Spring School of Image Processing 2009

30.5. - 5.6. 2009, Krušné hory, Mariánská (Jáchymov)

The program of the 5th edition of the Spring School of Image Processing will consist mainly of tutorial talks given by organizers from the Department of Image Processing (ÚTIA) and participating Ph.D. students:


  • Machine learning I - "What we may know"
    Evaluation of clasifiers, SVM, kernels, soft margins - Babak Mahdian
    combining clasifiers, boosting - Adam Haiduk
  • Machine learning II - "What we may not know"
    Machine learning in image processing (denosing, super-resolution, segmentation) - Irena Váňová, Jiří Sedlář
    Relation of k-means and PCA - Tomáš Suk
  • Discrete optimization in MRFs (graph cuts, belief propagation algorithms etc.) - Michal Šorel
  • Variational calculus, applications in level sets - Filip Šroubek and Jan Kamenický (+1 practical session)


  • Sparse representations and compressed sensing - Barbara Zitová
  • Affine invariant and covariant features (SIFT, MSER and alternatives) - Mirek Beneš
  • Short 10-minute talks on various topics mainly by participants giving no tutorials
  • Modelování a analýza signálů v perfuzním zobrazení - Radovan Jiřík
  • Analýza nezávislých komponent v fMRI - Jiří Gazárek
  • Jiří Boldyš - CV and image processing applications in automotive industry ??