates. This can be used for example to set a document expiration time.
  • PeterThoeny - 19 Aug 2000: Ref-By link searches all webs (not just the current web.)
  • AlWilliams? , ManpreetSingh? , PeterThoeny - 18 Sep 2000: Added forced internal links. Write [[text formatting FAQ]] to get the link text formatting FAQ that points to topic TextFormattingFAQ.
  • ManpreetSingh? - 20 Sep 2000: New -q switch in mailnotify to suppresses all normal output.
  • PeterThoeny - 05 Oct 2000: Remember user by IP address so that view "knows" the user once authenticated in edit. More in TWikiAuthentication? .
  • PeterThoeny - 01 Nov 2000: Added a "Cancel" link in edit that releases the edit lock.
  • PeterThoeny - 01 Nov 2000: New variable %VAR{"NAME" web="Web"}% to get web specific preferences. More in TWikiVariables.
  • PeterThoeny - 03 Nov 2000: Flag $doHidePasswdInRegistration in wikicfg.pm to hide plain text password in registration email.
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-- PeterThoeny? - 03 Nov 2000
-- PeterThoeny? - 08 Nov 2000

Revision 2704 Nov 2000 - FZU.PeterThoeny

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  • PeterThoeny - 03 Nov 2000: Flag $doHidePasswdInRegistration in wikicfg.pm to hide plain text password in registration email.

Related Topics

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-- PeterThoeny? - 01 Nov 2000
-- PeterThoeny? - 03 Nov 2000

Revision 2602 Nov 2000 - FZU.PeterThoeny

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  • CrisBailiff? , PeterThoeny - 21 Jun 2000: Fixed security issue to prevent a server side %INCLUDE% of arbitrary files.
  • PeterThoeny - 21 Jun 2000: Fixed problem that a page redirect on some server environments is not working (host name is needed in URL).
  • PeterThoeny - 07 Jul 2000: Fixed problem of losing carriage returns when editing topics with KDE KFM browser or W3M? browser.
  • PeterThoeny - 07 Jul 2000: Added an "Unlock topic" checkbox in preview to let other people edit the topic immediately without the one hour lock.
  • PeterThoeny - 07 Jul 2000: Added an "Release edit lock" checkbox in preview to let other people edit the topic immediately without the one hour lock.
  • PeterThoeny - 22 Jul 2000: Split the TWiki.Main web into TWiki.Main (users, company data) and TWiki.TWiki (TWiki related documentation, registration)
  • PeterThoeny - 22 Jul 2000: More forgiving syntax for *bold*, italic, __bold italic__ and fixed , where it is not necessary anymore to have a trailing space before .,;:?! characters.
  • PeterThoeny - 23 Jul 2000: BookView search allows you show a set of topics for easy printing.
Line: 74 to 74
  • PeterThoeny - 29 Jul 2000: New variables %GMTIME{"..."}% and %SERVERTIME{"..."}% . More in TWikiVariables.
  • PeterThoeny - 16 Aug 2000: New TWikiPreferences variables %HTTP_EQUIV_ON_VIEW% , %HTTP_EQUIV_ON_EDIT% and %HTTP_EQUIV_ON_PREVIEW% that define the <meta http-equiv="..."> meta tags for the TWiki templates. This can be used for example to set a document expiration time.
  • PeterThoeny - 19 Aug 2000: Ref-By link searches all webs (not just the current web.)
  Related Topics
-- PeterThoeny? - 18 Sep 2000
-- PeterThoeny? - 01 Nov 2000

Revision 2519 Sep 2000 - FZU.PeterThoeny

Line: 74 to 74
  • PeterThoeny - 29 Jul 2000: New variables %GMTIME{"..."}% and %SERVERTIME{"..."}% . More in TWikiVariables.
  • PeterThoeny - 16 Aug 2000: New TWikiPreferences variables %HTTP_EQUIV_ON_VIEW% , %HTTP_EQUIV_ON_EDIT% and %HTTP_EQUIV_ON_PREVIEW% that define the <meta http-equiv="..."> meta tags for the TWiki templates. This can be used for example to set a document expiration time.
  • PeterThoeny - 19 Aug 2000: Ref-By link searches all webs (not just the current web.)
  Related Topics
-- PeterThoeny? - 20 Aug 2000
-- PeterThoeny? - 18 Sep 2000

Revision 2420 Aug 2000 - FZU.PeterThoeny

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  • PeterThoeny - 27 Jul 1998: Added automatic links to topics in other TWiki webs by specifying <web name>.<topic name>, e.g. Know.WebSeach .
  • PeterThoeny - 28 Jul 1998: Topic WebSearch allows full text search and and topic search with/without regular expressions.
  • PeterThoeny - 28 Jul 1998: Topic index. (Technically speaking a simple '.*' search on topic names.)
  • PeterThoeny - 28 Jul 1998: Topic Changes shows Wiki username instead of Intranet username, e.g. PeterThoeny instead of thoeny in case the Wiki username exists. Implementation: Automatic lookup of Wiki username in topic TWikiUsers? .
  • PeterThoeny - 28 Jul 1998: Topic WebChanges shows Wiki username instead of Intranet username, e.g. PeterThoeny instead of thoeny in case the Wiki username exists. Implementation: Automatic lookup of Wiki username in topic TWikiUsers? .
  • PeterThoeny - 28 Jul 1998: Added TWiki variables, enclosed in % signs: %TOPIC% (Topic name), %WEB% (web name), %SCRIPTURL% (script URL), %DATE% (current date), %WIKIWEBMASTER% (Wiki webmaster address), %WIKIVERSION% (Wiki version), %USERNAME% (user name), %WIKIUSERNAME% (Wiki user name).
  • PeterThoeny - 31 Jul 1998: Support for quoted text with a '>' at the beginning of the line.
  • PeterThoeny - 04 Aug 1998: Warn user if new topic name is not a valid Wiki name. (template file templates/Web/notwiki.tmpl)
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  • PeterThoeny - 20 Mar 2000: Uploading a file (topic file attachment) will optionally create a link to the uploaded file at the end of the topic. The preference variable %ATTACHLINKBOX% controls the default state of the link check box in the attach file page.
  • JohnAltstadt? , PeterThoeny - 21 Apr 2000: TWikiRegistration is done separately for Intranet use (depends on remote_user) or Internet use (depends on .htpasswd file).
  • PeterThoeny - 21 Apr 2000: New TWikiVariables %HTTP_HOST% , %REMOTE_ADDR% , %REMOTE_PORT% and %REMOTE_USER% .
  • KevinKinnell? , PeterThoeny - 02 May 2000: Advanced search.
  • KevinKinnell? , PeterThoeny - 02 May 2000: Advanced search features like search multiple webs; sort by topic name / modified time / author; limit the number of results returned. More in TWikiVariables.
  • PeterFokkinga? - 15 May 2000: Each topic can have its own template file. TWikiTemplates has more.
  • PeterThoeny - 28 May 2000: Lock warning shows remaining lock time in minutes.
  • PeterThoeny - 29 May 2000: New %GMTIME% variable that shows the current GM time.
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  • PeterThoeny - 22 Jul 2000: Split the TWiki.Main web into TWiki.Main (users, company data) and TWiki.TWiki (TWiki related documentation, registration)
  • PeterThoeny - 22 Jul 2000: More forgiving syntax for *bold*, italic, __bold italic__ and fixed , where it is not necessary anymore to have a trailing space before .,;:?! characters.
  • PeterThoeny - 23 Jul 2000: BookView search allows you show a set of topics for easy printing.
  • PeterThoeny - 23 Jul 2000: Changed include syntax from %INCLUDE{"Web/TopicName.txt"}% to %INCLUDE{"Web.TopicName"}%
  • PeterThoeny - 23 Jul 2000: Changed include syntax from %INCLUDE{"Web/TopicName.txt"}% to %INCLUDE{"Web.TopicName"}% . Legacy syntax still supported.
  • PeterThoeny - 29 Jul 2000: New variables %GMTIME{"..."}% and %SERVERTIME{"..."}% . More in TWikiVariables.
  • PeterThoeny - 16 Aug 2000: New TWikiPreferences variables %HTTP_EQUIV_ON_VIEW% , %HTTP_EQUIV_ON_EDIT% and %HTTP_EQUIV_ON_PREVIEW% that define the <meta http-equiv="..."> meta tags for the TWiki templates. This can be used for example to set a document expiration time.
  • PeterThoeny - 19 Aug 2000: Ref-By link searches all webs (not just the current web.)
  Related Topics
-- PeterThoeny? - 19 Aug 2000
-- PeterThoeny? - 20 Aug 2000

