Institute of Mathematics of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic |
Antonín Sochor died on May 17, 2008.
Director's office
Lucie Burešová
Address: Institute of Mathematics of the AS CR, Žitná 25, CZ-115 67 Praha 1, Czech Republic
Tel.: +420-222090702
Fax: +420-222090701
Deputy Director (acting director)
Milan Tvrdý
Phone: +420-222090762, +420-222090744, +420-222210612
Scientific Secretary
Miroslav Krbec <tajemnik@math.cas.cz>
Phone: +420-222090764
Bohdan Maslowski
Phone: +420-222090721
Director of the Branch in Brno
Jiří Vanžura
Address: Žižkova 22, CZ - 616 62 Brno, Czech Republic
Phone: +420-549246314, +420-532290376, +420-532290375
Fax: +420-541218657
Scientific departments and department
Bohdan Maslowski
Phone: +420-222090732
Ivan Straškraba <strask@math.cas.cz>
Phone: +420-222090739
Bohumír Opic <opic@math.cas.cz>
Phone: +420-222090745
Jan Chleboun
Phone: +420-222090710
Vladimír Müller
Phone: +420-222090788
Pavel Pudlák
Phone: +420-222090721
Marie Tichá <ticha@math.cas.cz>
Phone: +420-222090726
Jiří Vanžura
Address: Institute of Mathematics, AS CR, Žižkova 22, CZ - 616 62 Brno,
Czech Republic
Phone: +420-549246314, +420-532290376, +420-532290375
Fax: +420-541218657
Ivona Petrusová <library@math.cas.cz>
Phone: +420-222090758
Martin Jarník <hotline@math.cas.cz>
Phone: +420-222090755
Administrative department
Růžena Roháčková <rohack@math.cas.cz>
Tel.: +420-222090718