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©2000 CERGE-EI




CERGE-EI / GDN Annual Research Grants - Call for Proposals

CERGE-EI has issued the Call for Proposals for the Tenth GDN / CERGE-EI Regional Research Competition (RRC X). The deadline for proposals is 15 July 2009. To download the Call for Proposals, please click here.

May 15, 2009

Research seminar entitled "UPSTREAM HORIZONTAL MERGERS AND EFFICIENCY GAINS" to be given by Dr. Chrysovalantou Milliou from the Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece. The seminar will take place at CERGE-EI, Politickych veznu 7, Praha 1, in room # 6 (2nd floor), on Friday, May 15, at 3 pm, and will be chaired by Dr. Levent Celik (CERGE-EI). The details can be found at The Research Seminar Series List.

CERGE-EI participates in the Mutual Learning Programme

Since the beginning of 2009, CERGE-EI and GHK Consulting Ltd, in a consortium, have assisted the European Commission in carrying out the Mutual Learning Programme. The main objectives of this programme are to encourage mutual learning at all levels and to enhance the transferability of the most effective policies within key areas of the European Employment Strategy.

Prof. Kocenda awarded the Czech Science Foundation's Presidential Award

It is a pleasure to announce that the 2008 research project titled "Performance, efficiency and behavior of the Czech firms from transition to the EU integration: Theoretical foundations and empirical evaluation" (Team led by Prof. Evzen Kocenda, with partner Prof. Jan Hanousek, and students Jaroslav Borovicka, Lenka Drnakova, Peter Ondko, Tigran Poghosyan, Branislav Saxa and Juraj Stancik) has been awarded with the Presidential Award of the Czech Science Foundation. Each year, just three projects from the entire range of scientific research are shortlisted by the Foundation's Presidium. Prof. Kocenda's project is the first from the field of economics to receive this honor. For more details (in Czech only) please click here .

New CERGE-EI Working Papers

Katrin Tinn, Evangelia Vourvachaki:
Can Optimism about Technology Stocks Be Good for Welfare? Positive Spillovers vs. Equity Market Losses
Jan Hanousek, Evzen Kocenda:
Intraday Price Discovery in Emerging European Stock Markets
Radim Bohacek, Volha Belush:
Social Security Reform in a Dynastic Life-Cycle Model with Endogenous Fertility


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