Family name               TOPKA


Given names               PAVEL (Mr.)


Date of birth               4 July 1978


Address                       Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals of the ASCR, v. v. i., Rozvojová 2/135, CZ-165 02 Prague 6 - Suchdol, Czech Republic; Tel.: +420 220 390 282, e-mail:


Nationality                  Czech


Education                    Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic (2003 - 2008)

                                    University of Pardubice, Czech Republic (1997 - 2003)


Academic                    Ph. D. in Chemistry, Prague (2008)

qualifications               Cambridge First Certificate in English, Prague (2005)

                                    Ing. (M. Sc.) in Chemistry, Pardubice (2003)


Awards                       Prix de Chimie (2007)

                                    Award of the Czech Catalytic Group (2005)


Research experience    Junior Researcher at Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals, Prague, Czech Republic (2007 - now)

                                    PhD student at École Nationale Superieure de Chimie de Montpellier, France (5/2008)

                                    PhD student at J. Heyrovský Institute of Physical Chemistry, Prague, Czech Republic (2003 - 2007)

                                    PhD student at University of Ghent, Belgium (9 - 12/2005)


Fields of interest         Synthesis and Characterization of Nanomaterials

Heterogeneous Catalysis


Relevant skills             Good knowledge of English and Polish language

                                    Some knowledge of German language