Revision 2319 Aug 2000 - FZU.PeterThoeny

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 History of the TWiki Implementation (version TWiki-4.2.0, Tue, 22 Jan 2008, build 16278)
  • PeterThoeny? - 23 Jul 1998: Installed initial version, based on the JOS Wiki. See WikiWikiClones for details.
  • PeterThoeny? - 27 Jul 1998: Added automatic links to topics in other TWiki webs by specifying <web name>.<topic name>, e.g. Know.WebSeach .
  • PeterThoeny? - 28 Jul 1998: Topic WebSearch allows full text search and and topic search with/without regular expressions.
  • PeterThoeny? - 28 Jul 1998: Topic index. (Technically speaking a simple '.*' search on topic names.)
  • PeterThoeny? - 28 Jul 1998: Topic Changes shows Wiki username instead of Intranet username, e.g. PeterThoeny instead of thoeny in case the Wiki username exists. Implementation: Automatic lookup of Wiki username in topic TWikiUsers? .
  • PeterThoeny? - 28 Jul 1998: Added TWiki variables, enclosed in % signs: %TOPIC% (Topic name), %WEB% (web name), %SCRIPTURL% (script URL), %DATE% (current date), %WIKIWEBMASTER% (Wiki webmaster address), %WIKIVERSION% (Wiki version), %USERNAME% (user name), %WIKIUSERNAME% (Wiki user name).
  • PeterThoeny? - 31 Jul 1998: Support for quoted text with a '>' at the beginning of the line.
  • PeterThoeny? - 04 Aug 1998: Warn user if new topic name is not a valid Wiki name. (template file templates/Web/notwiki.tmpl)
  • PeterThoeny? - 04 Aug 1998: Separate templates for text of non existing topic and default text of new topic. (template file templates/Web/notedited.tmpl)
  • PeterThoeny? - 05 Aug 1998: Signature and date is inserted automatically when creating a new topic.
  • PeterThoeny? - 06 Aug 1998: Added server side include of files. Syntax is %INCLUDE:"filename.ext"%
  • PeterThoeny? - 07 Aug 1998: Automatic email notification when something has changed in a TWiki web. Each web has a topic WebNotify where one can subscribe and unsubscribe.
  • PeterThoeny? - 13 Aug 1998: WikiNotation allows also numbers after the AaA sequence, e.g. AaA1 is a valid WikiTopic? name, but not Aa1.
  • PeterThoeny? - 24 Sep 1998: Corrected templates for automatic email notification so that MS Outlook can display attachment as an HTML file.
  • PeterThoeny? - 13 Oct 1998: Alphabetical topic index in WebSearch.
  • PeterThoeny? - 14 Oct 1998: Refered-By: Find out which topics have a link to the current topic. Each topic has a |Ref-By| link for that. Note: Only references from the current web are shown, not references from other webs.
  • PeterThoeny? - 26 Oct 1998: Added revision control using RCS. Each topic has now a list of revisions at the bottom and a revision info, e.g.
    Topic TWikiHistory . { Edit | Ref-By | r1.3 | r1.2 | r1.1 }
    Revision r1.3: 1998/10/26 01:34:00 by PeterThoeny
  • PeterThoeny? - 26 Oct 1998: Added preview of topic changes before saving the topic. This was necessary to prevent unneeded revisions.
  • PeterThoeny? - 10 Nov 1998: View differences between topic revisions. Each topic has a list of revisions (e.g. r1.3) and differences thereof (e.g. >) at the bottom:
    Topic TWikiHistory . { Edit | Ref-By | r1.3 | > | r1.2 | > | r1.1 }
    Revision r1.3: 1998/11/10 01:34 by PeterThoeny
  • PeterThoeny? - 10 Nov 1998: The email notification and the Changes topic have now a topic date that is linked. Clicking on the link will show the difference between the two most recent topic revisions.
  • PeterThoeny? - 18 Nov 1998: Internal log of topic save actions to the file data/logYYYYMM.txt, where YYYYMM the year and month in numeric format is. Intended for auditing only, not accessible from the web.
  • PeterThoeny? - 07 Dec 1998: Possible to add a category table to a TWiki topic. This permits storing and searching for more structured information. Editing a topic shows a HTML form with the usual text area and a table with selectors, checkboxes, radio buttons and text fields. TWikiDocumentation has more on setup. The TWiki.Know web uses this category table to set classification, platform and OS version.
  • PeterThoeny? - 08 Dec 1998: Signature is shown below the text area when editing a topic. Use this to easily copy & paste your signature into the text.
  • PeterThoeny? - 04 Jan 1999: Fixed bug when viewing differences between topic revisions that include HTML table tags like <table>, <tr>, <td>.
  • PeterThoeny? - 03 Feb 1999: Possible to view complete revision history of a topic on one page. Access at the linked date in the Changes page, or the Diffs link at the bottom of each topic, e.g.
    Topic TWikiHistory . { Edit | Ref-By | Diffs | r1.3 | > | r1.2 | > | r1.1 }
    Revision r1.3: 1998/11/10 01:34 by PeterThoeny
  • PeterThoeny? - 09 Feb 1999: No new topic revision is created if the same person saves a topic again within one hour.
  • PeterThoeny? - 09 Feb 1999: New text formatting rule for creating fixed font text . Words get showns in fixed font by enclosing them in "=" equal signs. Example: Writing =fixed font= will show up as fixed font .
  • PeterThoeny? - 26 Mar 1999: New variables %PUBURL% (Public directory URL) and %ATTACHURL% (URL of topic file attachment).
  • PeterThoeny? - 26 Mar 1999: File attachments: Upload and download any file as a topic attachment by using the browser. FileAttachment has more.
  • PeterThoeny? - 15 Apr 1999: Topic locking: Warn user if a topic has been edited by an other person within one hour. This is to prevent contention, e.g. simultaneous topic updates.
  • PeterThoeny? - 20 May 1999: New variables %WIKIHOMEURL% (link when pressing the icon on the upper left corner) and %WIKITOOLNAME% (the name of the wiki tool: =TWiki = ).
  • PeterThoeny? - 20 May 1999: Added meta tag so that robots index only /view/ of topics, not /edit/, /attach/ e.t.c. Tag: <META NAME="ROBOTS" CONTENT="NOINDEX">
  • DavidWarman? - 21 May 1999: Externalize copyright text at the bottom of every page into a web-specific webcopyright.inc file. This is to easily customize the copyright text.
  • PeterThoeny? - 23 Jun 1999: Separate wiki.pm into configuration (wikicfg.pm) and TWiki core (wiki.pm) . This is to ease the upgrade of TWiki installations, it also allows customized extensions to TWiki without affecting the TWiki core.
  • PeterThoeny? - 23 Jun 1999: New TextFormattingRules to write bold italic text by enclosing words with double underline characters.
  • ChristopheVermeulen? - 07 Jul 1999: Link a plural topic to a singular topic in case the plural topic does not exist. Example: TestVersion / TestVersions , TestPolicy / TestPolicies , TestAddress / TestAddresses , TestBox / TestBoxes .
  • PeterThoeny? - 15 Jul 1999: Search path for include files in %INCLUDE:"file.inc"% variable. Search first in the current web, then in parent data directory. Useful to overload default include text in the data directory by web-specific text, like for example webcopyright.inc text.
  • PeterThoeny? - 21 Jul 1999: Flag $doRemovePortNumber in wikicfg.pm to optionally remove the port number from the TWiki URL. Example: www.some.domain:1234/twiki gets www.some.domain/twiki .
  • PeterThoeny? - 22 Jul 1999: Flags $doLogTopic* in wikicfg.pm to selectively log topic view, edit, save, rdiff, attach, search and changes to monthly log file.
  • PeterThoeny? - 03 Aug 1999: Online registration of new user using web form in TWikiRegistration. Authentication of users.
  • PeterThoeny? - 08 Aug 1999: New text formatting rule for creating tables. Text gets rendered as a table if enclosed in "|" vertical bars. Example line as it is written and how it shows up:
  • PeterThoeny - 23 Jul 1998: Installed initial version, based on the JOS Wiki. See WikiWikiClones for details.
  • PeterThoeny - 27 Jul 1998: Added automatic links to topics in other TWiki webs by specifying <web name>.<topic name>, e.g. Know.WebSeach .
  • PeterThoeny - 28 Jul 1998: Topic WebSearch allows full text search and and topic search with/without regular expressions.
  • PeterThoeny - 28 Jul 1998: Topic index. (Technically speaking a simple '.*' search on topic names.)
  • PeterThoeny - 28 Jul 1998: Topic Changes shows Wiki username instead of Intranet username, e.g. PeterThoeny instead of thoeny in case the Wiki username exists. Implementation: Automatic lookup of Wiki username in topic TWikiUsers? .
