časopis teorie vědy
Teorie vědy (časopis pro teorii vědy, techniky a komunikace)
ročník XII /XXV/
č. 2



Gianni Vattimo: Společenské vědy a komunikační společnost    5-16

Armand a Michèle Mattelart: Komunikace na křižovatce vědeckých diskursů   17-54

Henry Jenkins: Teoretické dílo ve věku digitální transformace     55-92

Jiří Bystřický: Média a kodifikace     93-116


Josef Hlaváček: Média, umění a metoda   117-122

Ivan Mucha: Média, modernita a sociální teorie   123-130


Tomáš Dvořák:
Dva v jednom: Komunikují spolu texty o komunikaci? (Jiří Bystřický – Ivan Mucha: Simulace, systémy a kontingence)   131-134

Jan Balon
Moc intelektuálů a televizní logika demagogie (Pierre Bourdieu: O televizi)    135-140

Pavel Sedlák
Ve věci komunikace (Vilém Flusser: Komunikológia)

Gianni Vattimo
Společenské vědy a komunikační společnost


In “Human Sciences and Society of Communication” (a chapter taken from The Transparent Society) Gianni Vattimo argues that our contemporary condition is linked to the evolution of mass media and the diffusion of communication systems. He analyzes the role social sciences play in the “society of generalized communication” and concludes that both of these phenomena are fundamentally interrelated: social sciences are both the product and the producer of the modern public sphere. According to him, the intensification of communication and the still more elaborate research methods will not, however, produce a more enlightened, self-conscious, or “transparent” society.

Armand a Michèle Mattelart
Komunikace na křižovatce vědeckých diskursů


The following is a translation of a chapter on “Varieties of Learned Discourse“ from Armand and Michèle Mattelart’s Rethinking Media Theory. They speak about the difficulty of reflecting on communication, describe the quest for transdisciplinarity in media theory, and its metaphoric temptations. The overview of the last twenty years of media theory’s methodology puts emphasis on the situation in France.

Henry Jenkins
Teoretické dílo ve věku digitální transformace


In „The Work of Theory in the Age of Digital Transformation” Henry Jenkins offers an overview and critique of developments in digital theory suggesting the ways it resembles or differs from earlier forms of media theory. Specifically, he describes four important dimensions of the emerging digital theory – the shifting relationship between academic and vernacular theories of digital change, the concept of critical utopianism as a way of using future prediction to critique present conditions, and the use of digital media to revitalize the study of previous media and to examine points of intersection between media.

Jiří Bystřický
Média a kodifikace


The conceptual framework of the following article is provided by Vilém Flusser’s concept of “codification;” his differentiation between the different historical ways people codified reality (traditional images, texts, technical images). It is the shift from linear texts to technical images that concerns the author here most; he confronts Flusser’s understanding of it with the concepts of other postmodern thinkers. The author also emphasizes the fact that our new ways of codifying the surrounding world bring a challenge to the social sciences: these have to transform their modes of description and explanation according to the new symbolic systems.


Josef Hlaváček
Média, umění a metoda


In the following interview, the Czech aesthetician and art historian Josef Hlaváček clarifies the relationship of media, technology, and the arts and outlines the convergence of the approaches that study them.

Ivan Mucha
Média, modernita a sociální teorie


The following interview with the Czech sociologist Ivan Mucha addresses the way classical social theorists dealt with media and communication issues.


Tomáš Dvořák
Dva v jednom: Komunikují spolu texty o komunikaci?
Jiří Bystřický – Ivan Mucha: Simulace, systémy a kontingence

The following is a review of Simulation, Systems, Contingency by Jiří Bystřický and Ivan Mucha, outlining some similarities and differences between systems theory and postmodernism.

Jan Balon
Moc intelektuálů a televizní logika demagogie
Pierre Bourdieu: O televizi

The following review informs about Pierre Bourdieu's book On Television and discusses his insights into the world of the media in terms of his grand theory of society. Special attention is paid to his resolution of the structure/agency dualism which is then applied to the issue of televison.

Pavel Sedlák
Ve věci komunikace
Vilém Flusser: Komunikológia

The following article informs about Vilém Flusser`s book Komunikológia (Bratislava: Media Institute, 2002, překlad Alma Münzová). It describes some central concepts such as discursive and dialogical media, communicative competence, techno-imagination in the context of technological milieu, ideology, freedom, and new forms of knowledge.