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Travel directions to the Institute of Experimental Medicine ASCR: You can, of course, take a taxi to the Institute. It is best to phone for a taxi from, for example, AAA taxi service (tel: 14014 or 222 333 222); do NOT hail a taxi on the street, as the cost of such a taxi could be unpleasantly high. The Institute’s street address is Vídeňská 1083, in the district of Krč in Prague 4. Please note that our Institute is a few hundred meters away from a well-known hospital and transplant center with a very similar name, the Institute of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, known by its Czech acronym “IKEM”. Unfortunately, most taxi drivers are more familiar with IKEM than with our Institute, so visitors are often mistakenly transported to IKEM.

Alternatively, you can travel by public transportation. Enter the metro at the nearest station, consult the maps located in all metro stations, and then make your way to the metro line C (the red line) and take a train in the direction “Háje”. Travel on metro line C until the station “Budějovická”. Exit the station “Budějovická” in the same direction that the train was traveling, following signs for “Poliklinika”. After leaving the station, continue walking through a small below-ground shopping area in the same direction until the last stairs on the right, again following signs for “Poliklinika”. At the top of the stairs is a bus stop. Take bus #193 in the direction “Ústavy Akademie věd” until the final stop. The entrance to the Academy of Sciences campus is directly opposite the bus stop. Enter the campus, turn to the left, and follow the road for approximately 150 meters until the first large building on the left, building LA. This is the Institute of Experimental Medicine.

General public transportation information: Prague has an excellent public transportation system of buses, trams, and three metro lines, identified as A, B and C. Transfers between the three lines are possible at certain metro stations, and each metro station displays a detailed map of the entire metro system, showing all the stations and transfer points. In order to travel on any form of public transportation in Prague, you must purchase a valid ticket before entering the metro or boarding a tram or bus, then have the ticket validated by inserting the ticket (with the arrow face up and pointing frontwards) into one of the small yellow validation machines located at all metro entrances and also on all trams and buses. These tickets can be purchased for 20 Czech crowns from automatic vending machines located in the entrances to metro stations and in some tobacco shops and newstands, or for 25 Czech crowns (exact change only) directly from bus drivers. They can not be purchased directly from tram drivers. To use the automatic vending machines, press the button for a 20 crown ticket, then insert sufficient Czech coins into the machine. These tickets are valid for all types of public transport and allow unlimited transfers from one type to another, such as from bus to metro, within a time period of 75 minutes. If you are caught riding any form of public transportation without a valid ticket, you will have to pay a large fine on the spot. Therefore, please do not attempt to travel on any part of the public transportation system without a valid ticket.

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