Klimešová Dana:
Study on Knowledge and Decision Making
, Intelligent Engineering Systems and Computational Cybernetics
, Eds: Machado J. A. T., Pátkai Béla, Rudas I. J.
Šroubek Filip, Flusser Jan, Zitová Barbara:
Image fusion: a powerful tool for object identification
, Imaging for Detection 2006. NATO Advance Study Institute, p. 1-20, Imaging for Detection and Identification,
(Il Ciocco, IT, 23.07.2006-05.08.2006)
Šroubek Filip, Flusser Jan:
Fusion of blurred images
, Multi-Sensor Image Fusion and Its Applications, p. 405-430
, Eds: Blum R., Liu Z., CRC Press,
(San Francisco 2005)
Signal Processing and Communications Series.
Kunc P., Knížková I., Koubková M., Flusser Jan, Doležal O.:
Effect of postmilking teat disinfecting on teat skin temperature status
, Physiological and Technical Aspects of Machine Milking, p. 219-223
, Eds: Rosati A., Mihina S., Mosconi C., ICAR,
(Rome 2001)
ICAR Technical Series.
Zitová Barbara, Flusser Jan:
Invariants to convolution and rotation
, Invariants for Pattern Recognition and Classification, p. 23-46
, Eds: Rodrigues M. A ., World Scientific,
(Singapore 2000)
Series in Machine Perception and Artificial Intelligence.
Klimešová Dana, Havel Jan, Saic Stanislav:
Multitemporal and multisource analysis
, Image Analysis and Synthesis, p. 156-162
, Eds: Pölzleitner W., Wenger E., R.Oldenbourg,
(Wien 1994)
Šroubek Filip, Cristobal G., Flusser Jan:
Simultaneous super-resolution and blind deconvolution
, Journal of Physics: Conference Series vol.124, p. 1-8, 4th AIP International Conference and the 1st Congress of the IPIA,
(Vancouver, CA, 25.06.2007-29.06.2007)
Klimešová Dana:
Spatial data uncertainty management
, International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 4 (2008), p. 209-213
Suk Tomáš, Flusser Jan:
Affine normalization of symmetric objects
, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems vol.3708, - (2005), p. 100-107, Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems 2005 /7./,
(Antwerp, BE, 20.09.2005-23.09.2005)
Flusser Jan, Suk Tomáš:
Moment invariants for recognizing symmetric objects
, Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns. Proceedings vol.3691, - (2005), p. 9-16, Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns /11./,
(Versailles, FR, 05.09.2005-08.09.2005)
Horáček Ondřej, Kamenický Jan, Flusser Jan:
Recognition of partially occluded and deformed binary objects
, Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns. CAIP 2005 vol.3691, - (2005), p. 415-422, Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns /11./,
(Versailles, FR, 05.09.2005-08.09.2005)
Klimešová Dana:
Geo-information management
, International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences vol.35, 1 (2004), p. 101-106, Congress of International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing /20./,
(Istanbul, TR, 12.07.2004-23.07.2004)
Klimešová Dana:
Spatial modeling
, International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences vol.34, 6 (2003), p. 123-125, Geoinformation for Practice,
(Zagreb, HR, 15.10.2003-18.10.2003)
Saic Stanislav, Šimšová J., Gemperle R., Lodder J., Kaczér J., Murtinová L.:
Domain Period Determination in CoCr Films
, Thin Solid Films vol.188, 1 (1990), p. 43-55
Mahdian Babak, Saic Stanislav:
Detection of Resampling Supplemented with Noise Inconsistencies Analysis for Image Forensics
, Selected Papers of the Sixth International Conference on Computational Science and Applications
, Eds: Gavrilova Marina, Gervasi Osvaldo, Lagana Antonio, Mun Youngsong, Iglesias Andrés, Sixth International Conference on Computational Science and Applications,
(Perugia, IT, 30.06.2008-03.07.2008)
Sedlář Jiří, Sedlářová M., Flusser Jan:
Digital Processing of Light Microscopy Images in Plant Pathogen Diagnostics
, Workshop on Bio-Image Informatics: Biological Imaging, Computer Vision and Data Mining, Workshop on Bio-Image Informatics: Biological Imaging, Computer Vision and Data Mining, 2008,
(Santa Barbara, CA, US, 17.01.2008-18.01.2008)
Klimešová Dana, Ocelíková E., Zolotová I.:
Dimension decreasing of featurespace
, Proceedings on the International Conference on Applied Electrical Engineering and Informatics 2008
, Eds: Vokorokos, Liberios, International Conference on Applied Electrical Engineering and Informatics 2008,
(Athens, GR, 08.09.2008-11.09.2008)
Fišer P., Rucký P., Váňová Irena:
Fast Boolean Minimizer for Completely Specified Functions
, Proc. of 11th IEEE Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems Workshop 2008, 11th IEEE Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems Workshop 2008,
(Bratislava, SK, 16.04.2008-18.04.2008)
Flusser Jan, Šroubek Filip, Zitová Barbara:
Fusion in Image Processing (Tutorial)
, Proc. 11th Int'l. Conf. on Information Fusion, 11th Int'l. Conf. on Information Fusion,
(Cologne, DE, 30.06.2008-03.07.2008)
Klimešová Dana, Vostrovský V.:
Horizontal Integration of Knowledge
, Proceedings of the Twelfth IASTED International Conference Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing (ASC 2008), Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing (ASC 2008),
(Palma de Mallorca, ES, 01.09.2008-03.09.2008)
Beneš Miroslav, Zitová Barbara, Hradilová J., Hradil David:
Image processing in material analyses of artworks
, Proceedings of VISAPP 2008
, Eds: Ranchordas A. K. N., Araujo H. J. , VISAPP Interantional Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications,
(Fenchal, Madeira, PT, 22.01.2008-25.01.2008)
Šroubek Filip, Flusser Jan, Šorel Michal:
Superresolution and blind deconvolution of video
, Proceedings on the 19th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 19th International Conference on Pattern Recognition,
(Tampa, US, 07.12.2008-11.12.2008)
