Publication details

Refined method for the fast and exact computation of moment invariants

Conference Paper (international conference)

Sossa H., Flusser Jan

serial: Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis, and Applications, p. 487-494

action: Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition CIARP 2004 /9./, (Puebla, MX, 26.10.2004-29.10.2004)

research: CEZ:AV0Z1075907

project(s): GA102/00/1711GA ČR, 41529CONACYT

keywords: moment invariants, morphological decomposition, efficient calculation

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abstract (eng):

Refined Method for the Fast and Exact Computation of Moment Invariants.

abstract (cze):

Vylepsena metoda pro rychly a presny vypocet momentovych invariantu

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