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Yxx(L/I/V)-x(6-8)-Yxx(L/I/V) or D/E-x(7-8)D/E-xx-Yxx(L/I)-x(7)-YxxL/I ITAM L/V/I/SxYxxL/I/V or unusual motif resembling ITIM (D/E)Y(S/T/A)E(I/V)(K/R) ITIM (USUALLY 2 MOTIFS SPACED BY 26-31 AA) In Siglecs - recruit SHP-1; similar to CD150 (SAP assoc?) (Varki Glycobiol 16:1R)) TxYxxV/I ITSM - CD150 (Sidorenko NatImmunol 4:19) TIpYxxV/I SH2 domain of SAP and EAT2 (Veillette NRI 6:56) TVpYxxV/I SH2 domain of SHIP1 (Veillette NRI 6:56) YxxM Triggers lipid kinase cascades VDTYVEMRPV PLC2 binding to M-CSF (The EMBO Journal Vol. 16 No. 19 pp. 5880-5893, 1997) NOT 100% sure, also PI3 kinase DNDYIIPLPD PLC1 binding to PDGFR (Mol. Cell. Biol., 1993, 133-143, Vol 13, No. 1) PPSYLDVL PLC1 binding to NGFR (J Biol Chem 269: 8901-89,1994) YXIP Crk binding site (in Gab1, J Biol Chem, Vol. 275, Issue 15, 10772-10778, April 14, 2000) YXXP Crk and C3G binding site in p130Cas, multiple, mostly YDVP and others, J Dermatol Sci 2000 Jun;23(2):75-86 SVDYVPM PI3 kinase binding site in PDGFR (Mol. Cell. Biol., 01 1993, 133-143, Vol 13, No. 1) DGGYMDM PI3 kinase binding site in PDGFR (Mol. Cell. Biol., 01 1993, 133-143, Vol 13, No. 1) YVPM PI3 kinase binding site (in Gab1, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, Vol. 94, pp. 12419-12424, November 1997) NATYVNV Gab1 binding site in c-Met (HGFR), (1997) J. Biol. Chem. 272, 20811-20819 DKVYENV Grb2 bindig site in FAK, Nature 1994 Dec 22-29;372(6508):786-91 DPSYVNV Grb2 bindig site in Shc (JBC, 272, 29046-29052, 1997) VPEYINQ Grb2 bindig site in EGFR (JBC, 272, 29046-29052, 1997) NPEYLNT Grb2 bindig site in EGFR (JBC, 272, 29046-29052, 1997) NPEYLNT Grb2 bindig site in erbB2 (JBC, 272, 29046-29052, 1997) CELYENVGMYC Artificial unphosphorylated(!) peptide bindig to Grb2 (JBC, 272, 29046-29052, 1997) XLXY(M/F)X(F/M) XLXYAXL Shp-1 - N-terminal SH2 domain of Shp-1 (Biochemistry 2000 Oct 31;39(43):13251-60) (V/I/L)XYAX(L/V) Shp-1 - C-terminal SH2 domain of Shp-1 (Biochemistry 2000 Oct 31;39(43):13251-60) YEMYVTV Shp-2 binding to RCS (J. Biol. Chem, 10.1074/jbc.M103872200) SSNYMAP RasGAP binding site in PDGFR (Mol. Cell. Biol., 01 1993, 133-143, Vol 13, No. 1) DDDYDDV Slp-65 binding site in HPK1 (J Exp Med 2001 Aug 20;194(4):529-39) NPXY IRS3 - Interaction of PTB domain of IRS3 with insuline receptor, J Biol Chem 1999 May 21;274(21):15262-70 Y[R/K]PQ STAT-3 - In Lif-R, critical for STAT-3 activation, Leuk Lymphoma 2000 May;37(5-6):517-25 RAGYTTV STAT3 binding to c-Ret (Oncogene 2001 Aug 30;20(38):5350-8) DHIYTTQ STAT3 binding to c-Ret (Oncogene 2001 Aug 30;20(38):5350-8) YXXQ STAT3 (Oncogene 2001 Jun 14;20(27):3464-74) NPVYATL Internalisation of LRP (target for chain of clathrin cp, J. Biol. Chem., Vol. 275, Issue 22, 17187-17194, June 2, 2000 HTGYEQF Interaction with 4 (LAMP-2, J Biol Chem 2001 Apr 20;276(16):13145-13152) YTDIEM VSV G protein, signal for export from ER Mol Biol Cell 2000 Jan;11(1):13-22 ERNYHTL Lysozomal targeting of endolyn (very C-term.), Biochem J 2000 Jan 15;345 Pt 2:287-96 YRKM Intarnalisation of RSV env, Mol Cell Biol 2000 Jan;20(1):249-60 SPVYTSL Necessary for capping of pseudorabies gE glycoprotein, Virology 1999 Jun 20;259(1):141-7 EGPYASL Necessary for capping of pseudorabies gE glycoprotein, Virology 1999 Jun 20;259(1):141-7, necessary for internalisation, Virol 1999 Apr;73(4):2717-28 KIFYRTL Internalisation motif in UL144 protein of HCMV, J Immunol 1999 Jun 15;162(12):6967-70 RQGYSPL In HIV gp41, essential for targeting virions to basolateral membrane of MDCK, J Virol 1999 Jun;73(6):5010-7 ASDYQRL TGN38 interaction with 2, FEBS Lett 1999 Feb 12;444(2-3):195-200, Syk binding - FEBS Lett 1997 Oct 13;416(1):27-9 RQGYSPL Interaction of TM env gp of HIV with chains of clathrin, J Virol 1999 Feb;73(2):1350-61 RQGYRPV Same in SIV YPRYSLI Same in HTLV-1 RRGYSRV glycoprotein B [Human herpesvirus 3 VZV-Ellen] internalisation, Virology 2001 Jun 20;285(1):42-9 PPPPY AIP4, a NEDD4 family E3 ubiquitin ligase (JBC. 280(40):34133-42)