Zahájení třítýdenních "koleček" kdo co dělal a v druhé části .... tadadáááá ..... oslavy narozenin naší nepostradatelné a milé Jany.
Informace o plánovaných akcích.
Denoising is a fundamental step in many image processing tasks. Linear methods have been very popular for their simplicity and speed but their usage is limited since they tend to blur images. Nonlinear methods are more time consuming but they perform much better in general.
$terminy = db_query("SELECT * FROM {prihlaseni} ");
while ($termin = db_fetch_object($terminy)) {
$values = array ($termin->id, $termin->jmeno, $termin->prijmeni, $termin->rocnik, $termin->obor);
$msg = "INSERT INTO prihlaseni2(idTerminu, jmeno, prijmeni, rocnik, obor) VALUES(%d,'%s','%s',%d,'%s')";
db_query($msg, $values);
Super-resolution (SR) is the process of combining a sequence of low resolution images in order to produce a higher resolution image or sequence.
We assume a similar acquisition model as in the case of multichannel blind deconvolution. However for SR, the original image undergoes three degradations during the measurement: blurring, resolution decimation, and corruption by noise.
Představení technologií audiovizuální syntézy a rozpoznávání řeči a syntézy a rozpoznávání znakové řeči.
2004 – PhD. degree
Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, specializing in Mathematical and Computer Modeling
Subject of the thesis: analysis of semicontinuous thin film photographs by means of wavelets
1996 - Master’s degree
Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Department of Electronics and Vacuum Physics
Subject of the thesis: calculation of the thin film growth in chemically active plasma