Institute of Information Theory and Automation
?sky english


Ing. Robert Pecha

Position: Ph.D. student
Department: Econometrics (E)
Research interests: Management of information and decision under uncertainty
Publications at UTIA: list

Address: Pod Vodárenskou věží 4, CZ-182 08, Praha 8, Czech Republic

Details about Ph.D. study:

Supervisor: Prof. RNDr. Milan Mareš, DrSc.
Name of dissertation thesis: Rozlišovací schopnost vícekrit. rozhodování za neurčitosti
Domain of dissertation thesis: management
Type of study: kombinované
Faculty: Fakulta Managementu VŠE
Duration of study: 24.10.2004-

Responsible for information: E
Last modification: 06.12.2007
Institute of Information Theory and Automation