
Name Kaminský Jakub
Position Postdoctoral Fellow

Jakub Kaminský

Jakub Kaminský

Ph.D. Student

Molecular Spectroscopy
Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry AS CR
Flemingovo nám. 2, 166 10 Prague 6, Czech Republic

Phone: (+420) 220 183 348
Fax: (+420) 224 310 177

since 2002 Since 2002 Ph.D. student, Department of Chemistry of Natural Compounds, Institute of Chemical Technology Prague, Programme: Organic Chemistry, Theme: "Ab-initio calculations for studying of spectral properties and reaction mechanisms." Under supervision of Ing. Ivan Raich, Ph.D.
1997-2002 M.Sc. (Ing.), Department of Chemistry of Natural Compounds, Institute of Chemical Technology Prague, Programme: Chemistry of Natural Compounds, Theme: "Conformational analysis of methyltetrofuranosides using ab-initio calculations." Under supervision of Ing. Ivan Raich, Ph.D.
2005-2006 Department of Chemistry, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark, prof. Frank Jensen - Developing improved force fields
Research interest
QM/MM simulations of Raman and ROA spectra of flexible molecules, other spectral (optical rotation, NMR etc.) properties of sugars, reaction mechanisms modelling, developing improved force fields, porphyrins and dipyrrins electronics.