Institute of Information Theory and Automation
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Useful information for members of UTIA (in Czech only)

Užitečné informace a návody

Návody - seznam Dokumenty

  • Formuláře
    • Protokol o převodu majetku pořízeného zaměstnancem

Ostatní informace


Struktura eduroam zajišťuje síťový roaming pro členy společenství, kteří tuto technologii využívají. Zjednodušeně řečeno: eduroam umožňuje, aby se kdokoli z organizace poskytující služby eduroam mohl připojit k síti eduroam na kterékoli z ostatních sítí eduroam po celém světě. Připojení je přitom podmíněno ověřením uživatele v jeho mateřské síti. Pro připojení v kterékoli síti eduroam vám tedy stačí jediné uživatelské jméno a heslo.

Computer Centre

Výpočetní středisko zajišťuje provoz počítačové sítě jejích služeb určených pro zaměstnance ústavu. Zejména se jedná o:

  • Zajištění konektivity do internetu.
  • Provoz poštovního serveru včetně provozu poštovních konferencí.
  • Provoz WWW serverů dle požadavků ústavu.
  • Správa jmenného serveru pro domény provozované ústavem
  • Údržbu síťové infrastruktury.
  • Napojení ústavu do mezinárodní sítě eduroam.


Although UTIA is not a university, it is engaged in undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate education. Many researchers from UTIA give university courses and act as supervisors of Ph.D students.

UTIA provides training for approximately 70 doctoral students in cooperation with the universities below. The Institute has achieved a joint accreditation license for organizing post-graduate study programs with the following faculties:


The Institute is involved in fundamental as well as applied research in computer science, artificial intelligence, stochastic informatics, signal/image processing and pattern recognition, control theory, systems theory, and econometrics (for more about the research topics go to the pages of scientific departments).


Business administration department

Head of department:
Jana Horníková

Vice-head of department:
Olga Pokorná

phone: +420 286 890 309

NameSurnamesort iconPosition (funkce)Room26605-
JanaHorníkováhead of department1742321

Operations and maintenance department

Head of department:
Hana Králová

Vice-head of department:
Václav Bortlík

Helena Polanová

phone: +420 286 890 311

NameSurnamesort iconPosition (funkce)Room26605-
HanaKrálováhead of department122059

CZVDEE centre

Center for Basic Research in Dynamic Economics and Econometrics

Four established institutes form a partnership in order to research the essence of complex aperiodic development of economic variables. In order to obtain applicable results in this area, it is necessary to first thoroughly study and develop dynamic economic theory with subsequent application of the results partly in econometrics or direct application within national economic forecasts. WWW:

DAR centre

Data, algorithms, decision making

The Research Centre DAR is involved in fundamental and applied research in the fields connected with the development of models of uncertain knowledge and their application to systems for computer aided decision making. Global aim of the Centre is to contribute substantially to development of a unified theoretical, algorithmic and software background for solution of real-life problems and to provide tools for decision-making in complex situations based on different sources of knowledge.

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Institute of Information Theory and Automation