Seznam publikací

Characteristics and transferability of new apple EST-derived SSRs to other Rosaceae species
Cytokinins modulate auxin-induced organogenesis in plants via regulation of the auxin efflux
Effect of abscisic acid on photosynthetic parameters during ex vitro transfer of micropropagated tobacco plantlets
Evaluation of Antimicrobial and Anti-Inflammatory Activities of Seed Extracts from Six Nigella Species
In vitro anti-inflammatory activity of carvacrol: Inhibitory effect on COX-2 catalyzed prostaglandin E-2 biosynthesis
Indian Agricultural Research Institute – prostředník na cestě k zajištění potravinové a surovinové základny země
Male gametogenesis
Pharmaceuticals - "New" Environmental Polutant
Plant antigens cross-react with rat polyclonal antibodies against KLH-conjugated peptides.
Regulation of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase in PVYNTN-infected tobacco plants
Study of soil–plant transfer of 226Ra under greenhouse conditions
The activity and isoforms of NADP-malic enzyme in Nicotiana benthamiana plants under biotic stress
The enzyme kinetics of the NADP-malic enzyme from tobacco leaves
Antioxidant protection during ageing and senescence in chloroplasts of tobacco with modulated life-span
Chlor v lesním ekosystému - Posypy škodí vegetaci
Comparison of the main bioactive compounds and antioxidant activities in garlic and white and red onions after treatment protocols.
Distribution of a juvenogen and its metabolites in a laboratory system during juvenogen-induced caste differentiation in a termite Reticulitermes santonensis (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae).
Enantiomeric Purity of Biodegradation Products of Juvenogens by Newly Isolated Soil Bacteria.
Enzymic Resolution and Reduction of Convenient Substrates
Excretion of polyamines in alfalfa and tobacco suspension-cultured cells and its possible role in maintenance of intracellular polyamine contents.
Expression of the gene encoding transcription factor PaVP1 differs in Picea abies embryogenic lines depending on their ability to develop somatic embryos.
Farnesylation directs AtIPT3 subcellular localization and modulates cytokinin biosynthesis in Arabidopsis
Functional characterization of PaLAX1, a putative auxin permease, in heterologous plant systems
Fytoremediation and possibilities of increasing its effectivity.
High throughput ‘omics’ approaches to assess the effects of phytochemicals in human health studies
Induced changes in phenolic acids and stilbenes in embryogenic cell cultures of Norway spruce by culture filtrate of Ascocalyx abietina.
Lipase Activity Enhancement by SC-CO2 Treatment.
Optimum storage conditions for product of transiently expressed epitopes of Human papillomavirus using Potato virus X-based vector
Plant Products for Pharmacology: Application of Enzymes in Their Transformations.
Production of polyclonal antibodies to a recombinant coat protein of Potato virus Y