Institute of Information Theory and Automation
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10th International PhD Workshop, Young Generation Viewpoint

The principle aim of the workshop is to bring young researchers in cybernetics with various backgrounds together in order to exchange knowledge and find inspiration for further research.

Who is expected to participate:
Ph.D. students and young researchers working in the field of cybernetics.

More info:

Research positions open

The deadline for applications already passed. The applicants will be notified via email by the 31st October.

Workshop on Limit Theorems

The workshop will be held in UTIA from August 3 to August 6, 2009. The topics concern mainly the central limit theorem and invariance principles for sequences and arrays of dependent random variables. Many specialists of the field already confirmed their participation.

For more information see webpage:

We welcome you to attend the workshop.

Lucie Fajfrova (UTIA) and Dalibor Volny (Universite de Rouen, France), on behalf of the organisers.

8th Workshop on Uncertainty Processing

Oddělení Matematické teorie rozhodování pořádá ve spolupráci s FM VŠE již 8. ročník konference Workshop on Uncertainty Processing. Detaily lze nalézt na

Uzavření poslucháren

V přednáškové místnosti č.4 začala 12.6.2008 demontáž audiovizuální techniky a místnost je tedy od tohoto data nepřístupná.

Učebna číslo 25 zůstane přístupná do středy 25.6.2008, kdy z ní bude odstěhován nábytek a zbylá AV technika.

Geometric Aspects of Conditional Independence and Information

location: Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences
date: March 13 - 14, 2008
www: link

Institute of Information Theory and Automation