Cristobal G., Gil E., Šroubek Filip, Flusser Jan, Miravet C., Rodriguez F.B.:
Superresolution imaging: a survey of current techniques
, Proceedings of the Advanced Signal Processing Algorithms, Architectures, and Implementations XVIII
, Eds: Luk F.T., Advanced Signal Processing Algorithms, Architectures, and Implementations XVIII,
(San Diego, US, 10.08.2008-10.08.2008)
Beneš Miroslav, Zitová Barbara, Hradilová J., Hradil David:
The Material Description and Classification in Nephele System for Artwork Restoration
, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia
, Eds: Ioannides M., Addison A., Georgopoulos A., Kalisperis L., VSMM International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia,
(Limassol, CY, 20.10.2008-25.10.2008)
Goshtasby A., Flusser Jan, Šroubek Filip, Zitová Barbara:
Tutorial: Survey and Recent Advances in Image Registration and Fusion
, Abstracts Book of IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition,
(Anchorage, US, 23.06.2008-28.06.2008)
Výrostková J., Ocelíková E., Klimešová Dana:
Composed Classifiers in Decision Processes
, Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics, Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics,
(Poprad, SK, 25.01.2007-26.01.2007)
Kautsky J., Flusser Jan, Šroubek Filip:
Implicit Invariants and Object Recognition
, Proc. of Digital Image Computing Techniques and Applications DICTA 2007, Digital Image Computing Techniques and Applications DICTA,
(Glenelg, AU, 01.12.2007-04.12.2007)
Šroubek Filip, Cristóbal G., Flusser Jan:
Blind Superresolution
, Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Information Optics, p. 1-2
, Eds: Cristóbal G., Javidi B., Vallmitjana S., International Workshop on Information Optics. WIO'06 /5./,
(Toledo, ES, 05.06.2006-07.06.2006)
Šroubek Filip, Cristobal G., Flusser Jan:
Blind Superresolution
, Proceedings of COMPSTAT 2006, p. 294-294
, Eds: Rizzi A., Vichi M., COMPSTAT 2006,
(Rome, IT, 28.08.2006-01.09.2006)
Šroubek Filip, Cristobal G., Flusser Jan:
Blind Superresolution
, Proceedings in Computational Statistics, p. 133-145
, Eds: Rizzi A., Vichi M., COMPSTAT 2006,
(Rome, IT, 28.08.2006-01.09.2006)
Šroubek Filip, Cristóbal G., Flusser Jan:
Combined Superresolution and Blind Deconvolution
, Information Optics, p. 15-26
, Eds: Cristóbal G., International Workshop on Information Optics. WIO'06 /5./,
(Toledo, ES, 05.06.2006-07.06.2006)
Klimešová Dana:
Control GIS and geo-information modelling
, Proceedings of the 8th WSEAS International Conference on Automatic Control, Modeling & Simulation, p. 97-102, Automatic Control, Modeling & Simulation 2006 (ACMOS' 06),
(Prague, CZ, 12.03.2006-14.03.2006)
Rahtu E., Salo M., Heikkila J., Flusser Jan:
Generalized Affine Moment Invariants for Object Recognition
, Proceedings of the 18th Conference on Pattern Recognition. ICPR 2006, p. 634-637
, Eds: Haralic B., Ho T. K., International Conference on Pattern Recognition /18./,
(Hong-Kong, CN, 20.08.2006-24.08.2006)
Klimešová Dana, Ocelíková E.:
Geoinformation modelling
, Proceedings of the 7th International Scientific - Technical Conference. Process Control 2006, p. 1-5
, Eds: Taufer I., Dušek F., Honc D., Process Control 2006,
(Kouty nad Desnou, CZ, 13.06.2006-16.06.2006)
Klimešová Dana:
GIS and uncertainty management
, ISPRS. Mid-term Symposium 2006. From Pixels to Processes, p. 98-101, ISPRS. Mid-term Symposium 2006,
(Enschede, NL, 08.05.2006-11.05.2006)
Šroubek Filip, Cristóbal G., Flusser Jan:
Image fusion based on level set segmentation
, Proceedings of 14th European Signal Processing Conference. EUSIPCO 2006, p. 1-5, European Signal Processing Conference. EUSIPCO /14./,
(Florence, IT, 04.09.2006-08.09.2006)
Soukup Lubomír:
Jak se vyrovnat s polohovou nepřesností starých map?
, Historická krajina a mapové bohatství Česka, p. 134-137
, Eds: Šimůnek R., Historická krajina a mapové bohatství Česka. Prameny, evidence, zpřístupňování, využívání,
(Praha, CZ, 25.01.2006)
Klimešová Dana:
Knowladge and decision making
, INES 2006. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Intelligent Engineering System 2006, p. 114-117, INES 2006 Intelligent Engineering Systems /10./,
(London, GB, 26.06.2006-28.06.2006)
Andrýsek Josef, Pištěk M., Šmídl Václav, Šterbák O., Tkáč M., Týnovský M., Váňová Irena:
Mixtools 3000 Foundation, ÚTIA AV ČR,
(Praha 2006)
Research Report 2179
Váňová Irena, Flusser Jan:
Modelling of perception of non-planar scene in a defect vision
, Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Information Optics, p. 1-2
, Eds: Cristóbal G., Javidi B., Vallmitjana S., International Workshop on Information Optics. WIO'06 /5./,
(Toledo, ES, 05.06.2006-07.06.2006)
Flusser Jan:
Moment invariants in image analysis
, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Science. ICCS'06, p. 196-201, International Conference on Computer Science. ICCS'06,
(Prague, CZ, 24.02.2006-26.02.2006)
Výrostková J., Ocelíková E., Klimešová Dana:
Neostré zhlukovanie multidimenzionálnych dát
, Proceedings of the 7th International Scientific - Technical Conference. Process Control 2006, p. 1-12
, Eds: Taufer I., Dušek F., Honc D., Process Control 2006,
(Kouty nad Desnou, CZ, 13.06.2006-16.06.2006)
Kolář R., Kubečka L., Flusser Jan, Jan J., Jiřík R.:
Noise Suppression in Retinal Autofluorescence Images
, Analysis of Biomedical Signals and Images. BIOSIGNAL 2006, p. 302-304
, Eds: Jan J., Kozumplík J., Provazník I., Biosignal 2006,
(Brno, CZ, 28.06.2006-30.06.2006)
Kamenický Jan, Horáček Ondřej, Flusser Jan:
Polygonal Approach to Recognition of Partially Occluded Binary Objects
, Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Information Optics, p. 3-4
, Eds: Cristóbal G., Javidi B., Vallmitjana S., International Workshop on Information Optics. WIO'06 /5./,
