Digitalization of signed illustrations in prints from the years of 1501-1750 held in the ASL collection
The project has been active since 2001 within the Program of Basic Research Development in the Key Areas of Science (Project in area No. 19: National identity and cultural heritage; modern systems for acquisition, storage and processing of information, registration number K8002119) of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.The book illustrations were identified in a reference catalogue of artists that ASL had assembled for its historical holdings. All such illustrations were digitally scanned and their detailed descriptions entered into a database. At the same time, the entire volume was re-catalogued into the database so as to capture even those unsigned images or decorative elements that had not been digitized. In addition to the basic information about the book, numerous subject-descriptive key words and a list of previous owners, the database also registers the nature of the digitized images (e.g. portrait, landscape, sacral themes, scenes from everyday life, etc.), the graphic technique employed (woodcut, copper engraving, etching), the type (vignette, initial, device, frieze, frontispiece, etc.), the dimensions and placement in the book, the illustrator (author of the original artwork, woodcutter, engraver), and finally the place and year where and when made, if stated. As of 31 December 2007, about 3000 copies of illustrations that represent the work of about 500 artists had been digitally processed. At present, the database is being revised and readied for a placement on the ASL web page.
Project Presentation at the conference Świat w obrazach: zbiory graficzne w instytucjach kultury, ich typologia, organizacja i funkcje (Wrocław, 6-7 December 2007).