Welcome to 2008 Prague Meetings on Macromolecules |
48th Microsymposium: |
Colloids: From Design to Biomedical and Industrial Applications |
Photos |
Aims & Scope | Program | Accommodation | Deadlines | Publication | Sponsors | Contact | General Information > |
The accommodation in dormitories or in hotels is not included in any registration fee.
The Congress Agency EKU (CZ-110 00 Praha 1, Vodickova 17, tel./fax +420-224 947 589, http://www.eku.cz) is one of the agencies providing the accommodation in selected hotels or student dormitories/hostels for P.M.M. conferences participants. The on-line final registration form does not contain items for accommodation order, but it allows to enter the accommodation order form. We can recommend following hotels:
**** hotels: | *** hotels: | hostels: |
Obora Pyramida Diplomat Best Western Kampa Biskupský dum |
Adalbert Jelení Dvur |
Masarykova kolej |
Generated on 5.12.2008 from the source modified on 11.3.2008.