(Toledo, ES, 05.06.2006-07.06.2006)
Beneš M., Zitová Barbara, Flusser Jan, Hradilová J., Hradil D.:
The Image Processing System for Art Specimens: Nephele
, Proceedings of 14th European Signal Processing Conference. EUSIPCO 2006, p. 1-5, European Signal Processing Conference. EUSIPCO /14./,
(Florence, IT, 04.09.2006-08.09.2006)
Suk Tomáš, Flusser Jan:
The Independence of the Affine Moment Invariants
, Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Information Optics, p. 5-8
, Eds: Cristóbal G., Javidi B., Vallmitjana S., International Workshop on Information Optics. WIO'06 /5./,
(Toledo, ES, 05.06.2006-07.06.2006)
Suk Tomáš, Flusser Jan:
The Independence of the Affine Moment Invariants
, Information Optics, p. 387-396
, Eds: Cristobal G., International Workshop on Information Optics. WIO'06 /5./,
(Toledo, ES, 05.06.2006-07.06.2006)
Beneš Miroslav, Zitová Barbara:
Wavelets for Texture Description in Nephele System
, WDS'06 Proceedings of Contributed Papers, p. 151-156
, Eds: Šafránková J., Pavlů J., Annual Conference of Doctoral Students /15./ WDS´06 - Week of doctoral students 2006,
(Praha, CZ, 06.06.2006-09.06.2006)
Klimešová Dana:
Analytický GIS a digitální zpracování obrazu
, Infornatika XVI/2005, p. 69-71
, Eds: Motyčka A., KONVOJ,
(Brno 2005)
, Informatika 2005 /16./,
(Svratka, CZ, 17.01.2005-19.01.2005)
Soukup Lubomír:
Application of collocation to transformation of deformed cadastral maps
, International Symposium on Modern Technologies, Education and Professional Practice in Geodesy and Related Fields, p. 537-543
, Eds: Milev G., FIG,
(Sofia 2005)
, Modern Technologies, Education and Professional Practice in Geodesy and Related Fields,
(Sofia, BG, 03.11.2005-04.11.2005)
Ocelíková E., Klimešová Dana:
Bayes classifier in multidimensional data classification
, Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Process Control 2005, p. 188-192, Slovak University of Technology,
(Bratislava 2005)
, Process Control 2005 /15./,
(Štrbské Pleso, SK, 07.06.2005-10.06.2005)
Acosta-Mesa H. G., Zitová Barbara, Ríos-Figueroa H. V., Cruz-Ramírez N. V., Marín-Hernández A., Hernández-Jiménez R., Cocotle-Ronzón B. E., Hernández-Galicia E.:
Cervical cancer detection using colposcopic images: a temporal approach
, Proceedings of the Mexican International Conference on Computer Science ENC'05, p. 1-7, IEEE,
(Los Alamitos 2005)
, Mexican International Conference in Computer Science. ENC'05,
(Puebla, MX, 26.09.2005-30.09.2005)
Zitová Barbara, Flusser Jan, Šroubek Filip:
Image registration: A survey and recent advances. Tutorial
, Proceedings of the 12th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing. ICIP'05, p. 1-2, IEEE,
(Los Alamitos 2005)
, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing. ICIP'05 /12./,
(Janov, IT, 11.09.2005-14.09.2005)
Kašpar Roman, Petrů L., Zitová Barbara, Flusser Jan, Hradilová J.:
Microscopic cross-sections of old artworks
, Proceedings of the 12th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing. ICIP'05, p. 578-581, IEEE,
(Los Alamitos 2005)
, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing. ICIP'05 /12./,
(Janov, IT, 11.09.2005-14.09.2005)
Klimešová Dana:
Modelování dynamických jevů v GIS
, Agrární perspektivy 14. Znalostní ekonomika, p. 623-628, PEF ČZU,
(Praha 2005)
, Agrární perspektivy /14./. Mezinárodní vědecké konference,
(Praha, CZ, 20.09.2005-21.09.2005)
Redondo R., Šroubek Filip, Fischer S., Christóbal G.:
Multifocus fusion with mutisize windows
, Proceedings of the SPIE. Applications of Digital Image Processing XXVIII, p. 410-418
, Eds: Tescher A. G., Optics and Photonics,
(San Diego, US, 04.08.2005)
Šroubek Filip, Gabarda S., Redondo R., Fischer S., Cristobal G.:
Multifocus fusion with oriented windows
, Proceedings of the SPIE Europe International Symposium Microtechnologies for the New Millennium, p. 264-273
, Eds: Carmona R., Linan-Cembrano G., SPIE,
(Bellingham 2005)
, SPIE Europe International Symposium,
(Sevilla, ES, 09.05.2005-11.05.2005)
Forero M. G., Šroubek Filip, Flusser Jan, Redondo R., Cristobal G.:
Automatic screening and multifocus fusion methods for diatom identification
, Applications and Science of Neural Networks, Fuzzy Systems, and Evolutionary Computation VI, p. 197-206, SPIE International Symposium, Optical Science and Technology,
(San Diego, US, 03.08.2003-08.08.2003)
Ocelíková E., Klimešová Dana:
Contribution to the classification of multidimensional data
, Proceedings of the 2nd Slovakian-Hungarian Joint Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence, p. 71-76, SAMI 2004 /2./,
(Herlany, SK, 16.01.2004-17.01.2004)
Klimešová Dana:
European geographic environment
, Sustain Life - Secure Survival 2. Socially and environmentally responsible agribusiness, p. 1-9
, Eds: Tichá I., Sustain Life - Secure Survival /2./,
(Prague, CZ, 22.09.2004-24.09.2004)
Klimešová Dana, Ocelíková E.:
Image classification difficulties
, Sborník prací z mezinárodní vědecké konference Agrární perspektivy 13, p. 493-496, Agrarian Prospects /13./,
(Praha, CZ, 22.09.2004-23.09.2004)
Klimešová Dana, Ocelíková E.:
Image classification - decision design
, Proceedings of the 6th International Scientific -Technical Conference. Process Control 2004, p. 1-7
, Eds: Krejčí S., Taufer I., Process Control 2004 - ŘÍP 2004 /6./,
(Kouty nad Desnou, CZ, 08.06.2004-11.06.2004)
Klimešová Dana, Ocelíková E.:
Image classification - decision design. Abstract
, Proceedings of the 6th International Scientific -Technical Conference. Process Control 2004. Abstracts, p. 237, Process Control 2004,
(Kouty nad Desnou, CZ, 08.06.2004-11.06.2004)
Šroubek Filip, Flusser Jan:
Image fusion via probabilistic deconvolution
