Institute of Parasitology

Biology Centre, ASCR, v.v.i.

Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic


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TRAVERSA D., IORIO R., OTRANTO D., MODRÝ D., ŠLAPETA. J. (2008) Cryptosporidium from tortoises: genetic characterisation, phylogeny and zoonotic implications. Molecular and Cellular Probes 22, 122- 128.
VALIGUROVÁ A., JIRKŮ M., KOUDELA B., GELNAR M., MODRÝ D., ŠLAPETA J. (2008) Cryptosporidia: Epicellular parasites embraced by the host cell membrane. International Journal for Parasitology 38, 913- 922.
VALIGUROVÁ A., KOUDELA B. (2008) Morphological analysis of the cellular interactions between the eugregarine Gregarina garnhami (Apicomplexa) and the epithelium of its host, the desert locust Schistocerca gregaria. European Journal of Protistology 44, 197- 207.
VOTÝPKA J., ŠEBLOVÁ V., RÁDROVÁ J. (2008) Spread of the West Nile virus vector Culex modestus and the potential malaria vector Anopheles hyrcanus in central Europe. Journal of Vector Ecology 33, 269- 277.
WICHT B., SCHOLZ T., PEDUZZI R., KUCHTA R. (2008) First record of human infection with the tapeworm Diphyllobothrium nihonkaiense in North America. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 78, 235- 238.
YOUNG N.D., DYKOVÁ I., NOWAK B., MORRISON R.N. (2008) Development of a diagnostic PCR to detect Neoparamoeba perurans, agent of amoebic gill disease. Journal of Fish Diseases 31, 285- 295.
YOUNG N.D., DYKOVÁ I., SNEKVIK K., NOWAK B.F., MORRISON R.N. (2008) Neoparamoeba perurans is a cosmopolitan aetiological agent of amoebic gill disease. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 78, 217- 223.
YURCHENKO V.A., LUKEŠ J., TESAŘOVÁ M., JIRKŮ M., MASLOV D.A. (2008) Morphological discordance of the new trypanosomatid species phylogenetically associated with the genus Crithidia. Protist 159, 99- 114.
ZÍKOVÁ A., KOPEČNÁ J., SCHUMACHER M.A., STUART K., TRANTÍREK L., LUKEŠ J. (2008) Structure and function of the native and recombinant mitochondrial MRP1/MRP2 complex from Trypanosoma brucei. International Journal for Parasitology 38, 901- 912.
BARUŠ V., FOITOVÁ I., KOUBKOVÁ B., HODOVÁ I., ŠIMKOVÁ A., NURCAHYO W. (2007) A new nematode, Pongobius hugoti gen. et sp. n. from the orangutan Pongo abelii (Primates: Hominidae). Helminthologia 44, 162- 169.
BARUŠ V., JARKOVSKÝ J., PROKEŠ M. (2007) Philometra ovata (Nematoda: Philometroidea): a potential sentinel species of heavy metal accumulation. Parasitology Research 100, 929- 933.
BEAN M.G., ŠKEŘÍKOVÁ A., BONNER T.H., SCHOLZ T., HUFFMAN D.G. (2007) First record of Bothriocephalus acheilognathi (Cestoda: Pseudophyllidea) in the Rio Grande with comparative analysis of ITS2 and V4-18S rRNA gene sequences. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health 19, 71- 76.
BRAICOVICH P., MORAVEC F., TIMI J.T. (2007) A new species of Moravecia (Nematoda: Dracunculoidea) from the body cavity of the marine perciform fish Percophis brasiliensis in Argentina. Journal of Parasitology 93, 353- 356.
BRUŇANSKÁ M., FAGERHOLM H.-P., MORAVEC F. (2007) Structure of the pharynx in the adult nematode Anguillicoloides crassus (Nematoda: Rhabditida). Journal of Parasitology 93, 1017- 1028.
ČERMÁKOVÁ P., VERNER Z., MAN P., LUKEŠ J., HORVÁTH A. (2007) Characterization of the NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase (complex I) in the trypanosomatid Phytomonas serpens (Kinetoplastida). FEBS Journal 274, 3150- 3158.
DE CHAMBRIER A., SCHOLZ T., BELETEU M., MAHMOUD Z.N. (2007) Redescription of Proteocephalus sulcatus (Klaptocz, 1906) (Cestoda: Proteocephalidea), a poorly known parasite of Clarotes laticeps (Pisces: Siluriformes) in the Sudan. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 114, 693- 702.
