Head of the Department:
Jan Seidler
Deputy head of the Department:
Pavel Boček
Iva Marešová
phone: +420 266 052 466
www: http://www.utia.cas.cz/SI_
staff: people, Ph.D. students
List of publications, courses, projects
The Department concentrates on mathematical research in the following areas.
The workshop will be held in UTIA from August 3 to August 6, 2009. The topics concern mainly the central limit theorem and invariance principles for sequences and arrays of dependent random variables. Many specialists of the field already confirmed their participation.
For more information see webpage: http://simu0292.utia.cas.cz/workshop09
We welcome you to attend the workshop.
Lucie Fajfrova (UTIA) and Dalibor Volny (Universite de Rouen, France), on behalf of the organisers.
Blind Source Separation consists of recovering original signals from their mixtures when the mixing process is unknown. In biomedicine, namely in MEG and EEG signal processing, one of the most popular algorithms nowadays is SOBI (Second Order Blind Identification). We proposed a procedure for fast implementation of the Weights-Adjusted SOBI (WASOBI) algorithm for asymptotically optimal separation of Gaussian autoregressive (AR) sources. The procedure employs fast computation of the