Conference Fee

Registration is required for all ENHR Conference participants and accompanying persons.


ENHR Members (Individual or Institutional) - € 450

Non-Members - € 520

Accompanying Persons - € 110


Reduced fee

The following countries are entitled to a € 100 discount on the conference fee:

Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Georgia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Montenegro, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Turkey, Ukraine, Uzbekistan & all countries in Africa.


The conference fee for participant includes:

- Admission to all sessions
- Conference materials (programme, list of delegates, book of abstracts)
- Refreshments during session breaks
- Lunches each day from Monday to Wednesday

- Walking Tour on Sunday

- Welcome Reception on Sunday
- Conference dinner on Tuesday

The conference fee for accompanying person includes:

- Walking Tour on Sunday

- Welcome Reception on Sunday
- Conference dinner on Tuesday


"Accompanying Person" means a person who is a family member, partner, friend or assitant of conference participant.


Cancellation policy

All cancellations must be sent in writing and addressed to the Organizing Committee of the ENHR Conference to the following e-mail:

Refunds will be approved after the conference as follows:
- Cancellations received before 10 June, 2009: payment will be refunded less €20 administration costs.

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