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Doctoral students of ZOI

Present doctoral students

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Segmentation and Parameter Extraction of Videokymographic Images with a Simple User Interface

datum konání: 
Dr. Marcello Calisti, DET Department of Electronics and Telecommunications, Università degli studi di Firenze, Firenze, Italia
odpovědná osoba: 

Along with the refinement of diagnostic and therapeutic techniques in phoniatrics and phonosurgery, the need for objective methods of vocal folds cycle evaluation, and its pathological or post-treatment changes, has gained more and more relevance.

IMARE Image Registration Toolbox

System is available on request, please, fill this form and we will send you back MATLAB code.

System overview

Download toolbox

In order to download any of our Matlab tools you must fill the form below, and read and agree with the following:

  1. I will use the tools solely for educational and/or research purposes.
  2. I will not provide the code to any third party without first asking for permission the authors of the tools.
  3. I will acknowledge the work of the authors of the tools in all my publications, which will utilize results, ideas or parts of the code in some way, and I will send the preliminary or final publications to the authors.
Full name: °
Affiliation: °
Email (one only): °
In which tools you are interested?: MBD (blind deconvolution)
BSR* (blind super-resolution)
IMARE (registration)
State: °
Reasons for using the tools:

After pressing the button “I agree” and an automatic email with your information will be sent to us. In a couple of days you should receive the selected tools by email. For further assistance send email to sroubekf "at"

* only a stand-alone application is available
° these items are required

Image Stabilization and Deblurring

datum konání: 
Michal Šorel
odpovědná osoba: 

Abstract: The blur caused by camera shake is a serious problem for photographers. Especially when taking photographs under dim lighting conditions, the camera needs a long exposure time to gather enough light to form the image, which leads to objectionable blur. Producers of digital cameras mitigate this problem either by increasing camera sensitivity (ISO) or by using an optical image stabilization system's moving image sensor or an optical element to counteract camera motion.

Mariánská 2008 - odborný program

Dopoledne Odpoledne a večer
Po Honza Kamenický
Elastická registrace medicínských obrazů


Prosím zájemce o diplomové práce, aby se přihlásili e-mailem na adresu


There are currently three toolboxes for download.

  • MBD - MATLAB application, which performs multichannel blind (or nonblind) deconvolution with possible demosaicking
  • BSR - MATLAB application, which performs simultaneously deconvolution and superresolution
  • IMARE - MATLAB application, which performs the feature-based image registration
Download toolbox here
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