Publication details

Self-Invertible 2D Log-Gabor Wavelets

Journal Article

Fischer S., Šroubek Filip, Perrinet L., Redondo R., Cristóbal G.

serial: International Journal of Computer Vision vol.75, 2 (2007), p. 231-246

research: CEZ:AV0Z10750506

project(s): 2004CZ0009GA MŠk, GA202/05/0242GA ČR

keywords: wavelet transforms, log-Gabor filters, oriented high-pass filters, image denoising

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abstract (eng):

Self-invertible 2D log-Gabor wavelets were proposed and their application to denoising was tested.

abstract (cze):

Byly navrženy ortogonální 2D log-Gaborovy wavelety and otestovány na odstraňování šumu.