Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals ASCR, v.v.i.

Department of Biotechnology and Environmental Processes
Annual Report 2008

(For current information click here)


Head: J. Cermak

Deputy: G. Kuncova

Research staff: L. Cervenkova Stastna, Y. Maleterova, M. Posta, S. Sabata, J. Vcelak

Part time: M. Czakoova, J. Hetflejs, F. Kastanek

Technical staff: J. Kubesova, R. Lehnert, J. Zavazalova

PhD students: J. Bolyo, A. Krupkova, R. Rychtarikova, J. Storch, T. Strasak

Fields of research

Applied research

Research projects

The research and verification of the method of catalytic dehalogenation of underground water from industrial sources by bimetallic permeable reactive barriers

(F. Kastanek, joint project with Analytical Laboratories Plzen, and CZ BIJO, supported by MIT, IMPULS project No. FI-IM3/050)

The response rate of the reductive dehalogenation of halogenated (aliphatic chlorinated hydrocarbons) and polyhalogenated organic compounds (PCB) was studied. Experiments were realized in water emulsions with bimetallic catalysts (common metal and palladium, concentration of palladium was 0.05 – 0.2 %). Palladium was present in the form of isolated isles on the elementary common metal surface: Pd/Fe, Pd/Al, Pd/Mg, Pd/Ni and Pd/Zn. The method of the catalyst preparation was optimized. The best efficiency was achieved with the three-phase catalyst type Pd-Fe-C. In the gray iron carbon was present in the graphite form as inclusions in the concentration to 4 %. Reductive effects of this catalyst are based on the transfer of electrons which are generated by the corrosion of the common metal and by the function of the system as an electrolytic cell. This catalyst is economically and ecologically advantageous since his durability reached six months. The efficiency was tested in the real decontamination process of water contaminated by polychlorinated ethanes and ethylenes. [Refs. 7, 8]

The structure and synthetic applications of transition metal complexes

(J. Cermak, joint project with JH IPC, CU, and ICT, supported by MEYS, project No. LC06070)

Modular iterative synthesis of helicenes up to hexahelicene was developed, the key feature being transition metal catalyzed cycloisomerization of alkynyl substituted biphenylylnaphthalenes. Two types of rhodium diphosphinoazine complexes were synthesized and thoroughly characterized, rhodium(I) square planar carbonyl complexes and rhodium(III) octahedral halo complexes. Dynamic features in these compounds were studied by NMR spectroscopy. Palladium(II) aryl-amido diphosphinoazine complexes with an unsymmetrical ligand coordination mode were prepared and characterized including x-ray diffraction. Peripheral substitution of carbosilane dendrimers by cyclopentadienes and cyclopentadienyl complexes was studied. Novel alkene and diene complexes with [(C5Me4CnF2n+1)Rh] fragment were synthesized for potential applications in catalytic reactions, and their structure was determined including an x-ray structure of a dicarbonyl rhodium(I) complex. [Refs. 3, 5, 10, 13, 14, 20]

Singlet oxygen producing sensitizers on solid inorganic hosts: photodisinfecting materials and probes

(G. Kuncova, joint project with IIC, JH IPC, and CU, supported by GACR, grant No. GA203/06/1244)

Sol-gel derived mesoporous antimicrobial biomaterials were prepared by entrapment of hydrophilic and hydrophobic porphyrines into polysilsesquioxanes. Mesoporous structure of novel polysilsesquioxane matrices increased their antimicrobial activity as compared to microporous silica gel prepared from tetramethoxysilane. Novel method of biotoxicity evaluation of singlet oxygen generated by immobilized porphyrin was developed. [Refs. 11, 18, 19]

Interaction of organic-inorganic matrices with immobilized biological material

(G. Kuncová, supported by MEYS, OC COST project No. OC121)

Monitoring of natural fluorescence of living cells and production of coloured intermediates were used for determination of yeast viability and construction of whole cell optical sensors of polychlorinated biphenyls. [Ref. 1, 6, 9]

Polymeric antidegradants based on liquid polybutadienes, polysiloxanes and their block copolymers

(J. Hetflejs, joint project with IMC, SYNPO Pardubice, and University of Pardubice, supported by GACR, grant No. GA203/07/0987)

The research has been focused on the synthesis of N-containing antidegradants immobilized on poly(siloxanes) containing terminal hydroxylalkyl groups. Alternative protocols for the synthesis of these novel compounds were worked out. The hydroxyalkyl substitution of these antidegradants enables their immobilization by incorporation into polyurethane matrix during polymer preparation.