, Third International Workshop on Pattern Recognition in Remote Sensing. Proceedings, p. 1-5, IAPR Workshop Pattern Recognition in Remote Sensing /3./,
(Kingston upon Thames, GB, 27.08.2004)
Flusser Jan, Zitová Barbara:
Invariants to convolution with circularly symmetric PSF
, International Conference on Pattern Recognition. ICPR 2004, p. 11-14, International Conference on Pattern Recognition. ICPR 2004 /17./,
(Cambridge, GB, 23.08.2004-26.08.2004)
Ocelíková E., Klimešová Dana:
Multikriterialne rozhodovanie
, Proceedings of the 6th International Scientific -Technical Conference. Process Control 2004, p. 1-9
, Eds: Krejčí S., Taufer I., Process Control 2004 - ŘÍP 2004 /6./,
(Kouty nad Desnou, CZ, 08.06.2004-11.06.2004)
Ocelíková E., Klimešová Dana:
Multi-criteria decision. Abstract
, Proceedings of the 6th International Scientific -Technical Conference. Process Control 2004. Abstracts, p. 210, Process Control 2004,
(Kouty nad Desnou, CZ, 08.06.2004-11.06.2004)
Šroubek Filip, Flusser Jan:
Registration and fusion of blurred images
, Image Analysis and Recognition. Proceedings, p. 122-129, International Conference ICIAR 2004,
(Porto, PT, 29.09.2004-01.10.2004)
Klimešová Dana:
Several comments on temporal modeling in GIS
, OBJEKTY 2004. Sborník příspěvků devátého ročníku konference, p. 109-115, Objekty 2004 /9./,
(Praha, CZ, 18.11.2004-19.11.2004)
Zitová Barbara, Flusser Jan, Šroubek Filip:
Conservation of "The Last Judgement" mosaic: Image processing
, Proceedings of the 8th Computer Vision Winter Workshop. CVWW'03, p. 169-174
, Eds: Drbohlav O., Czech Pattern Recognition Society,
(Prague 2003)
, Computer Vision Winter Workshop. CVWW'03 /8./,
(Valtice, CZ, 03.02.2003-06.02.2003)
Flusser Jan, Suk Tomáš:
Construction of complete and independent systems of rotation moment invariants
, Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns. Proceedings, p. 41-48
, Eds: Petkov N., Westenberg M. A., Springer,
(Berlin 2003)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
, International Conference CAIP 2003 /10./,
(Groningen, NL, 25.08.2003-27.08.2003)
Šroubek Filip, Flusser Jan:
Shift-invariant multichannel blind restoration
, Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis, p. 332-337
, Eds: Lončaric S., Neri A., Babic H., University of ROMA TRE,
(Rome 2003)
, ISPA 2003 /3./,
(Rome, IT, 18.09.2003-20.09.2003)
Klimešová Dana, Ocelíková E.:
Spatial data in land management and local government
, Proceedings of the 4th Conference of the European Federation for Information Technology in Agriculture, p. 363-368
, Eds: Harnos Z., Herdon M., Wiwczaroski T. B., University of Debrecen,
(Debrecen 2003)
, EFITA 2003 /4./,
(Debrecen, HU, 03.09.2003-07.09.2003)
Klimešová Dana:
Spatial studies & geo-information management
, Agrární perspektivy 12. Nová ekonomika a rozšíření EU, p. 635-638
, Eds: Svatoš M., PEF ČZU,
(Praha 2003)
, Agrarian Prospects /12./,
(Prague, CZ, 18.09.2003-19.09.2003)
Kašpar Roman, Zitová Barbara:
Weighted thin-plate spline image denoising
, Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns. Proceedings, p. 730-737
, Eds: Petkov N., Westenberg M. A., Springer,
(Berlin 2003)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
, International Conference CAIP 2003 /10./,
(Groningen, NL, 25.08.2003-27.08.2003)
Kašpar Roman, Zitová Barbara:
Weighted thin-plate spline image denoising
, WDS '03 Proceedings of Contributed Papers, p. 132-138
, Eds: Šafránková J., MFF UK,
(Praha 2003)
, Week of Doctoral Students 2003. WDS'03,
(Praha, CZ, 10.06.2003-13.06.2003)
Suk Tomáš, Flusser Jan:
Blur and affine moment invariants
, Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, p. 339-342
, Eds: Kasturi R., Laurendeau D., Suen C., IEEE Computer Society,
(Los Alamitos 2002)
, International Conference on Pattern Recognition /16./,
(Québec City, CA, 11.08.2002-15.08.2002)
Klimešová Dana, Ocelíková E.:
Dimension decreasing of feature space. Abstract
, Proceedings of the 5th International Scientific-Technical Conference. Process Control 2002, p. 119, University of Pardubice,
(Pardubice 2002)
, Process Control 2002,
(Kouty nad Desnou, CZ, 09.06.2002-12.06.2002)
Zitová Barbara, Flusser Jan:
Estimation of camera planar motion from blurred images
, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing. ICIP'02, p. 329-332, IEEE,
(Rochester 2002)
, ICIP'02,
(Rochester, US, 22.09.2002-26.09.2002)
Klimešová Dana:
Object oriented context based recognition and GIS DB
, Zpracování dat a matematické modelování, p. 99-103
, Eds: Vostrovský V., CZU PEF,
(Praha 2002)
, Seminář k výzkumnému záměru,
(Praha, CZ, 11.09.2002)
Forero-Vargas M., Šroubek Filip, Alvarez-Borrego J., Malpica N., Cristobal G.:
Segmentation, autofocusing and signature extraction of tuberculosis sputum images
, Photonic Devices and Algorithms for Computing IV. Proceedings, p. 341-352, SPIE,
(Bellingham 2002)
, International Symposium on Optical Science and Technology /47./,
(Seattle, US, 07.07.2002-11.07.2002)
Ocelíková E., Klimešová Dana:
Zníženie dimenzie príznakového priestoru
, Proceedings of the 5th International Scientific-Technical Conference. Process Control 2002, p. 1-10, University of Pardubice,
(Pardubice 2002)
, Process Control 2002,
(Kouty nad Desnou, CZ, 09.06.2002-12.06.2002)
Klimešová Dana:
Fourierova transformace a zpracování obrazu
, Seminář k VZ Zpracování dat a matematické modelování v zemědělství, p. 55
, Eds: Vostrovský V., PEF ČZU,
(Praha 2001)
, Seminář k VZ Zpracování dat a matematické modelování v zemědělství,
(Praha, CZ, 12.12.2001)
Klimešová Dana, Ocelíková E.:
GIS and spatial data network
, Globalisation versus Regionalism, p. 1-94
, Eds: Tichá I., Czech University of Agriculture,
(Prague 2001)
Sources of Sustainable Economic Growth in the Third Millennium.
