IMC Prague meetings on macromolecules
Heyrovského náměstí 2, 162 06 Praha 6, Czech Republic

Welcome to 2008 Prague Meetings on Macromolecules
48th Microsymposium:
PRAGUE, 20 - 24 July, 2008 Polymer Colloids:
From Design to Biomedical and Industrial Applications
Aims & Scope Program Accommodation Deadlines Publication Sponsors Contact General Information >

  Printable version of program

7 selected, lectures, coffee breaks

Sunday, July 20 Monday, July 21 Tuesday, July 22 Wednesday, July 23 Thursday, July 24

Keynotes - Main Lectures - Special Lectures - Poster session 1 - Poster session 2 - Social Program

Due to great response among polymer colloids people, we had to limit time for presentations as follows:

  • 35 min for Opening lecture,
  • 30 min for Keynote and Closing lecture,
  • 25 min for Main lecture and,
  • 15 min for Special lecture.

Discussion is included in the presentation time.


Generated on 5.12.2008 from the source modified on 24.7.2008.