Logic Seminar

The seminar is usually on Mondays, from 11.00 to 12.30. The location is the Institute of Mathematics, Žitná 25, in the lecture hall on the ground floor of the rear building. The programme is announced via the mailing list.

Monday 23rd March, 11.00am

Neil Thapen, "Search problems for stronger bounded arithmetic theories"

We define the "local improvement principle" LI, an NP search problem about labellings of bounded degree, acyclic graphs. This can be seen as a generalization of the game induction principle, or, in some sense, as an exponentially larger version of PLS. We show that versions of LI characterize over PV the \forall \Sigma^b_1 sentences provable in T^i_2, U^1_2 and V^1_2 and characterize over ID_0 the \forall \Sigma^B_0 sentences provable in V^1_1. By RSUV isomorphism, this last result can be interpreted as a characterization of the \forall \pi^b_1 sentences provable in S^1_2. Joint work with Leszek Kolodziejczyk and Phuong Nguyen.

The logic seminar is intended for people doing research in mathematical logic, including doctoral students. Talks are given by regular participants and guests on their own work as well as on interesting recent developments in the field. The prevailing themes in recent years are proof complexity, bounded arithmetic and logical aspects of computational complexity theory in general. Regular participants include members of the logic group, including a number of postdoctoral visitors and Ph.D. students. The seminars are conducted in English unless all participants speak Czech (which seems to never happen).

There is also a student logic seminar at Charles University, intended for undergraduate students.

The seminar has been organized continuously since the early 1970s, first by Petr Hájek for more than twenty years, from the early 90s until the summer of 2008 mostly by Jan Krajíček, and since fall 2008 by Neil Thapen.

Kod predmetu (MFF UK): AIL056 (zimni semestr) a AIL080 (letni semestr)

Past programme

Programme archive for 1995 - Summer 2008

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Fall schools

Colloquia lectures

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Proof complexity mailing list

Jech's library of preprints/reprints in set theory is available to students in our department

Baby logic seminar

13/10/08 Neil Thapen