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personaliaČerný V.

Mgr. Viktor Černý, Dr.

e-mail: cernyarup.cas.cz

He deals with the basic research in biological anthropology of past populations and human evolutionary genetics. His research addresses questions concerning both morphological and molecular biology phenomena in human populations. In case of morphology he explores the problems of sexual dimorphism of non-pelvic measurements of past populations; in case of molecular genetics he searches the structural differences and phylogenetic relations of mitochondrial DNA sequences and interpretation of genetic and geographic distances among different human populations. He conducts several diploma works and PhD dissertations in the above mentioned areas of research.


2008-2010 Migrations by infiltrations and its impact on genetic structure – The population history of nomadic versus sedentary populations of the African Sahel. Project GAČR 206/08/1587, principal investigator, co-investigator prof. MUDr. Radim Brdička DrSc. (Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion).

2007-2011 The first steps out of Africa – looking for the genetic traces of Late Pleistocene human dispersal through South Arabian Peninsula. Project MŠMT KONTAKT, principal investigator from the Czech Republic, principal investigator from U.S.A Prof. Connie J. Mulligan (University of Florida).

2002-2005 Areal approach in archaeogenetics and linguistics: population and language structure of the Chad basin. Project GAČR 404/03/0318, principal investigator, co-investigators Prof. MUDr. Radim Brdička DrSc. (Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion) and Prof. Petr Zima, CSc. (Faculty of Humanities, Charles University).

2003-2004 Paléodémographie et paléoepidemiologie des populations historiques de l’Europe centrale et occidentale. Barrande project together with Laboratoire d'Anthropologie, Université Bordeaux I

2000-2002 The relationship between mortality pattern and the state of health of the Early medieval population of Žatec. GAAV IAB9002001, principal investigator.

1999-2002 Impact of the social organization of the Fali on their biological variability. /Comprises the expedition to northern Cameroon together with the Univeristy of Bordeaux. It is suggested that social organization of some type can cause variability of biological characteristics, that is generally cross culturally comparable. Possibilities of microevolutionar trends interpretation within merics variability of prehistoric and medieval populations./

Selected publications from recent years:

2007 (together with Salas A., Hájek M., Žaloudková M., Brdička R. 2007): A Bidirectional Corridor in the Sahel-Sudan Belt and the Distinctive Features of the Chad Basin Populations: A History Revealed by the Mitochondrial DNA Genome. Annals of Human Genetics (published online, doi: 10.1111/j.1469-1809.2006.00339.x).

2006 (together with Hájek M., Čmejla R., Brůžek J., Žáková D., Bromová M. Brdička R. 2006): Molecular genetics relationships of Chadic populations from Northern Cameroon in peri-Saharan area. In : Caron B. & Zima P. (Eds.). Sprachbund in the African Sahel. Collection Afrique et Langage 11. PEETERS PRESS, Louvain-Paris, 67-92.

2006 (together with Hájek M., Bromová M., Čmejla R., Diallo I., Brdička R.): mtDNA of Fulani Nomads and Their Genetic Relationships to Neighboring Sedentary Populations. Human Biology 78, 9-27.

2006 (together with Likovský J., Urbanová M., Hájek M., Čech, P.): Two Cases of Leprosy from Žatec (Bohemia), Dated to the Turn of the 12th Century and Confirmed by DNA Analysis for Mycobacterium Leprae. Journal of Archaeological Science 33, 1276-1283.

2006 (together with Kráčmarová A., Bruchová H., Brdička R. 2006): Podíl „paleolitických“ versus „neolitických“ haploskupin Y chromozomu u české populace / The contributions of 'Palaeolithic' and 'Neolithic' Y chromosome haplogroups in the Czech population. Archeologické Rozhledy LVIII(2), 237-249.

2006: Lidé od Čadského jezera / People from the Lake Tschad. Praha, Academia.

2005 (together with Hájek M., Bromová M., Čmela R., Diallo I. , Brůžek J., Brdička R.): L’ADN mitochondrial des Peuls nomades, témoin de leur origine en Afrique de l’Ouest. Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris 16, 3-4 : 227-228.

2005 (together with Brůžek J., Schmitt A., Sellier P., Čech P.): Profil réel de mortalité ou biais de l’estimation de l’âge au déces ? Application de différentes méthodes d’estimation de l’âge aux individus adultes de deux cimetieres du moyen âge a Žatec (Boheme, République tcheque). Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris 16, 3-4: 226.

