Institute of Information Theory and Automation
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Pro všechny

Department of Adaptive Systems

Logo of DAS Head of the Department:
Miroslav Kárný

Deputy head of the Department:
Taťjana Guy

Věra Králová

phone: +420 286 890 420
staff: people, Ph.D. students
List of publications, courses, projects

The Department of Adaptive Systems focuses predominantly on the design of decision-making systems, which modify their behavior according to the changing properties of their environment. This essential ability – adaptivity – enhances their efficiency. Decades of research have brought a number of conceptual, theoretical, algorithmic, software and application results. The applicability of adaptive systems is currently being extended toward complex scenarios by improving the classical adaptive systems and by developing their new versions.

The departmental “know-how” serves to resolve national as well as international research projects, running in collaboration with industry and government agencies. The interplay between theory and limited computing power is the common issue linking the various project domains. They include traffic control, management and control of technological systems, radiation protection, nuclear medicine, analysis of financial data, electronic democracy, etc. The increasing complexity of the problems addressed directs the main stream of the research toward decentralized control of large-scale systems and normative decision-making with multiple participants.


Recent news:

10th International PhD Workshop, Young Generation Viewpoint

The principle aim of the workshop is to bring young researchers in cybernetics with various backgrounds together in order to exchange knowledge and find inspiration for further research.

Who is expected to participate:
Ph.D. students and young researchers working in the field of cybernetics.

More info:


NameSurnamesort iconPosition (funkce)Room26605-
VěraStrnadováhead of department1622064
phone: +420 286 890 312

Management of the Institute

Top management

Director of the Institute:
Prof. Ing. Jan Flusser, DrSc.

Deputy director for science:
doc. RNDr. Martin Janžura, CSc.

Deputy director for administration:
RNDr. Antonín Otáhal, CSc.

Office of the Director:
Jarmila Zoltánová

Scientific Departments

Adaptive Systems (AS) - homepage
System Identification, Adaptive Control and Signal Processing.

The History of Our Institute

The Institute of Information Theory and Automation (UTIA) was established in 1959 as a merger of two academic laboratories: the Department of Information Theory of the Institute of Radio Engineering and the Laboratory for Automation and Telemechanics.

International - Bilateral Agreements

  • Belgium: University of Gent, Dept. of Applied Mathematics Research in the field of fuzzy quantities and decision-making under uncertainty
  • Bulgaria: Institute of Control and System Research, Bulg. Acad. Of Sci. Research in the linear control.
  • China: Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong, Centre for Chaos and Synchronisation. Research in non-liear systems and chaos theory.
  • France: CNRS, Laboratoire d'Automatique de Grenoble, CNRS, Laboratoire d'Automatique de Nantes, Research in the control tgheory.


Institute of Information Theory and Automation of the ASCR

Pod Vodárenskou věží 4
CZ-182 08
Praha 8
Czech Republic
phone: +420 266 053 111
secretary of director: +420 286 890 298
fax: +420 286 890 378
email: utia (a)

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Institute of Information Theory and Automation