  • PeterThoeny - 28 Jul 1998: Added TWiki variables, enclosed in % signs: %TOPIC% (Topic name), %WEB% (web name), %SCRIPTURL% (script URL), %DATE% (current date), %WIKIWEBMASTER% (Wiki webmaster address), %WIKIVERSION% (Wiki version), %USERNAME% (user name), %WIKIUSERNAME% (Wiki user name).
  • PeterThoeny - 31 Jul 1998: Support for quoted text with a '>' at the beginning of the line.
  • PeterThoeny - 04 Aug 1998: Warn user if new topic name is not a valid Wiki name. (template file templates/Web/notwiki.tmpl)
  • PeterThoeny - 04 Aug 1998: Separate templates for text of non existing topic and default text of new topic. (template file templates/Web/notedited.tmpl)
  • PeterThoeny - 05 Aug 1998: Signature and date is inserted automatically when creating a new topic.
  • PeterThoeny - 06 Aug 1998: Added server side include of files. Syntax is %INCLUDE:"filename.ext"%
  • PeterThoeny - 07 Aug 1998: Automatic email notification when something has changed in a TWiki web. Each web has a topic WebNotify where one can subscribe and unsubscribe.
  • PeterThoeny - 13 Aug 1998: WikiNotation allows also numbers after the AaA sequence, e.g. AaA1 is a valid WikiTopic? name, but not Aa1.
  • PeterThoeny - 24 Sep 1998: Corrected templates for automatic email notification so that MS Outlook can display attachment as an HTML file.
  • PeterThoeny - 13 Oct 1998: Alphabetical topic index in WebSearch.
  • PeterThoeny - 14 Oct 1998: Refered-By: Find out which topics have a link to the current topic. Each topic has a |Ref-By| link for that. Note: Only references from the current web are shown, not references from other webs.
  • PeterThoeny - 26 Oct 1998: Added revision control using RCS. Each topic has now a list of revisions at the bottom and a revision info, e.g.
    Topic TWikiHistory . { Edit | Ref-By | r1.3 | r1.2 | r1.1 }
    Revision r1.3: 1998/10/26 01:34:00 by PeterThoeny
  • PeterThoeny - 26 Oct 1998: Added preview of topic changes before saving the topic. This was necessary to prevent unneeded revisions.
  • PeterThoeny - 10 Nov 1998: View differences between topic revisions. Each topic has a list of revisions (e.g. r1.3) and differences thereof (e.g. >) at the bottom:
    Topic TWikiHistory . { Edit | Ref-By | r1.3 | > | r1.2 | > | r1.1 }
    Revision r1.3: 1998/11/10 01:34 by PeterThoeny
  • PeterThoeny - 10 Nov 1998: The email notification and the Changes topic have now a topic date that is linked. Clicking on the link will show the difference between the two most recent topic revisions.
  • PeterThoeny - 18 Nov 1998: Internal log of topic save actions to the file data/logYYYYMM.txt, where YYYYMM the year and month in numeric format is. Intended for auditing only, not accessible from the web.
  • PeterThoeny - 07 Dec 1998: Possible to add a category table to a TWiki topic. This permits storing and searching for more structured information. Editing a topic shows a HTML form with the usual text area and a table with selectors, checkboxes, radio buttons and text fields. TWikiDocumentation has more on setup. The TWiki.Know web uses this category table to set classification, platform and OS version.
  • PeterThoeny - 08 Dec 1998: Signature is shown below the text area when editing a topic. Use this to easily copy & paste your signature into the text.
  • PeterThoeny - 04 Jan 1999: Fixed bug when viewing differences between topic revisions that include HTML table tags like <table>, <tr>, <td>.
  • PeterThoeny - 03 Feb 1999: Possible to view complete revision history of a topic on one page. Access at the linked date in the Changes page, or the Diffs link at the bottom of each topic, e.g.
    Topic TWikiHistory . { Edit | Ref-By | Diffs | r1.3 | > | r1.2 | > | r1.1 }
    Revision r1.3: 1998/11/10 01:34 by PeterThoeny
  • PeterThoeny - 09 Feb 1999: No new topic revision is created if the same person saves a topic again within one hour.
  • PeterThoeny - 09 Feb 1999: New text formatting rule for creating fixed font text . Words get showns in fixed font by enclosing them in "=" equal signs. Example: Writing =fixed font= will show up as fixed font .
  • PeterThoeny - 26 Mar 1999: New variables %PUBURL% (Public directory URL) and %ATTACHURL% (URL of topic file attachment).
  • PeterThoeny - 26 Mar 1999: File attachments: Upload and download any file as a topic attachment by using the browser. FileAttachment has more.
  • PeterThoeny - 15 Apr 1999: Topic locking: Warn user if a topic has been edited by an other person within one hour. This is to prevent contention, e.g. simultaneous topic updates.
  • PeterThoeny - 20 May 1999: New variables %WIKIHOMEURL% (link when pressing the icon on the upper left corner) and %WIKITOOLNAME% (the name of the wiki tool: =TWiki = ).
  • PeterThoeny - 20 May 1999: Added meta tag so that robots index only /view/ of topics, not /edit/, /attach/ e.t.c. Tag: <META NAME="ROBOTS" CONTENT="NOINDEX">
  • DavidWarman? - 21 May 1999: Externalize copyright text at the bottom of every page into a web-specific webcopyright.inc file. This is to easily customize the copyright text.
  • PeterThoeny - 23 Jun 1999: Separate wiki.pm into configuration (wikicfg.pm) and TWiki core (wiki.pm) . This is to ease the upgrade of TWiki installations, it also allows customized extensions to TWiki without affecting the TWiki core.
  • PeterThoeny - 23 Jun 1999: New TextFormattingRules to write bold italic text by enclosing words with double underline characters.
  • ChristopheVermeulen? - 07 Jul 1999: Link a plural topic to a singular topic in case the plural topic does not exist. Example: TestVersion / TestVersions , TestPolicy / TestPolicies , TestAddress / TestAddresses , TestBox / TestBoxes .
  • PeterThoeny - 15 Jul 1999: Search path for include files in %INCLUDE:"file.inc"% variable. Search first in the current web, then in parent data directory. Useful to overload default include text in the data directory by web-specific text, like for example webcopyright.inc text.
  • PeterThoeny - 21 Jul 1999: Flag $doRemovePortNumber in wikicfg.pm to optionally remove the port number from the TWiki URL. Example: www.some.domain:1234/twiki gets www.some.domain/twiki .
  • PeterThoeny - 22 Jul 1999: Flags $doLogTopic* in wikicfg.pm to selectively log topic view, edit, save, rdiff, attach, search and changes to monthly log file.
  • PeterThoeny - 03 Aug 1999: Online registration of new user using web form in TWikiRegistration. Authentication of users.
  • PeterThoeny - 08 Aug 1999: New text formatting rule for creating tables. Text gets rendered as a table if enclosed in "|" vertical bars. Example line as it is written and how it shows up:
  | This | is | a table | with | cells |
This is a table with cells
  • PeterThoeny? - 31 Aug 1999: Fixed Y2K? bug. (Date in year 2000 had wrong format.)
  • PeterThoeny? - 03 Oct 1999: Limit the number of revisions shown at the bottom of the topic. Example:
    Topic TWikiHistory . { ..... | Diffs | r1.10 | > | r1.9 | > | r1.8 | > | r1.7 | >... }
    Additional revisions can be selected by pressing the >... link.
  • PeterThoeny? - 10 Jan 2000: No more escaping for '%' percent characters. (Number of consecutive '%' entered and displayed is identical.)
  • PeterThoeny? - 24 Jan 2000: Fixed bug where an email address starting with a WikiName was rendered as an internal Wiki link instead of an email address, i.e. SomeWikiName@somewhere.test .
  • PeterThoeny? - 29 Jan 2000: Fixed bug where TWiki would not initialize correctly under certain circumstances, i.e. when running it under mod_perl. Sub initialize in wiki.pm did not handle $thePathInfo correctly.
  • PeterThoeny? - 04 Feb 2000: Access statistics. Each web has a WebStatistics topic that shows monthy statistics with number of topic views and changes, most popular topics, and top contributors. (It needs to be enabled, TWikiDocumentation has more.)
  • PeterThoeny? - 07 Feb 2000: Inline search. New variable %SEARCH{"str" ...}% to show a search result embedded in a topic text. TWikiVariables has more on the syntax. Inline search combined with the category table feature can be used for example to create a simple bug tracking system.