2005 (together with Hajek M., Bruzek J., Cmejla R., Brdicka R.): Relations génétiques des populations de langues tchadiques parmi les populations péri-sahariennes révélées par l’étude des séquences de l’ADN mitochondriale. In: A. Baali – K. Hilali – Ch. Susanne – G. Boetsch, eds, Biodiversité des populations humaines méditerranéennes, 246-254. Marrakech, Maroc.

2005 (together with Bruzek J., Sefcakova A.): Révision du sexe des squelettes epipaléolithiques de Taforalt et d’Afalou-bou-Rhummel par une approche probabiliste. In: A. Baali – K. Hilali – Ch. Susanne – G. Boetsch, eds, Biodiversité des populations humaines méditerranéennes, 31-37. Marrakech, Maroc.

2004 (together with Hájek M., Čmejla R. Brůžek J., Brdička R.): mtDNA Sequences of Chadic Speakig Populations from the Northern Cameroon Suggest their Affinities with Eastern Africa. Annals of Human Biology 31(5): 554-569.

2003 (together with Valentin F., Murail P.): Comparaison des données crâniométriques des Populations du Bassin parisien et d’Europe centrale du IIIe millénaire : résultats préliminaires. In: Brůžek J., Vandermeersch B., Garralda M.D. Changements biologiques et culturels en Europe de la fin du Paléolithique moyen au Néolithique. Laboratoire d’Anthropologie des Populations du Passé. Université de Bordeaux I.

2003 (together with Brůžek J., Brouček J., Hájek M., Brdička R.): Archeogenetika – nový přístup k řešení vleklých sporů antropologie? Problematika původu a rozšíření člověka současného morfologického vzhledu / Archaeogenetics – a New Approach for the Study of Chronic Disputes of Anthropology? Question of the Origin and Expansion of Anatomically Modern Humans. Archeologické rozhledy LV(3): 561-580.

2003 (together with Bromová M., Hájek M., Brůžek J.): Agreement of Molecular Biology and Morphology Methods in Sex Determination of Human Bones from Žatec Cemetery (11th-13th Century AD) / Shoda v určení pohlaví při aplikaci molekulárně biologických a morfologických metod na lidské kosterní pozůstatky z Žatce 11.-13. století. Archeologické rozhledy LV(4), 687-695.

2003: review of Sykes B. (2001): The Seven Daughters of Eve. W.W. Norton & Company, New York, London, 306 stran. Archeologické rozhledy LV(4): 816-818.

2003 (together with Čmejla R., Brůžek J., Hájek M., Brdička R.): Relations génétiques des populations péri-sahariennes révélées par l’étude des séquences mitochondriales (HVS-1). Actes XXVIeme colloque du Groupement des Anthropologistes de Langue Française (GALF), Marrakech (Maroc), 22-25 septembre 2003, Biodiversité des Populations Humaines Méditerranéennes. Pp. 108-109.

2003 (together with Brůžek J., Šefčáková A.): Application d’une diagnose sexuelle probabiliste aux squelettes epipaléolithiques de Taforalt et d’Afalou-bou-Rhummel. Actes XXVIeme colloque du Groupement des Anthropologistes de Langue Française (GALF), Marrakech (Maroc), 22-25 septembre 2003, Biodiversité des Populations Humaines Méditerranéennes. Pp. 28-29.

2002: Antropologické nálezy únětické kultury z Nových Dvorů 1, objekt 19/95 / Anthropological Remains of Únětice-culture from Nové Dvory 1, Feature 19/95. Bylany Varia 2: 137-142.

2002 (together with Brůžek, J., Likovský, J.): Současné metody biologické antropologie a jejich využití při hodnocení kostry přisuzované českému knížeti Spytihněvu I. / Current Research Methods in Biological Anthropology and their Application in the Study of the Skeleton Attributed to the Bohemian Prince Spytihněv I. Archeologické rozhledy LIV (2): 439-456.

2002 (together with Brůžek J., Žáková D., Hájek M., Brdička R.): Les relations génétiques entre populations des monts Mandara (Nord-Cameroun), telles qu’on peut les dégager par les techniques de la biologie moléculaire (ADN mitochondrial), et le probleme de l’échantillonnage biologique. In: Nicolai R., Zima P. Eds. Lexical and Structural Diffusion. Interplay of Internal and External Factors of Language Development in the West African Sahel. Publications de la Faculté des Lettres, Art et Sciences humaines de Nice et de la Faculté des Etudes Humaines, Université Charles de Prague, pp. 283-298.

The Institute of Archaeology Prague
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