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to web-pages of the Institute of Psychology of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.

Notice: the new address of our Prague branch will be (from April):
Politickych veznu 7, 111 21 Praha 1

Fields of Interest
We concentrate on research in the sphere of personality psychology, cognitive psychology and psychology of health. We also develop psychological research methodology. Look into "research sections" for detail information.

The Institute of Psychology resides in Brno. The part of the institute is located in Prague, where there is another workplace as well as a library offering services to students and professional public.

Postgraduate Study
Since 2003, it is possible to study general psychology and social psychology PhD. program at the Institute of Psychology, ASCR. The general psychology program is organized in cooperation with the Institute of Psychology, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University. The social psychology program is organized in cooperation with the Department of Psychology, Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University.

Research Projects
There is a variety of research projects carried out at the Institute of Psychology, ASCR. You can find the most important ones described at our web pages. The main research program is described briefly within the 2005-2010 research plan of the Institute of Psychology, ASCR. Its title is "The human being in the contexts of life-span development". You can also find those projects that are of social importance or those that gained professional or laymen interest in the section of Featured projects.Csych journal

Results of the Research Projects
The main outcomes of our researches are published in native as well as foreign journals, monographs, research reports and other announcements in the scientific community. We also publish in popular journals.

The Institute of Psychology publishes the journal Czechoslovak Psychology with an impact factor of 0.279. The journal has a long tradition (it has been published since 1957) and is open not only to contributions on psychological research and theory, but psychological practice as well.

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