  • PeterThoeny? - 07 Feb 2000: Changed the syntax for server side include variable from %INCLUDE:"filename.ext"% to %INCLUDE{"filename.ext"}% . (Previous syntax still supported. Change was done because of inline search syntax)
  • PeterThoeny? - 11 Feb 2000: New variable %SCRIPTURLPATH% / $scriptUrlPath containing the script URL without the domain name. Templates have been changed to use this variable instead of %SCRIPTURL% . This is for performance reasons.
  • PeterThoeny? - 11 Feb 2000: New variable %SCRIPTSUFFIX% / $scriptSuffix containing an optional file extension of the TWiki Perl script. Templates have been changed to use this variable. This allows you to rename the Perl script files to have a file extension like for example ".cgi".
  • PeterThoeny? - 25 Feb 2000: Edit preferences topics to set TWiki variables. There are three level of preferences: Site-level (TWikiPreferences), web-level (WebPreferences in each web) and user-level preferences (for each of the TWikiUsers? ). With this, discontinue use of server side include of wikiwebs.inc , wikiwebtable.inc , weblist.inc , webcopyright.inc and webcolors.inc files.
  • PeterThoeny? - 25 Feb 2000: New preference variables %EDITBOXWIDTH% and %EDITBOXHEIGHT% to specify the edit box size.
  • PeterThoeny? - 11 Mar 2000: Better security with taint checking ( Perl -T option )
  • PeterThoeny? - 20 Mar 2000: Uploading a file (topic file attachment) will optionally create a link to the uploaded file at the end of the topic. The preference variable %ATTACHLINKBOX% controls the default state of the link check box in the attach file page.
  • JohnAltstadt? , PeterThoeny? - 21 Apr 2000: TWikiRegistration is done separately for Intranet use (depends on remote_user) or Internet use (depends on .htpasswd file).
  • PeterThoeny? - 21 Apr 2000: New TWikiVariables %HTTP_HOST% , %REMOTE_ADDR% , %REMOTE_PORT% and %REMOTE_USER% .
  • KevinKinnell? - 02 May 2000: Advanced search (under construction)
  • PeterFokkinga? - 15 May 2000: Each topic can have its own template file. TWikiTemplates has more.
  • PeterThoeny? - 28 May 2000: Lock warning shows remaining lock time in minutes.
  • PeterThoeny? - 29 May 2000: New %GMTIME% variable that shows the current GM time.
  • CrisBailiff? , PeterThoeny? - 21 Jun 2000: Fixed security issue to prevent a server side %INCLUDE% of arbitrary files.
  • PeterThoeny? - 21 Jun 2000: Fixed problem that a page redirect on some server environments is not working (host name is needed in URL).
  • PeterThoeny? - 07 Jul 2000: Fixed problem of losing carriage returns when editing topics with KDE KFM browser or W3M? browser.
  • PeterThoeny? - 07 Jul 2000: Added an "Unlock topic" checkbox in preview to let other people edit the topic immediately without the one hour lock.
  • PeterThoeny? - 22 Jul 2000: Split the TWiki.Main web into TWiki.Main (users, company data) and TWiki.TWiki (TWiki related documentation, registration)
  • PeterThoeny? - 22 Jul 2000: More forgiving syntax for *bold*, italic, __bold italic__ and fixed , where it is not necessary anymore to have a trailing space before .,;:?! characters.
  • PeterThoeny? - 23 Jul 2000: BookView search allows you show a set of topics for easy printing.
  • PeterThoeny? - 23 Jul 2000: Changed include syntax from %INCLUDE{"Web/TopicName.txt"}% to %INCLUDE{"Web.TopicName"}%
  • PeterThoeny - 31 Aug 1999: Fixed Y2K? bug. (Date in year 2000 had wrong format.)
  • PeterThoeny - 03 Oct 1999: Limit the number of revisions shown at the bottom of the topic. Example:
    Topic TWikiHistory . { ..... | Diffs | r1.10 | > | r1.9 | > | r1.8 | > | r1.7 | >... }
    Additional revisions can be selected by pressing the >... link.
  • PeterThoeny - 10 Jan 2000: No more escaping for '%' percent characters. (Number of consecutive '%' entered and displayed is identical.)
  • PeterThoeny - 24 Jan 2000: Fixed bug where an email address starting with a WikiName was rendered as an internal Wiki link instead of an email address, i.e. SomeWikiName@somewhere.test .
  • PeterThoeny - 29 Jan 2000: Fixed bug where TWiki would not initialize correctly under certain circumstances, i.e. when running it under mod_perl. Sub initialize in wiki.pm did not handle $thePathInfo correctly.
  • PeterThoeny - 04 Feb 2000: Access statistics. Each web has a WebStatistics topic that shows monthy statistics with number of topic views and changes, most popular topics, and top contributors. (It needs to be enabled, TWikiDocumentation has more.)
  • PeterThoeny - 07 Feb 2000: Inline search. New variable %SEARCH{"str" ...}% to show a search result embedded in a topic text. TWikiVariables has more on the syntax. Inline search combined with the category table feature can be used for example to create a simple bug tracking system.
  • PeterThoeny - 07 Feb 2000: Changed the syntax for server side include variable from %INCLUDE:"filename.ext"% to %INCLUDE{"filename.ext"}% . (Previous syntax still supported. Change was done because of inline search syntax)
  • PeterThoeny - 11 Feb 2000: New variable %SCRIPTURLPATH% / $scriptUrlPath containing the script URL without the domain name. Templates have been changed to use this variable instead of %SCRIPTURL% . This is for performance reasons.
  • PeterThoeny - 11 Feb 2000: New variable %SCRIPTSUFFIX% / $scriptSuffix containing an optional file extension of the TWiki Perl script. Templates have been changed to use this variable. This allows you to rename the Perl script files to have a file extension like for example ".cgi".
  • PeterThoeny - 25 Feb 2000: Edit preferences topics to set TWiki variables. There are three level of preferences: Site-level (TWikiPreferences), web-level (WebPreferences in each web) and user-level preferences (for each of the TWikiUsers? ). With this, discontinue use of server side include of wikiwebs.inc , wikiwebtable.inc , weblist.inc , webcopyright.inc and webcolors.inc files.
  • PeterThoeny - 25 Feb 2000: New preference variables %EDITBOXWIDTH% and %EDITBOXHEIGHT% to specify the edit box size.
  • PeterThoeny - 11 Mar 2000: Better security with taint checking ( Perl -T option )
  • PeterThoeny - 20 Mar 2000: Uploading a file (topic file attachment) will optionally create a link to the uploaded file at the end of the topic. The preference variable %ATTACHLINKBOX% controls the default state of the link check box in the attach file page.
  • JohnAltstadt? , PeterThoeny - 21 Apr 2000: TWikiRegistration is done separately for Intranet use (depends on remote_user) or Internet use (depends on .htpasswd file).
  • PeterThoeny - 21 Apr 2000: New TWikiVariables %HTTP_HOST% , %REMOTE_ADDR% , %REMOTE_PORT% and %REMOTE_USER% .
  • KevinKinnell? , PeterThoeny - 02 May 2000: Advanced search.
  • PeterFokkinga? - 15 May 2000: Each topic can have its own template file. TWikiTemplates has more.
  • PeterThoeny - 28 May 2000: Lock warning shows remaining lock time in minutes.
  • PeterThoeny - 29 May 2000: New %GMTIME% variable that shows the current GM time.
  • CrisBailiff? , PeterThoeny - 21 Jun 2000: Fixed security issue to prevent a server side %INCLUDE% of arbitrary files.
  • PeterThoeny - 21 Jun 2000: Fixed problem that a page redirect on some server environments is not working (host name is needed in URL).
  • PeterThoeny - 07 Jul 2000: Fixed problem of losing carriage returns when editing topics with KDE KFM browser or W3M? browser.
  • PeterThoeny - 07 Jul 2000: Added an "Unlock topic" checkbox in preview to let other people edit the topic immediately without the one hour lock.
  • PeterThoeny - 22 Jul 2000: Split the TWiki.Main web into TWiki.Main (users, company data) and TWiki.TWiki (TWiki related documentation, registration)
  • PeterThoeny - 22 Jul 2000: More forgiving syntax for *bold*, italic, __bold italic__ and fixed , where it is not necessary anymore to have a trailing space before .,;:?! characters.
  • PeterThoeny - 23 Jul 2000: BookView search allows you show a set of topics for easy printing.
  • PeterThoeny - 23 Jul 2000: Changed include syntax from %INCLUDE{"Web/TopicName.txt"}% to %INCLUDE{"Web.TopicName"}%
  Related Topics
-- PeterThoeny? - 23 Jul 2000
-- PeterThoeny? - 19 Aug 2000

