IMC Prague meetings on macromolecules
Heyrovského náměstí 2, 162 06 Praha 6, Czech Republic

Welcome to 2008 Prague Meetings on Macromolecules
48th Microsymposium:
PRAGUE, 20 - 24 July, 2008 Polymer Colloids:
From Design to Biomedical and Industrial Applications
Aims & Scope Program Accommodation Deadlines Publication Sponsors Contact General Information >

  Printable version of program

7 selected, lectures, coffee breaks


Due to the capacity of our lecture hall, the number of participants is limited to 140. We therefore ask for early payment as the acceptance of all registrations cannot be guaranteed.

Abstracts of lectures and poster communications have to reach the PMM Secretariat by April 30, 2008.

before April 30, 2008 later
Full fee 480 € 580 €
IUPAC affiliate member 450 € 550 €
Student fee 280 € 380 €

The registration fee for active participants includes microsymposium materials, admission to all sessions, refreshments, four lunches, and participation in the welcome reception and farewell drink as well as sightseeing in Prague and a boat cruise with dinner.

Doctoral students have to provide their student status by sending an official statement from their university via airmail or fax.


Please order your bank to transfer the respective amount to the account:

For payments in EUR:

Account name: Ustav makromolekulární chemie AV CR, Heyrovskeho nam. 2, 162 06 Praha 6
Account number in national format: 478387443/0300
International Bank Account Number (IBAN): CZ14 0300 0000 0004 7838 7443
Variable symbol: 8148
Payment title: 355
Bank: Ceskoslovenska obchodni banka (address: Na prikope 14, CZ-115 20 Praha 1, Czech Republic.)
Bank Identifier Code (BIC). CEKOCZPP

For payments in CZK:

Account name: Ustav makromolekulární chemie AV CR, Heyrovskeho nam. 2, 162 06 Praha 6
Account number in national format: 900009633/0300
International Bank Account Number (IBAN): CZ14 0300 0000 0009 0000 9633
Variable symbol: 8148

Generated on 5.12.2008 from the source modified on 26.3.2008.