, Agrarian Perspectives /10./,
(Prague, CZ, 18.09.2001-19.09.2001)
Klimešová Dana:
Informační technologie a společnost
, Sborník konference INFORMATIKA, p. 43-47, MZLU,
(Brno 2001)
, Informatika,
(Studnice, CZ, 15.01.2001)
Soukup Lubomír:
Least squares without minimization?!
, First International Symposium on Robust Statistics and Fuzzy Techniques in Geodesy and GIS, p. 47-51
, Eds: Carosio A., Kutterer H., Swiss Federal Institute of Technology,
(Zürich 2001)
, International Symposium on Robust Statistics and Fuzzy Techniques in Geodesy and GIS /1./,
(Zürich, CH, 12.03.2001-16.03.2001)
Flusser Jan, Zitová Barbara:
Registrace obrazů aneb jak využít více různých snímků téhož objektu
, Digitální zobrazování v biologii a medicíně 2001, p. 11-16
, Eds: Weyda F., Entomologický ústav AV ČR,
(České Budějovice 2001)
, Digitální zobrazování v biologii a medicíně 2001,
(České Budějovice, CZ, 15.05.2001)
Klimešová Dana, Ocelíková E.:
Spatial data and context information
, Space without Frontiers, p. 22-25, Cartography Brasil,
(Porto Alegre 2001)
, GIS Congress /20./ - Ibero-American Cartography Conference and ISPRS Conference /8./,
(Porto Alegre, BR, 07.10.2001-12.10.2001)
Ocelíková E., Klimešová Dana:
Výber príznakov a klasifikácia
, Kybernetika a informatika, p. 76-77, Slovak society for cybernetics and informatics,
(Pieštany 2001)
, Kybernetika a informatika,
(Pieštany, SK, 05.04.2001-07.04.2001)
Zitová Barbara, Flusser Jan:
Combined invariants to convolution and rotation
, Workshop on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis, p. 87-92, University of Zagreb,
(Pula 2000)
, IWISPA 2000,
(Pula, HR, 13.06.2000-16.06.2000)
Zitová Barbara, Flusser Jan, Kautsky J., Peters G.:
Feature point detection in multiframe images
, Proceedings of the Czech Pattern Recognition Workshop 2000, p. 117-122
, Eds: Svoboda T., Czech Pattern Recognition Society,
(Praha 2000)
, Czech Pattern Recognition Workshop 2000,
(Peršlák, CZ, 02.02.2000-04.02.2000)
Kunc P., Knížková I., Koubková M., Flusser Jan, Doležal O.:
Influence of machine milking with different vacuum on teat traumatization
, Proceedings of the 10th International Congress on Animal Hygiene, p. 680-682, ISAH,
(Maastricht 2000)
, International Congress on Animal Hygiene /10./,
(Maastricht, NL, 02.07.2000-06.07.2000)
Klimešová Dana:
Information technology as a measure of competitiveness
, Agrarian Perspectives IX. Globalization and Competitiveness, Czech University of Agriculture,
(Prague 2000)
, Agrarian Perspectives. Globalization and Competitiveness. /9./,
(Praha, CZ, 19.09.2000-20.09.2000)
Šroubek Filip, Šimberová Stanislava, Flusser Jan, Suk Tomáš:
Multichannel blind deconvolution of the short-exposure astronomical images
, Proceedings of the 15th IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition, p. 53-56
, Eds: Sanfeliu A., Villanueva J. J., Vanrell M., IEEE Computer Society,
(Los Alamitos 2000)
, IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition /15./,
(Barcelona, ES, 03.09.2000-07.09.2000)
Suk Tomáš, Šimberová Stanislava:
New YHS color coordinate system and its spplication in remote sensing
, Proceedings of the 1st Pattern Recognition for Remote Sensing Workshop, p. 6-9
, Eds: Petrou M., BMVA Press,
(Surrey 2000)
, PRRS 2000 /1./,
(Andorra La Vella, AD, 01.09.2000)
Knížková I., Kunc P., Koubková M., Flusser Jan, Doležal O.:
Responses of dairy cow body surface temperature in thermoneutral zone
, Proceedings of the 10th International Congress on Animal Hygiene, p. 951-954, ISAH,
(Maastricht 2000)
, International Congress on Animal Hygiene /10./,
(Maastricht, NL, 02.07.2000-06.07.2000)
Šorel Michal, Šíma Jiří:
Robust Implementation of Finite Automata by Recurrent RBF Networks
, SOFSEM'2000: Theory and Practice of Informatics, p. 431-439
, Eds: Hlaváč V., Jeffery K.G., Wiedermann J., Springer,
(Berlin 2000)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
, SOFSEM'2000 /27./,
(Milovy, CZ, 25.11.2000-01.12.2000)
Klimešová Dana:
Sliding Window for Relations Mapping
, Proceedings of the 19th Congress of the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, p. 688-692, GITC,
(Amsterdam 2000)
, ISPRS '2000,
(Amsterdam, NL, 16.07.2000-23.07.2000)
Ocelíková E., Klimešová Dana:
Zhlukovanie pomocou detekcie hraníc modusov
, Proceedings of the 4th International Scientific-Technical Conference. Process Control 2000. ŘÍP 2000, p. 15-19, University of Pardubice,
(Pardubice 2000)
, Process Control 2000. ŘÍP 2000 /4./,
(Kouty nad Desnou, CZ, 11.06.2000-14.06.2000)
Šroubek Filip, Flusser Jan:
An overview of multichannel image restoration techniques
, Week of Doctoral Students 1999, p. 580-585
, Eds: Šafránková J., MATFYZPRESS,
(Praha 1999)
, Annual Conference of Doctoral Students. WDS '99 /8./,
(Praha, CZ, 22.06.1999-25.06.1999)
Soukup Lubomír:
Bayesian approach to collocation. Abstract
, Geophysical Research Abstracts, p. 15
, Eds: Richter A. K., European Geophysical Society,
