Michal Tušer, BSc.
Biology Centre of the AS CR, v.v.i.
Na Sádkách 7
Date and place
of birth:
Education and academic employment: since 2007 PhD. student in Hydrobiology at Faculty of Biology Sciences, Department of Ecology and Hydrobiology, University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, Czech Republic 2004-2007 MSc. degree in Ecology at Faculty of Biology Sciences, Department of Ecology and Hydrobiology, University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, Czech Republic (Fish orientation along the longitudinal profile of the Rimov reservoir, MSc. thesis, in English, supervisor: Doc. RNDr. Jan Kubečka, CSc.) since 2002 student assistant worker (part-time job) at the Institute of Hydrobiology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, České Budějovice 2001-2004 BSc. degree in Ecology at Faculty of Biology Sciences, Department of Ecology and Hydrobiology, University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, Czech Republic (The blind zone in acoustic detection of fish near the bottom of reservoirs, BSc. thesis, in Czech, supervisor: Doc. RNDr. Jan Kubečka, CSc.)
Conferences: 2008 - DIDSON-based Fish Assessment: Techniques for monitoring migratory fish in rivers, Alaska Chapter of the American Fisheries Society with Alaska Department of Fish & Game, 26th-28th October 2008, Anchorage, Alaska contribution: „Detection and accuracy of length measurement with DIDSON“ (oral presentation) a „Mobile DIDSON application by 90° - Depth determination of fish“ (electronic poster) 2008 - Ecosystem Approach with Fisheries Acoustics and Complementary Technologies (SEAFACTS), ICES 6th Symposium in Acoustics, 16th-20th June 2008, Bergen, Norway contribution: „Suitability of DIDSON acoustic camera for quantitative fish stock assessment by mobile surveys: Standard acoustic experiment with a fish rotating carousel“ (oral presentation) 2007 - Fish Stock Assessment Methods for Lakes and Reservoirs: Toward the true picture of fish stock, 11th-15th September 2007, České Budějovice, Czech Republic contribution: „Fish orientation along the longitudinal profile of the Římov reservoir” (oral presentation) 2004 - ICES Annual Science Conference, 22nd-25th September 2004, Vigo, Spain (as Czech representative)
2009 Tušer M., Kubečka J., Frouzová J., Jarolím O. (2009). Fish orientation along the longitudinal profile of the Rimov reservoir during daytime: Consequences for horizontal acoustic surveys. Fisheries Research 96, 23-29.
2008 Draštík V., Kubečka J., Tušer M., Čech M., Frouzová J., Jarolím O., Prchalová M. (2008). The effect of hydropower on fish stocks: comparison between cascade and non-cascade reservoirs. Hydrobiologia 609, 25-36. Prchalová M., Kubečka J., Vašek M., Peterka J., Seda J., Jůza T., Říha M., Jarolím O., Tušer M., Kratochvíl M., Čech M., Draštík V., Frouzová J., Hohausová E. (2008). Distribution patterns of fishes in a canyon-shaped reservoir. Journal of Fish Biology 73, 54-78. Říha M., Kubečka J., Mrkvička T., Prchalová M., Čech M., Draštík V., Frouzová J., Hladík M., Hohausová E., Jarolím O., Jůza T., Kratochvíl M., Peterka J., Tušer M., Vašek M. (2008). Dependence of beach seine net efficiency on net length and diel period. Aquatic Living Resources 21, 411-418. Tušer M., Kubečka J., Frouzová J., Jarolím O. (2009). Fish orientation along the longitudinal profile of the Rimov reservoir during daytime: Consequences for horizontal acoustic surveys. Fisheries Research 96, 23-29.
2007 Kubečka J., Matěna J., Čech M., Draštík V., Frouzová J., Hohausová E., Jarolím O., Jůza T., Kratochvíl M., Muška M., Peterka J., Prchalová M., Říha M., Tušer M., Vašek M. (2007). How shall we study the fish stock of our large water reservoirs? In: Švátora M. (ed.): Proceedings of the 10th Czech Conference on Ichthyology, 26th-28th June 2007. Faculty of Sciences, Charles University, Prague, 92-94. Tušer M. (2007). Fish orientation along the longitudinal profile of the Římov reservoir. MSc. thesis, Faculty of Sciences, University of South Bohemia, České Budějovice, 35 p.
2006 Draštík V., Kubečka J., Jůza T., Jarolím O., Hladík M., Kratochvíl M., Prchalová M., Říha M., Tušer M. (2006). Fish diversity and spatial distribution of YOY fish in Vltava Cascade reservoirs. In: Lusk S., Lusková V. (eds): Biodiversity of fishes of the Czech Republic (VI), Institute of Vertebrate Biology, Brno, ISBN 80-903329-6-X, 29-34. (in Czech with English summary). Hohausová E., Hejzlar J., Kubečka J., Frouzová J., Tušer M., Peterka J., Říha M., Mudruňková M. (2006). Limnological importance of macrophytes in newly flooded lake: Example from Chabařovice Lake. In: Sacherová V. (ed.): Proceedings of 14th conference of Czech Limnological Society, ISBN 80-239-7257-X, 96-98 (in Czech). Kubečka J., Čech M., Říha M., Jůza T., Frouzová J., Draštík V., Hladík M., Kratochvíl M., Prchalová M., Tušer M., Vašek M. (2006). Fish stock of the Orlík reservoir after first years of operation of Temelín nuclear power plant. In: Hanslík E., Miller B. (eds): Sborník XIX. konference Radionuklidy a ionizující záření ve vodním hospodářství. České Budějovice, 10th-11th May 2006, Česká vědeckotechnická vodohospodářská společnost, Praha, ISBN 80–02–01841–9, 85-96. Kubečka J., Draštík V., Prchalová M., Říha M., Peterka J., Vašek M., Frouzová J., Hohausová E., Jarolím O., Jůza T., Tušer M., Racek V., Uhlíř F., Uhlířová A. (2006). Complex fish stock assessment of the Chabařovice coal mine. In: Sacherová V. (ed.): Proceedings of 14th conference of Czech Limnological Society, ISBN 80-239-7257-X, 114-116 (in Czech). Prchalová M., Kubečka J., Jůza T., Říha M., Jarolím O., Tušer M., Peterka J., Vašek M. (2006). Complex assessment of the fish assemblage of the Želivka reservoir in years 2004 and 2005. In: Vykusová B. (ed.): Sborník referátů z IX. české ichtyologické konference, 4th-5th May 2006, Vodňany, 114-118 (in Czech with English summary).
Projects: 2008 - Acoustic studies of behavioural patterns among mesopelagic jellyfish Periphylla periphylla. UiB & UiO, Lurefjorden, Norway, 14th-20th October 2007 - The monitoring of a spawning run of shad (Alosa fallax) on the River Ebro. AQUASON C./San Antonio Claret Barcelona, Spain, 2nd-16th June
Interest: I like nature, science, any sport (e.g. hiking, biking, basketball, volleyball...), board games, reading books… |