Revision 2223 Jul 2000 - FZU.PeterThoeny

Line: 67 to 67
  • PeterThoeny? - 21 Jun 2000: Fixed problem that a page redirect on some server environments is not working (host name is needed in URL).
  • PeterThoeny? - 07 Jul 2000: Fixed problem of losing carriage returns when editing topics with KDE KFM browser or W3M? browser.
  • PeterThoeny? - 07 Jul 2000: Added an "Unlock topic" checkbox in preview to let other people edit the topic immediately without the one hour lock.
  • PeterThoeny? - 22 Jul 2000: Split the TWiki.Main web into TWiki.Main (users, company data) and TWiki.TWiki (TWiki related documentation, registration)
  • PeterThoeny? - 22 Jul 2000: More forgiving syntax for *bold*, italic, __bold italic__ and fixed , where it is not necessary anymore to have a trailing space before .,;:?! characters.
  • PeterThoeny? - 23 Jul 2000: BookView search allows you show a set of topics for easy printing.
  • PeterThoeny? - 23 Jul 2000: Changed include syntax from %INCLUDE{"Web/TopicName.txt"}% to %INCLUDE{"Web.TopicName"}%
  Related Topics
-- PeterThoeny? - 07 Jul 2000
-- PeterThoeny? - 23 Jul 2000

Revision 2108 Jul 2000 - FZU.PeterThoeny

Line: 63 to 63
  • PeterFokkinga? - 15 May 2000: Each topic can have its own template file. TWikiTemplates has more.
  • PeterThoeny? - 28 May 2000: Lock warning shows remaining lock time in minutes.
  • PeterThoeny? - 29 May 2000: New %GMTIME% variable that shows the current GM time.
  • CrisBailiff? , PeterThoeny? - 21 Jun 2000: Fixed security issue to prevent a server side %INCLUDE% of arbitrary files.
  • PeterThoeny? - 21 Jun 2000: Fixed problem that a page redirect on some server environments is not working (host name is needed in URL).
  • PeterThoeny? - 07 Jul 2000: Fixed problem of losing carriage returns when editing topics with KDE KFM browser or W3M? browser.
  • PeterThoeny? - 07 Jul 2000: Added an "Unlock topic" checkbox in preview to let other people edit the topic immediately without the one hour lock.
  Related Topics
-- PeterThoeny? - 29 May 2000
-- PeterThoeny? - 07 Jul 2000

Revision 2029 May 2000 - FZU.PeterThoeny

Line: 61 to 61
  • PeterThoeny? - 21 Apr 2000: New TWikiVariables %HTTP_HOST% , %REMOTE_ADDR% , %REMOTE_PORT% and %REMOTE_USER% .
  • KevinKinnell? - 02 May 2000: Advanced search (under construction)
  • PeterFokkinga? - 15 May 2000: Each topic can have its own template file. TWikiTemplates has more.
  • PeterThoeny? - 28 May 2000: Lock warning shows remaining lock time in minutes.
  • PeterThoeny? - 29 May 2000: New %GMTIME% variable that shows the current GM time.
  Related Topics
-- PeterThoeny? - 22 May 2000
-- PeterThoeny? - 29 May 2000

Revision 1923 May 2000 - FZU.PeterThoeny

Line: 59 to 59
  • PeterThoeny? - 20 Mar 2000: Uploading a file (topic file attachment) will optionally create a link to the uploaded file at the end of the topic. The preference variable %ATTACHLINKBOX% controls the default state of the link check box in the attach file page.
  • JohnAltstadt? , PeterThoeny? - 21 Apr 2000: TWikiRegistration is done separately for Intranet use (depends on remote_user) or Internet use (depends on .htpasswd file).
  • PeterThoeny? - 21 Apr 2000: New TWikiVariables %HTTP_HOST% , %REMOTE_ADDR% , %REMOTE_PORT% and %REMOTE_USER% .
  • KevinKinnell? - 02 May 2000: Advanced search (under construction)
  • PeterFokkinga? - 15 May 2000: Each topic can have its own template file. TWikiTemplates has more.
  Related Topics
-- PeterThoeny? - 21 Apr 2000
-- PeterThoeny? - 22 May 2000

Revision 1821 Apr 2000 - FZU.PeterThoeny

Line: 57 to 57
  • PeterThoeny? - 25 Feb 2000: New preference variables %EDITBOXWIDTH% and %EDITBOXHEIGHT% to specify the edit box size.
  • PeterThoeny? - 11 Mar 2000: Better security with taint checking ( Perl -T option )
  • PeterThoeny? - 20 Mar 2000: Uploading a file (topic file attachment) will optionally create a link to the uploaded file at the end of the topic. The preference variable %ATTACHLINKBOX% controls the default state of the link check box in the attach file page.
  • JohnAltstadt? , PeterThoeny? - 21 Apr 2000: TWikiRegistration is done separately for Intranet use (depends on remote_user) or Internet use (depends on .htpasswd file).
  • PeterThoeny? - 21 Apr 2000: New TWikiVariables %HTTP_HOST% , %REMOTE_ADDR% , %REMOTE_PORT% and %REMOTE_USER% .
  Related Topics
-- PeterThoeny? - 20 Mar 2000
-- PeterThoeny? - 21 Apr 2000

Revision 1721 Mar 2000 - FZU.PeterThoeny

Line: 53 to 53
  • PeterThoeny? - 07 Feb 2000: Changed the syntax for server side include variable from %INCLUDE:"filename.ext"% to %INCLUDE{"filename.ext"}% . (Previous syntax still supported. Change was done because of inline search syntax)
  • PeterThoeny? - 11 Feb 2000: New variable %SCRIPTURLPATH% / $scriptUrlPath containing the script URL without the domain name. Templates have been changed to use this variable instead of %SCRIPTURL% . This is for performance reasons.
  • PeterThoeny? - 11 Feb 2000: New variable %SCRIPTSUFFIX% / $scriptSuffix containing an optional file extension of the TWiki Perl script. Templates have been changed to use this variable. This allows you to rename the Perl script files to have a file extension like for example ".cgi".
  • PeterThoeny? - 25 Feb 2000: Edit preferences topics to set TWiki variables. There are three level of preferences: Site-level (TWikiPreferences), web-level (WebPreferences in each web) and user-level (for each of the TWikiUsers? ). With this, discontinue use of server side include of wikiwebs.inc , wikiwebtable.inc , weblist.inc , webcopyright.inc and webcolors.inc files.
  • PeterThoeny? - 25 Feb 2000: New preference variables %EDITBOXWIDTH% and %EDITBOXWIDTH% to specify the edit box size.
  • PeterThoeny? - 25 Feb 2000: Edit preferences topics to set TWiki variables. There are three level of preferences: Site-level (TWikiPreferences), web-level (WebPreferences in each web) and user-level preferences (for each of the TWikiUsers? ). With this, discontinue use of server side include of wikiwebs.inc , wikiwebtable.inc , weblist.inc , webcopyright.inc and webcolors.inc files.
  • PeterThoeny? - 25 Feb 2000: New preference variables %EDITBOXWIDTH% and %EDITBOXHEIGHT% to specify the edit box size.
  • PeterThoeny? - 11 Mar 2000: Better security with taint checking ( Perl -T option )
  • PeterThoeny? - 20 Mar 2000: Uploading a file (topic file attachment) will optionally create a link to the uploaded file at the end of the topic. The preference variable %ATTACHLINKBOX% controls the default state of the link check box in the attach file page.
  Related Topics
-- PeterThoeny? - 27 Feb 2000
-- PeterThoeny? - 20 Mar 2000

