
prof. Ing. Ctirad Kratochvíl, DrSc

Phone +420 541 142 853 E-mail Department B02 - Branch Office in Brno - Centre of Mechatronics Position Deputy Head of the Centre Research area applied mechanics and theory of meachines; theory of dynamics systems; nonlinear and stochastic mechanics; mechatronics Personal webpage
Curriculum vitae
1993 prof., Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno University of Technology
1992 doc. (assoc. prof.), Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno University of Technology
1991 DrSc., Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno University of Technology
1977 CSc. (equiv. of Ph.D.), Institute of Thermomechanics CSAV in Prague
1962 Ing. (equiv. of M.Sc.), Military Academy in Brno
1997–to date Institute of Thermomechanics AS CR
1966–to date Brno University of Technology
1962–1966 Aeronautical Research and Test Institute, Prague
Scientific committes and societies
  • 1992–1997, Society for Mechatronics, Brno University of Technology
  • International Informatics Academy in Moskva, member
  • Engineering Academy of the Czech Republic, member
  • Engineering Mechanics (international journal), editor in chief 
  • Czech Society for Mechanics, member
  • IFToMM, member of the national committee
  • Member of the comittee for DSc. degree
Science Awards and Prizes
  • 1988, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences Award
  • 2002, Golden Award, Technical University in Košice (Slovakia)
  • 2004, Golden Award, Brno Technical University
View author's publications in the ASCR database
Selected publications

Tondl, A., Kratochvíl, C., Kotek, V.: Vibration quenching of pendulum type systems by absorbers, CERN, akad. nakl., s.r.o. Brno, 102 pages, ISBN 80-7204-168-1, monograph, 2001

Půst, L., Kalous,J., Kratochvíl, C. et al: Nonlinear vibrations of complex electromechanical system, IT AS CR Prague/Brno, 146 pages, ISBN: 978-80-214-3721-0, book, 2008

Kratochvíl, C.; Březina, T.; Procházka, F.: Modeling and analysis of dynamic properties of small elektromechanical drive systems, Inženýrská mechanika - Engineering Mechanics, Vol.12, (2005), No. A1, pp.61-69, ISSN 1210-2717

Březina, T., Kratochvíl, C., Ondrůšek, Č.: Design Optimization of Mechatronic System, Mechatronics Handbook, pp.34-1-47, ISBN 0-8493-0066-5, (2002), CRC Press LLC, kapitola v knize

Kratochvíl, C., Kotek, V.: Modeling Dynamic Properties of Drive System, Inženýrská mechanika - Engineering Mechanics, Vol.7, (2000), No.6, pp.425-434, ISSN 1210-2717

Březina, T., Slavík, J., Kratochvíl, C.: Modelling of dynamic systems using neural networks generated by genetic algorithms, Mechanics in Design, pp.689-698, (1998), The Nottingham Trent University, book chapter

Kratochvíl, C., Kotek, V.: Contribution to Mathematical Modeling of Drive Systems with Gears, Contribution to Mathematical Modeling of Drive Systems with, pp.147-153, ISBN 80-85918-1, (1996), Problems of the Dynamics of Machine Aggregates, book chapter

Kratochvíl, C., Krejsa, J., Sláma, L.: Different Approaches in Modelling of the Electromechanical Drive System, Different Approaches in Modelling of the Alectromechanical D, pp.33-41, ISBN 80-85918-1, (1996), GAMM -Gesellschaft fuer Angewandte Mathematik, book chapter

Kratochvíl, C., Kotek, V.: Mathematical Modelling of thr DRIVE WITH GEARS, Mathematical Modelling of thr DRIVE WITH GEARS, pp.87-99, ISBN 80-85918-1, (1996), DNI MECHANIKY, book chapter

Kratochvíl, C., Kotek, V.: SeveralProblems with Interactive Machine Drives Containg GEAR mechanism, SeveralProblems with Interactive Machine Drives Containg GEA, pp.206-207, ISBN 80-85918-1, (1996), Theory and Practice of Gearing, book chapter

Kratochvíl, C., Kotek, V., Chalupa, M.: The Contribution to Appraise of Dynamic Properties of Powertrains, The Contribution to Appraise of Dynamic Properties of Powert, pp.111-120, ISBN 80-7083-19, (1996), VII. International Congress on the Theory of Machines, book chapter

2008-2010 GA101/08/0282Mechatronics drive systems with nonlinear couplings
2006-2008 GA101/06/0063New computer approaches to investigation of nonlinear and chaotic vibration of rotors and drives due to their interaction with the neighbourhood

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