(KatlenburgLindau 1999)
, European Geophysical Society /24./,
(Hague, NL, 19.04.1999-23.04.1999)
Soukup Lubomír:
Bayesian inference with slightly non-normal distribution of measurements
, MEASUREMENT '99. Proceedings, p. 1-4
, Eds: Frollo I., Plačková A., Slovak Academy of Sciences,
(Bratislava 1999)
, International Conference on Measurement /2./,
(Smolenice, SK, 26.04.1999-29.04.1999)
Suk Tomáš, Flusser Jan:
Convex layers: A new tool for recognition of projectively deformed point sets
, Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns. Proceedings, p. 454-461
, Eds: Solina F., Leonardis A., Springer,
(Berlin 1999)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
, Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns /8./,
(Ljubljana, SI, 01.09.1999-03.09.1999)
Klimešová Dana:
Geografické informační systémy jako nástroj pro rozhodování
, Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference: Agrarian Prospects VIII, p. 630-633, PEF ČZU,
(Praha 1999)
, International Scientific Conference: Agrarian Prospects /8./,
(Praha, CZ, 23.09.1999-24.09.1999)
Flusser Jan, Zitová Barbara, Suk Tomáš:
Invariant-based registration of rotated and blurred images
, IEEE 1999 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. Proceedings, p. 1262-1264
, Eds: Tammy I. S., IEEE Computer Society,
(Los Alamitos 1999)
, IGARSS '99,
(Hamburg, DE, 28.06.1999-02.07.1999)
Klimešová Dana:
Kontextová informace a rozpoznávání objektů
, Sborník příspěvků z odborné konference PEF MZLU Brno, p. 72-79, PEF MZLU,
(Brno 1999)
, Odborná konference PEF MZLU Brno,
(Brno, CZ, 15.09.1999-16.09.1999)
Klimešová Dana, Saic Stanislav:
Power spectrum evaluation and texture classification
, Statistical Methods for Image Processing, p. 40-42, University of Uppsala,
(Uppsala 1999)
, Statistical Methods for Image Processing,
(Uppsala, SE, 06.08.1999-09.08.1999)
Zitová Barbara, Rios H. V., Gutierrez J. M., Marin A.:
Recognition of landmarks distorted by fish-eye lens
, Simposio Iberoamericano de Reconocimiento de Patrones, p. 611-622, Instituto Politecnico Nacional,
(Habana 1999)
, Simposio Iberoamericano de Reconocimiento de Patrones /4./,
(Habana, CU, 21.03.1999-26.03.1999)
Flusser Jan, Boldyš Jiří:
Registration of N-D images by blur invariants
, Biomedical Image Registration, p. 163-172
, Eds: F. Pernus, Slovenian Pattern Recognition Society,
(Ljubljana 1999)
, Intl. Workshop WBIR'99,
(Bled, SI, 30.08.1999-31.08.1999)
Knížková I., Kunc P., Koubková M., Flusser Jan:
Thermal comfort of dairy cows in barn with open-sided construction
, International Conference Trends in Agricultural Engineering, p. 394-395, Czech University of Agriculture,
(Prague 1999)
, TAE '99. Trends in Agricultural Engineering,
(Prague, CZ, 10.09.1999-13.09.1999)
Peters G., Zitová Barbara, von der Malsburg Ch.:
Two methods for comparing different views of the same object
, Proceedings of the 10th British Machine Vision Conference, p. 1-10, University of Nottingham,
(Nottingham 1999)
, BMVC '99 /10./,
(Nottingham, GB, 13.09.1999-16.09.1999)
Klimešová Dana, Saic Stanislav:
Context sliding window for training learning and texture classification
, Proceedings of the Scientific Conference Artificial Intelligence in Industry, p. 171-176
, Eds: Sarnovský J., Sinčák P., Mach M., Hatala M., Technical University,
(Košice 1998)
, Artificial Intelligence in Industry /3./,
(High Tatras, SK, 22.04.1998-24.04.1998)
Flusser Jan:
Effective boundary-based calculation of object moments
, Image and Vision Computing. Proceedings, p. 369-374
, Eds: Klette R., Gimel'farb G., Kakarala R., University of Auckland,
(Auckland 1998)
, IVCNZ '98,
(Auckland, NZ, 16.11.1998-18.11.1998)
Kautsky J., Zitová Barbara, Flusser Jan, Peters G.:
Feature point detection in blurred images
, Image and Vision Computing. Proceedings, p. 103-108
, Eds: Klette R., Gimel'farb G., Kakarala R., University of Auckland,
(Auckland 1998)
, IVCNZ '98,
(Auckland, NZ, 16.11.1998-18.11.1998)
Halíř R., Flusser Jan:
Numerically stable direct least squares fitting of ellipses
, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics and Visualization. WSCG '98, p. 125-132, CZ,
(Plzeň 1998)
, WSCG '98 /6./,
(Plzeň, CZ, 09.02.1998-13.02.1998)
Suk Tomáš, Flusser Jan:
Point projective and permutation invariants
, Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns, p. 74-81
, Eds: Sommer G., Danilidis K., Pauli J., Springer,
(Berlin 1997)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
, International Conference CAIP '97 /7./,
(Kiel, DE, 10.09.1997-12.09.1997)
Soukup Lubomír:
Probability distribution for exact nonlinear estimation
, Measurement '97. Proceedings, p. 31-34
, Eds: Frollo I., Plačková A., Ústav merania SAV,
(Bratislava 1997)
, Measurement '97,
(Smolenice, 97.05.29-97.05.31, ..19SK)
Flusser Jan, Suk Tomáš:
Selecting the best features in the case of decreasing robustness
, Proceedings of the 1st IAPR TC1 Workshop on Statistical Techniques in Pattern Recognition, p. 49-54