Revision 1627 Feb 2000 - FZU.PeterThoeny

Line: 1 to 1
History of the TWiki Implementation
History of the TWiki Implementation (version TWiki-4.2.0, Tue, 22 Jan 2008, build 16278)
  • PeterThoeny? - 23 Jul 1998: Installed initial version, based on the JOS Wiki. See WikiWikiClones for details.
  • PeterThoeny? - 27 Jul 1998: Added automatic links to topics in other TWiki webs by specifying <web name>.<topic name>, e.g. Know.WebSeach .
Line: 53 to 53
  • PeterThoeny? - 07 Feb 2000: Changed the syntax for server side include variable from %INCLUDE:"filename.ext"% to %INCLUDE{"filename.ext"}% . (Previous syntax still supported. Change was done because of inline search syntax)
  • PeterThoeny? - 11 Feb 2000: New variable %SCRIPTURLPATH% / $scriptUrlPath containing the script URL without the domain name. Templates have been changed to use this variable instead of %SCRIPTURL% . This is for performance reasons.
  • PeterThoeny? - 11 Feb 2000: New variable %SCRIPTSUFFIX% / $scriptSuffix containing an optional file extension of the TWiki Perl script. Templates have been changed to use this variable. This allows you to rename the Perl script files to have a file extension like for example ".cgi".
  • PeterThoeny? - 25 Feb 2000: Edit preferences topics to set TWiki variables. There are three level of preferences: Site-level (TWikiPreferences), web-level (WebPreferences in each web) and user-level (for each of the TWikiUsers? ). With this, discontinue use of server side include of wikiwebs.inc , wikiwebtable.inc , weblist.inc , webcopyright.inc and webcolors.inc files.
  • PeterThoeny? - 25 Feb 2000: New preference variables %EDITBOXWIDTH% and %EDITBOXWIDTH% to specify the edit box size.
  Related Topics
-- PeterThoeny? - 11 Feb 2000
-- PeterThoeny? - 27 Feb 2000

Revision 1512 Feb 2000 - FZU.PeterThoeny

Line: 51 to 51
  • PeterThoeny? - 04 Feb 2000: Access statistics. Each web has a WebStatistics topic that shows monthy statistics with number of topic views and changes, most popular topics, and top contributors. (It needs to be enabled, TWikiDocumentation has more.)
  • PeterThoeny? - 07 Feb 2000: Inline search. New variable %SEARCH{"str" ...}% to show a search result embedded in a topic text. TWikiVariables has more on the syntax. Inline search combined with the category table feature can be used for example to create a simple bug tracking system.
  • PeterThoeny? - 07 Feb 2000: Changed the syntax for server side include variable from %INCLUDE:"filename.ext"% to %INCLUDE{"filename.ext"}% . (Previous syntax still supported. Change was done because of inline search syntax)
  • PeterThoeny? - 11 Feb 2000: New variable %SCRIPTURLPATH% / $scriptUrlPath containing the script URL without the domain name. Templates have been changed to use this variable instead of %SCRIPTURL% . This is for performance reasons.
  • PeterThoeny? - 11 Feb 2000: New variable %SCRIPTSUFFIX% / $scriptSuffix containing an optional file extension of the TWiki Perl script. Templates have been changed to use this variable. This allows you to rename the Perl script files to have a file extension like for example ".cgi".
  Related Topics
-- PeterThoeny? - 07 Feb 2000
-- PeterThoeny? - 11 Feb 2000

Revision 1407 Feb 2000 - FZU.PeterThoeny

Line: 47 to 47
  • PeterThoeny? - 03 Oct 1999: Limit the number of revisions shown at the bottom of the topic. Example:
    Topic TWikiHistory . { ..... | Diffs | r1.10 | > | r1.9 | > | r1.8 | > | r1.7 | >... }
    Additional revisions can be selected by pressing the >... link.
  • PeterThoeny? - 10 Jan 2000: No more escaping for '%' percent characters. (Number of consecutive '%' entered and displayed is identical.)
  • PeterThoeny? - 24 Jan 2000: Fixed bug where an email address starting with a WikiName was rendered as an internal Wiki link instead of an email address, i.e. SomeWikiName@somewhere.test .
  • PeterThoeny? - 04 Feb 2000: Usage statistics. Each web has a WebStatistics topic that shows monthy statistics with number of topic views and changes, most popular topics, and top contributors. (It needs to be enabled, TWikiDocumentation has more.)
  • PeterThoeny? - 29 Jan 2000: Fixed bug where TWiki would not initialize correctly under certain circumstances, i.e. when running it under mod_perl. Sub initialize in wiki.pm did not handle $thePathInfo correctly.
  • PeterThoeny? - 04 Feb 2000: Access statistics. Each web has a WebStatistics topic that shows monthy statistics with number of topic views and changes, most popular topics, and top contributors. (It needs to be enabled, TWikiDocumentation has more.)
  • PeterThoeny? - 07 Feb 2000: Inline search. New variable %SEARCH{"str" ...}% to show a search result embedded in a topic text. TWikiVariables has more on the syntax. Inline search combined with the category table feature can be used for example to create a simple bug tracking system.
  • PeterThoeny? - 07 Feb 2000: Changed the syntax for server side include variable from %INCLUDE:"filename.ext"% to %INCLUDE{"filename.ext"}% . (Previous syntax still supported. Change was done because of inline search syntax)
  Related Topics
-- PeterThoeny? - 04 Feb 2000
-- PeterThoeny? - 07 Feb 2000

Revision 1304 Feb 2000 - FZU.PeterThoeny

Line: 47 to 47
  • PeterThoeny? - 03 Oct 1999: Limit the number of revisions shown at the bottom of the topic. Example:
    Topic TWikiHistory . { ..... | Diffs | r1.10 | > | r1.9 | > | r1.8 | > | r1.7 | >... }
    Additional revisions can be selected by pressing the >... link.
  • PeterThoeny? - 10 Jan 2000: No more escaping for '%' percent characters. (Number of consecutive '%' entered and displayed is identical.)
  • PeterThoeny? - 24 Jan 2000: Fixed bug where an email address starting with a WikiName was rendered as an internal Wiki link instead of an email address, i.e. SomeWikiName@somewhere.test .
  • PeterThoeny? - 04 Feb 2000: Usage statistics. Each web has a WebStatistics topic that shows monthy statistics with number of topic views and changes, most popular topics, and top contributors. (It needs to be enabled, TWikiDocumentation has more.)
  Related Topics
-- PeterThoeny? - 24 Jan 2000
-- PeterThoeny? - 04 Feb 2000

Revision 1225 Jan 2000 - FZU.PeterThoeny

Line: 46 to 46
  • PeterThoeny? - 31 Aug 1999: Fixed Y2K? bug. (Date in year 2000 had wrong format.)
  • PeterThoeny? - 03 Oct 1999: Limit the number of revisions shown at the bottom of the topic. Example:
    Topic TWikiHistory . { ..... | Diffs | r1.10 | > | r1.9 | > | r1.8 | > | r1.7 | >... }
    Additional revisions can be selected by pressing the >... link.
  • PeterThoeny? - 10 Jan 2000: No more escaping for '%' percent characters. (Number of consecutive '%' entered and displayed is identical.)
  • PeterThoeny? - 24 Jan 2000: Fixed bug where an email address starting with a WikiName was rendered as an internal Wiki link instead of an email address, i.e. SomeWikiName@somewhere.test .
  Related Topics
-- PeterThoeny? - 10 Jan 2000
-- PeterThoeny? - 24 Jan 2000

