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vytvoreni prvni finalni tabulky

query pro vytvoreni tabulky

vkladani a loadovani sloupcu do tabulky:

 alter table jo_tyr_pokus add column motif_s varchar(300) after motif;

update jo_tyr_pokus, motif_search_tyr set jo_tyr_pokus.motif_s=motif_search_tyr.motif_s where jo_tyr_pokus.id_tyr = motif_search_tyr.id_tyr;

update jo_tyr_pokus as a, phobius_ft as b, phobius as c  set a.start_m=b.start where b.ft='TRANSMEM' and a.id_p=c.id_p and b.id_ph=c.id_ph;

 update jo_tyr_pokus as a, phobius_ft as b, phobius as c  set a.stop_m=b.stop where b.ft='TRANSMEM' and a.id_p=c.id_p and b.id_ph=c.id_ph;
Query OK, 31356 rows affected (1.68 sec)
Rows matched: 31356  Changed: 31356  Warnings: 0

mysql>  update jo_tyr_pokus as a, phobius_ft as b, phobius as c  set a.start_s=b.start where b.ft='SIGNAL' and a.id_p=c.id_p and b.id_ph=c.id_ph;
Query OK, 37598 rows affected (1.48 sec)
Rows matched: 37598  Changed: 37598  Warnings: 0

mysql>  update jo_tyr_pokus as a, phobius_ft as b, phobius as c  set a.stop_s=b.stop where b.ft='SIGNAL' and a.id_p=c.id_p and b.id_ph=c.id_ph;
Query OK, 37598 rows affected (1.59 sec)
Rows matched: 37598  Changed: 37598  Warnings: 0

update jo_tyr_pokus as a, hs_prot as b set a.ref=b.ref where a.id_p=b.id_p;

update jo_tyr_pokus as a, hs_prot as b set a.control=b.control where a.id_p=b.id_p;

update jo_tyr_pokus as a, hs_prot as b set a.description=b.description where a.id_p=b.id_p;

vybrane proteiny s TM<80 z tabulky jo_tyr_pokus:

select * from jo_tyr_pokus where (ft_tm = 1 and start_m  < 80) or (ft_sig = 1 and ft_tm = 0) or (ft_sig = 1 and start_m < 80);

select * from jo_tyr_pokus where (ft_tm = 1 and start_m  < 80) or (ft_sig = 1 and ft_tm = 0) or (ft_sig = 1 and start_m < 80) order by suma desc;

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