Publication details

Computer simulation of low-energy electronic excitations in atomic collision cascades

Journal Article

Duvenbeck A., Šroubek Filip, Šroubek Zdeněk, Wucher A.

serial: Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B vol.225, 4 (2004), p. 464-477

research: CEZ:AV0Z1075907

project(s): CHE-0091328NSF

keywords: atomic collision, low-energy excitation, computer simulation

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abstract (eng):

Presenting a computer simulation of low-energy electronic excitations that are created in atomic collision cascades initiated by the impact of energetic particles onto a solid surface. The electron-hole pair excitation energy is assumed to spread around the point of original excitation with a diffusion coefficient D. It is shown that for reasonable values of D the electronic energy deposited at the surface can be substantial, thus leading to transient electronic surface temperatures reaching thousands of K.

abstract (cze):

Je uvedena počítačová simulace exitací nízkoenergetických elektronů, které vznikají při kolizních kaskádách iniciovaných dopadem urychlených částic na povrch vzorku

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