Revision 1110 Jan 2000 - FZU.PeterThoeny

Line: 45 to 45
This is a table with cells
  • PeterThoeny? - 31 Aug 1999: Fixed Y2K? bug. (Date in year 2000 had wrong format.)
  • PeterThoeny? - 03 Oct 1999: Limit the number of revisions shown at the bottom of the topic. Example:
    Topic TWikiHistory . { ..... | Diffs | r1.10 | > | r1.9 | > | r1.8 | > | r1.7 | >... }
    Additional revisions can be selected by pressing the >... link.
  • PeterThoeny? - 10 Jan 2000: No more escaping for '%' percent characters. (Number of consecutive '%' entered and displayed is identical.)
  Related Topics
-- PeterThoeny? - 03 Oct 1999
-- PeterThoeny? - 10 Jan 2000

Revision 1003 Oct 1999 - FZU.PeterThoeny

Line: 44 to 44
  | This | is | a table | with | cells |
This is a table with cells
  • PeterThoeny? - 31 Aug 1999: Fixed Y2K? bug. (Date in year 2000 had wrong format.)
  • PeterThoeny? - 03 Oct 1999: Limit the number of revisions shown at the bottom of the topic. Example:
    Topic TWikiHistory . { ..... | Diffs | r1.10 | > | r1.9 | > | r1.8 | > | r1.7 | >... }
    Additional revisions can be selected by pressing the >... link.
  Related Topics
-- PeterThoeny? - 31 Aug 1999
-- PeterThoeny? - 03 Oct 1999

Revision 901 Sep 1999 - FZU.PeterThoeny

Line: 43 to 43
  • PeterThoeny? - 08 Aug 1999: New text formatting rule for creating tables. Text gets rendered as a table if enclosed in "|" vertical bars. Example line as it is written and how it shows up:
    | This | is | a table | with | cells |
    This is a table with cells
  • PeterThoeny? - 31 Aug 1999: Fixed Y2K? bug. (Date in year 2000 had wrong format.)
  Related Topics
-- PeterThoeny? - 08 Aug 1999
-- PeterThoeny? - 31 Aug 1999

Revision 809 Aug 1999 - FZU.PeterThoeny

Line: 40 to 40
  • PeterThoeny? - 21 Jul 1999: Flag $doRemovePortNumber in wikicfg.pm to optionally remove the port number from the TWiki URL. Example: www.some.domain:1234/twiki gets www.some.domain/twiki .
  • PeterThoeny? - 22 Jul 1999: Flags $doLogTopic* in wikicfg.pm to selectively log topic view, edit, save, rdiff, attach, search and changes to monthly log file.
  • PeterThoeny? - 03 Aug 1999: Online registration of new user using web form in TWikiRegistration. Authentication of users.
  • PeterThoeny? - 08 Aug 1999: New text formatting rule for creating tables. Text gets rendered as a table if enclosed in "|" vertical bars. Example line as it is written and how it shows up:
    | This | is | a table | with | cells |
    This is a table with cells
  Related Topics
-- PeterThoeny? - 03 Aug 1999
-- PeterThoeny? - 08 Aug 1999

Revision 703 Aug 1999 - FZU.PeterThoeny

Line: 39 to 39
  • PeterThoeny? - 15 Jul 1999: Search path for include files in %INCLUDE:"file.inc"% variable. Search first in the current web, then in parent data directory. Useful to overload default include text in the data directory by web-specific text, like for example webcopyright.inc text.
  • PeterThoeny? - 21 Jul 1999: Flag $doRemovePortNumber in wikicfg.pm to optionally remove the port number from the TWiki URL. Example: www.some.domain:1234/twiki gets www.some.domain/twiki .
  • PeterThoeny? - 22 Jul 1999: Flags $doLogTopic* in wikicfg.pm to selectively log topic view, edit, save, rdiff, attach, search and changes to monthly log file.
  • PeterThoeny? - 03 Aug 1999: Online registration of new user using web form in TWikiRegistration. Authentication of users.
  Related Topics
-- PeterThoeny? - 23 Jun 1999
-- PeterThoeny? - 03 Aug 1999

Revision 622 Jul 1999 - FZU.thoeny

Line: 36 to 36
  • PeterThoeny? - 23 Jun 1999: Separate wiki.pm into configuration (wikicfg.pm) and TWiki core (wiki.pm) . This is to ease the upgrade of TWiki installations, it also allows customized extensions to TWiki without affecting the TWiki core.
  • PeterThoeny? - 23 Jun 1999: New TextFormattingRules to write bold italic text by enclosing words with double underline characters.
  • ChristopheVermeulen? - 07 Jul 1999: Link a plural topic to a singular topic in case the plural topic does not exist. Example: TestVersion / TestVersions , TestPolicy / TestPolicies , TestAddress / TestAddresses , TestBox / TestBoxes .
  • PeterThoeny? - 15 Jul 1999: Search path for include files in %INCLUDE:"file.inc"% variable. Search first in the current web, then in parent data directory. Useful to overload default include text in a web-specific manner, like webcopyright.inc text.
  • PeterThoeny? - 15 Jul 1999: Search path for include files in %INCLUDE:"file.inc"% variable. Search first in the current web, then in parent data directory. Useful to overload default include text in the data directory by web-specific text, like for example webcopyright.inc text.
  • PeterThoeny? - 21 Jul 1999: Flag $doRemovePortNumber in wikicfg.pm to optionally remove the port number from the TWiki URL. Example: www.some.domain:1234/twiki gets www.some.domain/twiki .
  • PeterThoeny? - 22 Jul 1999: Flags $doLogTopic* in wikicfg.pm to selectively log topic view, edit, save, rdiff, attach, search and changes to monthly log file.
  Related Topics

Revision 517 Jul 1999 - FZU.thoeny

Line: 36 to 36
  • PeterThoeny? - 23 Jun 1999: Separate wiki.pm into configuration (wikicfg.pm) and TWiki core (wiki.pm) . This is to ease the upgrade of TWiki installations, it also allows customized extensions to TWiki without affecting the TWiki core.
  • PeterThoeny? - 23 Jun 1999: New TextFormattingRules to write bold italic text by enclosing words with double underline characters.
  • ChristopheVermeulen? - 07 Jul 1999: Link a plural topic to a singular topic in case the plural topic does not exist. Example: TestVersion / TestVersions , TestPolicy / TestPolicies , TestAddress / TestAddresses , TestBox / TestBoxes .
  • PeterThoeny? - 15 Jul 1999: Search path for include files in %INCLUDE:"file.inc"% variable. Search first in the current web, then in parent data directory. Useful to overload default include text in a web-specific manner, like webcopyright.inc text.
  Related Topics

Revision 407 Jul 1999 - FZU.thoeny

Line: 35 to 35
  • DavidWarman? - 21 May 1999: Externalize copyright text at the bottom of every page into a web-specific webcopyright.inc file. This is to easily customize the copyright text.
  • PeterThoeny? - 23 Jun 1999: Separate wiki.pm into configuration (wikicfg.pm) and TWiki core (wiki.pm) . This is to ease the upgrade of TWiki installations, it also allows customized extensions to TWiki without affecting the TWiki core.
  • PeterThoeny? - 23 Jun 1999: New TextFormattingRules to write bold italic text by enclosing words with double underline characters.
  • ChristopheVermeulen? - 07 Jul 1999: Link a plural topic to a singular topic in case the plural topic does not exist. Example: TestVersion / TestVersions , TestPolicy / TestPolicies , TestAddress / TestAddresses , TestBox / TestBoxes .
  Related Topics

