Dr. Ing. Monika Součková

Phone +420 266 053 138 E-mail souckova@it.cas.cz Room M2413 Department D2 - Thermodynamics Research area Experimental and theoretical research in thermodynamics.
Curriculum vitae
1995 Dr. (equivalent of Ph.D.) Institute of Chemical-Technology Prague, Technology of Macromolecular Compounds
1993 Ing. Institute of Chemical-Technology Prague, Technology of Preparation of Polymers
2006 Researcher at the Institute of Thermomechanics, Department of Thermodynamics

View author's publications in the ASCR database
Selected publications
  1. Pátek J., Hrubý J., Klomfar J., Součková M., Harvey A. H.: Reference Correlations for Thermophysical Properties of Liquid Water at 0.1 MPa, Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data, 38, 21-29, 2009
  2. Pátek J., Klomfar J., Součková M.: Solid-Liquid Equilibrium in the System of CaCl2-H2O with Special Regard to the Transition Points, Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 53, 2260-2271, 2008
  3. Součková M., Klomfar J., Pátek J.: Measurement and Correlation of the Surface Tension-Temperature Relation for Methanol, Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 53, 2233-2236, 2008
  4. Součková M., Pátek J., Klomfar J.: Přehled termofyzikálních vlastností iontových kapalin a binárních směsí obsahující iontové kapaliny, Z-1377/06. - Praha : Ústav termomechaniky AV ČR, 65 s, 2006

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