IMC Prague meetings on macromolecules
Heyrovského náměstí 2, 162 06 Praha 6, Czech Republic

Welcome to 2008 Prague Meetings on Macromolecules
48th Microsymposium:
PRAGUE, 20 - 24 July, 2008 Polymer Colloids:
From Design to Biomedical and Industrial Applications
Aims & Scope Program Accommodation Deadlines Publication Sponsors Contact General Information >

  Printable version of program

7 selected, lectures, coffee breaks


Publication of abstracts

Abstracts of main and special lectures and all registered poster communications will be published in the Program Bookletprovided that they have been registered, and their texts will have reached the P.M.M. Secretariat by April 30, 2008. They can be sent on diskettes, by e-mail, or using upload through conference website. Files in RTF (Rich Text Format) or Microsoft Word files are most suitable, PDF (Portable Document Format) files or common picture formats (e.g. GIF) with resolution 600 dpi can also be accepted. It is useful to use file names derived from the name of the participant (if you register using the WWW form and upload your abstract, the file is renamed automatically).

The P.M.M. Secretariat will confirm the receipt of the summary of a registered poster communication. Summaries of unregistered participants will be neither confirmed nor published or returned.

Summaries will be printed without editing.

Preparation of abstracts

Abstracts should not exceed one page of the A4 size. Abstracts will be printed in the A5 size, therefore the use of smaller font sizes than in the template should be avoided.

A sample of an abstract is available at in RTF format.

Abstracts with the format not corresponding to that of the sample will not be accepted.

Generated on 5.12.2008 from the source modified on 11.3.2008.