DREYFUSS G., NOVOBILSKÝ A., VIGNOLES P., BELLET V., KOUDELA B., RONDELAUD D. (2007) Prevalence and intensity of infections in the lymnaeid snail Omphiscola glabra experimentally infected with Fasciola hepatica, Fascioloides magna and Paramphistomum daubneyi. Journal of Helminthology 81, 7- 12.
DUSBÁBEK F., LITERÁK I., ČAPEK M., HAVLÍČEK M. (2007) Ascid mites (Acari: Mesostigmata: Ascidae) from Costa Rican hummingbirds (Aves: Trochilidae), with description of three new species and a key to the Proctolaelaps belemensis species group. Zootaxa 1484, 51- 67.
DYKOVÁ I., LOM J., DVOŘÁKOVÁ H., PECKOVÁ H., FIALA I. (2007) Didymium-like myxogastrids (class Mycetozoa) as endocommensals of sea urchins (Sphaerechinus granularis). Folia Parasitologica 54, 1- 12.
DYKOVÁ I., NOWAK B., PECKOVÁ H., FIALA I., DVOŘÁKOVÁ H. (2007) Phylogeny of Neoparamoeba strains isolated from marine fish and invertebrates as inferred from SSU rDNA sequences. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 74, 57- 65.
DYKOVÁ I., TYML T., FIALA I., LOM J. (2007) New data on Soricimyxum fegati (Myxozoa) including analysis of its phylogenetic position inferred from the SSU rRNA gene sequence. Folia Parasitologica 54, 272- 276.
FALTÝNKOVÁ A., NAŠINCOVÁ V., KABLÁSKOVÁ L. (2007) Larval trematodes (Digenea) of the great pond snail, Lymnea stagnalis (L.), (Gastropoda, Pulmonata) in Central Europe: a survey of species and key to their identification. Parasite 14, 39- 51.
FALTÝNKOVÁ A., NIEWIADOMSKA K., SANTOS M.J., VALTONEN E.T. (2007) Furcocercous cercariae (Trematoda) from freshwater snails in Central Finland. Acta Parasitologica 52, 310- 317.
GARDIAN Z., BUMBA L., SCHROFEL A., HERBSTOVÁ M., NEBESÁŘOVÁ J., VÁCHA F. (2007) Organisation of Photosystem I and Photosystem II in red alga Cyanidium caldarium: encounter of cyanobacterial and higher plant concepts. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta – Bioenergetics 1767, 725- 731.
GONZÁLEZ-SOLÍS D., MORAVEC F., TUZ PAREDES V.M. (2007) A new species of Dentiphilometra (Nematoda: Philometridae) from the musculature of the gray snapper Lutjanus griseus (Osteichthyes) off the Caribbean coast of Mexico. Journal of Parasitology 93, 1132- 1135.
HERDER S., VOTÝPKA J., JIRKŮ M., RÁDROVÁ J., JANZEN C. J., LUKEŠ J. (2007) Trypanosoma brucei 29-13 strain is inducible in but not permissive for the tsetse fly vector. Experimental Parasitology 117, 111- 114.
HŮRKOVÁ-HOFMANNOVÁ L., VÁCLAVEK P., ŠKORIČ M., FICTUM P., MODRÝ D. (2007) Multimammate rat (Mastomys natalensis), Tristram’s jird (Meriones tristrami) and Wagner’s gerbil (Gerbillus dasyurus) as laboratory models of acute neosporosis. Research in Veterinary Science 82, 377- 381.
HYLIŠ M., OBORNÍK M., NEBESÁŘOVÁ J., VÁVRA J. (2007) Aquatic tetrasporoblastic microsporidia from caddis flies (Insecta, Trichoptera): Characterization, phylogeny and taxonomic reevaluation of the genera Episetum Larsson, 1986, Pyrotheca Hesse, 1935 and Cougourdella Hesse, 1935. European Journal of Protistology 43, 205- 224.
HYPŠA V., KŘÍŽEK J. (2007) Molecular evidence for polyphyletic origin of the primary symbionts of sucking lice (Phthiraptera, Anoplura). Microbial Ecology 54, 242- 251.
JELÍNEK J., SALÁT J., SAK B., KOPECKÝ J. (2007) Effects of interferon gamma and specific polyclonal antibody on the infection of murine peritoneal macrophages and murine macrophage cell line PMJ2-R with Encephalitozoon cuniculi. Folia Parasitologica 54, 172- 176.
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