» Projects » Grant List » Pressure-drag flow of non-newtonian fluids in straight channels

Pressure-drag flow of non-newtonian fluids in straight channels

  • Identification: IAA2060004 - Grant Agency of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
  • Duration: 2000 - 2004
  • Principal investigator: Ing. Jiří David CSc.

Subject of research

The project aims at a derivation of relations characterizong shear flows of visco-elasto-plastic fluids in single and multiple-connected regions (e.g. in annuli). Imposed shear is of Couette and/or Poiseuille type representing both drag and pressure driving forces applied. The principal objectives are: 1) flow modeling with an emphasis on derivation of explicit relations for distribution of shear stresses, velocity field; determination of integral flow characteristics (axial and tangential flow rate, drag force); 2) clarification of existence of quasisimilarity behaviour for these integral flow characteristics, i.e. determination of the transformations and regions of entry parameters for which there exists the possibility to transform, using these transformations, the individual cases to the so-called universal basic relation with preservation of sufficient accuracy; 3) derivation of criteria for a determination of the individual flow situations in dependence on yield stress of the fluid.

Research Goal

Flow in annuli with a pressure gradient imposed in axial direction was solved for drag (viscoplastic fluids) and rotation (power-law ones) of an inner cylinder.The relation of viscous-to-plastic components of classical viscoplastic models was analysed.