Revision 325 Jun 1999 - FZU.thoeny

Line: 32 to 32
  • PeterThoeny? - 15 Apr 1999: Topic locking: Warn user if a topic has been edited by an other person within one hour. This is to prevent contention, e.g. simultaneous topic updates.
  • PeterThoeny? - 20 May 1999: New variables %WIKIHOMEURL% (link when pressing the icon on the upper left corner) and %WIKITOOLNAME% (the name of the wiki tool: =TWiki = ).
  • PeterThoeny? - 20 May 1999: Added meta tag so that robots index only /view/ of topics, not /edit/, /attach/ e.t.c. Tag: <META NAME="ROBOTS" CONTENT="NOINDEX">
  • DavidWarman? - 21 May 1999: Externalize copyright text at the bottom of every page in a web-specific webcopyright.inc file. This is to easily customize the copyright text.
  • DavidWarman? - 21 May 1999: Externalize copyright text at the bottom of every page into a web-specific webcopyright.inc file. This is to easily customize the copyright text.
  • PeterThoeny? - 23 Jun 1999: Separate wiki.pm into configuration (wikicfg.pm) and TWiki core (wiki.pm) . This is to ease the upgrade of TWiki installations, it also allows customized extensions to TWiki without affecting the TWiki core.
  • PeterThoeny? - 23 Jun 1999: New TextFormattingRules to write bold italic text by enclosing words with double underline characters.
  Related Topics
-- PeterThoeny? - 15 Apr 1999
-- PeterThoeny? - 23 Jun 1999

Revision 223 Jun 1999 - FZU.thoeny

Line: 33 to 33
  • PeterThoeny? - 20 May 1999: New variables %WIKIHOMEURL% (link when pressing the icon on the upper left corner) and %WIKITOOLNAME% (the name of the wiki tool: =TWiki = ).
  • PeterThoeny? - 20 May 1999: Added meta tag so that robots index only /view/ of topics, not /edit/, /attach/ e.t.c. Tag: <META NAME="ROBOTS" CONTENT="NOINDEX">
  • DavidWarman? - 21 May 1999: Externalize copyright text at the bottom of every page in a web-specific webcopyright.inc file. This is to easily customize the copyright text.
  • PeterThoeny? - 23 Jun 1999: Separate wiki.pm into configuration (wikicfg.pm) and TWiki core (wiki.pm) . This is to ease the upgrade of TWiki installations, it also allows customized extensions to TWiki without affecting the TWiki core.
  Related Topics

Revision 115 Jun 1999 - FZU.thoeny

Line: 1 to 1
History of the TWiki Implementation

  • PeterThoeny? - 23 Jul 1998: Installed initial version, based on the JOS Wiki. See WikiWikiClones for details.
  • PeterThoeny? - 27 Jul 1998: Added automatic links to topics in other TWiki webs by specifying <web name>.<topic name>, e.g. Know.WebSeach .
  • PeterThoeny? - 28 Jul 1998: Topic WebSearch allows full text search and and topic search with/without regular expressions.
  • PeterThoeny? - 28 Jul 1998: Topic index. (Technically speaking a simple '.*' search on topic names.)
  • PeterThoeny? - 28 Jul 1998: Topic Changes shows Wiki username instead of Intranet username, e.g. PeterThoeny instead of thoeny in case the Wiki username exists. Implementation: Automatic lookup of Wiki username in topic TWikiUsers? .
  • PeterThoeny? - 28 Jul 1998: Added TWiki variables, enclosed in % signs: %TOPIC% (Topic name), %WEB% (web name), %SCRIPTURL% (script URL), %DATE% (current date), %WIKIWEBMASTER% (Wiki webmaster address), %WIKIVERSION% (Wiki version), %USERNAME% (user name), %WIKIUSERNAME% (Wiki user name).
  • PeterThoeny? - 31 Jul 1998: Support for quoted text with a '>' at the beginning of the line.
  • PeterThoeny? - 04 Aug 1998: Warn user if new topic name is not a valid Wiki name. (template file templates/Web/notwiki.tmpl)
  • PeterThoeny? - 04 Aug 1998: Separate templates for text of non existing topic and default text of new topic. (template file templates/Web/notedited.tmpl)
  • PeterThoeny? - 05 Aug 1998: Signature and date is inserted automatically when creating a new topic.
  • PeterThoeny? - 06 Aug 1998: Added server side include of files. Syntax is %INCLUDE:"filename.ext"%
  • PeterThoeny? - 07 Aug 1998: Automatic email notification when something has changed in a TWiki web. Each web has a topic WebNotify where one can subscribe and unsubscribe.
  • PeterThoeny? - 13 Aug 1998: WikiNotation allows also numbers after the AaA sequence, e.g. AaA1 is a valid WikiTopic? name, but not Aa1.
  • PeterThoeny? - 24 Sep 1998: Corrected templates for automatic email notification so that MS Outlook can display attachment as an HTML file.
  • PeterThoeny? - 13 Oct 1998: Alphabetical topic index in WebSearch.
  • PeterThoeny? - 14 Oct 1998: Refered-By: Find out which topics have a link to the current topic. Each topic has a |Ref-By| link for that. Note: Only references from the current web are shown, not references from other webs.
  • PeterThoeny? - 26 Oct 1998: Added revision control using RCS. Each topic has now a list of revisions at the bottom and a revision info, e.g.
    Topic TWikiHistory . { Edit | Ref-By | r1.3 | r1.2 | r1.1 }
    Revision r1.3: 1998/10/26 01:34:00 by PeterThoeny
  • PeterThoeny? - 26 Oct 1998: Added preview of topic changes before saving the topic. This was necessary to prevent unneeded revisions.
  • PeterThoeny? - 10 Nov 1998: View differences between topic revisions. Each topic has a list of revisions (e.g. r1.3) and differences thereof (e.g. >) at the bottom:
    Topic TWikiHistory . { Edit | Ref-By | r1.3 | > | r1.2 | > | r1.1 }
    Revision r1.3: 1998/11/10 01:34 by PeterThoeny
  • PeterThoeny? - 10 Nov 1998: The email notification and the Changes topic have now a topic date that is linked. Clicking on the link will show the difference between the two most recent topic revisions.
  • PeterThoeny? - 18 Nov 1998: Internal log of topic save actions to the file data/logYYYYMM.txt, where YYYYMM the year and month in numeric format is. Intended for auditing only, not accessible from the web.
  • PeterThoeny? - 07 Dec 1998: Possible to add a category table to a TWiki topic. This permits storing and searching for more structured information. Editing a topic shows a HTML form with the usual text area and a table with selectors, checkboxes, radio buttons and text fields. TWikiDocumentation has more on setup. The TWiki.Know web uses this category table to set classification, platform and OS version.
  • PeterThoeny? - 08 Dec 1998: Signature is shown below the text area when editing a topic. Use this to easily copy & paste your signature into the text.
  • PeterThoeny? - 04 Jan 1999: Fixed bug when viewing differences between topic revisions that include HTML table tags like <table>, <tr>, <td>.
  • PeterThoeny? - 03 Feb 1999: Possible to view complete revision history of a topic on one page. Access at the linked date in the Changes page, or the Diffs link at the bottom of each topic, e.g.
    Topic TWikiHistory . { Edit | Ref-By | Diffs | r1.3 | > | r1.2 | > | r1.1 }
    Revision r1.3: 1998/11/10 01:34 by PeterThoeny
  • PeterThoeny? - 09 Feb 1999: No new topic revision is created if the same person saves a topic again within one hour.
  • PeterThoeny? - 09 Feb 1999: New text formatting rule for creating fixed font text . Words get showns in fixed font by enclosing them in "=" equal signs. Example: Writing =fixed font= will show up as fixed font .
  • PeterThoeny? - 26 Mar 1999: New variables %PUBURL% (Public directory URL) and %ATTACHURL% (URL of topic file attachment).
  • PeterThoeny? - 26 Mar 1999: File attachments: Upload and download any file as a topic attachment by using the browser. FileAttachment has more.
  • PeterThoeny? - 15 Apr 1999: Topic locking: Warn user if a topic has been edited by an other person within one hour. This is to prevent contention, e.g. simultaneous topic updates.
  • PeterThoeny? - 20 May 1999: New variables %WIKIHOMEURL% (link when pressing the icon on the upper left corner) and %WIKITOOLNAME% (the name of the wiki tool: =TWiki = ).
  • PeterThoeny? - 20 May 1999: Added meta tag so that robots index only /view/ of topics, not /edit/, /attach/ e.t.c. Tag: <META NAME="ROBOTS" CONTENT="NOINDEX">
  • DavidWarman? - 21 May 1999: Externalize copyright text at the bottom of every page in a web-specific webcopyright.inc file. This is to easily customize the copyright text.

Related Topics

-- PeterThoeny? - 15 Apr 1999

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Note: Please contribute updates to this topic on TWiki.org at TWiki:TWiki.TWikiHistory