
Hubert J., Hýblová J., Münzbergová Z., Pekár S., Kudlíková I., Dolečková-Marešová L., Stejskal V., Mareš M.:
Combined effect of antifeedant α-amylase inhibitor and predator Cheyletus malaccensis in controlling the stored mite pest Acarus siro.
Physiological Entomology 32 (1): 41-49, 2007.

Máša M., Marešová L., Vondrášek J., Horn M., Ježek J., Mareš M.:
Cathepsin D propeptide: mechanism and regulation of its interaction with the catalytic core.
Biochemistry 45 (51): 15474-82, 2006.

Grunclová L., Horn M., Vancová M. Sojka D., Franta Z., Mareš M., Kopáček P.:
Two secreted cystatins of the soft tick Ornithodoros moubata: differential expression pattern and inhibitory specificity.
Biological Chemistry 387 (12): 1635-44, 2006.

Dolečková-Marešová L., Pavlík M., Horn M., Mareš M.:
De novo design of α-amylase inhibitor: A small linear mimetic of macromolecular proteinaceous ligands.
Chemistry & Biology 12: 1349-1357, 2005.

Horn M., Patankar A.G., Zavala J.A., Wu J., Dolečková-Marešová L., Vůjtěchová M., Mareš M., Baldwin I.T.:
Differential elicitation of two processing proteases controls the processing pattern of the trypsin protease inhibitor precursor in Nicotiana attenuata.
Plant Physiology 139: 375-388, 2005.

Horn M., Dolečková-Marešová L., Rulíšek L., Máša M., Vasiljeva O., Turk B., Gan-Erdene T., Baudyš M., Mareš M.:
Activation processing of cathepsin H impairs recognition by its propeptide.
Biological Chemistry 386: 941-947, 2005.

Kluh I., Horn M., Hýblová J., Hubert J., Dolečková-Marešová L., Voburka Z., Kudlíková I., Kocourek F., Mareš M.:
Inhibitory specificity and insecticidal selectivity of α-amylase inhibitor from Phaseolus vulgaris.
Phytochemistry 66: 31-39, 2005.

Hubert J., Dolečková L., Hýblová J., Kudlíková I., Stejskal V., Mareš M.:
In vitro and in vivo inhibition of α-amylases of stored-product mite Acarus siro.
Experimental and Applied Acarology 35: 281-291, 2005.

Cígler P., Kožíšek M., Řezáčová P., Brynda J., Otwinowski Z., Pokorná J., Plešek J., Grüner B., Dolečková-Marešová L., Máša M., Sedláček J., Bodem J., Kräusslich HG., Král V., Konvalinka J.:
From nonpeptide toward noncarbon protease inhibitors: metallacarboranes as specific and potent inhibitors of HIV protease.
The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the U.S.A. 43 (102): 15394-9, 2005.

Žďárek J., Verleyen P., Mareš M., Dolečková L., Nachman R.J.:
Comparison of the effects of pyrokinins and related peptides identified from arthropods on pupariation behaviour in flesh fly (Sarcophaga bullata) larvae (Diptera: Sarcophagidae).
Journal of Insect Physiology 50: 233-239, 2004.

Horn M., Baudyš M., Voburka Z., Kluh I., Vondrášek J., Mareš M.:
Free cysteine 331 is critical for tetramer structure of mature cathepsin C (dipeptidyl peptidase I).
Protein Science 11: 933-943, 2002.

Van Dam N.M., Horn M., Mareš M., Baldwin I.T.:
Ontogeny constrains the systemic protease inhibitor response in Nicotiana attenuata.
Journal of Chemical Ecology 27: 547-568, 2001.

Horn M., Pavlík M., Dolečková L., Baudyš M., Mareš M.:
Arginine-based structures are specific inhibitors of cathepsin C: application of peptide combinatorial libraries.
European Journal of Biochemistry 267: 3330-3336, 2000.

Marešová L., Kutinová L., Ludvíková V., Žák R., Mareš M., Němečková S.:
Characterization of interaction of gH and gL glycoproteins of varicella-zoster virus: their processing and trafficking.
Journal of General Virology 81: 1545-1552, 2000.