Institute of Mathematics of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic |
Contact information
Institute of Mathematics, AS CR
Žitná 25
CZ - 115 67 Praha 1
Czech Republic
Branch in Brno:
Institute of Mathematics, AS CR
Žižkova 22
CZ - 616 62 Brno
Czech Republic
Fax: +420-222 090 701
Phone: +420-222 090 711 for an operator,
Fax: +420-541 218 657
Phone: +420-532 290 375
E-mail: mathinst@math.cas.cz
WWW: http://www.math.cas.cz/
(The country code of the Czech Republic is 420. Thus to call the
Institute, you dial 222 090 711 in the Czech Republic, 00-420-222 090 711
most European countries and 011-420-222 090 711 in North America.)
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