Monitoring and remediation of environmental pollution with advanced organic-inorganic materials – MOREPIM

(G. Kuncova, supported by MEYS, KONTAKT project No. ME 892)

The aim of the project is application of novel materials, developed in Oak Ridge National Laboratories (ORNL), in construction of optical sensors and in remediation processes, which are investigated in ICPF. The research will cover utilization of inorganic and organic-inorganic nanoparticles in design of sensors for monitoring of biotechnological processes and preparation of novel immobilized biocatalysts. [Ref. 12]

Whole cell optical sensors (WOCOS)

(G. Kuncova, supported by MEYS, KONTAKT project No. ME 893)

The aim of the project is novel whole-cell optical sensor for continual monitoring of pollution in remote localities, which will be equipped with both chemical and biological transducers. The optical fiber sensor should be used for early warning detection of toxic pollution and bioavailability of contaminants which might be removed by biodegradation. [Ref. 17]

Enzymatically catalyzed synthesis of alkyd resins (ENZALKYD)

(G. Kuncova, joint project with SYNPO Pardubice, supported by MIP, project No. MPO 2A-3TP1/108)

The project is aimed at application of regioselective lipase type enzyme catalysts in the first step of alkyd resin synthesis, so called alcoholysis, which is based on reesterification of vegetable oils with low molecular weight polyols.

Optical chemical sensors - OPTISENS

(G. Kuncova joint project with University of Maribor, Slovenia, supported by MEYS, KONTAKT project No. MEB 090817)

The aim of the project is preparation of sensitive elements of optical sensors and application of these in the packing of poultry meat and evaluation of their utility for control of freshness of packed meat.

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International cooperations



Original papers

1. Gavlasova P., Kuncova G., Kochankova L., Mackova M.: Whole Cell Biosensor for Polychlorinated Biphenyl Analysis Based on Optical Detection. Int. Biodeterior. Biodegrad. 62(3), 304-312 (2008).

2. Kluson P., Drobek M., Strasak T., Kalaji A.: Photoinduced Catalytic Partial Oxidation of Citronellol with Assistance of PHCs. React. Kinet. Catall. Lett. 95(2), 231-238 (2008).

3. Posta M., Cermak Jan, Sykora J., Vojtisek P., Cisarova I., Fajgar R.: Square-planar Diphosphinoazine Rhodium(I) Amido Carbonyl Complexes with an Unsymmetrical PNP’ Pincer-type Coordination. J. Organomet. Chem. 693(11), 1997-2003 (2008).

4. Slavetinska L., Mosinger J., Dracinsky M., Posta M.: NMR Study of Host–Guest Complexes of Disulfonated Derivatives of 9, 10-Diphenylanthracene and Corresponding Endoperoxides with Cyclodextrins. J. Incl. Phenom. Macrocycl. Chem. 61(3-4), 241-250 (2008).

5. Storch J., Cermak Jan, Posta M., Sykora J., Cisarova I.: Palladium(II) Aryl-amido Complexes of Diphosphinoazines in Unsymmetrical PNP‘ Pincer-type Configuration. J. Organomet. Chem. 693(18), 3029-3034 (2008).

6. Sabata S., Lehnert R., Karban J., Hetflejs J., Kuncova G.: Dekontaminace podzemni vody obsahujici terc-butylmethyleter a aromaticke uhlovodiky fotolyzou peroxidu vodiku. (Czech) Decontamination of Ground Water Containing tert-Butyl Methyl Ether (MTBE) and Aromatic Compounds (BTEX) by Photolysis of H2O2. Chem. Listy 102(12), 1115-1120 (2008).

