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Services provided for the IOCB staff

The IOCB MS Group provides services towards characterization and structure elucidation of organic compounds. The group members are open to cooperate on interesting projects requiring more complex approach.

Mass spectra of small molecules: Spectra of chemical individuals are measured with nominal mass resolution using APCI, EI, ESI, or MALDI ionization. Unless specified, the operator selects the best ionization technique based on the sample structural formula. Instruments: LCQ Fleet, MSD, Reflex IV.

Mass spectra of large biomolecules: Spectra of peptides, oligonucleotides, and proteins up to ~ 30-50 kDa are measured using MALDI or ESI instrument. In case of ESI, deconvolution of the spectra provides molecular weight information. Instruments: Reflex IV, Q-tof, LCQ Fleet.

Accurate masses of small molecules: Spectra of chemical individuals are recorded with high resolution using APCI, ESI, or EI ionization. Accurate mass (5 ppm or less) is measured for selected ion(s) of the spectra, usually for molecular ion or adduct. Possible elemental compositions are calculated. In case of APCI or ESI ionization the Q-Tof instrument is used. This instrument is, however, dedicated to proteomic work and sample turnaround time is therefore 14 days or more. Instruments: LTQ Orbitrap XL, Q-Tof, Waters GCT Premier.

Proteins identification by peptide mass fingerprinting: The sample (protein) is cleaved with a proteolytic enzyme (trypsine) to generate peptides. Mass spectrum of the protein digest (peptide mixture) is recorded using MALDI-TOF instrument. The identification is accomplished by matching the observed peptide masses to the theoretical masses derived from a sequence database. MASCOT search algorithm is used. Instruments: Reflex IV.

We try our best to keep the sample turnaround time at the absolute minimum. Delays can, however, occur due to the instrument maintenance, repairs, high sample load etc. Please excuse eventual delays.

Questions or comments? We value your thoughts, opinions, and questions about our services. Please feel free to contact us. Whenever possible we will attempt to respond to you.