, Eds: Pudil P., Novovičová J., Grim J., ÚTIA AV ČR,
(Praha 1997)
, STIPR '97 /1./,
(Prague, CZ, 09.06.1997-11.06.1997)
Klimešová Dana, Saic Stanislav, Suk Tomáš:
Context analysis along temporal axis
, Intelligent Technologies, p. 163-171
, Eds: Sarnovský J., Slovak Cybernetics Society,
(Herlany 1996)
, New Trends in Control of Large Scale Systems,
(Herlany, SK, 11.11.1996-13.11.1996)
Klimešová Dana, Suk Tomáš:
Image sequence analysis
, International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, p. 295-299
, Eds: Kraus K., Waldhausl P., ISPRS,
(Vienna 1996)
, International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. /18./,
(Vienna, AT, 09.07.1996-19.07.1996)
Flusser Jan, Suk Tomáš:
Invariants for recognition of degraded 1-D digital signals
, International Conference on Pattern Recognition. Proceedings, p. 389-393, IEEE Computer Society Press,
(Los Alamitos 1996)
, Conference on Pattern Recognition /13./,
(Vienna, AT, 25.08.1996-29.08.1996)
Soukup Lubomír:
Probability distribution of approximation
, Computer-Intensive Methods in Control and Signal Processing. Preprints of the 2nd European IEEE Workshop CMP'96, p. 141-144
, Eds: Berec L., Rojíček J., Kárný M., Warwick K., ÚTIA AV ČR,
(Praha 1996)
, European IEEE Workshop CMP'96 /2./,
(Prague, CZ, 28.08.1996-30.08.1996)
Flusser Jan, Suk Tomáš, Saic Stanislav:
Invariants with respect to symmetric blur
, Proceedings of the 9th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis, p. 341-348
, Eds: Borgefors G., SSAB,
(Uppsala 1995)
, Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis /9./,
(Uppsala, SE, 06.06.1995-09.06.1995)
Soukup Lubomír:
On accuracy of processing of non-normal measured data
, International Workshop Measurement '95, p. 53-54
, Eds: Karovičová M., Plačková A., Slovak Academy of Sciences,
(Bratislava 1995)
, Measurement '95 /4./,
(Smolenice, SK, 29.05.1995-31.05.1995)
Suk Tomáš, Flusser Jan:
The projective invariants for polygons
, Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns, p. 729-734
, Eds: Hlaváč V., Šára R., Springer,
(Berlin 1995)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
, CAIP '95,
(Prague, CZ, 06.09.1995-08.09.1995)
Klimešová Dana, Suk Tomáš:
Využití kontextu při analýze obrazu
, Konference o dálkovém průzkumu, p. 1-4, SFDP,
(Brno 1995)
, Konference o dálkovém průzkumu /4./,
(Brno, CZ, 08.11.1995-12.11.1995)
Suk Tomáš, Novák J.:
Digital processing of the images of the retina
, BIOSIGNÁL '94. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference, p. 57-59
, Eds: Rozman J., Electrical Engineering Society,
(Brno 1994)
, BIOSIGNÁL '94 /12./,
(Brno, CZ, 28.06.1994-30.06.1994)
Flusser Jan, Suk Tomáš, Saic Stanislav:
Moment-based features for description and recognition of blurred images
, Theoretical Foundations of Computer Vision, p. 5
, Eds: Klette R., Kropatsek W., Solina F.,
(Dagstuhl 1994)
Dagstuhl Seminar Report.
, Theoretical Foundations of Computer Vision,
(Dagstuhl, DE, 14.03.1994-18.03.1994)
Flusser Jan, Suk Tomáš, Šimberová Stanislava:
An Experimental Study on Uniqueness of the Affine Moment Invariants
, Czech Pattern Recognition Workshop '93, p. 119-125
, Eds: Hlaváč V., Pajdla T., Czechoslovak Pattern Recognition Society,
(Praha 1993)
, Czech Pattern Recognition Workshop '93,
(Temešvár, CZ, 04.11.1993-06.11.1993)
Šimberová Stanislava, Suk Tomáš:
Digital Processing of Skylab X-ray Images of the Solar Corona
, Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns, p. 759-765, Springer,
(Berlin 1993)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
, International Conference CAIP '93,
(Budapest, HU, 13.09.1993-15.09.1993)
Šimberová Stanislava, Suk Tomáš:
Enhancement of Skylab X-ray images
, Proceedings of the 5th European Southern Observatory and Space Telescope European Coordinating Facility Data Analysis Workshop, p. 2-8
, Eds: Grosbol P. J., Warmels R. H., European Southern Observatory,
(Garching 1993)
, European Coordinating Facility Data Analysis Workshop /5./,
(Garching, DE, 26.04.1993-28.04.1993)
Flusser Jan, Suk T.:
Character Recognition by Affine Moment Invariants
, Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns, p. 572-577
, Eds: Chetverikov D., Kropatsch W., Springer,
(Berlin 1993)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
, CAIP '93 /5./,
(Budapest, HU, 13.09.1993-15.09.1993)
Flusser Jan, Suk T.:
Momentové invarianty pro rozpoznávání obrazců
, Zborník prednášok 12. sympózia o algoritmoch. ALGORITMY '93, p. 65-76, Fakulta hospodárskej informatiky EU,
(Bratislava 1993)
(Stará Lesná, SQ, 26.04.1993-29.04.1993)
Matúš František, Flusser Jan:
Picture Coding by a Finite Radon Transform
, General Assembly of the International Union of Radio Science, p. 106, URSI,
(Kyoto 1993)
, General Assembly of the URSI /24./,
(Kyoto, JP, 25.08.1993-02.09.1993)
Klimešová Dana, Suk Tomáš, Saic Stanislav:
Temporal Analysis of Aerial Data
, Czech Pattern Recognition Workshop '93, p. 149-152
