Experiment Station Střížovice

Group head:
Ing. Jaroslav Tupý DrSc.
Na Pernikářce 15, 160 00 Praha 6
+420 220 303 848
+420 233 339 412

Station Address: Výzkumná stanice Střížovice, 463 45 Pěnčín u Liberce
Email: strizoviceatueb [dot] cas [dot] cz
Tel.:  +420 485 177 430
Fax.: +420 485 177 430          

Head of the Střížovice Station: Ing. Jaroslav Tupý, DrSc.
Email: tupyatueb [dot] cas [dot] cz
Tel.:  +420 220 303 848
Fax.: +420 233 339 412

Research objectives of the Station

The research activity of the station is focused on research of resistance against diseases in apples and on breeding of scab resistant and powdery mildew tolerant apple varieties. Breeding for resistance to these diseases has a high priority throughout the world in view of minimizing the use of chemicals in fruit production. The most frequent problems of commercialization of resistant varieties are unsatisfactory organoleptic fruit qualities. In our program started in 1966 we use hybrids with Vf resistance against scab from Malus floribunda and cultivars with polygenic tolerance against scab and mildew. A series of varieties with a broad spectrum of ripening time, fruit qualities and growing properties has been released from this program. The varieties are protected by Plant Variety Rights in Czech Republic (Ametyst, Aneta, Biogolden, Goldstar, Hana, Karmína, Lena, Lipno, Lotos, Otava, Rosana, Vanda, Victoria), Switzerland (Ametyst, Mira, Nela, Opal, Orion, Otava, Rajka, Rubinola, Topaz) and in the European Union (Ametyst, Goldstar, Lena, Opal, Orion, Otava, Rajka, Red Topaz, Rubinola, Svatava, Topaz, Vanda). Luna and Opal are protected by plant patent in the USA. Pending applications for Plant Variety Rights are for Heliodor, Luna, and Sirius in the European Union and for Orion, Red Topaz, and Sirius in the USA. Our ongoing research is focused on further improvement of commercial qualities of resistant varieties and on a combination of Vf resistance with tolerances against scab encoded polygenically in order to render scab resistance more durable. In relation to these objectives genetic sources homozygous in the gene Vf are created using molecular markers for their identification. The station is also involved in breeding of disease resistant varieties with compact columnar growth habit using varieties derived form the "Wijcik" mutant of McIntosh. One variety, Sonet, is protected in Czech Republic and several varieties are applied for Community Plant Variety Rights in the European Union (e.g. Cactus, Rhapsodie, Rondo, Sonate, UEB 3727/4, UEB 3812/2).
Keywords: Apple, resistance against diseases, scab, mildew, breeding of resistant varieties, compact columnar forms.


graduated technical assistant


scientific assistant

senior scientist

Research projects: