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publikaceřadyRuraliaRuralia III


Památky archeologické - supplementum 14, Prague 2000

Ruralia III cover


(63) Terry Barry: Foreword, 5.

(64) Terry Barry: An introduction to dispersed and nucleated medieval rural settlement in Ireland, 6-11.

(65) Ingvild Oye: Norway in the Middle Ages: farms or hamlets – and villages too?, 12-23.

(66) Johnny De Meulemeester – Denis Henrotay – Philippe Mignot: Facteurs du regroupement villageois entre Meuse et Moselle au Sud de la Meuse (Belgique/Grand-Duché de Luxembourg). Une appréciation actuelle des connaissances archéologiques, 24-36.

(67) David Thompson – Mike Yates: Deserted rural settlement in Wales – a framework for study, a strategy for protection, 37-45.

(68) Dorthe Kaldal Mikkelsen: Single farm or village? Settlement structure during the late Iron Age and Viking Period, 46-59.

(69) András Pálóczi-Horváth: Données démographiques sur la structure de l´habitat rural médiéval en Hongrie, 60-68.

(70) Mária Béres: Archäologische Angaben zur Einzelhöfe in der Türkenzeit zwischen der Donau und Theiß, 69-82.

(71) Françoise Piponnier: Le castrum d´Essertines (Loire): un habitat groupé dans un contexte d´habitat dispersé, 83-91.

(72) Kieran D. O´Conor: The ethnicity of Irish moated sites, 92-102.

(73) Tadhg O´Keeffe: Reflections on the „dispersed-nucleated“ paradigm in medieval settlement archaeology, 103-105.

(74) Yassir Benhima: Fortification et formes de l´habitat: deux exemples de la région de Safi (Maroc), 106-119.

(75) Jean-Marie Blaising: Evolution de l´habitat sur le terroir de Yutz (Moselle – France), 120-155.

(76) Anne Birgitte Sorensen: Ostergard: A medieval rural settlement in southern Jutland through time, emphasizing the period 1000-ca. 1200, 156-167.

(77) Edit Tari: The role of churches in the development of the permanent villages (medieval village structure in the area of Cegléd), 168-176.

(78) Felix Retamero: Gorge builders – Andalusi peasant settlements in the South of Minorca Island (10th-13th), 177-186.

(79) Ludvík Belcredi: Colonization, development and desertion of the medieval village of Bystřec, 187-201.

(80) Nikolaj Makarov: Medieval rural settlement in Nothern Russia: nucleated villages and hamlets in the Beloozero – Kubenskoe region between 900 and 1250 A.D., 202-216.

(81) Christel Bücker – Michael Hoeper: Dispersed and nucleated settlements in southwest Germany in Merovingian times, 217-232.

(82) Paul Everson: Dispersed settlement in England in the National Mapping Programme, 233-239.

(83) Miklós Takács: Nucleated and/or dispersed settlements from the Árpádian and the Angevin age in the West Hungarian region of Kisalföld, 240-251.

(84) Piers Dixon: Nuclear and dispersed medieval rural settlement in southern Scotland, 252-272.

(85) Susanne Arnold: „Nucleated and dispersed“ unter dem Aspekt von Wüstungsprozessen und damit verbundenen Siedlungskonzentrationen an ausgewählten Beispielen aus dem Südwesten Deutschlands, 273-287.

(86) John Bradley: Rural boroughs in medieval Ireland: nucleated or dispersed settlements?, 288-293.

(87) Jan Klápště – Zdeněk Smetánka – Martin Tomášek: The medieval Bohemian town and its hinterland, 294-302.

Archeologický ústav AV CR, Praha
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