, Eds: Hlaváč V., Pajdla T., Czechoslovak Pattern Recognition Society,
(Praha 1993)
, Czech Pattern Recognition Workshop '93,
(Temešvár, CZ, 04.11.1993-06.11.1993)
Klimešová Dana, Havel Jan, Saic Stanislav:
Temporální analýza území
, Hodnocení vlivu hospodářské činnosti na životní prostředí, p. 129-132, IUAPPA,
(Praha 1993)
, Mezinárodní konference Hodnocení vlivu hospodářské činnosti na životní prostředí /2./,
(Praha, CZ, 20.09.1993-23.09.1993)
Havel Jan, Klimešová Dana:
The Civil Use of Aerial and Remote Sensed Data
, CATE '93. Community-Army-Technology-Environment, p. 121-124, Vojenská akademie,
(Brno 1993)
, International Conference CATE '93,
(Brno, CZ, 27.09.1993-29.09.1993)
Havel Jan, Klimešová Dana, Saic Stanislav:
Využití údajů z dálkového průzkumu Země
, Hodnocení vlivu hospodářské činnosti na životní prostředí, p. 120-124, IUAPPA,
(Praha 1993)
, Mezinárodní konference Hodnocení vlivu hospodářské činnosti na životní prostředí /2./,
(Praha, CZ, 20.09.1993-23.09.1993)
Flusser Jan:
Invariant Shape Description and Measure of Object Similarity
, 4th International Conference on Image Processing and its Applications, p. 139-142, IEE,
(London 1992)
IEE Conference Publication
, International Conference on Image Processing and its Applications /4./,
(Maastricht, NL, 07.04.1992-09.04.1992)
Klimešová Dana, Saic Stanislav:
Multisensor Data Processing Using 3D Structure
, Digital Image Processing in Medicine, Remote Sensing and Visualization of Information, p. 164-167
, Eds: Merzlyakov N., Institut elektroniki i vyčislitelnoj techniki,
(Riga 1992)
, International Seminar DIP '92 /3./,
(Riga, SU, 21.04.1992-25.04.1992)
Klimešová Dana, Havel Jan, Saic Stanislav:
The Regional Planning and Control Using the Satellite Data
, Environment Observation and Climate Modelling through International Space Projects. ISY '92, p. 141-146, EURISY,
(München 1992)
, European ISY '92 Conference,
(München, DB, 30.03.1992-04.04.1992)
Klimešová Dana, Havel Jan, Saic Stanislav:
The Regional Planning and Control Using the Satellite Data
, Environment Observation and Climate Modelling Through International Space Projects. ISY '92, p. 483-488
, Eds: Guyenne T. D., Hunt J. J., ESTEC,
(Noordwijk 1992)
, European ISY '92 Conference,
(München, DB, 30.03.1992-04.04.1992)
Flusser Jan:
A Fast Registration of Images with Complex Geometric Distortions
, Proceedings of the 7th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis, p. 1011-1019
, Eds: Johansen P., Olsen S.,
(Alborg 1991)
, Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis /7./,
(Alborg, DK, 13.08.1991-16.08.1991)
Flusser Jan:
A Feature-Based Approach to Image Matching
, Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference CAIP '91, p. 227-232
, Eds: Klette R., Akademie Verlag,
(Berlin 1991)
, CAIP '91,
(Dresden, DB, 17.09.1991-19.09.1991)
Havel Jan:
Dálkový průzkum Země
, Číslicové spracovanie obrazu, p. 188-207, Ústav meranie SAV,
(Bratislava 1991)
, Číslicové spracovanie obrazu,
(Bratislava, CS, 06.05.1991-08.05.1991)
Flusser Jan:
Image Matching Techniques: A Survey
, Proceedings of the 7th Spring School on Computer Graphics, p. 56, MFF UK,
(Bratislava 1991)
, Spring School on Computer Graphics /7./,
(Bratislava, CS, 20.05.1991-23.05.1991)
Flusser Jan:
Invariant Description of Planar Shapes
, Eurographics '91, p. 37-38
, Eds: Wenger E., Eurographics Association,
(Vienna 1991)
, Eurographics '91,
(Vienna, AT, 02.09.1991-06.09.1991)
Havel Jan:
Remote Sensing Research Activities
, Digital Image Processing and Computer Graphics. Theory and Applications, p. 97-102, R.Oldenbourg,
(Wien 1991)
, International Workshop on Digital Image Processing and Computer Graphics /2./,
(Wien, AT, 22.10.1990-25.10.1990)
Klimešová Dana:
Texture Synthesis and Identification
, Digital Image Processing and Computer Graphics. Theory and Applications, p. 140-145, R.Oldenbourg,
(Wien 1991)
, International Workshop on Digital Image Processing and Computer Graphics /2./,
(Wien, AT, 22.10.1990-25.10.1990)
Klimešová Dana:
Timespatial Analysis of Signals
, Biosignál '90, p. 32-34, ČSVTS,
(Brno 1990)
, Biosignál '90,
(Brno, CS, 26.06.1990-28.06.1990)
Havel Jan, Klimešová Dana:
Primenenije teksturnogo analiza dlja statističeskich proverok slučajnych realizacij
, Conference on Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics. Abstracts, p. 116, AN SSSR,
(Vilnius 1989)
, International Conference on Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics./5./,
(Vilnius, SU, 26.06.1989-01.07.1989)
Vošvrda Miloslav, Havlová Hana, Havel Jan, Zdanavičius J., Senkus A., Špitálský Jan:
Statistical Analysis, Recognition and Simulation of Random Processes by Means of STADIA System
, Conference on Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics. Abstracts, p. 39, AN SSSR,
(Vilnius 1989)
, International Conference on Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics. /5./,
(Vilnius, SU, 26.06.1989-01.07.1989)