The aim of the project is to implement the international stardard for data documentation called Data Documentation Initiative (DDI), to apply NESSTAR tecnology in Sociological Data Archive (SDA) of the Institute of Sociology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic and to extend the integration of the Czech archive into international networks, mainly into the European network CESSDA.
The implementation of the DDI standard and the NESSTAR technology:
The international standard of data documentations DDI is the organised structure of the metadata (datat documentation) in XML format. Among the main advantages of this standard are the resistance to software format development, which is essential for effective long-term archiving, the new opportunities for processing and linking together of all stored information, the international compatibility and the compatibility with the modern technologies of data administrations, management and analysis in social sciences.
NESSTAR (Networked Social Science Tools and Resources) allows an on-line control of the access to the data provided to the different types of users; it enables searching in the data sets and documentation and on-line analysis of the data, including graphical outputs; besides, it combines more sources of information and provides the users with the possibility to upload the primary data files. The system connects several data libraries and enables the linking of the different data archive services.