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19 Feb 09 - 5 Mar 11
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Academy of Sciences Library

Published by AS CR

The AS CR issues a number of publications, memorial volumes and magazines, which are a part of the ASL CR collection. Furthermore, ASL creates and administers a database of magazines published by ASL CR, it performs their digitalization and provides access to their contents and full texts.

Academy of Sciences Library

Issues technical publications, magazines, bibliographies and analytical lists of old prints from internal collections. 

  • Books and history content and summary electronically
    Magazine aimed at the history of books, book-printing and libraries in the Czech lands until the mid-19th century.
  • Information electronic version (in czech only)
    Information bulletin published for the needs of AS CR libraries and scientific information centres. Brings organizational information, providing an overview of matters of interest in the area of library and information services from the CR and abroad. Provided to AS CR institutions and cooperating institutions free of charge.
  • Martinice bible electronic version (in czech only)
    CD-ROM mapping the exhibit The Martinice Bible and its journey from the 15th to the 21st century.
  • Kalendárium electronic version (in czech only)
    Biographies and events relating to the current month.
  • Space 40 electronic version (in czech only)
    Large encyclopaedia of satellites and cosmic probes.
  • Parachutists electronic version (in czech only)
    Czechoslovak wartime paratroopers 1941-1945.


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