7. Kastanek F., Kastanek P., Maleterova Y.: Dechlorination of PCBs in Aqueous Mixtures with Zero-Valent Iron in Statu Nascendi. Influence of Microwaves on the Rate of Reaction. J. Hazard. Mater., submitted.

8. Kastanek P., Kastanek F., Hajek M.: Microwave-enhanced Thermal Adsorption of Polyhalogenated Biphenyls from Contaminated Soil. J. Hazard. Mater., submitted.

9. Kurec M., Kuncova G., Branyik T.: Yeast Vitality Determination Based on Intracellular NAD(P)H Fluorescence Measurement during Aerobic-Anaerobic Transition. Folia Microbiol., in press.

10. Posta M., Cermak Jan, Vojtisek P., Sykora J., Cisarova I.: Diphosphinoazine Rhodium(III) and Iridium(III) Octahedral Complexes. Inorg. Chim. Acta, in press.

11. Sabata S., Hetflejs J., Richtarikova R., Kuncova G., Lang K., Kubat P.: Immobilization of Porphyrins in Poly(hydroxymethylsiloxane). Chem. Pap., in press.

Chapters in books

12. Kuncova G.: Sensors with Biorecognition Elements Entrapped into Silica Based Polymers. In: Sol-Gel Methods for Materials Processing. (Plinio, I. - Zub, Y.L. - Kessler, V.G., Ed.), pp. 349-354, Springer, Dordrecht 2008.


13. Storch J., Cermak Jan: Zpusob pripravy racemickych substituovanych helicenu. (Czech) Preparation of Racemic Substituted [6]Helicenes. Pat. No. PV 2008-831. Applied: 08.12.22.

International conferences

14. Cermak Jan, Strasak T., Krupkova A., Auerova K.: Alkene and Diene Complexes with [(C5Me4CnF2n+1)Rh] Fragment for Fluorous Biphase Catalysis. 16th International Symposium on Homogeneous Catalysis, ISHC-XVI, Book of Abstracts, p. P274, Florence, Italy, 06-11 July 2008.

15. Floris T., Kluson P., Bartek L., Storch J.: Quaternary Ammonium Salts as Reaction Media for Asymmetric Hydrogenation of beta-Ketoesters. 9th Pannonian International Symposium on Catalysis, Book of Abstracts, pp. 215-221, Strbske Pleso, Slovakia, 08-12 September 2008.

16. Kastanek F., Kastanek P., Maleterova Y.: Dechlorination of PCBs in Aqueous Mixtures with Zero-valent Nano-iron In statu Nascendi. Influence of Microwaves on the Rate of Reaction. 1st International Conference of Hazardous Waste Management, Book of Abstracts, p P25 (8 pp. full text on CD-ROM), Chania, Greece, 01-03 October 2008.

17. Kuncova G., Troegl J., Demnerova K., Ripp S., Sayler G.S.: Bioluminescent Bioreporters Encapsulated in Silica Gel. XVI International Conference on Bioencapsulation, Book of Abstracts, O08-2 - pp 1-4, Dublin, Ireland, 04-06 September 2008.

18. Kuncova G., Troegl J., Gavlasova P, Ripp S.A., Sayler G.S.: The Influence of Immobilization into Silica Sol-Gel Matrix on Response of Optical Whole-Cell Biosensors. 5th Intenational Conference on SOL-GEL MATERIALS, Abstracts, p. 30, Trzebieszowice, Poland, 01-05 June 2008.

19. Rychtarikova R., Kuncova G., Krulikovska T., Svirakova E., Hetflejs J.: Biotoxicity Evaluation of Singlet Oxygen Generated by Immobilized Porphyrin. XVI International Conference on Bioencapsulation, Book of Abstracts, P19 - pp 1-4, Dublin, Ireland, 04-06 September 2008.

20. Sykora J., Storch J., Karban J., Cermak Jan: Atropoisomerism of 1,8-bis-(2-Propynyl-phenyl)-naphthalene. International Conference on LC-NMR and Related Techniques: "Challenges in Biological Systems", Program - Abstract - Information, p. 20, Jena, Germany, 27-29 August 2008.

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